Response to the Industry Panel’s request for further information, 25 August 2014, part A, question 2 On 25 August 2014 the Industry Panel requested further information from ACTEW. This return provides a response to part A, question 2 of this information request, which was for: A description of the methodology used by ACTEW to calculate the yield for each water source and the current yield estimate ACTEW response 1. Introduction Planning for the Canberra Region’s water supply security requires extensive modelling of scenarios relating to water demand, water supply and infrastructure availability. The results of such modelling depend on the water security target required and the assumptions input into the model. Six key planning variables influence the level of Canberra’s water supply security during the planning horizon. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Climate variability and climate change; Bushfire impacts; Population growth and service area; Per capita water consumption; Environmental flow requirements; and Level of service requirements. This paper discusses ACTEW’s planning approach to these six key variables and reports on ACTEW’s current estimate of system yield. 2. Climate Variability and Climate Change ACTEW’s approach to climate planning for water security is documented in the ACTEW Future Climate Update1, available on our website. Future climate scenarios are fundamental to ACTEW Water’s planning for future water security because the spatial and temporal variability of temperature, evaporation and rainfall largely determine the level of urban water supply security. Climate Variability ACTEW has used stochastic data to determine water security in all studies since 2004. Stochastic data are large amounts of data that are developed to reproduce the statistical properties of the observed data (e.g. average rainfall, rainfall variability, number of raindays, relationship between rainfall at different sites). Stochastic data should be able to approximately reproduce these relationships on all timescales from daily through to multi-year. Stochastic data has a number of advantages over historical record data, including: 1 It provides better resolution around extreme events and can therefore provide a better estimation of the probability of water restrictions. Because there is much more data than the historical record, it contains far worse droughts than observed and can therefore be used to evaluate the risk of running out of water altogether. ACTEW Water, ACTEW Future Climate Update, August 2014 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page It enables probabilistic analysis by examining the outcomes that could occur in many different weather scenarios that could occur during the planning horizon. ACTEW has revised its stochastic data in the Climate Update. The new stochastic data have been updated to: Use the most recent stochastic data generation techniques. Update the historical data to include recent observations, including the Millennium Drought. Increase the amount of stochastic data from 10,000 years to 50,000 years (1000 equally likely versions of the next 50 years known as replicates) Produce estimates of flow in Murrumbidgee River catchments. Climate Change ACTEW has also included climate change planning in all water security studies since 2004 and recently updated its climate change projections. Four climate change scenarios are adopted in the Climate Update to consider the full range of possible future climate: Dry climate change, stochastic data produced using outputs from the second driest of the 15 global climate models included in the South-East Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI) project. Medium climate change, stochastic data produced using outputs from the median global climate model included in the SEACI project. Wet climate change, stochastic data produced using outputs from the second wettest of the 15 global climate models included in the SEACI project. Last 20 Years, stochastic data produced so that the seasonal means of rainfall in each catchment and evaporation are adjusted to match the means observed in the past 20 years from June 1993 to May 2013. These four scenarios will provide different yield estimates for ACTEW’s water supply system. In this paper the dry climate change scenario has been used to estimate system yield. 3. Bushfire Impacts In 2003, severe bushfires burnt most of the Cotter catchment as well as causing loss of life and widespread property destruction in Canberra. Bushfires are likely to impact upon the amount of runoff generated by the catchment because regrowth in the catchment uses more water than an existing forest. ACTEW incorporates the impact of the 2003 bushfires and possible future fires in the catchment using a bushfire yield reduction model. Bushfire impacts are not modelled in the Googong or Murrumbidgee catchments. The model may randomly apply a future bushfire event when all of the following are met: There has not been a severe fire in the catchment in 20 years The month is January or February Dryness thresholds for triggering a fire are met A yield reduction curve is applied when fires are triggered and to include the impact of the 2003 event. Inflows for the relevant catchment are altered by the factors shown in Figure 8, based on modelling conducted by DHI following the 2003 event2. The maximum yield reduction applied is 16%, 10 years after the bushfire. For the 2003 event, we are currently near the maximum reduction so this is applied to the beginning of the flow sequences. 2 DHI, ACT Catchments Hydrological Modelling: Cotter and Googong Catchments Model, Development and Bushfire Effects, 2005 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page 10 5 3.5 % Change in Yield 0 -5 -10 Bushfire Yield Reduction Curve -15 Current Year -16 -20 -25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Years since Bushfire Figure 1 – Projected impact of severe bushfires on Cotter catchment streamflows (DHI, 2005) 4. Population Growth and Service Area Population growth and per capita water demand are not key determinants of the GL/year yield of the water supply system, which is mainly determined by infrastructure, inflow assumptions and environmental flow requirements. However, they are key planning variables and are included for completeness and to give a better understanding of the modelling methodology. The ACT region is predominantly a residential and commercial region; it does not have any significant water use intensive industries. As such, future water demand is largely driven by climate (in Canberra, water consumption can vary from 90 ML/day during a wet winter to over 300 ML/day during a dry summer), future population, and the level of individual water consumption (i.e. the per capita demand). The current service area covers Canberra and Queanbeyan in NSW. ACTEW considers Canberra and Queanbeyan as one and applies the same growth assumptions to each. Comparison of the two shows the Queanbeyan population has been a constant 10 to 12% of Canberra's population for the last 12 years. In the future the service area may include additional areas in NSW, such as Yass, Murrumbateman, Palerang and/or Goulburn. This possibility has been raised in the past, particularly during the recent drought, and is included in an ACT, NSW and Commonwealth inter-governmental Memorandum of 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page Understanding (MoU) covering the supply of ACT water to NSW3. The MoU formalises the existing arrangements to supply Queanbeyan City Council and provides a framework for supply to NSW regions close to ACT over the next 30 years. Based on the possible additional NSW population, ACTEW makes an allowance of 1.5% of the combined Canberra / Queanbeyan population from 2020. Figure 2 shows the observed and projected population growth for the ACT. The 2013 Australian Bureau of Statistics high, medium and low growth projections4 are shown along with the ACT Government projection5. The ACT Government recommends ACTEW be prudent and use the ABS high population growth projections for its water security planning6. ACTEW does this by applying the ABS projected high growth rate to the current population; effectively updating the population projection on the basis of observed population. That is: 2014 ACTEW & Queanbeyan population = 2013 recorded population × 2014 Series A value / 2013 Series A value (and so on for each year) Table 1 shows the projected water supply population for the next 30 years. ACT Population Projections: 2013 to 2062 Historical and Projected Population 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 Population 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 Historical ACT Government Projection 200,000 ABS Series A ABS Series B 100,000 ABS Series C 0 Year Figure 2 – Observed and projected population growth of the ACT 3 Chief Minister's Department, ACT Government, ACT-NSW Cross-Border Water Resources Agreement, 2006 ABS, 3222.0 - Population Projections, Australia, 2012 (base) to 2101, November 2013 5 ACT Government, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Population Projections: 2013 to 2062, January 2014 6 ACT Government, Think Water, Act Water, 2004 4 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page Table 1 – Projected ACTEW water service area population 5. Year Projected ACT & Queanbeyan population 2014 434,020 2024 549,705 2034 665,874 2044 787,406 Per Capita Water Consumption As shown in Figure 3, per capita water consumption has reduced significantly in the past 20 years following the Millennium Drought, prolonged water restrictions, introduction of a range of demand management measures, increases in water efficiency, changes in housing stock and increases in the real unit price of water. The ACT Government adopted a target reduction in per capita consumption of 25% by 2023, relative to 1990s levels7. With current per capita consumption approximately 35% below 1990s levels (after adjusting for weather conditions) the ACT Government considers this target to have been achieved8. In its long term planning, ACTEW currently assumes that per capita consumption will remain at current levels. This assumption allows for the possibility that it will not be possible to achieve further reductions beyond the significant reduction already achieved. While ACTEW does not anticipate an increase in per capita demand, ongoing water efficiency measures may be less effective due to demand hardening and could also be balanced by a return to higher outdoor water use following the breaking of the drought and demographic issues such as a reduction in the number of people per household. The influence of weather on demand is significant in Canberra. ACTEW uses the Breusch-Ward demand model to allow for the impacts of seasonality, rainfall, evaporation and water restriction level9. For longerterm planning, the model output is multiplied by population growth relative to present population to apply demand in the water resources model (population growth is not considered in short-term planning). 7 ACT Government, Think Water, Act Water, 2004 ACT Government, ACT Water Strategy 2014–44: Striking the Balance, August 2014 9 ACTEW, ACTEW Main Submission to the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission, pp. 75-80, July 2012 8 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page Canberra & Queanbeyan Water Consumption (kL/capita/year) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Annual Consumption 1990s Consumption 25% Reduction Figure 3 – Reduction in Canberra and Queanbeyan Per Capita Water Demand 6. Environmental Flow Requirements The availability of water for urban supply is limited by ACT Government aquatic environment protection policies. ACTEW’s Licence to Take Water (issued under the Water Resource Act 2007) includes provisions to ensure environmental flows are protected as a first priority. Environmental flows are the flows of water in the rivers necessary to maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems, and are defined in Environment ACT’s 2006 Environmental Flow Guidelines10. The Guidelines set out the volumes and timings of environmental flows designed to mimic the natural flow patterns of rivers, and minimise the downstream impact of dams, pump abstractions, other diversions, or additions to natural flows. Draft 2011 Environmental Flow Guidelines11 were released for public comment in June 2011. They are a revision of the 2006 Environmental Flow Guidelines, updated using scientific knowledge gained during the past five years. Submissions closed in August 2011, but the revision remains draft at this time. The proposed revision presents no significant change from the 2006 Guidelines in relation to ACTEW’s water supply catchments. 7. Level of Service Requirements Comparing the outputs of ACTEW’s modelling – i.e. projections of future time in restrictions and net economic benefit – to a set of water security planning objectives determines whether existing or planned water supply systems provide an acceptable supply reliability or economic return for the community. A 10 11 ACT Government, 2006 Environmental Flow Guidelines, 2006 ACT Government, Draft 2011 Environmental Flow Guidelines, 2011 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page supply system that fails to meet the objectives needs measures to better balance water consumption with water supply, either through source augmentation, demand reduction measures or both. Water security planning objectives are generally determined by government policies. To enable the government to gauge ACTEW’s Future Water Major Project proposals, the ACT Government drew on the frequency of restrictions objectives “being used elsewhere in Australia” and has based the criteria for the ACT “around one year in 20 in temporary water restrictions”12. ACTEW has interpreted this to mean that the average probability of water restrictions in any year should not be greater than 5%. This probability is calculated by summing the number of months in water restrictions in the model run and dividing this by the number of replicates (currently 1000) and the number of months in the year (12). This performance measure is used to calculate the system yield presented below. 8. Current Yield Estimate The assumptions discussed above have been used to project the probability of water restrictions and volumes of water supplied over the next 50 years. ACTEW’s REALM water resources model has been used to make this projection by running the 1000 stochastic data replicates and averaging these results. 35% 140 30% 120 25% 100 20% 80 15% 60 10% 40 5% 20 0% Water Consumption (GL/year) Probability of Any Stage of Water Restrictions Figure 4 shows the projected increase in the probability of water restrictions and average water consumption. The level of service is exceeded in 2038, which corresponds to a serviced population of approximately 714,000 and an average annual supply rate of 89.9 GL/year. 0 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 Probability of Water Restrictions 2034 2037 2040 Consumption 2043 2046 2049 2052 2055 2058 Level of Service Reached Figure 4 – Projected Probability of Water Restrictions and Annual Average Water Consumption It is not possible to express this system yield in a way that provides a meaningful indication of yield from the individual sources. However, the average amount of water supplied from each source at the point where the level of service is exceeded is shown below in Table 2. These average volumes are not indicative of how much water can be supplied from each individual source or how much water is supplied during a drought. 12 Corbell, S., Debates, Weekly Hansard, Legislative Assembly for the ACT, March 2009 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page Table 2 – Statistics when Level of Service is Exceeded Probability of Water Restrictions 5% Year 2038 Serviced Population 713547 Consumption (ML/year) 89915 Bendora (ML/year) 40631 Googong (ML/year) 29449 Lower Cotter (ML/year) 18371 Murrumbidgee to Stromlo (ML/year) 481 Stromlo to Googong (ML/year) 1135 Tantangara to Googong (ML/year) 14 13 Tantangara to Stromlo (ML/year) Murrumbidgee to Googong (ML/year) 13 2599 9062 14 1595 Includes Tantangara to Stromlo Includes Tantangara to Googong 201409 20140909 Industry Panel request 25 Reference Number: WA1314_002 August 2014_Part A question 2_Yield Methodology Page