Test yourself on atomic structure (P,N,E)

Atomic structure – test yourself.
1. K is the chemical symbol for potassium.
The mass number is the total number of __________ and ____________ inside the potassium
How many protons are there in an atom of potassium ________
How many neutrons are there in this atom of potassium? ________
How many electrons are there in this atom of potassium? _________
A different isotope of potassium has a mass number of 40. How many protons are in this isotope
of potassium? _________
2. Describe the structure of an oxygen atom 8
. (4 marks)
3. The table gives some information about two isotopes of the element Chlorine.
Mass number
Atomic number
Chlorine 35
Chlorine 37
How many electrons are there in an atom of Chlorine-35? __________
How many neutrons are there in an atom of Chlorine-35? __________
How many protons are there in an atom of Chlorine-37? __________
How many neutrons are there in an atom of Chlorine-37? __________
If an atom of Chlorine gains an electron it becomes a chloride ________ .
C is the chemical symbol for a carbon atom. In the periodic table the letter C has 2 numbers
next to it, these are shown by the letters Y and Z .
The letter Z represents a number called the ___________ number
The letter Y represents a number called the ___________ number
In all carbon atoms the number Z is always 6. Explain why
In some carbon atoms the number Y is 12 (carbon-12) and sometimes 14 (carbon 14) .what is the
difference between an atom of carbon-12 and an atom of carbon-14?
What is the name for atoms of the same element that have different mass numbers ___________