Minutes of the Lincoln-Way Special Recreation Foundation Board of Directors Special Meeting held on February 2, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lincoln-Way Special Recreation Office, Frankfort, IL. GENERAL FUNCTIONS: Call to order: President Mark Costigan called the meeting to order at approximately 5:05 P.M. Also In Attendance: Jacque Tuma, Jeff Boubelik, Louis Filosa, Executive Director Lana Graser, Keith Wallace, and Fundraising, PR/Facilities Tami Pareti were also in attendance. Grant Seekers: Report by TC Leonard: Grant Seekers Ms. TC Leonard briefly gave an explanation of what Grant Seekers has done for LWSRA up to this point. Grant Seekers created a Thesis Statement, put together the history of LWSRA, used the Mission Statement, and Vision to create a guideline letter to go to all potential donors. Grant Seekers helped to figure out the objectives of the new building, the goals, the funding/organizations to try to reach, they have produce a brochure and a 3 page letter of inquiry including a cover letter. The purpose of Grant Seekers to help research foundations that match the needs of LWSRA whether they are foundations in the area such as individuals, corporate, etc. Currently 60 hours of work has been paid for Grant Seekers to collaborate a list of possible donors, fill out submission applications for those foundations, and is in the beginning stages of submitting the applications. The response time typically for any grant is anywhere from 3 months to 6 months. LWSRA needs to start considering what the benchmarks are going to be; such as, 100K, 200K, etc. to establish a possible Capital Campaign. Ms. Leonard noted the Foundation should see some donations come in around July because of the first wave of applications being submitted. The 2nd payment of $3,600.00 for an additional 60 hours has been paid to Grant Seekers to continue submitting the applications and doing follow up letters/calls to potential donors. Come March 2010 the Foundation is going to have to make decision to move forward and approve another 60 hours and a 3rd payment of $3,600.00. Ms. Leonard noted typically a grant takes approximately 2-5 hours to complete; 5 hours would be for a submitting an application for 25K. Jeff Boubelik asked if Grant Seekers is confident LWSRF would see donations come in. Ms. Leonard noted it may take a 3rd payment from LWSRF to get the donations to come in. Ms. Leonard noted Grant Seekers was able to obtain 50K for operating budget for the Children’s Museum in Frankfort to help with operational costs of programs which much harder to achieve than what LWSRF is trying to achieve which is capital. Mark Costigan questioned if Grant Seekers would submit applications from various clientele to the same potential donors. Ms. Leonard said yes because some foundations only accept application once a year; such as, Echo Labs. Ms. Leonard noted Grant Seekers is going to try to go for a grant from Caterpillar but these types of donors need to have a personal touch; maybe someone knows someone who works there; the more personal connection LWSRA and LWSRF have with the potential donors the great chance of achieving donations from these foundations. Ms. Leonard noted each grant takes approximately four weeks from start to finish; meaning getting some sort of response from the foundation. It was mentioned it takes at least 7 times of exposure for a cause to be noticed; meaning to get your name out there for people relate to who you are; what your cause is; what your mission is, etc. Since SRA’s currently can not go for an OSLAD Grant it has to look at alternatives in achieve the goal. Ms. Leonard noted if LWSRA and LWSRF are interested in a Governmental Grant it will take at least 20 hours to do. Mark Costigan asked typically how long it takes to achieve 1 Million dollars. Ms. Leonard noted it could take anywhere from 1 year to 1 ½ years to achieve 1 Million dollars in donations or even possibly 2 years. Ms. Leonard said if LWSRF spent 15K on Grant Seekers services for approximately 240 hours of work to be happy with a turn around of 100K in 1 year; but there is that possibility to obtain more but it is not realistic to see 1 Million dollars from 15K spent. LWSRF Board of Directors Meeting June 25, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Grant Seekers, cont.) Right now, LWSRA and LWSRF should be going for those grants that are 10K, 20K, and 25K to have a more realistic approach. Ms. Leonard noted LWSRA needs to be endorsed by some big named people to associate with to get more involvement; she also noted Park District’s may see this as being competitive for possibly obtain the same foundations. Ms. Leonard noted even though LWSRA and LWSRF are going after donors for Capital there still needs to be support for the Operating Budget. Jacque Tuma asked if Grant Seekers has seen a decline in support because of economic times. Currently this industry is a 24 Billion dollar industry and yes they have a seen a 36% decline in donations which then means to get these grants becomes that more competitive. Executive Director Graser note Steve Larson who is LWSRS financial advisor has put together different financial situations if LWSRF is only able to obtain 1Million, 2Million, 3Million and if LWSRA gets support from the five cooperative Park Districts and if LWSRS doesn’t have full support. Lou Filosa asked how much TC Leonard on a personal level has achieved with donors. Ms. Leonard noted personally she has been able to raise 15 Million and 18 Million before she started Grant Seekers. Ms. Leonard noted it is better to have a personal in with donors than to make a “cold” call. Typically you can obtain 1 out of 3 donors if you have a personal connection with them. Ms. Leonard a good Capital Campaign needs at least six successful people to help move the campaign forward. Lou Filosa noted in his company it takes 7 calls or personal interaction to make 1 sale. Jeff Boubelik asked what the timeline would be with moving forward. Executive Director Graser noted LWSRA currently has 700K earmarked for this project; and they are in the process of possibly seeking from Mokena bond issuance and/or a line of credit; but LWSRS needs all five cooperative Park Districts to agree to additional 1 cent per Park District for 10 years. Mark Costigan asked if Grant Seekers doesn’t raise a penny but LWSRA receives an additional penny from the cooperative Park Districts would that be enough to move forward. Executive Director Graser noted yes; but the reasoning for seeking the grant/donors is helping to reduce the additional penny being asked by the Park Districts. Jeff Boubelik asked if LWSRA will have enough funds in the Operation and Maintenance to maintain a facility. Executive Director Graser noted the LWSRA does have enough in budget for the Operation and Maintenance fund and they are still raising money to help offset costs. Jeff Boubelik would like to see these figures from Steve Larson the financial advisor for LWSRA. Mark Costigan asked in SRA’s history has there been Governmental support for obtain grants. Ms. Leonard noted Governmental Grants are harder to come by and they have only seen 4-5 be awarded per year. Ms. Leonard noted there was concern why a percentage wasn’t being taken out of the donations coming in and she commented it would be unethical to take a percentage. Ms. Leonard noted 9% for Administration fees is built into the cost. She noted LWSRF would be responsible for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or however many payments it takes to see a turn around. Lou Filosa would like to see a “Master” list of all the foundations Grant Seekers is going after grants/donations to see if there are companies and/or individuals the Board of Directors may have a personal connection with. Jeff Boubelik agrees; if Grant Seekers needs our support and help with having a personal connection then the Board needs a list. Ms. Leonard will see what she can do for the Board of Directors; but she wants us to keep in mind the LWSRF needs to have a Capital Campaign set in place as well to help get the support of the communities. Ms. Leonard gives Executive Director Graser a weekly report and everyone will get a report once the grants start to come in. Ms. Leonard noted all Foundations/Trusts are public knowledge. LWSRF Board of Directors Meeting June 25, 2009 Page 3 of 4 Grant Seekers cont.) Jeff Boubelik commented you have to spend money to make money and doesn’t have any issues with making payments to Grant Seekers; he would also like to know how the hours are calculated. Typically those who are doing business on hourly bases; such as, legal counsel are billed afterwards. Ms. Leonard noted she keeps track of the hours spent on LWSRA’s cause and gives a report to Executive Director Graser. Approval of Payment President Mark Costigan requested a motion to approve the 2nd payment of $3,600.00 to Grant Seekers to continue an additional 60 hours. Motion made by Jeff Boubelik, seconded by Lou Filosa. Upon voice vote all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Proposal of Grant Seekers to LWSRF President Mark Costigan requested a motion to approve a proposal with TC Leonard and Grant Seekers to continue working on behalf of LWSRF and LWSRA. Motion made by Jeff Boubelik, seconded by Jacque Tuma. Upon voice vote all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Facility Status of Agreement of the Five Cooperative Park Districts/Progress and Support of Facility Project/Presentation at Park District Board Meeting Mark Costigan noted at least one of the Mokena Park Board members was anticipating the construction to start this spring and also noted some on the board might be getting nervous about the possibility that all the park districts will be able to come to an agreement and all give the needed support. Mark Costigan would like to know what happens if all five Park Districts do not agree. Executive Director Graser noted then the building project could take now 5-6 years to complete. Executive Director Graser noted LWSRA’s legal council will have a new draft of the Intergovernmental Agreement ready for the Agency’s Board meeting on Monday, February 8th. This agreement needs to have all five Park Districts on Board to increase the amount given to LWSRA by an additional 1 cent for 10 years to help cover costs if LWSRF isn’t successful with Grant Seekers. Executive Director Graser noted Steve Larson has taken into account the 700K which is already saved and advised to keep 100K in the fund and use 600K towards the project. Executive Director Graser noted there will an additional 90K put into the fund come June 2010. Executive Director Graser commented LWSRA needs the support of all the Park Districts to get this accomplished; and technically the building would be all the Park Districts based on the % of contribution which is based on the Park District’s EAV. Executive Director Graser noted once the Agency’s Board has seen the new agreement it will then be given to the each Park District’s Directors for review and then the Foundation Board of Directors can see the agreement. Right now, the Directors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 18th to discuss matters at hand. It was discussed there could potentially be at least 5 revisions of the agreement from the cooperative Park Districts; the agreement alone could take possibly 6 months to get be approved by all cooperative Parks District. Along with discussion on when LWSRA excepts to see the additional 1 cent. Executive Director Graser noted the additional 1 cent would be for 2010 taxes collect in Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Executive Director Graser also noted the financial advisor said it doesn’t matter if not every Park District has levied the full amount. Jeff Boubelik commented LWSRA should do a new presentation to all Park District Board Meeting to update everyone on the progress and where LWSRA is headed. Lou Filosa commented the more people you have in one room the harder it is to sell and LWSRA needs sell this concept to get support. Jacque Tuma noted SRA’s don’t have to go the community for any type of referendum but would LWSRA receive full support of the voters in the five LWSRF Board of Directors Meeting June 25, 2009 Page 4 of 4 cooperative Park District on this type of project; maybe this is something to thinking about especially now during these economic times. Executive Director Graser reiterated the Agency Board Meeting is Monday, February 8 th and the Directors meeting is Thursday, February 18th. Mark Costigan reiterated LWSRA needs to do follow up presentations to all cooperative Park District to further educate them on the progress. Jacque Tuma suggested putting TC Leonard and Grant Seekers reports in the packets mailed out to the cooperative Park Districts to help educate all involved which in turn could give you more support in the long run. Jeff Boubelik would like to know from John Olivierei how long it will take to get bid specs ready to go out to bid for the project and a projected timeline for the Boards. Mark Costigan noted the Foundation is going to have to make a decision at the next meeting to go forward with TC Leonard and Grant Seekers for a 3 rd payment of $3,600.00 for an additional 60 hours; but ultimately the Foundation is going to have to make decision after that as to move forward or not if there is no resolution from the cooperative Park Districts and if there is any donations coming in. Adjournment: At approximately 6:51PM. President Costigan requested a motion to adjourn the February 2, 2010 Special Meeting of the Lincoln-Way Special Recreation Foundation Board of Directors. Motion made by Jacque Tuma, seconded by Jeff. Boubelik. Upon a voice vote, all were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Jacqueline Tuma Recording Secretary