Zhen Ye, Ph.D. Candidate - Computer Science

Zhen Ye, Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science
Email: zye@cs.kent.edu
Kent State University
Phone: 330-6729004 (O)
Kent, OH 44242
330-3460799 (H)
OBJECTIVE: Summer internship
A position in Image/Signal Processing and Coding, Medical Image Processing,
Image/video transmission and communication, Multimedia System or Programming.
Strong academic background in math, signal/image processing, pattern recognition
Broad-based knowledge in software development, including OOP
Extensive programming experience in C, C++, Matlab, on UNIX and PC platforms
Innovative and self-motivated team player
Present: Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science, Kent State University, GPA: 3.9
1999: M.S. in Computer Science, Fudan University, China, GPA: 3.4
1996: B.S. in Computer Science, Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology, China,
GPA: 3.7
1999-Present: Graduate Research / Teaching Assistant, Kent State University, Ohio
 Did researches on using statistical models and context models based on
wavelet domain for image analysis and applied a wavelet-based hidden
Markov tree model to unsupervised image segmentation and focused objects
 Implemented and tested several image coding algorithms.
 Designed and implemented an automobile license plates recognition system.
 Acted as a teaching assistant and lab tutor.
1996-99: Research/Teaching Assistant, Fudan University, China
 Designed and implemented China’s national project: the tropical cyclone
location system. Processed and analyzed satellite images to locate the center
of tropical cyclones for atmospheric forecast.
 Conducted researches on image analysis and pattern recognition. Designed
and implemented a software tool VisionExpert for parts recognition systems.
This project was awarded the first prize in the 5th National Challenge Cup
Competition in China.
 Implemented and tested an equipment monitoring system for Pudong Post &
Telecommunication Bureau, China.
 Teaching assistant and tutor of undergraduate courses.
1995-96: Research Assistant, Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology, China
 Designed, implemented and tested a multimedia database system for travel
Zhen Ye, Cheng-Chang Lu. Unsupervised Multiscale Focused Objects Detection
Using Hidden Markov Tree, International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern
Recognition & Image Processing, 2002 (CVPRIP'02), Durham, North Carolina, 2002.
Zhen Ye, Cheng-Chang Lu. An Unsupervised Multiresolution Textured Image
Segmentation Using Wavelet-Domain Classification, Proc. 2001 International
Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST'01), Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA, June, 2001.
Wu Baoguo, Zhen Ye, Xie Mingpei. A General Developing Tool VisionExpert for
Parts Distinguishing Systems, Computer Applications and Software, Vol. 18, 2, 2001.
Zhen Ye, Wu Baoguo, Sun Weichi and Xie,Mingpei. Select The Parameter of RingLike Window Using Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Fudan University (Natural
Science), Vol. 39, No. 1, pp104-108, Feb. 2000.
Zhen Ye, Wu Baoguo, Xie Mingpei. The Design of Tree Classifier in Parts
Distinguish System, Chinese Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol.35, No. 4,
PP30-31, 38, 1999.
Programming: C/C++, VC++, Java, Assembly, Visual Basic, HTML, SQL, Matlab,
Common API: X Windows, Motif, OpenGL
Operating System: Windows 95/98/NT, UNIX, Linux, SunOs
Platform: HP/HP-UX, IBM PC, VAX/750, SUN SPARC Station
Kent State University Graduate Assistantship and Tuition Scholarship, 1999 – Present
Ohio Board of Regents Fellowship, 1999
Nokia Scholarship from Fudan University, 1998
Honor Student Award by Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology, 1996
First Prize of Excellent Student Scholarship, Guilin Institute of Electronic
Technology, 1992-1996
MEMBERSHIP: Student member of IEEE
REFERENCES: Available on request