District Level - New Mexico State Department of Education

Collaboration, Leadership and Accountability for Student Success: Examples of Evidence
Criterion #2: Quality Teaching and Learning
This is a list of artifacts that a district or school may provide as evidence to substantiate ratings on the needs assessment rubric. It is not intended to
be exhaustive or restrictive; schools and districts may provide other evidence that does not appear on this list.
District Level
Curriculum documents that align with New Mexico State Standards and
Curriculum framework documents, e.g. pacing guides, curriculum
mapping, grading rubrics
Scope and Sequence documents of grade level expectations
Published lists of research-based strategies and intervention programs
Published lists of supplemental curriculum materials
Approved Professional Development Plan/schedule for teachers,
administrators, support staff
Approved Professional Development Budget
Written classroom observation procedures: protocol, frequency, feedback…
Written evaluation criteria for Administrator and Teacher performance
Written Selection/Adoption criteria for educational programs, materials,
Disaggregated student performance data (NMSBA, SCA, CBM…) reports
Written policy and procedures for RtI and Student Assistance Teams (SAT)
Written guidelines/policies for early screenings, diagnosis, intervention
and progress monitoring of at risk learners
Evidence of District Initiatives/Programs, e.g. notices of before or after
school tutoring services, Summer School
Communications: District Newsletters, notices to parents and community,
press releases, district website, marquee, Quality of Education Surveys,
Focus Groups
Agendas/Notes: District Level Meetings: District Leadership Team, School
Board Meetings,
Collaboration, Leadership and Accountability for Student Success: Criterion #2
Evidence Listing
9-2-09 psb
School Level
District curriculum documents for teachers, e.g. sample lesson plans, lists of
approved teaching materials,
Evidence that teachers use district curriculum framework documents, e.g.: lesson
plans, observations
Evidence that teachers use Scope and Sequence documents, e.g. lesson plans,
Evidence that teachers use district-approved research-based strategies and
interventions: lesson plans, observations
Evidence that teachers use district-approved supplemental curriculum materials:
lesson plans, observations
Professional Development Schedule for school year, agendas, materials, sign-in
sheets, etc.
Documentation of workshops, trainings, PD, coaching, mentoring of staff , e.g.
notices, agendas, sign-in sheets, etc.
Documentation of classroom observations: protocols, feedback…
Documentation of teacher evaluations
Purchase and use of curriculum materials and supplies
Disaggregated student performance data (NMSBA, SCA, CBM…) reports
School Student Assistance Team/RtI, meeting notices, agendas, notes
Universal Screening data: DIBELS reports
Short Cycle Assessment data reports
Student Assistance Teams/RtI meeting agendas and minutes
Individual Student Academic Improvement Plans
“Next Step” Plans (8th grade and above)
Program/service schedules, notices, attendance reports for before-after school
programs, tutoring services, etc.
Communications: School Newsletters, notices to parents, school website, teacher
email, marquee, student surveys, focus groups,
Agendas/Notes: School Leadership Team, Goal Teams, Staff Meetings, PTSA,
Restructuring Council