Curriculum Vitae Robert Daly Department of English 306 Clemens Hall, Box 604610 University at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260-4610 716-645-0701 Education Cornell University, Ph.D. 1972 University of Akron, M.A. 1967, B.A. 1965 Research Fellowships John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1979-80 Leverhulme Fellowship, 1972-73 Grants National Endowment for the Humanities Grants to Direct Summer Seminars, 1996-97, 1993-94, 1991-92, 1989-90, 1988-89 Faculty Grant for Instructional Technology, 1995-96 New York State/United University Professions "Experienced Faculty Travel Award," 1987 National Endowment for the Humanities Grant (with Professors Ruth Meyerowitz and James Bunn), 1984-86 SUNY Research Development Fund Grant, 1982 International Communication Agency Travel Grant (to read papers in Hungary, Denmark, and Norway), 1980 American Comparative Literature Association Travel Grant (part of a block grant from the American Council of Learned Societies), 1976 Institutional Funds Travel Grant, 1975-76 New York Research Foundation Grants, 1977, 1975 Awards Geoffrey Marshall Mentoring Award, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools, 2009 Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society Certificate of Appreciation, 2007 Career Services Award, 2005 Provost’s Award, 2003 Generation magazine selection as one of “Our Favorite Professors,” 2001 Doylestown High School Wall of Fame, 1991 Pan-Hellenic Council Chi Omega Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1989 Student Association Milton Plesur Memorial Teaching Award, 1988 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1977 2 Phi Kappa Phi, 1972 Guilford Prize, Cornell University, 1971 Humanities and Social Sciences Fellowship (Ford Foundation), 1969-72 National Defense Education Act Title IV Fellowship, 1969-72 Pixley Awards, 1964, 1965 Phi Sigma Alpha Scholarship, 1964 Ashton Prize, 1963 Academic Appointments SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Professor of English Associate Professor of English Assistant Professor of English Instructor in English University at Buffalo 1990University at Buffalo 1985-90 University at Buffalo 1977-85 University at Buffalo 1973-77 Iowa State University 1967-69 Visiting Appointments Visiting Professor of English Visiting Associate Professor of English Visiting Appointment, Faculty of Literature Leverhulme Visiting Fellow Chapman University 1982 Cornell University 1980 Cambridge University 1979-80 University of Essex 1972-73 Affiliated Appointment Department of Comparative Literature Full Member 1996Associate Member 1993-96 University at Buffalo Publications Book God's Altar: The World and the Flesh in Puritan Poetry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Articles, Book Chapters, Reference Entries “The World, the Flesh, and God in Puritan Poetry.” The Cambridge History of American Poetry. Ed. Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. “Reading in Detail and in Context: Situational Awareness in LEAR 4.” The James Fenimore Cooper Society Newsletter 23.2 (2012): 3-4. “The Joys of Scholarship in LEAR 3.” The James Fenimore Cooper Society Newsletter 22.3 (2011): 6-8. 3 “Mohicans, Virtue Ethics, Literature, and Life.” Leather-Stocking Redux; Or, Old Tales, New Essays. Ed. Jeffrey Walker. New York: AMS, 2011. 86-102. Introduction, note on text, and bibliography for Cooper, James Fenimore. The Pioneers. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2011. Ix-xxvi, 539-542. “Reading Sedgwick Now: Empathy and Ethics in Early America.” Literature in the Early American Republic 2 (2010): 131-152. “Among Our Beginnings: The Inaugural Issue of Literature in the Early American Republic.” James Fenimore Cooper Society Newsletter 20.2 (Whole No. 57). (Fall, 2009): 3-4. “From Glimmerglass to Mirror Neurons: Rewiring the Brain in the Quest for American Character.” James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art: Papers from the 2007 Cooper Seminar. Ed. Hugh MacDougall and Steven Harthorn. New York, 2009: 15-18. “Guilty Pleasures: Cooper and Cognitive Theory.” The James Fenimore Cooper Society Newsletter 19.2, Whole number 54 (fall 2008): 12. Entry on William Bradford (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2008. “From World to Word and Back Again: Coopers Now and Next.” Reading Cooper, Teaching Cooper. Ed. Jeffrey Walker. New York: AMS Press, 2007 (published in September, 2008). 76-94. “Coopers Creole: Literature and Ethics in America.” James Fenimore Cooper: A Geography of the Mind: Papers from the 2005 Cooper Seminar: Keynote Address. Ed. Hugh MacDougall and Steven Harthorn. New York, 2007. 31-40. Entry on The Last of the Mohicans (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2007. Entry on The Marble Faun (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2006. Entry on The Blithedale Romance (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2006. Entry on The House of the Seven Gables (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2006. Entry on The Scarlet Letter (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2006. Entry on John Gardner (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2005. 4 Entry on Nathaniel Hawthorne (2500 words). The Literary Encyclopedia. Online reference source. 2004. “Mischief, Insanity, Memetics, and Agency in The Linwoods.” Catharine Maria Sedgwick: Critical Perspectives. Ed. Lucinda Damon-Bach and Victoria Clements. Boston: Northeastern UP, 2003. Entry on The Scarlet Letter. Dictionary of American History. Ed. Stanley Kutler. 10 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. “A Book for the Millennial Generation: The Linwoods and Sixty Years Hence in America.” Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society Newsletter 3.1 (2002): 5. “Endgame: How to Finish up, Saddle up, and Get the Hell out of Dodge.” The Graduate Quill (April/May 2002) 5, 13. [Invited, not refereed.] "Burned by the Hangman: Puritan Agency and the Road Not Taken." Pynchon Notes 44-45 (1999): 205-213. Published in February, 2002. “Lexias and Agency in Anne Bradstreet." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 7 (2001): 1-22. “Publication: How to Break into Print before You Break out in a Rash.” The Graduate Quill (September 2001): 11-12. [Invited, not refereed.] “Nostalgia for the Millennium: The View from 2051.” Buffalo News. 7 January 2001. F1,4. [Invited, not refereed.] “Literary Competence and the Ruling Classes.” UB Today (spring/summer, 2000): 48. [Invited, not refereed.] "Anne Bradstreet." One-thousand-word entry in American National Biography. 24 volumes. New York: American Council of Learned Societies and Oxford University Press, 1999. "From Paradox and Aporia to Cultural Hybridization and Complex Adaptive Systems: New Theories and the Uses of Cooper at the Present Time." James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art. Ed. Hugh C. MacDougall. New York: James Fenimore Cooper Society, 1999. 23-31. "Teaching Hope to Postmoderns, with Help from CS and Others." Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society Newsletter 1.1 (1999): 5-7. "’We Have Really No Country at All': Hawthorne's Reoccupations of History." ArachnÄ“: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language and Literature 3.1 (1996): 66-88. "Anne Bradstreet and the Practice of Weaned Affections." DISCovering Authors (CDROM). Detroit: Gale Research, 1996. Rpt. from God's Altar. 5 "Powers of Humility and the Presence of Readers in Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley." Studies in Puritan American Spirituality 4 (1993): 1-23. "Transatlantic Perspectives: Founding Fictions in British-American Literature." American Literary History 5 (1993): 552-563. "Engines of Discourse: God and the Odds in Postmodern Literature." Denver Quarterly 27 (1993): 6-16. "Cooper's Allegories of Reading and `the Wreck of the Past.'" Readers in History: NineteenthCentury American Literature and the Contexts of Response. Ed. James L. Machor. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. 109-137. "Recognizing Early American Literature." Early American Literature 25 (1990): 187-199. "Liminality and Fiction in Cooper, Hawthorne, Cather, and Fitzgerald." Victor Turner and the Construction of Cultural Criticism: Between Literature and Anthropology. Ed. Kathleen M. Ashley. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. 70-85. "How We Read Literature and Why It Matters." Denver Quarterly 24 (1989): 97-106. "The Danforths: Puritan Poets in the Woods of Arcadia." Puritan Poetry and Poetics. Ed. Peter White. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1985. 147-157. "American Visionary History: The Literary Creation of a Usable Past." The Origins and Originality of American Culture. Ed. Tibor Frank. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984. 563571. Entries on Samuel Danforth I, John Danforth, and Samuel Danforth II in the Dictionary of Literary Biography: American Colonial Writers 1606-1734. Ed. Emory Elliott. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1984. 81-86. "John Gardner and the Emancipation of Genres." The Georgia Review 37 (1983): 420-428. Rpt. in The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism: Twentieth-Century American Literature. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. "Puritan Poetics: The World, the Flesh, and God." Early American Literature 12 (1977): 13662. Rpt. in Early American Literature: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Michael T. Gilmore. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1980. In the series, Twentieth Century Views. Ed. Maynard Mack. "Dryden's Ode to Anne Killigrew and the Communal Work of Poets." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 18 (1976): 184-198. "A Continuous Renaissance: Contemporary American Poetry." Literatura na swieci (1976): 302-312. 6 "Fideism and the Allusive Mode in ‘Rappaccini's Daughter.'" Nineteenth-Century Fiction 28 (1973): 25-37. "History and Chivalric Myth in ‘Roger Malvin's Burial.'" Essex Institute Historical Collections 109 (1973): 99-115. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective 8. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1989. "William Bradford's Vision of History." American Literature 44 (1973): 557-569. Reviews James Fenimore Cooper: The Early Years, by Wayne Franklin. New York History 91.1 (2010): 7375. Liquid Fire: Transcendental Mysticism in the Romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by Harvey L. Gable, Jr. Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 25.2 (1999): 17-20. The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting Literary Anthropology, by Wolfgang Iser. Comparative Literature Studies 32 (1995): 536-539. Sinful Self, Saintly Self: The Puritan Experience of Poetry, by Jeffrey A. Hammond. Early American Literature 29 (1994): 96-98. The First Book of the American Chronicles of the Times, 1774-1775, by John Leacock. Ed. Carla Mulford. American Literature 62 (1990): 503-504. The Poems of Michael Wigglesworth. Ed. Ronald A. Bosco. Early American Literature 25 (1990): 321-323. W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet, by A. Norman Jeffares. Poet and Critic 4 (1967): 45-46. Papers “’Singularly Connected’: Mirror Neurons and Deep Ecology in Blithedale and Septimius.” MLA Convention. Boston. 5 January 2013. “Network Culture in James Fenimore Cooper and Catharine Maria Sedgwick.” 18th International James Fenimore Cooper Conference and Seminar. State University College at Oneonta. 14 July 2011. “Learning Clairvoyance: Conditions of Perception in The Linwoods; or, ‘Sixty Years Since’ in America.” The Irrational, the Spiritual, the Romantic: Contested Discourses in 19thCentury American Women’s Writing: A Symposium. Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. 18 June 2010. 7 “Cooper’s Stoic Cosmopolitanism and His Gleanings in Switzerland.” 17th International James Fenimore Cooper Conference and Seminar. State University College at Oneonta. 14 July 2009. Also on panel, “Why Cooper Matters in the 21st Century.” “From Glimmerglass to Mirror Neurons: Rewiring the Brain in the Quest for American Character.” 16th International James Fenimore Cooper Conference and Seminar. State University College at Oneonta. 10 July 2007. “Beauty and Ethics in the Berkshires.” 5th Catharine Maria Sedgwick Symposium. The Red Lion Inn: Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 3 June 2007. “Why We Have to Read this Stuff and, Worse Yet, Think about It: New Work on the Practical Value of Literature and Even Theory.” Annual Humanities Institute Lecture. University at Buffalo. 20 March 2007. “Creole Coopers: James and Susan, Literature and Ethics in America.” Keynote Address to the 15th International James Fenimore Cooper Symposium and Summer Course. State University College at Oneonta 250-acre College Camp. 16 June 2005. “Reading Your Way from Beauty to Ethics: Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Twenty-First Century.” UB This Summer Cutting Edge Lecture Series. 9 June 2005. “Metanoia: Nineteenth-Century Writers in the Network Culture of Twenty-First Century Readers.” The Resisting Reader, Then and Now: A Symposium in Honor of Judith Fetterley. University at Albany: State University of New York. 6 November 2004. “Networks of America: Assembling a Nation in The Linwoods.” Catharine Maria Sedgwick Symposium. Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 13 June 2003. “Leslie Fiedler’s Coming to Iowa.” American Literature Association Convention. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 22 May 2003. “The Rise and Fall of Individualism in American Literature.” Canisius College. 19 September 2002. “Nations without Nationalism and Agency without Individualism in Hope Leslie and The Linwoods.” American Literature Association Annual Conference. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 25 May 2001. “Mischief, Insanity, Memetics, and Agency in The Linwoods; or, ‘Sixty Years Since’ in America.” The Sedgwick Symposium. Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 10 June 2000. "Lexias and Agency in Anne Bradstreet." Society of Early Americanists Biannual Convention. Charleston, South Carolina. 5 March 1999. "Subversion as National Service: Catharine Maria Sedgwick as Canny Navigator on the Many Seas of Convention." The Sedgwick Symposium. Stockbridge, Massachusetts. 7 June 8 1997. "Cooper's Medicine for the Trauma of History." Central New York Conference on Language and Literature. Cortland, New York. 21 October 1996. "New Theories for Reading Literature and Life: Or Why We Should Care about Narrative Therapy, Trauma Theory, Ecocriticism, and Literary Anthropology, as Well as Louise Rosenblatt and Jean-Luc Nancy." University of Wyoming. 19 June 1996. "Literary Lessons: What We Learn from Reading." Niagara County Community College. 2 April 1996. "New Theories and the Uses of Cooper at the Present Time." The Cooper Seminar. Oneonta and Cooperstown, New York. 14 July 1995. "`We Have Really No Country at All': Hawthorne's Reoccupations of History." Modern Language Association. Toronto. 30 December 1993. "Authoring Subjects." Modern Language Association. Toronto. 27 December 1993. "Humility to Die For: The Ironies of Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley." Modern Language Association. San Francisco. 27 December 1991. "On the Threshold of America with Washington Irving's Storytellers." American Literature Association. San Diego. 2 June 1990. "Culture and Reading: A Better Road from Theory to Practice." Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C. 28 December 1989. "Making Sense of Early American Literature, with a Little Help from Ludwig Wittgenstein." University of Connecticut. 18 April 1989. "How We Read Literature and Why It Matters." University of Connecticut. 17 April 1989. "Early American Literature and Cultural Criticism: From Attempts at Thematic Unity to Epistemological Connections." Modern Language Association. New Orleans. 28 December 1988. "Rewriting an American Reader: The Example of James Fenimore Cooper." Modern Language Association. San Francisco. 30 December 1987. "Reimagining the Past: The Romantic in America." Hilbert College. 7 October 1987. "How to Survive in America." Canisius College. 17 April 1986. "John Gardner and the Epistemology of Myth." Modern Language Association. Chicago. 28 December 1985. 9 "Another Theory of American Fiction." Louisiana State University. 11 December 1985. "Liminality and Fiction in Irving, Cooper, Cather, Fitzgerald, and Gardner." Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C. 28 December 1984. "Literature and Acculturation in Early America." Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C. 27 December 1984. "Liminality and Storytelling in Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne, and Cather." University of Florida. 17 January 1984. "Literature as History." University of California at Irvine. 15 February 1983. "How Foundlings Become Founders." Chapman University. 7 January 1982. "Reading America and Writing It." Modern Language Association. New York. 29 December 1981. "American Visionary History and the Search for an American Literature." University of East Anglia. 5 June 1980. "From Puritanism to the Present: An Important Continuity in American Literature." University of Bergen. 17 April 1980. "Puritan Influences on Contemporary American Literature." Copenhagen School of Economics. 15 April 1980. "`American Literature' as Epistemological Category: From a Puritan Past to an Ethnic Present." University of Copenhagen. 15 April 1980. "The Literary Origins of American Culture." Hungarian Academy of the Sciences, Budapest. 11 April 1980. "Colloquium on American Visionary History." University of California at Santa Barbara. 26 January 1979. "American Visionary History: The Literary Creation of a Usable Past." University of California at Berkeley. 25 January 1979. "Liminality and the Continuing Need for American Visionary History." Modern Language Association. New York. 28 December 1978. "Anne Bradstreet and the Poetics of Weaned Affections." Modern Language Association. New York. 28 December 1978. "American Visionary History." Modern Language Association. Chicago. 28 December 1976. 10 "The European Origins of American Visionary History." Plenary session. American Comparative Literature Association. Philadelphia. 23 April 1976. "American Literature and an American's Identity." New York State English Council. Buffalo. 10 October 1975. "Revising the Classics: The Use of John Seelye's True Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." University of Essex. 9 November 1972. Consulting Editorial Board, Literature in the Early American Republic, winner of the 2010 award for Best New Journal by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) 2008Advisory Board, Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society, 1997-2008, 2008Board of Advisors, James Fenimore Cooper Society, 2006-2007, 2007-2009, 2009-2012, 2013Reader and Evaluator, SUNY Faculty Diversity Program: Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 National Endowment for the Humanities Grant-Review Panelist, Washington D.C., 28-29 April 2004. Selection Committee for papers to be given at the annual conference of the American Literature Association, Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society, 2002 Outside Evaluator: Department of English, University of Connecticut, 2000 Reader: MIT Press, Thomas Briggs and Company, University of Virginia Press, Oxford University Press, University of California Press, SUNY Press, University of Tennessee Press, Literature in the Early American Republic, Early American Literature, PMLA, Comparative Literature Studies, Prose Studies, American Literary History, National Endowment for the Humanities Media Program Consultant on Promotions: New York University, Cornell University, UCLA, George Washington University, George Mason University, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, University of Connecticut, SUNY Oneonta Executive Committee, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools, 1988-89 Richard Beale Davis Prize Committee, 1991 (Chair), 1987 Executive Committee, Division on American Literature to 1800, Modern Language Association, 1983-87 (Chair, 1986) Editorial Board, Early American Literature, 1980-83 Membership in Professional Associations Modern Language Association, life member American Literature Association Society of Early Americanists Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society, founding member, life member, Advisory Board James Fenimore Cooper Society, member of the Board of Directors, later Board of Advisors Nathaniel Hawthorne Society Teaching 1973- 11 Graduate Seminars The Puritan Tradition Definitions of America Nathaniel Hawthorne The American Novel Nineteenth-Century American Literature Contemporary American Fiction American Classics and American Culture Research in American Civilization The Twentieth-Century American Novel Undergraduate Courses Early American Literature The American Renaissance Hawthorne Definitions of America Major American Writers I & II American Literature 1865-1914 Biography and Autobiography American Visionary History The American Novel Modern American Fiction American Literature and Culture Freshman Composition 101 & 201 Mark Twain and His Contemporaries Literature of American Democracy Science, Literature, and Society The Modern American Novel Visions of America American Literature 1828-1865 American Classics and American Culture Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committees Sybil James Mi-ae Park Andrea Ross Howard Bennett Susan Dix Stephen Kenney Cory Ireland Paula Reynolds Mary Cappello Nan Clarkson 12 Valerie Babb Jocelyn Sheppard Stratton Rawson Pamela Hanks Laura Laffrado Michael Hodge Marc Smith Jeanne Holland Douglas Pastel Douglas Crowell Terese Hartman Rita Liotta Laraine Fleming Nicole Williams Cheryl Bell Madelyn Jablon Beverly Anne Sanford Ruth Kirstein Mary Adams Hilmer Beverly Crockett Paul Forte Maria Francesca Cicardi Martha Werner Rebecca Cochran Kathleen Ferracane Scott Edelstein Iris Bleeker Michael Degnan Geraldine Struble David Lund Amy Cohen Lucinda Damon Jan Oelhoeft John Keavey Clark Davis Barbara Porter Joseph Linzmeier Piotr Parlej Marcella Sherman William Brown Kandace Lombart James Martin-Diaz Charles Jones Ardeth Evans Ellen Whittier Scott Michaelson Gail Brisson 13 Katherine Walke Anthony Hughes Kathy Phelps Jennifer Spungin Kehoe Kristin Dykstra Hugh Rheingold Kyunghoon Jung Elizabeth Dill Ann Keefer Beth Snyder Laurel Ode René Rojas Gregory Fowler Yong-ju Lee Kyeong-hwa Lee Kan-anek Jaruraksa Robert Zamsky Louise Continelli Kevin Grauke Sinikka Grant Elizabeth Santillo Robert O. Lopez Ann Rivera Charity Vogel Ray Stone Ayumi Takagi John Morsellino Benjamin Robertson Sophia Forster Nora Dooley Maglina Lubovich Kevin Pelletier Christopher Leise Sangjoon Han Deveryle James Nozomi Fujimura Sara Kakasu Elizabeth Burns Richard Garner Michael Hurst Debra Goodman Tim Bryant Shosuke Kinugawa Erika Layman M.A. Qualifying Examination Committees 14 Ian Stapley Katharine Stiffler Jane Marshall Christopher Teepe Allison Farrell Jason Pratt Kathryn English Eric Mills Pamela Emigh-Murphy Candace Faubert Elise Allen Jung-min Kim Ph.D. Dissertations--Director James Martin-Diaz Stephen Kenney Kathleen Boone Barbara Porter Michael Degnan Beverly Anne Sanford Mary Adams Hilmer Laura Laffrado Scott Edelstein Paula Reynolds Jeanne Holland Brenda Brock George Kelley Gail Brisson Naochika Takao Kathy Phelps Jennifer Spungin Kehoe Elizabeth Anne Dill Makiko Wakabayashi Gregory Fowler Zubeda Jalalzai Kyunghoon Jung René Rojas Todd Nothstein Charity Vogel Ray Stone Ann R. Rivera John Morsellino Deveryle James Mijeong Park 15 Josh Weinstein Shelby Crosby Nozomi Fujimura Christopher Leise Louise Continelli Crystal Gorham Doss Ph.D. Dissertations--Reader Thomas Stender Mitchell Breitwieser Blair Boone Sandra Duguid Marilyn Matis Christopher Lalond Michael Hodge Pamela Hanks John Keavey Ross Pudaloff Peter Sidlecki Terese Hartman Mark Malonek Douglas Crowell Nicole Williams Rita Liotta Diane Bonora Patricia Gannon Jan Oelhoeft Piotr Parlej Rebecca Cochran Valerie Babb Beverly Crockett Elizabeth Shipley Margaret Henderson Clark Davis Michael Pikus Matthew Goodwin Martha Werner Katherine Walke Gillespie Ann Goldsmith Robert Durante Amy Smith Lucinda L. Damon-Bach Cynthia Doell Hugh Rheingold Ann Keefer Beth Rheingold 16 Laurel Ode Kevin Grauke Robert O. Lopez Lori Jacobson Roumiana Velikova Robert Zamsky Lia Vella Koichi Suwabe Andrew Sutherland Kyeonghwa Lee Elizabeth Santillo Maglina Lubovich Sinikka Grant Kevin Pelletier Jonathan Murphy Nora Dooley Sangjoon Han Elizabeth Burns Elizabeth Stone Chiou-rung Deng Richard A. Garner Tim Bryant Zhen Li Sara Kakazu M.A. Theses--Director Angelika Ilg Sheila Rodriguez Andrea Sullivan Daniel Weinstein Shimon Tanaka Serena Shiuh-huah Chou Marc Fontanarosa Charity Vogel Christopher Teepe Joomi Kim Leslie Crowell Russell Sbriglia Jonathan Crowley Elise Allen James Van Wyck Cheryl Camardo Jennifer Collins Lisa Lofaso Jennifer Jaworek 17 M.A.H. Theses--Director Paula Reynolds Amy Rosen Harry Hawthorne Katherine Haynie Donna Dusel Cecelia Wallin Jane Harding Elizabeth Anne Finnegan Gentre Michael Garmon Talia Laura Maiyan Diane Auerbach Kristen E. Perillo Laura Wiggins Honors Theses--Director Henry Henkel Elizabeth Fleche Marc Potolsky Elizabeth Oldach David Kessler Jennifer LaClair Ann Fox Patrick Kavanagh Diana Whipple Jennifer Ferguson Laura Quebral Mitchell Maxick Robert Wegrzynowski Alexander Guambana Rafia Mirza Ji-Hae Park Angela Snyder Elizabeth Massa Lisa Fanaro Colleen Britten Allison N. Ritchie Aimee Woznick Ben Cady Ryan Fleming Josh Newman Lauren Adornetto Amanda Haessler Francis Norman Madeline Morcelle 18 Delaney Marsco Chelsea Clutter Catherine Prendergast Laura Daynes Graduate Advisor Min Young Kim Ryan Hudgins Service Department of English Administrative Positions Director of Graduate Studies, 1983-85 Associate Chair, 1980-81 Vice Chair, Director of Teaching Fellows, 1976-77 Other Service Assessment Committee for Middle States Accreditation, 2011-2012 Reading Committee for Andrew Stott, 2010 Judge for Cook, Hammond, Logan Prize, 2010, 2012 Inaugural Fireside Chat for English SA on “The Practical Value of Literature,” 18 November 2009. Executive Committee, 2007-2008, 2005-06, 1991-92, 1982-86, 1980-81, 1975-77 Chair, Reading Committee for Dimitri Anastasapoulos, 2006-2007 Senior Americanist Hiring Committee, 2006-2007 Department Chair Hiring Committee, 2005-2006 Advocate: Scott Stevens, Hershini Young, Daniel Hack, David Schmid, Alan Spiegel Representative lecture for English, CAS 101, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 Chair, Guidelines on Promotion to Tenure Committee, 1999-2000 Undergraduate Advising, 1998-99 Planning Committee, 1997-99 Endowed Chairs Renewal Committee, 1999 Placement Committee for English and Comparative Literature, 1996-99 Graduate Admissions and Fellowships Committee, 1994-95, 1983-85, 1976-77 Departmental Honors Program Selection Committee, 1992-2008 Graduate Review Committee, l999-2000, 1992-94, 1983-85 Long-Range Planning Committee, 1989-90 Junior Recruitment Committee, 1989-90, 1984-85 Butler Chair Committee, 1986-87 McNulty Chair Search Committee, 1986-87, 1983-84 Executive Committee, 2005-06, 1991-92, 1982-86, 1980-81, 1975-77 Butler Prize Committee, 1990 (chair), 1983, 1982 (chair) 19 University Open House, 1980-85 Poetry Committee, 1978-79 Senior Recruitment Committee, 1977-79 Summer School Committee, 1983-85, 1976-77 Graduate Scheduling Committee, 1983-85 Graduate Curriculum Committee, 1980-81, 1975-77 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1982-83, 1975-79 Library Committee, 1975-79 (chair, 1978-79) College of Arts and Sciences Hiring Committee, African and African-American Studies, 2009-2010 Hiring Committee, Asian Studies, 2009-2010 Sponsored Research Advisory Group, 2003Digital Humanities Grants Selection Committee, 2008 Hiring Committee, Comparative Literature, 2002-03 Dean’s Panel, Fellowships and Grants Workshop, 11 December 2002 Dean’s Panel, Promotion and Tenure Workshop, 21 October 2002 Committee on Awards and Recognitions, 2000-2001 Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, 1999-2002, 1996-99, 1989-90, 1983-84 Presidential Fellowship Selection Committee, 1997 Bylaws Committee, 1992-93 Graduate Divisional Committee, 1983-85, (Summer chair, 1985, 1984) External Funds Committee, 1984-85 Committee on Tolstoy College, 1983-84 Educational Policy Committee, 1982-85 Search Committee for a Chair, Department of English, 1976 University Elected Positions Board of Directors, Campus Club, 1996-98 President, University Faculty Club, 1989-90, Vice President, 1988-89 Administrative Positions Associate Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education, 1986-89 Associate Dean of the Graduate School, 1985-89 Other Service Presidential Fellowships Committee, Graduate School, 2003University Honors College Admissions Committee, 2012Chair, Dean Review Committee for School of Medicine, 2011-2012 UB Scholarship Gala Executive Committee, 2008-2011 UB Scholarship Gala Volunteer Committee, 2011-2012 20 Search Committee for Vice Provost and Director of University Libraries, 2010 Cultures and Texts Strategic Strength Faculty Advisory Committee, 2009-2013 Vice President’s Research Advisory Council, 2008-2010 President's Review Board on Faculty Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure, 2008-2009, 1996, 1990-93 Chair, Provost’s Search Committee for the Dean of Arts and Sciences, 2006-2007 University Honors Council, 1998-2008 Provost’s Task Group on Research Incentives and Support, 2005 Provost’s Working Group on Academic Programs, 2005 Honors Convocation Readings: 11 May 2007, 12 May 2006, 13 May 2005, 7 May 2004, 9 May 2003 Alumni Association Awards Committee, 2003-2004 Provost's Committee on Honorary Degrees, 1991-2004 Committee on Distinguished Alumni Awards, 2000-2004 Provost's Selection Committee on Distinguished Teaching Professorships, 1999-2001 Provost's Selection Committee on Distinguished Professorships, 1999-2001 College of Arts and Sciences Founders Committee: Subcommittee on Personnel, 1998-99 Mentor, University Honors Program, 1985Provost's Task Force: "Stresses on Research and Education," Subcommittee on Patterns of Institutional Support, 1996 Selection Committee, Conferences in the Disciplines, 1996 Selection Committee, Sesquicentennial Projects, 1996 University Committee on the Humanities, 1994-96 Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Planning, 1993-96 University Search Committee for a Dean of the Graduate School, 1994-95 Chair, Humanities Institute Task Force, 1990 Graduate Program Evaluation Review Committee, 1989-90 Graduate School Executive Committee, 1985-89 (Chair, 1986-88) Chair, University Graduate Fellowships Committee, 1985-89 Minority Fellowships Committee, 1987-89 Mark Diamond Fellowship Research Council, 1987-89 Visiting Faculty Housing Committee, 1987-89 Chair, Faculty Club Board of Directors Nominating Committee, 1986-87 Chair, University Language Policy Action Committee, 1985-89 Graduate School Subcommittee on External Evaluation, 1986-87 Graduate School Representative on Recruiting Trips, 1984-89 Screening Committee, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching, 1987, 1986, 1981 Undergraduate Representative on Recruiting Trips, 1986, 1985 Graduate School Bylaws Committee, 1985-89 Undergraduate College Executive Committee, 1985-88 Arts and Sciences Publicity and Recruitment Subcommittee, 1982-83 University Search Committee for Dean, Faculty of Arts and Letters, 1981 Screening Committee, Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 1976-78 Faculty Senate Study Group, 1977 Faculty Senate Library Committee, 1976-79 Faculty Senate Bookstore Committee, 1975-76 Faculty Senate, 1974-77 21 Community: Lectures and Seminars Co-director, Cultures and Texts Strategic Strengths Workshop, “Word and the World.” Norton 9. 28 October 2011. “Experience is the Worst Teacher: Learning through Mimesis, Imitation, Representation.” Honors College. University at Buffalo. 21 October 2011. “Literary Form and Strategy in Life.” An Address to Students from the Urban League. University at Buffalo. 10 October 2011. “Bringing the Muses Home.” Address at the Department of English Commencement. 13 May 2011. “Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom: A Novel and the Future of Literary Criticism.” The Analytical Psychology Society. 20 April 2011. “The Worst Class You Will Ever Teach.” Keynote address at the Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Awards Ceremony. 25 March 2011. “Mirror Neurons and the Pragmatics of Literature.” The Analytical Psychology Society. 29 April 2009. “Why We Have to Know This Stuff: Abstract Learning and Actual Life.” University Spring Forum. Drama Theater, Center for the Arts. 29 March 2008. “Taking the World Seriously: Recent Work on the Practical Value of Literature.” C. G. Jung Center. 4 April 2007. “The Grass Dancer, by Susan Power, and the Powers of Virtue Ethics.” The Garret Club. 20 and 27 October, 3 November 2006. “Character Creole: Literature and Ethics in America.” Americanist Colloquium. 8 September 2005. Sole Faculty Responder to Six Papers, Graduate Americanist Symposium. 11 February 2005. “The Work of Inspiration.” Department of English Commencement Address. 9 May 2004. “Slow Reading: Why It Matters, How to Do It, How to Teach It.” UB Center for Teaching Resources. Clemens 120. 14 November 2003. “The Honors Thesis: Why and How.” University Honors Program. 3 November 2003. “Leslie Fiedler’s Coming to Iowa.” Come Back to the Raft: A Leslie Fiedler Symposium. UB. 30 October 2003. 22 “Bringing the Muses Home” Department of English Commencement Address. 11 May 2003. “Emerson’s Society.” Unitarian Church of Amherst. 13 April 2003. “Getting Things Done: Literature and Agency in the Information Age.” UB Alumni 50-Year Reunion. 15 June 2001. Great Books Foundation panel discussion on Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. Buffalo Historical Society. 18 October 2000. “Publication: An Outsider’s Guide.” English Graduate Students Association. 10 February 2000. "Lies, All Lies: Reading Fictions for Fun and Profit." Dean's Lecture Series, College of Arts and Sciences. 22 November 1999. "Justice and Representation in The Scarlet Letter." Humanities One Series. University at Buffalo. 19 October 1999. "New Ways of Reading, with Toni Morrison and N. Scott Momaday." The Garret Club. 16, 23, and 30 April 1999. "Publication, Fellowships, and Grants." English Graduate Students Association. 28 April 1999. "The ‘Applicable Technology' of Literary Learning in Nathaniel Hawthorne's `My Kinsman, Major Molineux.'" Humanities One Series. University at Buffalo. 29 September 1998. "Lexia and Agency in Literature and Life." Horizons Lecture. 15 September 1998. "Publishing in Scholarly Journals." English Graduate Student Association. 10 December 1997. "The `Applicable Technology' of Literature." Humanities One Series. University at Buffalo. 23 September 1997. "William Butler Yeats: The Poetry of Life and the Life of Poetry." Garret Club. 1, 8, and 15 March 1996. "Stories and Lives, Meanings and Nations: Or, Why We Bother Reading Things that People Just Make Up." Inaugural Lecture, Provost's Distinguished Professor Series. University at Buffalo. 20 February 1996. "At Home in America: The Journeys of Nathaniel Hawthorne." Garret Club. 7, 14, and 21 January 1994. "The Powers of Tradition and the Heroism of Wit: Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Edith Wharton, 23 and Dorothy Parker." Garret Club. 27 March, 3 and 10 April 1992. "The Humanities of Science." National Science Foundation Distinguished Lecturers Series. Roswell Park Memorial Institute. 25 June 1991. "The Human Values of a Life in Science." National Science Foundation Distinguished Lecturers Series. Roswell Park Memorial Institute. 3 July 1990. "Science, Literature, and Society." Emeritus Association, SUNY/Buffalo. 12 and 19 April, 3 and 10 May 1990. "Mary Rowlandson, Willa Cather, and Emily Dickinson." Garret Club. 12, 19, and 26 January 1990. "Dorothy Parker and the Heroism of Wit." The Thursday Book Club of The Twentieth Century Club. 6 April 1989. "The Dangers of Self and the Need for Alterity." Keynote Address to the Conference on CrossCultural Communication, The International Institute. 5 November 1988. "Uncommon Commonplaces: Buffalo Seminary Commencement Address." Westminster Presbyterian Church. 4 June 1987. "How We Read Literature and Why It Matters." Doylestown Lions Club. 17 March 1987. "The Liberations of Culture in Susan Allen Toth's Ivy Days and Blooming." The Thursday Book Club of the Twentieth Century Club. 5 February 1987. "Children of the Word: The Puritan Founding of America." Highland Park Baptist Church. 13 August 1986. "Living with Fiction in Willa Cather's My Antonia." Westminster Presbyterian Church. 25 May 1986. "Reflections in a Compound Eye: Fiction and the Founding of America." Westminster Presbyterian Church. 18 May 1986. "A Chronology of the Research Essay." Faculty Workshop. West Seneca East Senior High School. 10 March 1986. "Liminality and Fiction in American Culture." Buffalo Seminary. 5 November 1985. "American Classics and American Culture." Buffalo Seminary. 13 March 1985. "The Practical Value of the Arts and Sciences." Conference on What Teachers Should Know. SUNY/Buffalo. 5 February 1985. 24 "Hawthorne and Iser on History and Fiction." Nichols School. 13 November 1984. "Cubism, Epistemology, Ontic Commitments, Semiotics, and Just Growing Up in Padgett Powell's Edisto." The Thursday Book Club of the Twentieth Century Club. 1 November 1984. "John Gardner and the Freedom of Art." Unitarian Church of Buffalo. 21 August 1983. "The American Puritans and the Word of God." Highland Park Baptist Church. 30 March 1983. "The Vergilian Quest in American Poetry." The Twentieth Century Club. 23 February 1983. "Thoreau's Religion." Unitarian Church of Buffalo. 14 November 1982. "`The Rock Foundations of America.'" Emeritus Association. SUNY/Buffalo. 9 November 1982. "The Uses of Education in Mickelsson's Ghosts." The Thursday Book Club of The Twentieth-Century Club. 4 November 1982. "Imagining America." Intensive English Language Institute. SUNY/Buffalo. 28 April 1982. "How Foundlings Become Founders." The Twentieth Century Club. 17 February 1982. "Our `Foundling Fathers' and the Real American Tradition." Unitarian Church of Buffalo. 5 July 1981. "Finding the Right Name for the Past in Freddy's Book, `Rumpelstiltzkin,' and Other Recent Work by John Gardner." The Thursday Book Club of the Twentieth Century Club. 5 February 1981. "American Uniqueness: A European Import?" The English-Speaking Union. 12 December 1980. "Liminality in American Literature." Nichols School. 22 September 1980. "The Ironies of Millard Fillmore and His College." Awards Ceremony, Millard Fillmore College. 6 May 1979. "A Sense of Time, Place, and Community: A Lecture Including Reviews of The Stories of John Cheever and Lauren Bacall by Myself." The Thursday Book Club of the Twentieth Century Club. 5 May 1979. "A Fan's View of The Silmarillion." Inaugural lecture in the series Scholars Scan the Sellers. SUNY/Buffalo. 21 March 1979. 25 "Literature as an Alternative World." Emeritus Association. SUNY/Buffalo. 15 March 1979. "Poetry after 1950." Albright-Knox Art Gallery. 8 March 1978. "Tolkien's Need for Middle Earth, and Ours." The Thursday Book Club of The Twentieth Century Club. 6 April 1978. "How Tolkien Made a World of Words." Amherst Senior Citizens Center. 3 March 1978. "A Reader's Guide to Britain." The Twentieth Century Club. 22 February 1978. "English Land and English Literature." Buffalo Seminary Graduates Association. 16 December 1977. "Growing up in America." Amherst Senior Citizens Center. 15 March 1977. "American Visionary History." Buffalo Seminary Graduates Association. 11 March 1977. "Childhood in Colonial New England." Given to Mrs. Rubeck's fourth-grade class at Windermere Boulevard Elementary School. 9 December 1976. "Acculturation in America: A Lecture Including Reviews of Loren Eiseley's All the Strange Hours and Larry Woiwode's Beyond the Bedroom Wall: A Family Album." The Study Club of the Twentieth Century Club. 8 April 1976. "Books for the Bicentennial: A Lecture Including Reviews of Linda Pastan's Aspects of Eve, Richard Hugo's What Thou Lovest Well, Remains American, and Carl Dennis's A House of My Own." MacAlpine Presbyterian Church. 18 January 1976. "America and the History of the Future: A Reconsideration of the Pilgrim Thanksgiving." The Twentieth Century Club. 5 November 1975. "Creating an American Culture: A Lecture Including Reviews of Mary Helen Dohan's Our Own Words, William O. Douglas's Go East, Young Man, and E. L. Doctorow's Ragtime." Amherst Reading Club. 9 October 1975. "America at the Bicentennial: A Lecture Including Reviews of Edmund Morgan's The Birth of the American Republic, Daniel J. Boorstin's An American Primer, Gary Snyder's Turtle Island, and James Wright's Two Citizens." Amherst Book Club. 2 October 1975. "Anne Bradstreet and Annie Dillard: Pilgrims in Nature." The Culture Club of Kenmore. 9 May 1975. "Defining an American Culture: A Lecture Including Reviews of Galway Kinnell's The Avenue Bearing the Initial of Christ into the New World, Robert Lowell's History, William Stafford's Someday, Maybe, and John Gardner's Nickel Mountain." The Twentieth Century Club. 26 February 1975. 26 "Toward an American Identity: A Lecture Including Reviews of Michael Kammen's People of Paradox, Larzer Ziff's Puritanism in America, and Alistair Cooke's America." Amherst Book Club. 3 October 1974.