WebTrax for Employees
Faculty Final Grading
Log into NICC Xpress
Click on WebTrax for Employees
Click on Grading/Attendance in
the Faculty Information menu
Select the appropriate term
from the drop-down menu (you
do not need to enter Start &
End Dates)
Click Submit
Select F-Final in the Final or
Midterm/Intermediate Grading
drop-down menu
Choose the applicable course
(if you are teaching more than one
course, you will need to follow this
process for each course)
Click Submit
The course section will display only
officially enrolled students with their
name and Colleague ID#.
Click on the first blank field behind
Student 1 in the Grade column and
enter the final letter grade for that
student (accepts +/- grades and either
upper or lower case) DO NOT
Click on the Grade field for Student 2
and enter the final grade
Continue clicking in the Grade field
for each student and entering their
final grade. You may also use your
Tab key to move between lines.
Please ignore the Inter Gr columns.
If you enter an “F” grade, you will be
required to enter a Last Attend Date.
The Last Attend Date is the last day
the student attended the class (which
may be the end of the term). You will
not be able to successfully submit your
grades until entering a Last Attend
If you need to enter an “I” (Incomplete) grade, you will be required to enter both a Last Attend Date and
an Expire Date. The Expire Date is the date the system changes the grade from an “I” to an “F”;
therefore, the Grade Change Form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at least a day prior to the
Expire Date. The Incomplete Grade policy at NICC states that any incomplete grades must be completed
by midterm of the following semester (this includes the summer term). An Incomplete Contract
Agreement must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. These forms may be obtained
from the Registrar’s Office. Before an Incomplete becomes an official grade, the Department Dean
must approve the Incomplete Contract Agreement. If an “I” grade is recorded and the Incomplete
Contract Agreement is not submitted, the Department Dean will assign a grade of “F” for that student.
After a final grade is entered for each student, click Submit
After clicking on submit, it will take
you back to the following screen. If
you have additional courses to
submit grades for, select the term,
hit submit, and select your next
course. After submitting all final
grades, we encourage you to go back
in to each course, and if the grades
are listed there, they have been
successfully submitted. If you have
completed the process of submitting
final grades, please click on
WebTrax for Employees for futher
selection criteria or click on the Log
Out button.
Helpful notes . . .
o The Back button is now functional and can be used to navigate in Xpress.
o When clicking on the Submit button, only click one time. If this button is clicked on more than
once, the system will time out and the data will not be processed.
o Students cannot view their grades until the Registrar’s Office runs a verification process (will
occur daily two days before the end of the term).
Final grade code A+ is invalid – Student xxxxxxx. You have attempted to enter a grade that does not exist on
the NICC grading scale.
Some of your grade changes will not take affect because these grades have already been transcripted. Please
follow the standard grade change procedure at this time. You have attempted to overwrite a verified grade
(e.g. an audit grade “N”). If you get this message while trying to change a grade, you will need to complete a
Grade Change Form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
Expiration date is required with a final grade of I – Student xxxxxxx. You must enter an Expiration Date for an
Incomplete grade. REMINDER: Expiration date cannot exceed midterm of the following semester.
A last date of attendance needs to be added for this grade type. You must enter a Last Attend Date if you issue
an “F” or “Q” grade.
Final grade F cannot be time dependent, expiration date removed – Student xxxxxxx. You have attempted to
enter an Expire Date for a grade other than an Incomplete.
For technical assistance or login problems, contact NICC Helpdesk
For grade processing assistance, please contact the Registrar’s Office