radar polarimetric signatures of wild fire plumes

V. M. Melnikov, D.S. Zrnic, and R.M. Rabin
Radar observations of wild fire plumes with the S-band prototype of a dual polarization
WSR-88D are presented. The observations show that the copolar correlation coefficients
between horizontally and vertically polarized returns in the plumes are mostly less than
0.4 and this can be used in identification of plumes.
1. Introduction
A number of remote sensing techniques are used to identify and study wild fire
plumes: visible and shortwave infrared observations from satellites, lidar backscatter,
and radar observations. Observations at shortwave infrared frequencies from satellite
have been effective in monitoring location of fires in cloud free regions. For example, the
Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (ABBA) has been providing maps of fires in
South America for more than a decade and is currently being applied in real-time over
North America (Prins and Menzel 1994). The algorithm uses visible, 3.9, 10.7 and 12
micron data. The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) that flies aboard the
NASA TERRA satellite has also been used to detect fire plumes (Kahn et al. 2007).
Lidars are often the sensor of choice for measuring aerosols properties. The
distance to which these sensors can make measurement varies depending on their
transmitted power and aerosol density. Ground based systems (such as the
WINDTRACER) have reported ranges of 10-20 km and heights of 4-10 km
(www.lockheedmartin.com/products/ WindTracer/). Smoke aerosol detection is carried
out from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) that flies
aboard the CALIPSO satellite (Labonne et al., 2007). Fire detection in visible satellite
images is impaired if thick clouds are present between the satellite and the monitored
Detection of smoke from satellite is generally done by subjective identification of
plumes from visible imagery such as that from GOES. But interpretation of smoke
plumes becomes difficult in the presence of even an intermittent cloud cover.
Differences in radiative temperature between the 8, 11 and 12 micron bands have been
used to identify dust in the atmosphere (Ackerman 1997). This technique may provide
some information on the location of smoke plumes during both day and night. The
MODIS instrument aboard the NASA AQUA and TERRA satellites provide estimates of
aerosol optical depth from multi-spectral observations but are only available once daily.
The WSR-88D radars (10 cm wavelength) in the US national network are
sensitive enough to detect plumes of wild fires (e.g., Doviak and Zrnic, 1993, section
11.9). We present herein radar observations from one of the operational WSR-88D radars
and the proof-of-concept polarimetric WSR-88D and discuss new opportunities in plume
detection using radar polarimetric parameters.
2. Radar observations of plumes at the 10 cm wavelength
Several wild fires in Oklahoma could be identified from areas of very high
brightness temperatures in the GOES-12 3.9 micron imagery. Color images of radar
reflectivity from the WSR-88D KTLX radar are superimposed on the GOES images to
provide comparisons of the plumes from the fire locations (Fig. 1).
An example of radar reflectivity fields of confirmed wild fire plumes is presented
in Fig. 1. These data are from the WSR-88D KTLX radar situated at Oklahoma City and
were collected on March 12th, 2008. The radar update time was about 9.3 min. The
plumes are usually seen at few lowest elevations of the antenna scan from which the
vertical extend of the plumes can be estimated. Radar reflectivity field in fair weather
usually displays a circle of low reflecting area comprised of echoes from clear air
(insects, birds, and fluctuations of refractive index) and residues of ground clutter that
remain after filtering. Such, almost filled out circle is seen in Fig. 1 to distances of about
50 km from the radar. Beyond that range clear air echoes become patchy and disappear
outside 100 km range. Some feather or strip patterns can be seen in clear air returns
which are observed often (e.g., Lang et al., 2004).
Fig. 1. Reflectivity field obtained with the WSR-88D KTLX weather radar on
March 12, 2008. Time is UTC, antenna elevation is 0.5o.
Three sources of the plumes were identified on 03/12/2008 and are labeled in the
left upper panel of Fig. 1 with numbers 1, 2, and 3. Time evolution of the echoes shows
that plume 1 was from a short and intense fire which lasted about 30 to 40 minutes.
Beginning with the image at 2207 (could be several minutes earlier) the source of the
plume was extinguished and the plume moved downwind. Plume 2 originated from a fire
that ended at about 2246 and it has the usual V-patterned echo; it is a point source
causing echo extension downwind. The source of plume 3 is present during the whole
time period shown in Fig. 1. As seen in Fig. 1 the plume’s reflectivity factor can exceed
the reflectivity factor of fair weather by 8 to 15 dB. Closer to the radar (downwind from
the sources) the plume’s echoes merge with clear air echoes; contrast between them
diminishes and then disappears.
Several wild fires in Oklahoma could be identified on this day from areas of very
high brightness temperatures (dark spots) in the GOES-12 3.9 micron imagery. Color
images of radar reflectivity from the WSR-88D KTLX radar are superimposed on black
and white images of 3.9 micron brightness temperature to provide comparisons of the
plumes from the fire locations (Fig. 2). Note that the first fires appear at 1835 UTC
(number 3 and another 50 km south of the radar). By 1845, fire number 2 appears before
a plume is clearly visible in the radar data. By 2130 UTC, four fires with plumes are
visible (including number 1). In addition, at least two other fires are evident in the
satellite data but do not have detectable plumes in the radar data.
Fig. 2a. Radar reflectivity from KTLX superimposed on GOES-12 3.9 micron
brightness temperature image. 12 March 2008, 18:35 UTC.
Fig. 2b. 12 March 2008, 1845 UTC.
Fig. 2c. 12 March 2008, 2130 UTC.3. Polarimetric radar observations
All WSR-88Ds are single polarization radars transmitting and receiving
horizontally polarized waves. The polarimetric WSR-88D, KOUN is the proof-ofconcept radar on which upgrades to the US weather radar network are tested (Saffle et al.,
2007). The radar is located 27 km to the South-West from KTLX; it simultaneously
transmits and receives horizontally and vertically polarized waves (Melnikov et al.,
2004). On the KOUN, six radar parameters are estimated from each range location (250
m long). These are reflectivity (Z), Doppler velocity, Doppler spectrum width,
differential reflectivity (ZDR), differential phase (φdp), and copolar correlation coefficient
(ρhv). Definitions of these variables can be found in Doviak and Zrnic (1993). In Fig. 2,
fields of the polarimetric parameters are presented for 2245 UTC, March 12th, 2008. The
three plume echoes discussed above are clearly seen. To mitigate noise influence on the
polarimetric parameters, ZDR and ρhv were estimated using the 1-lag correlation functions
described by Melnikov and Zrnic (2007).
As it is seen (Fig. 2) the differential reflectivity in the plumes is large and positive
indicating presence of non spherical and horizontally oriented plume particles. The
copolar correlation coefficient field shows that the plumes have very low ρhv and can be
easily distinguished from clear air returns. Such low ρhv suggests that these plumes
contain highly non spherical particles. Small values of ρhv cause significant increase in
the variance of differential reflectivity and differential phase, hence the fields of φdp and
ZDR appear patchy in the region of the plume echo.
The sky at the time of radar observations was cloudy as seen in Fig. 3. The picture
of the sky in the left panel was taken in the South direction from the KOUN location and
the visible satellite image is on the right panel. The clouds made identifications of plumes
from satellites very difficult, almost impossible without radar data.
Fig. 2. Fields of reflectivity and polarimetric variables obtained with the WSR88D, KOUN at 2245 UTC on March 12th, 2008. Antenna elevation is 0.5o.
Fig. 3. (left) Picture of the sky taken at 2250 in the south direction from KOUN.
(right): visible satellite image at 2245 taken over Oklahoma on March 12th, 2008.
Fig. 4. Vertical cross sections collected with KOUN at 2250 at azimuth 191o.
March 12th, 2008.
Fig. 4 clearly demonstrates the difference in the polarimetric parameters of the
plumes, clouds, and clear air returns. The figure is a vertical cross section collected with
antenna moving vertically from 0 to 60o. It is seen that KOUN observes clouds to
distances about 35 km. The plume is located at ranges from about 40 to 75 km.
Differential reflectivity of the clouds that are seen at 7 to 9 km heights are close to zero,
whereas the plume has mostly large ZDR values. Some patchiness of plume’s ZDR field is
due to low ρhv. High ZDR of clear air returns close to the ground and within 40 km
distance is due to the presence of insects and birds. The ρhv panel shows remarkable
difference of the values for the clouds, clear air returns, and plumes. The clouds have ρhv
larger than 0.95. The layer with insects and birds is characterized by ρhv in the interval 0.5
to 0.9. The plumes have very low ρhv mostly less than 0.4 which can be used for their
identification. Distributions of ZDR and ρhv for the plumes are depicted in Fig. 5 where the
median values are 1.4 dB and 0.33 correspondingly. The distribution of ρhv for the plumes
is very unusual for natural scatterers. Chaff in the atmosphere has similar distribution of
ρhv (Zrnic and Ryzhkov 2004).
Fig. 5. Distributions of differential reflectivity (left) and the copolar correlation
coefficients (right) in the plumes.
4. Conclusions
S-band radar polarimetric observations of wild fire plumes indicate the presence
of highly non spherical ash particles which makes the copolar correlation coefficient less
than 0.4. This can be used to identify plumes with polarimetric radar. Differential
reflectivity in plumes is positive which indicates the presence of horizontally oriented
plume particles. Polarimetric radar observations of plumes can be carried out on cloudy
days when satellite observations are difficult or impossible. In the near future, many of
the networking WSR-88D weather radars will have polarization diversity that will allow
polarimetric identifications of wild fire plumes. The importance of polarimetric
observations is to establish the values of polarimetric variables so that an automatic
classification algorithm could properly assign data to the class of smoke plumes.
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