Welcome to IB Chemistry Course Information 2013/2014 Instructor: Gwen Thompson Davis 360-313-3900 (work) gwendolyn.thompsondavis@vansd.org IB CHEMISTRY:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ The IB Diploma Program Chemistry higher level course combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills through the experimental approach. Students learn the chemical principles that underpin both the physical environment and biological systems through the study of quantitative chemistry, periodicity, kinetics and other subjects. The chemistry course covers the essential principles of the subject and, through selection of options, allows teachers some flexibility to tailor the course to meet the needs of their students. Throughout this challenging two year course, students become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other. Further, students enjoy multiple opportunities for scientific study and creative inquiry within a global context. In addition, the course is designed to: • provide opportunities for scientific study and creativity within a global context that will stimulate and challenge students • provide a body of knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology • enable students to apply and use knowledge, methods and techniques that characterize science and technology • develop an ability to analyze, evaluate and synthesize scientific information • develop experimental and investigative scientific skills • engender an awareness of the need and value of effective collaboration and communication during scientific activities • develop and apply the students’ information and communication technology skills in the study of Science • raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social economic and environmental implications of using science and technology • develop an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations associated with science and scientists • encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the nature of the scientific method. I. IB Chemistry will teach you to think at higher levels. Learning in IB will rarely be of the “parrot-back” variety (i.e. the teacher gives a lecture and the student regurgitates back the same information in the same form). In IB Chemistry, you will be forced to think and apply concepts to new situations, and even derive your own theories from application. This is excellent preparation for college and the workplace in general. This can be a frustrating process at times, although the rewards in terms of learning are many. COURSE CONTENT:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please see attached syllabus, it is also posted on my website. GRADING: OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE IS CRITICAL TO SUCCESS IN THIS COURSE. CONCEPTS BUILD UPON ONE ANOTHER, SO RECOVERY AFTER A PERIOD OF ABSENCES IS EXTREMELY CHALLENGING. Grades will be determined by the following: Assessments (50%) There will be approximately 3 major exams in each term of the course. The major exams are modeled after the IB exam and will consist of multiple choice and free response questions. There will be a short quiz every Friday which will take a variety of forms, multiple choice, problem, problem strategy, concept explanation, units and equations, etc. Lab reports (30%) The laboratory work in chemistry is split between prescribed labs with well defined procedures, labs where procedures are student generated, and open inquiry labs where you pose and investigate a scientific question. Students are expected to keep a laboratory notebook showing work for each lab completed in class. Laboratory notebooks will include the following for each lab a log of data collection, calculations, prelab assignments and activities/simulations where assigned. Additionally, students will be expected to submit 4 formally written individual lab reports each grading term, with grades recorded for the best 3 pieces of work which is kept in a binder for IB Chemistry Internal Assessment. One of these formal reports will be a full inquiry lab. Much effort and emphasis will go into learning criteria and assessment of laboratory work based upon IB assessment rubrics. Laboratory activity is core to IB Chemistry. You can plan on a full lab on a weekly basis (on average). It may be required that you come in early or stay after school for homework help or lab completion. Success in this course demands you consistently attend to questions and difficulties you may have, no procrastination. Please let coaches, club advisors, etc. know that this may occur. Daily work (10%) Assigned homework problems is for student practice. Homework, classwork, notes, etc. done in a bound composition book and will be collected at the completion of a unit for assessment. Daily work will include viewing online lectures and taking notes, summarizing and assimilating class notes and discussion, as well as traditional reading and homework practice sets. Lecture/Class participation (5%) Good attendance and attentiveness during class time are essential to student success. Development of understanding in chemistry requires student participation in discussion and willingness to discuss, analyze, and explore alternative ways of thinking and different problem solving approaches and strategies. Discussion is the best way of hashing out misconceptions leading to better success and understanding in chemistry. I make mistakes, so will you, be ready to accept and openly analyze our misconceptions and erroneous thinking. Peer/Team Assessment (5%) No scientist works in a vacuum and knowledge is built upon the work on contributions of those around us. Teamwork will be a part of this course and there will be many times when your assessment might be a measure of a product produced by your team, not you individually. This takes practice and many have not had to work in a manner in which success is dependent upon your contributions and cooperation as well as your teammates. Therefore, in addition to grading various team pieces of work, you will also be assessed by your peers as to your ability and willingness to be a constructive team player. Grading Scale: 93-100% = A 90-92% = A87-89% = B+ 83-86% = B 80-82% = B77-79% = C+ 73-76% 70-72% 67-69% 60-66% < 60% =C = C= D+ =D =F Grades will be updated on a regular basis. There will be opportunities for extra credit presented to the classes as a whole. The onus is on the student to take advantage of extra credit at the time it is offered. Extra credit does NOT replace missing work. It is a privilege intended for those students who attend class and are honestly trying to make up points missed on classroom assignments and assessments. Please note, opportunities for extra credit in IB Chemistry are relatively minimal. Do not count on these points to counter incomplete expected coursework. Late Work: Late work will be accepted ONLY at the discretion of the teacher on a case by case basis. Students may request a deadline extension on NO MORE THAN ONE laboratory assignments each semester, however, this requires discussion with the teacher and teacher approval. Due dates and requirements for laboratory activities, various assignments, required links for lectures and simulations are posted on my school website. You can also access the IB Chemistry information page and many other helpful websites that can provide additional practice and tutorial opportunities. PROFESSIONAL CLASSROOM BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS _____________________ Professionalism behavior includes work ethic and intellectual focus, productivity, teamwork and cooperation, and safe, positive, laboratory appropriate behavior. ACADEMIC AND INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY ARE A NON NEGOTIABLE IB EXPECTATION! Behavioral Expectations: All school rules will be followed in this classroom. In addition, the following four general standards will be expected: 1. Be respectful. Absolutely no cell phones, music devices, or other electronics. It is expected that student behavior will not interfere with class learning o Pay attention and follow directions. o Do not talk when others are talking. o Work bell to bell. Do your part to maintain a safe and positive learning environment. 2. Be responsible. Come to class prepared with needed materials. Learning requires individual responsibility. Seek help when necessary. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed and to make up the missed work if the work can be made up. All assignments will be posted. Only TWO labs per semester can be made up due to absences. Cheating on tests or quizzes or copying of daily assignments will result in a score of zero. 3. Be in class and be on time. Good attendance is critical due to the laboratory nature of the class. You are expected to be in class every day, on time, ready to learn. You are expected to be in your assigned seat and have started the bellwork when class begins. 4. Be safe. Absolutely no food, drink (including water), or gum is allowed in science classrooms. Horseplay in the lab will not be tolerated. If students choose not to meet these expectations, the teacher reserves the right to establish consequences that will allow learning to continue, including penalization in the grading category of professionalism. Consequences may include the loss of professionalism points, verbal warnings, seating changes, parent contact, detention, and/or referral. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text: Chemistry 5th Edition – Zumdahl Publisher Quadrilled bound laboratory notebook Bound composition notebook Large 3 ring binder for IB Internal Assessment (Collection of formal laboratory reports) Medium 3 ring binder or section in binder for class notes Scientific calculator (sharing of calculators is not permissible) It is not required, but purchase of an AP Study Guide (Barrons, Princeton Review, Petersons, Sparks, etc.) can be very helpful and offers additional problem sets with solutions and practice that can be very beneficial. If you are going to make the investment, do it early and USE IT, don’t wait. I have used copies on Amazon for under $ 5.00.