On-site Learning Sessions with Northampton Museums & Art Gallery. Our on-site learning sessions complement classroom based studies and help teachers meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Pupils will: • • • • have access to original objects, paintings and sculptures handle the 'real thing' be stimulated and challenged through facilitated sessions improve and enhance key skills of investigating, communicating, reflection and evaluation Shoes at Northampton Museum & Art Gallery. History of shoes KS1&2 Pupils will find out about shoes by looking at footwear through the ages using the museum’s extensive shoe handling collection. Pupils will handle different examples of footwear and explore how materials, fastenings and shoe shapes have changed over the years. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Shoemaking KS2 In this session pupils will experience how shoes are made. They are taken through the different parts of the shoe, the many processes and tools that a shoemaker uses to make shoes by hand. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £80 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Made to Last KS2 This workshop allows pupils to explore the characteristic features of Victorian times and find out how changes in work had an impact on the lives of real people. In role as shoemakers' children in 1857, the pupils will actively help a Northampton shoemaker’s wife discover whether the new machines would put them out of jobs. £80 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 From the Ground Up KS2 Pupils will use shoes from the around the world to investigate world culture. Starting with the shoes and working their way up, they will build the characteristics of different people from around the world. Other items from the world cultures collection are used to support this session. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £80 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Science Behind the Shoe KS2 This session encourages children to use the scientific skills of observation, fair testing and experimentation, while linking to their knowledge of real world situations. Part of this activity is teacher led and includes a self-guided gallery tour. £100 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Our shoe sessions are combined with a self-guided tour of the Shoe Galleries. The ‘Life and Sole’ Gallery documents the history of shoes and shoemaking; and the ‘Followers of Fashion’ Gallery is based on shoe fashions. These two galleries showcase a proportion of the 13,000 pairs of shoes in the Shoe Collection. Northamptonshire schools may wish to do one or more of these sessions as part of a study of local history. The Victorians at Abington Park Museum A Day in the Life KS1 Our facilitator will tell the story of one special day in a Victorian child’s life. This is an interactive storytelling session, where children have the chance to dress up, do household chores and play with Victorian toys. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £80 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Investigating the Victorians KS1&2 This is a handling session using real objects, some of which were actually used by Victorians. Pupils have the chance to investigate health, hygiene, education and everyday life. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per session 1.5 hour, maximum number of pupils 35 Victorian Schoolroom KS2 Experience the strict regime of Victorian schooling. Children will take part in an exercise drill, use slate pencils and slates, and work towards achieving the school medal. This session includes role play and a self-guided gallery tour. £80 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Introduction to History for younger pupils at Abington Park Museum. Toys Reception/KS1 - A great introduction to history We have a wide variety of toys including a zoetrope, egg and cup, a 1950s Rupert the Bear and a Javanese rod puppet. We look at materials and how toys have changed through time. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 1940s Washday KS1&2 Pupils will learn how to do washing by hand using original objects like a washtub, scrubbing board, Lifebouy soap and mangle. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Homes in the Past KS1&2 Using a variety of household objects, this session investigates homes of days gone by. Discover how to clean rugs, do the washing and make butter plus much more! This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per session, maximum number of pupils 35 The World Wars at Abington Park Museum First World War Activity Day KS2 Delivered in collaboration with the Royal and Derngate Theatre. Activity Days run from 10am – 2pm with a break for lunch. The day will enable pupils to: Investigate the lives of local men who went to fight on the front line Use real objects of the time to experience daily trench life Collect and use evidence to find out about local events and write a newspaper article Experience the trenches through a practical drama workshop. £300.00 per day, maximum number of pupils 60. Second World War The Home Front KS2 In this session pupils will find out about the experiences of the people of Northampton during the Second World War. This session is set in the early 1940s and includes handling original objects and a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Evacuee KS2 Using authentic objects pupils find out what it was like to be an evacuee, then write a letter home to parents in London. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 (The Evacuee session can be booked to coincide with the Home Front Session instead of the gallery tour at no additional cost if it is teacher led) World Culture Studies: Ancient Egyptians KS2 This session includes three workshops: Opening of the Mouth Ceremony - A replica mummy and Anubis mask are amongst the objects used for this funeral rite. Pupils re-enact the ceremony that will bring the dead person everlasting life. (Museum Facilitator led) Hieroglyphics Workshop - Pupils use reed pens and ink to write in pictures and symbols on real papyrus! This workshop is teacher-led and delivered at the same time as the session above. Gallery Tour - Using our display of Ancient Egyptian objects pupils will learn about Egyptian practices through the use of gallery worksheets (teacher led) £100 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35. Location: Abington Park Museum. Legacy of the Ancient Greeks KS2 Through the exploration of Greek pottery pupils discover the myths, legends, gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece. This session includes handling objects and is combined with a practical activity where pupils design their own Greek pottery. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Location: Northampton Museum & Art Gallery. Art & Design at Abington Park Museum Looking at Portraits KS2 & 3 This session enables pupils to discuss, question and critique portraits on display at the museum. By looking at the composition of a painting, they will be able to record and analyse their findings in a variety of ways, learning how to use a portrait as a piece of historical evidence. This session includes access to original artwork and practical arts activities. £100 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35. Sculpture KS1, 2 & 3 Pupils are encouraged to feel the materials of the sculptures in our handling collection. They will investigate material, design and practical application. They will gain valuable insight into the work of the sculptor from concept through to final piece. Pupils also get the opportunity to make a sculpture using their new knowledge. This session includes access to original artwork and practical arts activities. £100 per 2 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35. Local History at Northampton Museum & Art Gallery Archaeological Dig KS1&2 In this session pupils will find out about Northampton’s past through the use of original objects. Using their investigative skills, like archaeologists, they will find out what the objects are and place them in chronological order. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Hunsbury Hillfort KS3/4 Visit the museum for a talk about the different interpretations of Hunsbury Hillfort’s function. Pupils can also look at the displays, assess model reconstructions and discuss the significance of finds from the site. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £50 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 50 Life in Roman Britain KS2 A variety of original objects, such as: coins, pottery, mosaics, oil lamps and replica roman armour, are used to bring Roman Britain alive. Through discovery and exploration of these objects pupils learn about life in Roman Britain. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35 Anglo Saxon and Viking Life KS2 Pupils are involved in a variety of activities using original and replica objects. They will examine house-building methods using wattle and daub; and learn weaving techniques to explore costume and see how clothes were made. This session includes a self-guided gallery tour. £70 per 1.5 hour session, maximum number of pupils 35. Our local history sessions are combined with a tour of the Hamtun galleries on the top floor. The displays here are a journey through time from the lower Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) through to the mid-1600s. Our Shoe Town New Town Gallery continues the journey from 1675 when a fire destroyed much of the town, through to the mid-20th Century.