FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE WARE TOWN COUNCIL A meeting of the FINANCE AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE was held in the Council Chamber, The Priory, Ware on Monday 25 March 2013 at 7.30pm when the following business was transacted. PRESENT Councillors R Lester (in the Chair), M Pope, G Powell, J Shropshire, J Wing and P Ballam ATTENDING Jill Rowlinson (Town Clerk); Debra Edwards (Finance & Administration Manager) Heather Farrelly (on behalf of WAGS) Christopher Challis (on behalf of East of England Ambulance Service, Ware CFR Group) 483. APOLOGIES None 484. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 485. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee held on 11 February 2013, copies having been issued, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 486. REQUESTS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE i) East of England Ambulance Service, Ware Community First Responder Group A grant request had been received from the above asking for £1,000 towards equipment for Community First Responders in Ware. The relevant documents had been circulated, reviewed and were noted. Mr Christopher Challis who submitted the application was asked to attend the meeting and presented his application. It was RECOMMENDED:- 136 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE That the Council provides £1,020 to purchase a Powerheart G3 AED Defibrillator which will be issued on loan to the Ware CFR Group. That the Council looks into applying for a grant for the above purchase from the British Heart Foundation. 487. ALLOTMENTS The relevant documents had been circulated, reviewed and were noted. i) To receive a report from Ware Allotments & Leisure Gardens Society Heather Farrelly attended and reported on behalf of the Ware Allotments Society. The poor summer in 2012 had contributed to members giving up their allotments and also to the fall in the numbers of new requests for allotments. There had been break-ins at the allotments and the fence at Holly Cross Road was waiting for repair. It was confirmed by the Town Clerk that the order for repair was in hand. The proposed site for further allotments (land owned by GSK) was not considered ideal due to there being no vehicle access, wildlife problems and poor soil quality. ii) To receive a report on lettings and vacancies Waiting List for Warehouse Field (Widbury Hill) Waiting List for Crosspath Field (King George Road) 39 23 There are 17 prospective tenants on both waiting lists The report on the Waiting list for Allotments was noted. iii) To consider arrangements for the 2013 Best Kept Allotment Competition The Council considered the arrangements for the 2013 Best Kept Allotment Competition. It was RECOMMENDED: That the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chair of F&R and Mr John Love be invited to Judge Initial inspection date agreed as Friday 14 June 2013 Final Judging date agreed as Friday 21 June 2013 Presentation on Thursday 25 July 2013 137 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE iv) Progress report on additional allotments in Ware Ms Farrelly expressed concern that the Broadmeads site would need vehicle access, there may be contamination and that there were many rabbits there. She questioned whether a new allotment site was still necessary. The Town Clerk reported that the first site (Broadmeads GSK) if selected would be given vehicle access. An environmental report would be obtained. The second site off Viaduct Road appeared to be a secure site with no rabbit problem. It was felt this site would have to be upgraded as it was at the entrance to the town. It was considered there was no immediate need to take forward the plans for new allotment sites due to the fall in requests. 488. FINANCIAL REPORT The Financial reports for the period from 1 April 2012 to 31 January 2013 for Ware Town Council and the Priory Charity had been circulated, reviewed and were noted. It was RECOMMENDED: That the HP Agreement for the Tipper Truck be reviewed and consideration be given to its running costs and replacement. 489. MONITORED CCTV CHARGES 2013/14/15 The Committee was asked to note the increase in charges for 2014/15. The relevant documents had been circulated, reviewed and were noted. It was RECOMMENDED that alternatives to CCTV in Ware town be investigated for the future in consultation with the Police. 490. NEW HOMES BONUS ALLOCATION The Commitee was asked to consider the request by the Tourism, Leisure & Amenities Committee for the sum of £3,000 to be allocated from the New Homes Bonus for 2013/14 to the Mosaic project. The relevant documents had been circulated, reviewed and were noted. It was RECOMMENDED that the amount of up to a maximum of £6,000 be allocated to the Mosaic project in line with the recommendations to make a larger single mosaic. 138 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE 491. WARE PRIORY TRADING LIMITED An application had been submitted for VAT registration and a bank account would be opened shortly. The format for the trading company accounts had been agreed with the Priory Charity’s auditors and have been set up on Edge. Accounts for Ware Priory Trading Ltd will be drawn up manually from the Priory Charity records for 2012/13 and separate accounts will be maintained for the year 2013/14. The Progress report had been circulated, reviewed and was noted. 492. HEALTH AND SAFETY AND FIRE RISK ASSESSMENTS The Progress report had been circulated, reviewed and was noted. It was RECOMMENDED that the outstanding points be followed up. It was noted that PAT tests are carried out annually. The Town Clerk reported that a storage area for the gas canisters was being constructed by Hamptons at Fletcher’s Lea. 493. DEVOLVED SERVICES It had been agreed last year: To approve in principle that the Clerk enter discussions with East Herts Council regarding transfer of services To establish what funding would follow any service to be transferred That the following services be considered initially:- Town Cleaning - Parks and Gardens - Play Areas - Flyposting - Removal of Graffiti The Town Council has been authorised to take on the legal power to remove flyposted banners and posters as a supplementary service to that provided by East Herts Council. It was agreed that, as other Town Councils were interested in taking on devolved services, that this should be raised at the regular meeting of East Herts Town clerks with the Chief Executive of East Herts Council. These discussions had not yet taken place but a meeting was due to take place on 27 March. The Progress Report had been circulated, reviewed and was noted. 139 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE 494. ROOM HIRE (A) Concessionary rate bookings Room hire rates in general had not changed since July 2010. Now that security costs have increased it was necessary to review these. Commercial room hire rates would be discussed with Hamptons before consideration by the Trustee of the Priory Charity. However, the main issue following the increase in security costs was concessionary rate bookings offered to charities and local organisations. When these bookings took place during office hours there was no security cost. However, evening bookings, particularly in Fletcher’s Lea, now incurred a significant security cost and it was not economical to take weekend bookings. The Committee was asked to consider the following options:1. Increase the rate for all concessionary rate sessions 2. Introduce a higher price for evening and/or weekends and leave daytime rates unchanged. 3. To review the way in which evening and weekend bookings are staffed. It was RECOMMENDED: That rates for other local venues be obtained and analysed. That the option of employing a caretaker for non security evening work be investigated. (B) Free usage of Fletcher’s Lea by East Herts Council Further to point 425 in the Finance and Resources Committee Minutes of the meeting dated 11 February 2013 It was RECOMMENDED that the Guidelines be amended as follows 1. East Herts Council is entitled to use Fletcher’s Lea free of charge for 6 sessions per calendar year 2. It is envisaged that such use will normally comprise a morning session from 9am to 1pm or an afternoon session from 1pm to 6.30pm from Monday to Friday and will not include sessions for which the bar is open. However the Council will give consideration to requests 140 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE by East Herts Council to use Fletcher’s Lea free of charge outside of these sessions (to include the use of the bar) on a case by case basis. Such consideration will be given by a sub-committee comprising the Town Clerk and the Chairman of the Finances and Resources Committee (or the Vice Chairman if the Chairman is unavailable) 3. Normal Terms and Conditions of Hire as contained in our Hire Agreement will apply 4. This Agreement will end on 15 March 2023 495. ANNUAL REPORT 2012/13 The format of the Annual Report had been circulated, reviewed and was noted. It was RECOMMENDED: That columns in the Financial report be added for the 2012/13 Budget against the Actual Income and Expenditure for 2012/13. That the headings on the Financial report be reviewed and more information such as Grants paid and Utility costs be added. That Exceptional items would be discussed in the Mayor’s report. That the Annual Report be uploaded on the WTC website and hard copies circulated to Ware Library and displayed on Notice boards. A draft of the Financial report layout would be provided to the Committee for review. 496. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC It was RESOLVED that the Public and Press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as matters to be discussed under items 497 to 500 were considered to be confidential. 497. CATERING AGREEMENT Cllr Lester gave a progress report. 141 FINANCE & RESOURCES COMMITTEE 498. KIOSK The Town Clerk had attempted to contact Ben Irvine to discuss arrangements for 2013 and would follow up. Consideration would be given to alternative arrangements. 499. PROPERTY MATTERS Vacant Offices suites The Committee was asked to consider a recommendation from the Estate Surveyor following receipt of an offer for the lease at the Oriel Room. It was RECOMMENDED that the offer be accepted subject to ratification by the Priory Charity Trustee on 15 April 2013. The Town Clerk reported that there were difficulties letting the Tudor suite due to the dark colour of the room. There were also issues with lack of sound proofing between offices. The Town Clerk and Finance & Administration Manager left the meeting at 9.55pm. 500. STAFFING MATTERS Town Clerk’s Annual Increment - Proposal to be put to Full Council 501. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 17 June 2013 502. CLOSE OF MEETING The meeting closed at 10pm. Chairman 142