106739825 Page 7-1 Laboratory Mission 7: Ballistic Missiles Mission Objective - Gain a better understanding of ballistic missile trajectories - Exercise your ability to apply relevant ballistic trajectory equations - Create an STK scenario to evaluate your answers - Manually adjust ballistic trajectory initial conditions in order to hit a target location Resources/Requirements For this laboratory mission, you must have; Successfully installed STK and borrowed a license for a period covering the class in which this mission is to be executed (unless using the computer lab) Read Appendix E of Understanding Space Mission Planning UNDERSTANDING OF BALLISTIC MISSILE TRAJECTORIES 1. GEOMETERY OF A BALLISTIC TRAJECTORY: Having read Appendix E of your text, Understanding Space, you should be acquainted with the six initial conditions of a ballistic trajectory (RBurnout, VBurnout, ΦBurnout, βBurnout, LBurnout, l Burnout). It is not clear from the text that these conditions exist at the point where the missile rocket motor shut off—after a period of thrusting and maneuvering through the atmosphere. In fact, the text concerns itself only with the second phase of an ICBM “flight.” The three phases are the boost, mid-course, and terminal or re-entry phase (Figure 1 illustrates all three). We’ve already studied launch velocities and sub phases of the boost phase in Chapter 9.3 of Understanding Space. Because your text makes the assumption that the boost and the terminal phases are negligible to the flight path or trajectory, you are not given this full picture. So the equations you are dealing with assume that 0 and . At this level of study, this is appropriate. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-2 Figure 1: Ballistic Trajectory Geometry 2. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE: The US Missile Defense Agency (http://www.mda.mil) is responsible for developing the US Ballistic Missile Defense System. The first ballistic missile interceptor was installed in Fort Greely, Alaska, in July 2004. As of September, 2005, there are nine interceptors deployed in Alaska and Vandenberg AFB, California, providing mid-course intercept coverage for all 50 states. This country has struggled with the development of a missile defense for a quarter of a century— beginning with the Space Defense Initiative (SDI) in the 80s, through the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) in the 90s, and now with the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). While a ballistic missile (short range, medium range, or intercontinental) is easiest to detect in the boost phase because of the high temperatures generated by the motors, the boost phase is so short that detection leading to interception is problematic. Likewise, in the terminal phase, the re-entry vehicle is shrouded in high temperature plasma and is easily observable. This phase is even shorter than the boost phase and aerodynamic forces complicate interception. Conversely, in the mid-course phase, the vehicle is very cold and harder to detect or observe without prior knowledge of the phase’s initial conditions. With a reliable detection in the boost phase, we can use the burnout parameters to model the ballistic missile’s trajectory--a predictable orbit. Once we’ve calculated where the missile will be, we can launch an interceptor before re-entry and neutralize the threat in space. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-3 APPLY RELEVANT BALLISTIC TRAJECTORY EQUATIONS 3. CALCULATE THE RANGE ANGLE () FOR THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO: Imagine you are the Chief of Safety for a test launch of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). The launch site will be Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) just north of Los Angeles (Lo=35°N, lo=121°W). The target is an island in the South Pacific Ocean (Figure 2)—Yap Island (Lt=10°N, lt=140°E). Figure 2: Yap Island Targeted a) The contractor planning the test assures you that the test vehicle, which can achieve a burnout velocity (VBurnout) of 7200 m/s, will hit the target based on their calculated initial conditions without error. However, as the Chief of Safety, you must verify their numbers. Determine what the Range Angle (), Range in km, and Burnout Azimuth (Burnout). Recall from Appendix E the equation is: Cos SinL0 SinLt CosL0CosLt Cosl _____________ or ____________ b) Remember these two answers correspond to the short and the long way around the Earth. Using the shortest path, find the Range and possible launch azimuths. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-4 Range 10,000(km) 900 Range ___________________ Cos km SinLt SinL0Cos CosL0 Sin _____________ or ____________ c) One of these azimuths is correct for the short path, the other for the long path around the Earth. 4. DRAW THE TRAJECTORY’S GROUND TRACK: Using the Polar Map given in Figure 3, draw the ground track for the short path from VAFB to Yap Island. Assume the boost phase places the missile directly above the launch site and the re-entry occurs directly above the target. Annotate the both the Range Angle ( , centered at the pole) and launch azimuth ( , centered on your launch site) on your drawing. Based on your figure, do you expect the launch azimuth to be; a) 0< <90 b) 90< <180 c) 180< <270 d) 270< <360? NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-5 Figure 3: Polar Map 5. DETERMINE THE LAUNCH ELEVATION AND MAXIMUM RANGE: The test vehicle should obtain a burnout velocity of 7200 m/s at 180 km altitude (RBurnout = 6558 km). What would the flight path angle (Burnout) be? Use the method provided in Appendix E. Watch your units! QBurnout 2 VBurnout RBurnout QBurnout NOTES __________________ Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-6 2 QBurnout 1 sin Burnout_ LOW sin 1 2 QBurnout 2 2 Burnout_ LOW __________________ 2 QBurnout 1 sin Burnout_ HIGH 180 sin 1 2 QBurnout 2 2 Burnout_ HIGH __________________ Which Burnout would you choose and why? Launch elevation is the angle you point the rocket at launch as measured from the local horizontal to the velocity vector. Assuming the angle you launch the rocket is the same on the pad as it is at burnout, what would your launch elevation angle be? What would the maximum range be for this ICBM and the elevation angle needed to achieve max range? QBurnout Maximum 2 Sin 1 2 Q Burnout Maximum _______________ NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-7 ( Burnout ) Max _ Range 45 0 max 4 (Burnout) Max _ Range _______________ 6. DETERMINE THE MISSILE TIME OF FLIGHT: To determine the time of flight for our ballistic trajectory, the period of a circular orbit (assuming Q=1) with a radius equal to Rburnout must first be calculated. Then the TOF/Pcircular versus Range Angle plot (Figure 4 below or Figure E-6 in Appendix E of Understanding Space) can be used to determine the flight path angles. Pcircular 2 3 Rburnout Using Figure 4 and the values of Q and range angle, that you calculated in Mission Planning, find TOF ____________ or ____________. Pcircular TOF Pcircular _______________(Low trajectory) TOF P circular or ________________(High Trajectory) From Figure 4, estimate burnout_Low and NOTES burnout_High. Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-8 Figure 4: TOF/Pcircular versus Range Angle 7. COLLECT OUR DATA FOR THE LAUNCH: Complete the Table 1 with the data you calculated. Table 1: Ballistic Trajectory Parameters PARAMETER LBurnout lBurnout LT (Target Latitude) lT (Target Longitude) RBurnout VBurnout Burnout_ LOW DATA STK ENTRY Launch Latitude Launch Longitude ----Launch Radius --Launch Elevation Burnout_ HIGH Launch Elevation βBurnout Launch Azimuth NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 8. Page 7-9 VELOCITY AT BURNOUT VECTOR: From your skills review, you found that a vector of magnitude R can be decomposed into its components using the following equations. Find VBurnout for the low trajectory and the high trajectory. VBurnout VBurnout Vburnout,S VBurnoutcos cos Vburnout,E VBurnoutcos sin Vburnout,Z VBurnoutsin VBurnout VBurnoutcos cos( )Ŝ VBurnoutcos sin( ) Eˆ VBurnoutsin Ẑ VBurnout_ LowŜ VBurnoutcos bo,low cos( )Ŝ VBurnout_ Low Eˆ VBurnoutcos bo,low sin( ) Eˆ VBurnout_ Low Ẑ VBurnoutsin bo,low Ẑ VBurnout_ Low __________________ Ŝ +____________________ Ê +_____________________ Ẑ VBurnout_ HighŜ VBurnoutcos bo,high cos( )Ŝ NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-10 VBurnout_ HighEˆ VBurnoutcos bo,high sin( ) Eˆ VBurnout_ HighẐ VBurnoutsin bo,high Ẑ VBurnout_ High __________________ Ŝ +____________________ Ê +_____________________ Ẑ 9. From the K: drive, (K:\Campus\DF\DFAS\A310\STK Data Files) copy the Mission 7 folder to your hard drive. This folder contains the scenarios you will need in class for Mission Execution. Mission Execution During this laboratory mission, you will create a launch facility, a target zone, and the ICBM to match the planning scenario. After configuring the scenario, evaluate your calculated answers from mission planning. CREATE AN STK SCENARIO TO EVALUATE YOUR ANSWERS 10. Open the saved scenario file Ballistic_Targeting.sc from the Mission 7 folder that you saved in mission planning. This will have two 2-D windows. One is an Equidistant Cylindrical projection and the other is a polar plot. 11. Create a facility object named “VAFB” located at Lo=35°N, lo=121° W. NOTE: negative values are necessary for west longitudes. a) Check the 2-D map to ensure it was placed where you wanted it to. 12. Create a Target object named “Yap_Island” using the Object Browser ( locate it at Lt=10°N, lt=140°E. a) Check the 2-D map to ensure the Target was placed where you wanted it. NOTES ) and Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 13. Page 7-11 Create a Missile object that takes the high trajectory to the target. Remember that we assume the burnout location is directly above the launch site. a) Open the missile’s Basic/Trajectory property page (Figure 5). Enter the missile’s burnout latitude (Launch Latitude), burnout longitude (Launch Longitude) and burnout altitude (Rburnout) (Figure 5). NOTE: negative values are necessary for west longitudes. b) Change the Launch Latitude – Geodetic box to read Launch Latitude – Geocentric c) Change the Impact Latitude - Geodetic box to read Launch Elevation (Figure 5). This will generate an error window. Ignore the error and click OK, then set the box to Launch Elevation again. d) Enter your VBurnout_ High in Fixed Delta V field 35° Change to Geocentric -121° Change to Launch Elevation RBurnout km Figure 5: Missile Trajectory e) Enter your f) 14. Burnout_ High as your launch elevation and βBurnout as your launch azimuth in the appropriate fields Click OK. Evaluate your scenario a) Observe the animated scenario in both of the 2-D windows. You may have to zoom into the area around Yap Island in the cylindrical projection using . b) Observe the scenario in a 3-D window. You’ll have to open a new one. Did you hit your target? Explain. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 Page 7-12 c) Remember that the Earth is spinning eastward. From Chapter 9.3 we know that the km ˆ velocity of the launch site is VLaunchSite .4651cos( L0 ) E . Calculate the launch site sec velocity and subtract that value from VBurnout_ High to overcome the spin of the Earth to get the vector Delta V. VBurnout_ High _______________ Ŝ +_______________ Ê +_______________ Ẑ VLaunchSite _0_ Ŝ +_______________ Ê +_0_ Ẑ V _______________ Ŝ +_______________ Ê +_______________ Ẑ d) Now calculate the magnitude of the Delta V required to get to the given VBurnout V V V V 2 Sˆ 2 Eˆ 2 Zˆ e) Put this value into the Fixed Delta V Did you hit your target this time? 15. Manually adjust your launch azimuth (βBurnout) and Fixed Delta V ( VBurnout ) until you do hit the target and record your new initial conditions that caused a direct hit on Yap Island in Table 2. Table 2: Initial Conditions to Hit Yap Island High Trajectory INITIAL CONDITION RBurnout VBurnout HIGH TRAJECTORY Burnout βBurnout LBurnout l Burnout NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006 106739825 16. Page 7-13 If you have time, try repeating steps 13 through 15 using the low trajectory to the target Table 3: Initial Conditions to Hit Yap Island Low Trajectory INITIAL CONDITION RBurnout VBurnout LOW TRAJECTORY Burnout βBurnout LBurnout l Burnout 17. Close the Ballistic_Targeting.sc scenario. NOTES Last Major Revision by Capt Sobers on 5 May 2006