Home to School Transport Policy

Home to School Transport Policy
for Children & Young People
with Special Educational Needs and with
Medical Needs
The Learning Trust’s policy on home to school travel (the Transport Policy) has been
compiled having regard to The Education Act 1996 (Sections 444 and 509), the SEN Code
of Practice 2001 and to the published documents from the Department for Education &
Skills ‘Good Practice Guidance’, the Audit Commission’s ‘the special school run’ and
research from the transport policies received from neighbouring boroughs.
General Information
The Learning Trust will determine whether a child is eligible for free transport on the basis of
the nearest suitable school at which a vacancy is available.
In considering whether transport is necessary The Learning Trust will have regard to the
age of the pupil and the nature of the route, or alternative routes, which they could
reasonably be expected to take. We will also consider any wish of the pupil’s parent for
their child to be provided with education or training at a school or institution in which the
religious education provided is that of the religion or denomination adhered to by the
parents. However, having considered such parental wishes, The Learning Trust will not
consider it necessary to provide transport unless there is a demonstrable educational need
for a particular religious provision.
The Learning Trust acknowledges that some, but by no means all, pupils with special
educational needs and many pupils without learning difficulties will have difficulties with
mobility that will affect what may be considered a reasonable walking distance. Each pupil will
be assessed individually to ascertain the need for transport and the type of transport that is
Parents are expected to accompany children to school (or to make arrangements for them
to be accompanied by an authorised adult) if this is necessary for the child’s safety. Any
travelling expenses for the parent are the responsibility of the parent.
Support with transport will not be agreed where parents/carers chose a school for their child
that is further away than an alternative suitable school identified by The Learning Trust.
Where a parent requests a particular school for a pupil with a statement of special
educational needs, The Learning Trust may agree with the parent to name that school
provided the parent makes provision for transport. Any such agreement will be clearly set
out in the child’s statement.
Eligibility for Transport and Assistance Available
In accordance with the statutory principles set out above the following criteria will apply.
In the first instance, The Learning Trust will provide the pupil, free of charge, with the least
expensive public transport pass available to cover the journey to and from school where:
1. For children under 8 years old – the shortest available route from home to the
nearest suitable school, accompanied by an adult if necessary, is over 2 miles; or
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2. For children 8 years old and over –the shortest available route from home to the
nearest suitable school, accompanied by an adult if necessary, is over 3 miles; or
3. For children with mobility or physical difficulties – where they are unable to walk
the full distance to school, but are able to access public transport to travel some or
all of the journey between home and school.
For any child attending a special school, resource base or primary pupil referral unit, The
Learning Trust will consider the qualifying distances to be half of those for children in a
mainstream school (i.e. 1 mile for pupils up to the age of 8 and 1.5 miles for 8 to 16 year olds).
The Learning Trust will consider the safety of the route when measuring the statutory walking
As mentioned above, parents are expected to accompany children to school (or to make
arrangements for them to be accompanied by an authorised adult) if this is necessary for
the child’s safety.
Assistance available over and above walking or use of public transport:
Where a child cannot reasonably be expected to walk to school (even if accompanied by an
adult) and, due to the nature of their special educational or medical needs, cannot access
public transport, assistance with another form of agreed transport will be made. Such
assistance will be in the following exceptional circumstances only:
The pupil has a physical difficulty that rules out the use of public transport
Suitable public transport is not available.
The pupil’s circumstances are such that they would be vulnerable – i.e., at risk of
suffering serious harm (even if accompanied by an adult). Consideration will be
given to the age and special educational needs of the pupil. However, in general,
this category applies to pupils with a severe learning difficulty or severe autism.
In such cases transport will be provided by one of the following methods as appropriate
according to the circumstances of the case:
The provision of a place on a school bus.
The payment of a petrol allowance to enable the parent/carer to transport their
child to school.
By taxi. Taxi will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where it is
more financially viable for The Learning Trust, or where the needs of the pupil
are such that travelling on the school bus may be a health and safety risk to
themselves or other pupils/staff travelling on the bus.
Additional Information on Assistance Available
Where The Learning Trust has decided that it is necessary to provide transport, it will also
consider whether it is necessary to provide an escort to supervise the pupil’s journey. As
mentioned above, parents are expected to accompany children to school (or to make
arrangements for them to be accompanied by an authorised adult) if this is necessary for
the child’s safety. Any travelling expenses incurred by the parent are the parent’s
When determining if an escort should be arranged for a pupil who qualifies for support with
home to school transport, The Learning Trust will consider the health and safety risks
involved with the journey. Consideration will be given to the age and needs of the child. For
example, where the size and composition of a group being transported together are such
that an escort is required – for example, groups of pupils of significantly differing ages.
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Walking Escorts:
In exceptional circumstances, where a pupil has a special educational or medical need, The
Learning Trust may agree to provide a walking escort to travel with the pupil between home
and school. This will only be considered where it can be shown that the parent cannot
escort their child themselves and cannot make alternative arrangements. It must also be
shown that the needs of the pupil are such that they would be at risk of suffering serious
harm if unaccompanied by an adult.
Promoting Independence
As pupils become older a move to a more independent method of travel is an important
contribution to developing a key skill - independence. Many pupils with marked needs will
require some form of assisted transport throughout their school career. For some other
pupils it will always be necessary. Towards top junior or lower secondary age, however,
many pupils should be working towards more independent travel, i.e. no escort followed by a
bus pass or walking. Altering the method of assisted transport for a pupil may well cause
concern for both the pupil and the parents. This demonstrates the need for both an
appropriate expectation within the school about the importance of independence skills for
adult life and careful preparation before a review. While reviews will always take account of
the pupil’s needs in reaching a decision to recommend a move to more independent travel,
it may be wise to raise it as a possibility at least one review before the formal
recommendation may be made. The Learning Trust will take the final decision.
Support for young people between 16 and 19 years old:
The law requires local education authorities in certain circumstances to make arrangements
for transport of young people over 16 years old from home to school or college. The
Learning Trust’s policy, “Support with Travel Between Home and School for Young People
Aged 16 to 19” describes the support available to students aged 16 to 19.
Support for children under 5 years old:
In relation to children or young people who are not of compulsory school age, The Learning
Trust will look at the individual circumstances and the individual merits of the particular case.
The transport policy refers specifically to pupils aged 5 to 19, but in exceptional
circumstances applications for under 5’s who have complex needs will be considered. The
Learning Trust does not in general consider it necessary to provide transport for children
who are under statutory school age. However it will consider the merits of any individual
Residential schools:
Where The Learning Trust agrees that a pupil attends a residential school on a termly basis,
and where the pupil is eligible for support with travel, this will only be agreed for journeys at
the start and end of each term and half term. In general, this provides for up to 2 return
journeys per term (6 return journeys per year).
Where The Learning Trust agrees that a pupil attends a residential school on a weekly
basis, and where the pupil is eligible for support with travel, this will be provided at the start
and end of the school week.
Travel may also be agreed for parent/carers to travel to the residential school to attend their
child’s annual review.
Pupils attending residential schools will be expected to use group transport arranged by the
school or public transport if available and appropriate. If it is felt that the child needs to be
escorted on public transport, The Learning Trust may agree to reimburse parents/carers, to
accompany their child to and from school. In all cases where reimbursements for travel on
public transport are agreed for pupils and parent/carers, valid receipts for the journeys
MUST be provided. Payment will be made by cheque or bank transfer only.
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Fuel Reimbursement:
Parents may wish to transport their child to school by car. Where The Learning Trust
agrees to this arrangement, the parent will be reimbursed their reasonable fuel expenses at
an agreed rate. However, if the parent/carer is unwell and cannot drive their child to school,
they must make alternative arrangements to transport their child to and from school.
To support any claim made for fuel reimbursement, parents/carers will be expected to
provide evidence of the days that they transported their child to school (such as an
attendance print out from the child’s school or a letter from the child’s school confirming
attendance for the period of the claim).
Journeys for which transport will not be provided:
Transport will not be provided for hospital, medical, social services or dental appointments.
Parents will be responsible for the collection of their child in the event of illness during the
school day.
Schools are responsible for any additional transport costs incurred in curriculum related
activities for individual pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs.
Other issues
Transport Arrangements:
If The Learning Trust decides that a child is eligible to receive transport, in line with the
policy, the mode of transport i.e. bus or taxi, will be determined by the Special Educational
Needs Assessment Team in liaison with The Learning Trust’s transport service, Transport
Solutions. Transport will be arranged to and from school on a daily basis in accordance with
the school’s opening hours.
The Learning Trust is unable to provide transport outside of these times and, therefore
transport to another educational setting outside the school day would be the responsibility of
the parent or school, where appropriate.
Passenger Health & Safety:
The Learning Trust believes that the safety and welfare of children being transported should
receive the highest priority. The Learning Trust will provide the following standards of
Training in First Aid, Disability Awareness and Safety Procedures.
Seat beats for all passengers.
Specialist seating arrangements where appropriate, which may include, special
seats, harness, booster cushions etc.
Taxis will be fitted with childproof locks that are secured during the journey.
Periodic safety checks to ensure that drivers and escorts are following health and
safety procedures.
Buses and equipment are maintained in accordance with the Department of
Transport’s safety standards, in accordance with the operator’s licence.
Regular drivers and escorts will be used on each route where ever possible.
All bus and taxi drivers will carry an identity card and be subject to an enhanced disclosure
check by the Criminal Records Bureau. Drivers will be given written guidance on their duties
and receive appropriate training, to include information about the disabilities and needs of
each pupil.
The Learning Trust will not normally discriminate with regards to the gender of drivers
supplied by taxi contractors or on Learning Trust bus rounds, unless in exceptional
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All escorts (including those provided by a contractor) will carry an identity card and be
subject to an enhanced disclosure check by the Criminal Records Bureau. Escorts will be
given written guidance on their duties and will receive appropriate training, to include
information of the disabilities and needs of each pupil.
The Learning Trust will not normally discriminate with regards to the gender of drivers
supplied by taxi contractors or on Learning Trust bus rounds, unless in exceptional
Parental Responsibilities
Parents/carers play an important part in ensuring the smooth running of their child’s
transport arrangements.
In order to provide an efficient and reliable transport service for all pupils, parents are
requested to have their child ready 10 minutes before their pick-up time. In the event that a
child is not ready at pick-up time, the Driver will wait for approximately 5 minutes before
making the journey to collect other children.
If, for any reason parents/carers are not at the drop-off point to receive their child the vehicle
will not leave until the agreed drop off time. Should an authorised person not be available,
the vehicle will wait for a further 3 minutes. If after this time nobody arrives to collect the
child, the driver will continue the journey, returning at the end of the route to drop off the
child. Where the driver is still unable to hand-over the child, a note will be left for the parent
and The Learning Trust (Transport/SEN Assessment Team) will take the child to a place of
safety. It is recognized that after hours and at last resort, this may be the local police
station. Parents will be responsible for making their own arrangements to collect their child
from the place of safety.
In the event that parents are not able to accept The Learning Trust’s transport
arrangements, they will have to consider making their own alternative provision for their
child. The Learning Trust will not be financially liable for this.
Where a child’s drop off is repeatedly delayed due to late arrival of parents/carers, The
Learning Trust will write to the parent/carers with a warning. In exceptional circumstances,
The Learning Trust will withdraw transport support for an individual child in these
Emergency Contact details:
Parent/carers must ensure that The Learning Trust (Transport Solutions or the SEN
Assessment Team) have a range of up to date emergency contact details and phone
What to do if a child is ill or unable to go to school:
If a child is ill and/or unable to go to school, parent/carers are asked to phone Transport
Solutions to cancel transport for the day. A telephone number for Transport Solutions will
be provided to allow this.
Process for reviewing transport support
For children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs, the necessity to provide
transport will be reviewed every year at the child’s Annual Review meeting and particularly
at the 11+ and 14+ reviews.
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The Learning Trust encourages pupils to develop and improve their independent travel
skills, as this can be an important factor in developing independence, social and life skills.
Therefore as a child’s independence skills increase, transport provision may no longer be
necessary. Decisions about ceasing to provide transport will only be taken for educational
and developmental reasons and in partnership with the pupil and their parent.
It will be expected that, schools, in co-operation with parents and pupils will establish
independence travel programmes to enable the pupil to travel independently to and from
school. In these instances, pupils may be eligible for a travel pass provided free of charge
by The Learning Trust. However, parents will be responsible for the transport costs
incurred, as a result of accompanying their child.
Appeal Process
If transport assistance is not agreed then applicants can appeal in writing to the SEN
Transport & Management Information Officer at:
The Learning Trust
Hackney Technology & Learning Centre
1 Reading Lane
London E8 1GQ.
The application for transport assistance will then be reviewed by the Head of SEN
Assessment & Monitoring Team who will consider additional representations from
parents/carers or professionals, which may enable them to reconsider the refusal of
transport. Any further appeals will be considered in turn by the Assistant Director, Support
for Children and Young People and the Learning Trust’s SEN Complex Needs Panel. The
decision of the SEN Complex Needs Panel will be final, however, it is open to parents and
carers to submit a fresh application for transport if their circumstances change.
Whilst The Learning Trust aims to provide a safe and reliable service to all its clients, there
may be instances where parents/carers are experiencing difficulties, or have concerns with
their child’s transport arrangements. In the first instance these should be reported to
Transport Solutions who will assist in resolving matters. They can be contacted at:
The Learning Trust
Transport Solutions
8 Rigg Approach
London E10 7QN
 steve.garnar@learningtrust.co.uk
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