中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院导师简况表 导师姓名 谢耀钦 专业名称 性别 男 图像引导 职称 副研究员 导师类别 √博导 □硕导 是否兼职 □是 生物医学和健康工程研究 所在单元 所医疗机器人与微创手术 √否 器械研究中心 □物理化学(含化学物理)□生物化学与分子生物学√信号与 招生专业 信息处理√模式识别与智能系统√计算机应用技术□材料工程 □电子与通信工程□控制工程√计算机技术□生物工程 医学图像的处理和分析 研究方向 肿瘤放射物理学 • 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金“四维影像导引的放射治 疗中配准问题的研究(30928030)” 在研课题 • 科技部“973”计划“心脑血管易损斑块的高分辨成像识别与风险评估预警体 系重大问题的基础研究(2010CB732600)” • 深圳市科技研发资金基础研究计划重点项目“放射治疗中的影像配准问题 研究” • 2010 年 2 月至今:中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院博导、副研究员; • 2006 年 7 月~2008 年 7 月:美国斯坦福大学医学院肿瘤放射学系肿瘤放射 物理学专业博士后; • 2002 年 4 月~2010 年 3 月:北京大学物理学院医学物理和工程北京市重点 实验室讲师; 个人简历 • 1998 年 3 月~2002 年 1 月:清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系电气工程 专业博士研究生,获工学博士学位; • 1995 年 9 月~1998 年 3 月:清华大学核能技术设计研究院反应堆工程与安 全专业硕士研究生,获工学硕士学位; • 主要科研 成果及所 获荣誉 1990 年 9 月~1995 年 7 月:清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系生物医学 工程与仪器专业本科生,获工学学士学位。 发表科研论文八十余篇,专著章节 2 个,其中已发表学术期刊论文 37 篇,SCI 收录 25 篇,EI 收录 13 篇,申请专利 2 项。获清华大学优秀博士学 位论文、2000 年 IEEE-EMBS 协会亚太生物医学工程会议优秀青年学术论文 奖。现为中国医学影像物理专业委员会委员、中国生物医学工程学会会员、 美国医学物理师协会(AAPM)会员、 《中国医学影像技术》杂志编委、IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine 杂志审稿人。 其他 联系方式 邮箱 电话 18923712562 个人主页 备注 Name Yaoqin Xie Academic Doctoral Supervisor title Associate Professor Phone Positions Personal 18923712562 • E-mail Vice Director Website 02/2010~now: Doctoral Supervisor, Associate Professor, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen, P.R.China • 07/2006~07/2008: Postdoctoral, Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, Stanford University, California, USA • 04/2002~01/2010: Assistant Professor, Beijing City Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Engineering, School of Physics, Peking University, Resume Beijing, P.R.China • 03/1998~01/2002: Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China • 09/1995~03/1998: M.Sc., Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China • 09/1990~07/1995: B.Eng., Major Subject of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China Medical Image Processing and Analysis Direction Radiation Oncology Physics Dr. Xie has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers. He awarded Excellent doctor degree dissertation of Tsinghua University, and Student Paper Competition Award (3rd Prize), IEEE-EMBS Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering. He is a committee member of Medical Imaging Physics Achievements of China, a member of Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), American Association of Physicist in Medicine (AAPM), Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering. He is also a referee of IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine and a committee member of Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Techonology. • Xie YQ, Chao M, Xing L, Tissue feature-based and segmented deformable image registration for improved modeling of the shear movement of the lungs. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 74(4): 1256-1265, 2009. (Highlight paper for this issue) • Xie YQ, Chao M, Lee P, Xing L, Feature-based rectal contour propagation from planning CT to cone beam CT. Medical Physics, 35(10): 4450-4459, 2008. • Xie YQ, Djajaputra D, Xing L, Intrafractional motion of the prostate during hypofractionated radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 72(1): 236-246, 2008. • Xie YQ, Bao S, Chen G, Thin plate spline deformable registration of liver images. Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, 25(3): 499-503, 2009. (Chinese Version) • Xie YQ, Bao S, Ji C, PI-line reconstruction algorithm for circular cone-beam scan, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 13E: 3914-3916, 2006. • Xie YQ, Bao S, Image registration by the diagonal mutual information method for the projection data, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 13E: 3921-3923, 2006. Article • Yaoqin Xie, Xinshan Ma, Proof of uniqueness in the high resolution electroencephalogram, Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 24 (2): 222-226, 2005. (Chinese Version) • Yaoqin Xie, Xinshan Ma, Calculation of EEG forward problems by the FVM-BEM coupled approach. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 16 (3-4): 145-152, 2002. • Yaoqin Xie, Xinshan Ma, Xin Guan, Shaoping Cheng. Finite volume method for investigating anisotropic conductivity in EEG. Progress in Natural Science, 12 (2): 136-140, 2002. • Yaoqin Xie, Jiansheng Yuan, Xinshan Ma, Xin Guan. Calculation of EEG problems with anisotropic conducting media by the finite volume method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37(5): 3749~3752, 2001. • Yaoqin Xie, Xinshan Ma, Calculation of EEG Forward Problems by the FVM-BEM Coupled Approach. JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 10: 89-94, 2001. • Yaoqin Xie, Xinshan Ma. Dipole localization method based on the high-resolution EEG. Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, 1: 926-929, 2001. • Yaoqin Xie, Kaifen Zuo, Jiguo Liu, Development of the bi-directional detector for fuel handling system in HTR-10, High Technology Letters, 9(5): 57~59, 1999. (Chinese Version) • Ma YZ, Chang D, Keall P, Xie YQ, Park JY, Suh TS, Xing L, Inverse planning for four-dimensional (4D) volumetric modulated arc therapy, Medical Physics, 37(11): 5627-5633, 2010. (SCI) • Zhu L, Wang J, Xie YQ, Starman J, Fahrig R, Xing L, A Patient Set-up Protocol Based on Partially Blocked Cone-beam CT, Technology In Cancer Research & Treatment, 9 (2): 191-198, 2010. (SCI) • Chao M, Xie YQ, Moros E, Le Q, Xing L, Image-based modeling of tumor shrinkage in head and neck radiation therapy. Medical Physics, 37(5): 2351-2358, 2010. (SCI) • Zhu L, Xie YQ, Wang J, and Xing L, Scatter correction for cone-beam CT in radiation therapy. Med Phys, 36(6): 2258-2268, 2009. • Chao M, Xie YQ, Xing L, Auto-propagation of contours for adaptive prostate radiation therapy, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 (17): 4533-4542, 2008. • Kashani R, Hub M, Balter JM, Kessler M, dong L, Zhang L, Xing L, Xie YQ, Hawkes D, Schnabel JA, McClelland J, Joshi S, Chen C, Lu W. Objective assessment of deformable image registration in radiotherapy: A multi-institution study, Medical Physics, 35(12): 5944-5953, 2008. • Chen G, Zhu M, Xie YQ, Bao S, Interpolation method based on point matching for 3D medical images, Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 11(1): 113-122, 2008. • Zou J, Xie YQ, Dong GY, Two-stage EEG source reconstruction by using the layered recursive algorithm and source contracting method, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42(4): 1383-1386, 2006. • Cao Wentian, Xie Yaoqin, Bao Shanglian, Wang Weidong, Li Gaofeng, Wang Naishan, Centroid guided 3D maximum likelihood positioning algorithm for scintillation gamma camera, Chinese Journal of Medical Physics, 23(2): 85-88, 2006. (Chinese Version) • Quan Hong, Li Shaowu, Bao Shanglian, Liu Yue, Xie Yaoqin, Application of multivoxel MR spectroscopy imaging in the diagnosis of glioma, Chinese Journal of Radiology, 39(11): 1192-1197, 2005. (Chinese Version) • Quan Hong, Liu Yue, Bao Shanglian, Li Shaowu, Xie Yaoqin, Miao Binhe, Wang Huiliang, Diagnosis of glioma by multivoxel H-1-MRSI, Progress in Natural Science, 14 (9): 770-773, 2004. • Shigang Zhang, Yaoqin Xie, Shanglian Bao, Computer assisted stereotactic neurosurgery navigation system, Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, 20(6): 949-953, 2004. (Chinese Version) • Shigang Zhang, Yaoqin Xie, Shanglian Bao, A new mesh simplification algorithm based on triangle collapse, Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, 20(5): 786-788, 2004. (Chinese Version) • Junfeng Huang, Wentian Cao, Hongyu Lv, Yaoqin Xie, Shanglian Bao, The design train of thoughts and realization of mini-PACS for NMI department in hospitals, Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, 20(1): 125-128, 2004. (Chinese Version) • Shigang Zhang, Yaoqin Xie, Shanglian Bao, The present and future of medical imaging physics, Physics, 33(10): 753-758, 2004. (Chinese Version) • Shanglian Bao, Yaoqin Xie, Xiaodong Zhou, Guoyue Chen, Research on segmentation for the medical imaging based computer aided diagnosis, Chinese Journal of Medical Physics, 20(2): 83-86, 2003. (Chinese Version) • Guoyue Chen, Binhe Miao, Yaoqin Xie, Shanglian Bao, Interpolation of 3D medical images in direction of slice thickness, Medical Imaging (Japan), 20(1):34-39, 2003. • Jun Zou, Jiansheng Yuan, Xinshan Ma, Yaoqin Xie, Analysis of the thin plate eddy current problem by finite volume method, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40 (2): 1370-1373, 2004. • Jun Zou, Yaoqin Xie, Jiansheng Yuan, Xinshan Ma, Source region contracting method for EEG source reconstructions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40 (2): 1128-1131, 2004. • Guan Xin, Ma Xinshan, Xie Yaoqin, A new algorithm for EEG source reconstruction based on LORETA by contracting the source region, Progress in Natural Science, 12 (11): 859-862, 2002. • Dong Guoya, Ma Xinshan, Gao Shangkai, Xie Yaoqin, et al. Derivation from current density distribution to the conductivity based on adjoint field theories and the analytic simulation test, JSAEM Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 10: 155-158, 2001.