Dear Editors - BioMed Central

Dear Editors,
Attached is our revised manuscript by Qi-Chao Xie*, Yu-Peng Yang
(5171394981081306). Thank you for the positive comments on our manuscript. We
are pleased to revise our manuscript based on your suggestions.
Response to reviewers,
In the revised paper, we added the “Competing interests” and “Authors’
contributions” contents based on your suggestions. This paper is our private work
and no funding was afforded by others; in addition, the paper was wrote by ourselves,
and there is nothing need to indicate in the “Acknowledgement”.
Qi-Chao Xie (PhD.)
Department of Oncology, the Second Affiliated Hospital,
Third Military Medical University, 183 Xinqiao main street,
Chongqing, 400037, China
Phone and Fax: +86-023-68774050
E-mail: (Qi-Chao Xie).
Sincerely yours,
Qi-Chao Xie (PhD.)