9-12 Vocabulary Instruction Day 2 of a Five-Day Plan Essential Element Vocabulary Instruction Framework Strand: Reading Standard 11: Vocabulary, Word Study, and Fluency Students shall acquire and apply skills in vocabulary development and word analysis to be able to read fluently. Grade 9: R.11.9.1 (reading) .2 (roots, pre/suffix) .3 (references) Grade 10: R.11.10.1 (reading) 2.(Greek/Latin roots pre/suffix) 3.(references) Grade 11: R.11.11.1 (specialized vocabulary) 2.(roots, word parts 3. (references) Grade 12: R.11.12.1 (specialized vocabulary) 2.(Greek, Latin,Anglo-Saxon) 3. (references) Rationale The relationship between word knowledge and reading comprehension is well established and has been clearly stated for years. As early as the 1940s, research has noted that the connection between word knowledge and comprehension is undisputed. Yet typical classroom practice in helping students develop vocabulary skills has not always met with great success. Often teachers have relied on a programmed vocabulary book or a weekly list of words with the accompanying admonition to “look it up in the dictionary.” More effective instruction, however, includes integration, repetition, and meaningful use. Moreover, this kind of explicit instruction involves planning, flexibility, and variety so that students find the work not only challenging but interesting and perhaps fun as well. In addition to an increased amount of time for reading, students need opportunities to hear and use words in natural sentence contexts. They need to focus on words or concepts that have major impact on comprehension rather than “covering” many words superficially, and they need explicit instruction that leads them to become independent word learners. Materials Manageable word lists designed to have impact on reading comprehension (5 to 10 words per week recommended) Copies of activities designed to provide integration, repetition, and meaningful use (helpful resources: Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction by Beck, McKeown and Lucan; Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12 by Janet Allen) Activities are designed to be used as mini-lessons requiring 10 to 15 minutes per day during the course of the instruction cycle. Modeling (Day Two Mini-Lesson) 1) Demonstrate how to integrate knowledge of a word’s definition into the context of a meaningful sentence. Using the activity entitled “Sentence Completion”, model for students how they might complete the first three or four items in the exercise. Think aloud as you write endings for the sentences on the board, the overhead, the SmartBoard, etc. Be sure that students understand why you included certain details and how these details create a meaningful context for the sentences. 2) Include the whole class to work together and complete the remaining items in the activity. Lead students to suggest different ways to complete each sentence. After students review all of the suggestions for each sentence, guide them to choose the most effective completions and write them on their copy of the exercise. Or have students copy the completed sentences in their word-study notebooks. Tier II Additions Pair up with a student peer to complete lesson. Allow student to have fewer words to write about. Tier III Accommodations/Modifications Pair up student to work with student peer or paraprofessional Select 5 words or less for student to work on. Allow for definitions to be short phrases or words. Tier IV Modifications Choose words that are more concrete than abstract. Pre-teach teacher selected vocabulary words by pairing student with peer and/or paraprofessional. Have student build a vocabulary notebook (which may include pictures, icons, drawings, and/or objects) with the aid of a peer, paraprofessional, and/or parent volunteer to help remember words. Tier V Modifications Use any previously listed accommodations/modifications needed. Allow student to use all senses to learn a word. For example, some words are best learned by using motor movements (walk vs. gallop), some through smell (aroma vs. odor), and some through touch (cool vs. icy). Copyright © 2006 Arkansas Department of Education. All rights reserved. School districts may reproduce these materials for in-school student use only. No resale. Materials may not be reproduced, distributed or sold for commercial use or profit. ADE employees are not authorized to waive these restrictions. Day 2 Sentence Completion Each student should have a copy of the following sentence stems. Working together as a class, lead students to suggest different ways to complete each sentence. After students review all of the suggestions for each sentence, they will write an agreed-upon sentence completion, thus insuring that everyone has a strong example sentence. Advocate Dr. Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work as an ________________________________________________________________. Avocation After a hard week at the office, my dad loves to get away on the weekend and enjoy his ________________________________________________________________. Evoke When Grandma thumbs through the pages of the old photographs album, I can tell that the pictures __________________________________________________________. Invocation As soon as the minister stepped to the pulpit to deliver the ________________________________________________________________. Irrevocable Because the school board’s decision regarding an open campus at the high school seemed ________________________________________________________________. Provocative Many in the audience were ready to join the candidate’s campaign when they heard his ___________________________________________________________. Provoke It was apparent from his actions that the bully wanted to ________________________________________________________________. Revoke If a person is repeatedly arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, the authorities may ________________________________________________________. Vocal Because she felt so strongly about the issue of smoking, Natalie was ________________________________________________________________. Vocation Since Al had always been good at building and fixing things, he chose ________________________________________________________________. Tiers II & III Additions/Accommodations/Modifications Select fewer words, (6-8), for student to work on. Tiers IV & V Modifications Choose words that are more concrete than abstract. Pre-teach teacher selected vocabulary words by pairing student with peer and/or paraprofessional. Copyright © 2006 Arkansas Department of Education. All rights reserved. School districts may reproduce these materials for in-school student use only. No resale. Materials may not be reproduced, distributed or sold for commercial use or profit. ADE employees are not authorized to waive these restrictions. Day 2 Paired Choices This activity asks students to select the word in the pair that answers the question. Sentences and paired choices may be duplicated for a pencil/paper activity. Or the activity can be done on the board or overhead as a game. [Example: The class is divided into two teams, and each team chooses a cartoon/story character as its representative. Both characters’ names are written on the board, and one word from each pair is written under each name. As the teacher reads the question, the class determines by applause which character gets to claim the point for having the correct word.] avocation or vocation Which of these would probably take up most of your time on Saturday? provocative or vocal Which of these would better describe your presentation if you were explaining a painless new way to lose weight? provoke or revoke Which of these might a judge do to your driver’s license if you got too many speeding tickets? advocate or evoke If you were wrongly accused of a crime, which of these would you want to have with you in the courtroom? invocation or irrevocable Which of these would better describe you parents’ decision not to allow you to get a hardship driver’s license? Day 2 Fill in the Blanks (with Tiers II & V Additions, Accommodations, & Modifications) For an independent learning activity, each student will need a copy of these sentences. For a whole-class review, blanks could be filled in using an overhead transparency. To reinforce learning, these sentences could also be constructed to include words from previous weeks. This activity could also be used as a quiz at the end of the week (a word bank could be attached.) For years Ralph Nader has worked to promote automobile safety and similar causes; he has always been seen as a strong ______________________ for consumer rights. At the science seminar, I attended a session on the possibility of colonizing Mars; because I am so interested in space travel, I found the lecture to be __________________ and fascinating. The new policy requiring everyone to wear an ID badge was not popular, but few were as ____________________ with their disapproval as Gary. For days he carried a big sign that said “School Not Prison.” At the end of his trial, the man was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, but the decision is not ________________________. This stiff penalty could later be overturned by the appeals court. Today nearly every ______________________ requires some kind of training after high school because the level of skill demanded for most jobs continues to increase rapidly. As we studied more about the Holocaust, we were able to understand the passions and strong feelings that the swastika emblem might _____________________ in a survivor of that horrible experience. Everyone recommends that retirees should have a(n) ___________________ to fill the time productively; in our area, fishing, woodcarving, quilting and square dancing are popular choices. Because I haven’t cleaned my room in weeks, my parents are threatening to _________________________ my X Box and Internet privileges. I can’t imagine what life will be like if they take these away. As he presented startling statistics about how much paper and aluminum are wasted on this campus every day, Mr. Blake was trying to ___________________ us to be more sensitive to the environment and to participate in the recycling program. Before he gave the _____________________, the minister asked the members of the congregation to stand and bow their heads. Day 2 Fill in the Blanks (Tier II) For an independent learning activity, each student will need a copy of these sentences. For a whole-class review, blanks could be filled in using an overhead transparency. To reinforce learning, these sentences could also be constructed to include words from previous weeks. This activity could also be used as a quiz at the end of the week (a word bank could be attached.) For years Ralph Nader has worked to promote automobile safety ; he is a strong ______________________ for consumer rights. At the science convention, I learned about the possibility of colonizing Mars and thought that the information was __________________ and fascinating. The policy requiring everyone to wear an ID badge was not popular, but few students were as ____________________ as Gary. For days he carried a big sign that said “School Not Prison.” At his trial, the man was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, but the decision is not ________________________. This harsh penalty might be overturned by another court. Today nearly every ______________________ requires some kind of training after high school. The level of skill demanded for most jobs is increasing rapidly. As we studied the Holocaust, we were able to understand the strong feelings that the swastika emblem might _____________________ in a survivor of that horrible experience. Everyone recommends that retirees have a(n) ___________________ to fill their time; in our area, fishing, woodcarving, quilting and square dancing are popular choices. Because I didn’t clean my room, my parents are threatening to _________________________ my X Box and Internet privileges. I can’t imagine what life will be like if they take these away. Mr. Blake presented statistics about how much paper and aluminum are wasted on this campus every day. He tried to ___________________ us to care for the environment by recycling. Before he gave the _____________________, the minister asked the members of the congregation to stand and bow their heads. Day 2 Fill in the Blanks (Tier III) For an independent learning activity, each student will need a copy of these sentences. For a whole-class review, blanks could be filled in using an overhead transparency. To reinforce learning, these sentences could also be constructed to include words from previous weeks. This activity could also be used as a quiz at the end of the week (a word bank could be attached.) For years Ralph Nader has worked to promote automobile safety ; he is a strong ______________________ for consumer rights. The policy requiring everyone to wear an ID badge was not popular, but few students were as ____________________ as Gary. For days he carried a big sign that said “School Not Prison.” Today nearly every ______________________ requires some kind of training after high school. The level of skill demanded for most jobs is increasing rapidly. I didn’t clean my room, so my parents are threatening to _________________________ my X Box and Internet privileges. I can’t imagine what life will be like if they take these away. Mr. Blake presented statistics about how much paper and aluminum are wasted on this campus every day. He tried to ___________________ us to care for the environment by recycling. Tier IV Modifications Choose 1-2 teacher-selected words of high importance to student’s life and allow student to work with a student peer and/or paraprofessional to answer using any electronic means (i.e., Computer, AlphaSmart), Braille (for students who are visually impaired), or 3-D pictures. Tier V Modifications Choose 1 teacher-selected word of high importance to student’s life and allow student to work with a student peer and/or paraprofessional to answer using 3-D pictures, eye gaze, or head nod. Day 2 “Ready, Set, Go” Laps This practice activity requires students to work in pairs. Each “lap” should be duplicated on a separate sheet of paper. A student does “Lap 1” by drawing a line from the vocabulary word to the definition while his partner keeps time. He then moves on to “Lap 2” and then “Lap 3.” His goal is to complete each lap in a faster time. In each lap, the order of correct answers varies and the wording of the definitions varies slightly. Roles reverse for the second round. Lap 1 advocate avocation evoke invocation irrevocable provocative provoke revoke vocal vocation outspoken career stimulating defender hobby prayer remind not reversible take back make angry Lap 2 advocate avocation evoke invocation irrevocable provocative provoke revoke vocal vocation exciting impossible to change ritual at the start of a ceremony profession having a voice pastime stir to take action call forth recommend withdraw a privilege or right Lap 3 advocate avocation evoke invocation irrevocable provocative provoke revoke vocal vocation job unable to be reversed making one’s opinion clearly known arousing supporter of a person or cause pleasant way to spend time outside of work cause to remember enrage reverse addressing a higher power at the start of an event Tier II Additions Pair with a strong student peer. Select fewer words for student to work on. Extend time. Tier III Accommodations/Modifications: Pair student with a strong student peer or paraprofessional. Allow repeated opportunity for practice. Tier IV Modifications Give student list of teacher selected words in advance to practice with another student, parent, or paraprofessional outside of class. Reduce length of definition. Tier V Modifications Allow student to point to the definition that matches the teacher selected vocabulary word. Copyright © 2006 Arkansas Department of Education. All rights reserved. School districts may reproduce these materials for in-school student use only. No resale. Materials may not be reproduced, distributed or sold for commercial use or profit. ADE employees are not authorized to waive these restrictions. Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Word Knowledge—Continuum This activity asks students to place the number of each phrase on the attached continuum and explain their placement of the various items. How happy would you be. . . #1 if your best friend since kindergarten provoked a fight with you? #2 if your parents advocated giving you a later curfew? #3 if your girl/boyfriend made an irrevocable decision to break up with you? #4 if you were suddenly given unlimited money to spend on your avocation? #5 with the police officer who just gave you a ticket? Least happy ______________________________________ Most happy How surprised would you be. . . #1 if your vocation turned out to be the same as you mother’s/father’s? #2 if you were asked to give the invocation for your graduation ceremony? #3 if you came up with a provocative, original subject for your research paper? #4 if the government revoked all laws requiring people pay income tax? #5 if the student body boycotted the cafeteria because of your vocal opposition to the food? Least surprised _____________________________________ Most surprised Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Word Knowledge—Continuum Tier II Additions This activity asks students to place the number of each phrase on the attached continuum and explain their placement of the various items. How happy would you be. . . #1 if your best friend since kindergarten provoked a fight with you? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy #2 if your parents advocated giving you a later curfew? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy #3 if your girl/boyfriend made an irrevocable decision to break up with you? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy #4 if you were suddenly given unlimited money to spend on your avocation? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy #5 if you could evoke sympathy from the police officer who just gave you a ticket? Least happy ________________________________________ Most happy How surprised would you be. . . #1 if your vocation turned out to be the same as you mother’s/father’s? Least surprised ______________________________________Most surprised #2 if you were asked to give the invocation for your graduation ceremony? Least surprised ______________________________________ Most surprised #3 if you came up with a provocative, original subject for your research paper? Least surprised ______________________________________ Most surprised #4 if the government revoked all laws requiring that people pay income tax? Least surprised ______________________________________ Most surprised #5 if the student body boycotted the cafeteria because of your vocal opposition to the food? Least surprised ______________________________________ Most surprised Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Word Knowledge—Continuum Tier III Accommodations/Modifications This activity asks students to place the number of each phrase on the attached continuum and explain their placement of the various items. How happy would you be. . . #1 if your best friend since kindergarten provoked a fight with you? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy #2 if your parents advocated giving you a later curfew? Least happy _______________________________________ Most happy How surprised would you be. . . #1 if your vocation turned out to be the same as you mother’s/father’s? Least surprised ____________________________________ Most surprised #2 if the government revoked all laws requiring that people pay income tax? Least surprised _____________________________________ Most surprised #3 if the student body boycotted the cafeteria because of your vocal opposition to the food? Least surprised _____________________________________ Most surprised Tiers IV & V Modifications Choose 1 or 2 words of high importance to student and allow them to use facial expressions to show their feelings. Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Knowledge—Context Interpretation This activity requires students to go beyond thinking about a word’s definition; it asks students to apply the word’s meaning to understand the context of its use. Individuals, pairs, or small groups may complete the work and share responses with the whole group. Mrs. Wilson is a strong advocate for a strict leash law in the city. What do you think she would do if she found a stray puppy digging in her petunias? Rocky loves solving complex math equations and playing the acoustic guitar. Which one would you recommend that he pursue as an avocation and why would you give this advice? As she was cleaning out the attic, your mother found the corsage she wore to her prom and the family tax returns from 1982. What memories do you think each of these will evoke for her? It is your job to prepare the programs for the church Christmas musical. As you type the order of events, where will you place the invocation? Your parents say that their decision about no spring break road trip is irrevocable. What do you think their reaction would be if your best friend came over to plead your case? Your sister doesn’t want to violate the school dress code with garments that would be considered too provocative. As she is shopping, what kinds of clothing would you recommend that she buy? When you are introduced to someone for the first time, you usually try to avoid conversation topics that would be controversial or provoke disagreement. What topics would you try to avoid? To save money, your boss just announced that he plans to revoke the policy guaranteeing annual pay raises. How will the workers in your company react? If you were described by others as vocal and your best friend was described as shy, how would the two of you behave differently? If you are in the process of choosing your future vocation, what kinds of things should you consider as you make your choice? Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Knowledge—Context Interpretation Tier II Additions This activity requires students to go beyond thinking about a word’s definition; it asks students to apply the word’s meaning to understand the context of its use. Individuals, pairs, or small groups may complete the work and share responses with the whole group. Mrs. Wilson is an advocate for a leash law in the city. What do you think she would do if she found a puppy digging in her flowerbed? Rocky loves solving math equations and playing the guitar. Which one would you recommend for his avocation? Why would you give this advice? As she was cleaning out the attic, your mother found the corsage she wore to her prom. What memories do you think it will evoke for her? It is your job to prepare the programs for the church Christmas musical. As you type the order of events, where will you place the invocation? Your parents say that you can’t go on a road trip for spring break. Their decision is irrevocable. What do you think their reaction would be if your best friend asked them to reconsider their decision? Your sister doesn’t want to violate the school dress code with clothes that are too provocative. As she is shopping, what kinds of clothing should she buy? When you meet someone for the first time, you usually don’t discuss topics that would provoke disagreements. What topics should you avoid? To save money, your boss announced that he plans to revoke the annual pay raises. How will the workers in your company react? Someone has described you as vocal and your best friend as shy. How do the two of you behave differently? If you are choosing your future vocation, what things should you consider as you make your choice? Day 2 Assessment for Deeper Knowledge—Context Interpretation Tier III Accommodations/Modifications This activity requires students to go beyond thinking about a word’s definition; it asks students to apply the word’s meaning to understand the context of its use. Individuals, pairs, or small groups may complete the work and share responses with the whole group. Mrs. Wilson is an advocate for a leash law in the city. What do you think she would do if she found a puppy digging in her flowerbed? When you meet someone for the first time, you usually don’t discuss topics that would provoke disagreements. What topics should you avoid? To save money, your boss announced that he plans to revoke the annual pay raises. How will the workers in your company react? Someone has described you as vocal and your best friend as shy. How do the two of you behave differently? If you are choosing your future vocation, what things should you consider as you make your choice? Tiers IV & V Modifications Choose 1 or 2 high importance words for student to discuss with peer student, teacher, or paraprofessional. Allow student to use any electronic means (i.e., computer, AlphaSmart, etc.).