EXTRA CREDIT FOR PSYCHOLOGY Points: up to 50 extra credit in Summative Assessment category Questions that you should answer: What have you learned in the past semester about Psychology? What Psychological concepts stand out the most? How has what you learned about Psychology apply to your life, now and in the future? How has the study of Psychology influenced who you are? Communication/Expression of your ideas: This is entirely up to you. Be creative. It is optional to present your ideas in class on your Final Day, but could reflect your effort or be necessary depending upon how you choose to communicate/express your ideas. Please let me know if you would like to present in class. Knowledge of Psychological Concepts Application to Life Effort Communication /Expression Conventions Super Impressive The psychological concepts identified are thoroughly understood The explanation of how the psychological concepts can be applied to an individual and their life are thoroughly identified and explained. Outstanding effort was put forth Ideas are expressed very clearly There are no errors in grammar, spelling, & punctuation. MLA format is used correctly at all times and when necessary. Impressive Average Bare Minimum The psychological concepts identified are mostly understood The explanation of how the psychological concepts can be applied to an individual and their life are mostly identified and explained. The psychological concepts identified are somewhat understood The explanation of how the psychological concepts can be applied to an individual and their life are somewhat identified or explained. Some effort was put forth The psychological concepts identified are barely understood The explanation of how the psychological concepts can be applied to an individual and their life are barely identified or explained. Barely any effort was put forth No effort was put forth Ideas expressed are somewhat clear There are some errors in grammar, spelling, & punctuation. There are some errors in MLA format & it is used sometimes when necessary. Ideas expressed are barely clear Ideas expressed are not clear There are several errors in grammar, spelling, & punctuation. There are several errors in MLA format & it is not used at all times when necessary. There are a multitude of errors in grammar, spelling, & punctuation. MLA format is not used when necessary. Significant effort was put forth Ideas expressed are mostly clear There are few errors in grammar, spelling, & punctuation. There are few errors in MLA format and it is used at most times when necessary What Was the Point? The psychological concepts identified are not understood The explanation of how the psychological concepts can be applied to an individual and their life are not identified or explained.