Remote System - Indian Railway

GSM BASED Automatic Flood
Water Monitoring System
for Bridges
A Report
Submitted for MDP 01/07
Team Members
H.K. Bhagoria, IRSE, Sr DEN/Spl/BZA, SC Rly
T. Ramesh Babu, IRSSE, Sr DSTE/NED, SC Rly
S. Killivalavan, IRSE, Dy CE/RVNL/HQ/CEN, S. Rly
Jay Singh , IRSSE, SSTE/C/ALD, N.C. Rly
Under the guidance of
Sri S.P.S Gupta, IRSE
Course Director &Sr Professor/Civil Engg.
March 2007
Under the guidance of
Sh Prem Chandra, Sr Prof (Management)
ec 2006
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
The group is thankful to Sri S.P.S Gupta, IRSE, Course Director & Sr
Professor/Civil Engg, in guiding the team to study the subject and help prepare
the paper and presentation.
We also express our gratitude to all other faculty members who contributed
ideas and suggestions towards this project.
And last but not the least, we are thankful to all the staff members of computer
center / RSC / BRC for having extended all cooperation in the preparation of
this project report.
Team Members:
Ph. No.
H.K. Bhagoria, IRSE, Sr DEN/Spl/BZA, SC Rly (O) 070-67512
(R) 070-62616
T. Ramesh Babu, IRSSE, Sr DSTE/NED, SCR (O) 070-52270
(R) 070-52470
S. Killivalavan, IRSE, Dy CE/RVNL/HQ, S. Rly (O) 060-22559
(R) 060-28856
Jay Singh , IRSSE, SSTE/C/ALD, N.C. Rly
(O) 035-22767
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
(O) 0866-2571419
(R) 0866-2483484
(O) 02562-260332
(R) 02462-224600
O) 044-25347559
(R) 044-24314822
(O) 0532-2609002
(M) 0532-2616066
There is a crucial link between safety and survival of any transportation
organisation. History has proved time and again that, over Indian
Railways, bridges are one of the weak links in ensuring the required level
of safety, during floods. Accelerating economic growth demands Indian
Railways to increase the traffic, passenger as well as freight, to a new
heights and thus necessiating for greater and automatic real time safety
measures.Thus it is important, to place systems to enhance safety at
bridges against any unforseen flash floods and breaches.
Currently we are on the mercy of the god and on the alertness of the
patrolman at the bridge site-Later generally fails to carry out his duty in
case of heavy floods and breaches, which results in the loss of property and
life. It is therefore important to examine the issue of monitoring the flood
water levels at bridges and giving the real time information to the
concerned, so as to initiate an immediate action, in addition to stoping of
the trains automatically, short of such effected bridges by providing system
actuated signals.
The study is an attempt to provide a solution to enhance the safety of the
trains at the bridges against flood water. It also endeavours to chart a
series of steps that the organisation needs to focus upon to reduce the
reaction time, during such emergencies. The proposed system will result in
the paradigm shift in flood monitoring and running of train in case of
heavy rains and floods.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
Table of contents
Sr. No.
Page No.
Present System Analysis
Some recent cases-Need for newer systems.
Proposed System
Functional specifications
Technical specifications
Implementation Plans
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
In this Project “GSM based Automatic Flood Water Monitoring System for the bridges
(G-AFWMS) ” has been discussed. The system will be designed and installed in a way,
that, when the water level on a bridge reaches to a particular water level/levels (say
Danger Level), then this rise in water level will be sensed by the electro-mechanical float
sensor of industrial grade and sends the signals provided to the Central Processing Unit
(CPU), which activates the signal erected at about 100 m from the bridge and put it to
‘ON’ position and simultaneously triggers the GSM modem fixed at the signal location,
which in-turn sends a predefined SMS, based on the water level at the bridge, to
predefined GSM/CDMA cell phones ( any numbers) with other particulars of the bridge.
Simultaneously the GSM modem also sends signal to the nearest station Data logger and
activates Tele control of the data logger, which in turn activates audio visual buzzer at the
station, so as to enable station master to alert the adjacent block section station masters
and warn the driver through VHF set, WLL phones and also put back the station signals
to ON position and sends information to the control office in real time, so as to enable
control to disseminate emergency message to all concerned.
When the signal at the bridge is put to “ON” by the G-AFWMS system, it is to be reset
only by an authorized P-way man after verifying the site conditions physically. For this
purpose a resetting facility with a counter will be provided at the signal location, along
with a communication facility.
The proposed system will be made highly reliable through a 1:2 to 1:4, depending on the
size and type of the bridge, redundancy at sensor level and GSM modem and other
electronic equipment level and the system takes samples for every one hour and sends an
‘All is safe’ message hourly, so as to monitor the health of the system, thorough an in
built health monitoring system. If ‘all is safe’ message is not received in an hourly
interval, then automatically the station modem of G-AFWMS system will activate the
audiovisual buzzer– so that the nearest P-way staff will be alerted by that stationmaster
and data logger sends a message to controller, so as to enable him issuing caution order.
The proposed system will enhance safety of the bridges to new heights. This will also
change the way we monitor the bridges during the heavy floods, breaches etc. Currently
we are on the mercy of the god and on the alertness of the patrolman at the bridge site.
Later generally fails to carry out his duty in case of heavy floods and breaches, which
results in the loss of property and life. The proposed system will result in the paradigm
shift in flood monitoring and running of train in case of heavy rains and floods.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
As per the Indian Railway Bridge Manual (IRBM) para 706, during the
monsoon or heavy rains, a stationary watchman to be posted at identified
locations and he should ensure the safety of the track on the bridge. He
railway is fully dependent on the one Stationary watchman at site. These
identified locations may be as identified by the division. In the BZA division
such bridges ( inculding RAT and Vunerables bridges) are 23 numbers,
where Stationery Watchman is required to be posted for the four months
(120 days) druing monsoon period. The total manpower employed for this
purpose is enormous, and in coming future the cost of human labour will be
very high and it will not be feasible or practicable to post a stationaray
watchman at such high numbers of bridge locations.
Bottlenecks of the present bridge monitoring system:
As per Indian Railway Bridge Manual para 706, A stationary watchman
round the clock to be provided at each identified bridge, including RAT’s and
Vunerable bridges, whereever there is a weather forecast for heavy rains,
cyclones etc. This conventinal system of monitoring has following
1. Depended on the one stationary watchman at the bridge site.
2. The communication from the site is slow in case of any flood.
3. In some cases even the watchman run away to save his own life.
4. There had been enormous loss of life and property in recent past.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
3. Some recent casesNeed for newer systems
1. The washout of the Br 444 (Up and Dn), between BTTR-AXR station of
the BZA division on CEN-BZA Gr “A” route on 28-10-2005 due to
breach of one RAT bridge at the upstream.
a. No loss of life, but one goods train was on the bridge and six
loaded bogies fallen down.
b. The traffic on this busy route totally paralysed for three days, no
train run for three days.
c. Track was restored after three days, single line working
d. The punctuality of train lost even upto 5 hrs for express trains.
e. Instead of running 120 plus trains per day, the line capacity
reduced to 80 plus trains per day.
Washout of Bridge 444 (Up and DN) train standing on the bridge
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
2. The washout of one bride near Velegonda station of the GNT division on
SC-GNT , branch line section on 30-10-2005 due to breach of one RAT
bridge at the upstream.
a. Neary 200 nos. of life lost, one Fast Delta Passenger fallen, on
the washed out bridge.
b. One stationary watchman was posted at the bridge site. He was
also washed away in the flash flood.
c. Enourmous loss of life and property.
d. No train service for four days.
Breach of a Railway Affecting Tank and overflowing of water- Train stranded
The BZA division jurisdiction is covers long length of the Gr-A route, and
connect the CEN- NDLS, CEN-HWH and CEN-SC, which is very important
section. The route from VSKP to CEN runs parallel to the Bay-of-Bengal
coast and is prone to cyclones and natural disasters. There had been washouts
in past, causing huge loss to the life of passengers and railway property. This
paralyse the rail traffic and results in bothe direct and indirect loss to the
For one of such disaster one of the group member H.K. Bhagoria, Sr
DEN/Spl/BZA, SCR attended the restoration in the GNT division of SCR, a
passenger train washout in early hours near Velegonda ( 70 km from
Secunderabad), where nearly two hundred passengers died and a criminal
negligence case was registered by the local police, because of the bridge
washout and falling of one passenger train in the washed away bridge. Also
attended re-constrcution of the washed away bridge. In both cases, such large
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
scale disasters could have been prevented and at least the life of paasengers
and railway property could have been saved, if a we could have a system
where the incoming train driver can be warned, and the p-way man as well as
the Dy SS/Station Masters of the nearby stations could have been informed.
In the present project a system which can discharge both the functions of
stopping the train at signal erected at site and simultaneously informing the
Dy SS and the PWI and other important persons of the water level at bridge
site. An effort has been made to provide a solution.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
In this Project “GSM based Automatic Flood Water Monitoring System for
the bridges (G-AFWMS) ” has been discussed. The proposed system will be
designed and installed in a way, that, when the water level on a bridge
reaches to a particular water level/levels (say Danger Level), then this will be
sensed by electro-mechanical float sensor and sends signals provided to
Central Processing Unit (CPU), which activates signal erected at the bridge
and put it to “ON” (RED) position and simultaneously triggers the GSM
modem, which in-turn sends a predefined SMS, based on the water level at
the bridge, to predefined GSM/CDMA cell phones, with other bridge
particulars. Simultaneously the GSM modem also sends signal to the nearest
Station with a system which in turn activates audio visual buzzer at the
Station Master Chamber, so as to enable Station Master to alert the adjacent
block section Station Masters and warn the driver through VHF set, WLL
phones and also put back the station signals to “ON” (RED) position. This
enable him to control the train operation in real time and pass information to
the Control Office in real time, so as to enable control to inform all
concerned and plan for an emergency. Also a communication facility has
been provided at site via GSM modem through which authorised p-way man
can communicate to a pre-defined number.
The biggest advantage is the elimination of human and the human error. A
real time monitoring of the bridge with the signals and alert to the P-way
men, and the Dy SS/SS who is in-charge of the section/station.
The saving in the manpower can be utilized for other track activities during
the monsoon period, where the shortage of manpower is already alarming.
Working of the Proposed System:
The present system works on the principal of GSM network and the
electronic processing unit, integrated with one GSM modem, which is
provided with one SIM card. Following are the major components of the
proposed system.
Remote System:
The proposed Water level warning system is mainly targetted to monitor the
flood water at bridges and to avoid the accidents due to floods and washouts
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
and to give warnings of floods to the relavent railway authorities in advance
and also when the water level reached to Danger Level and above.
The proposed System scans the water level continously with float sensors
placed at required levels. Green Lamp will be in “ON” (RED) condition
untill water level reaches the specified level, generally the Danger Level
(DL). This is explained in the figure below.
Water at normal level and the Sensor and signal is fixed at Bridge
when water level reaches specified levels (DL), sensors fixed at the bridge
pier or abutment will give indication to the system. Then system will put the
signal ON the relavent Signal Lamps( Yellow, RED), send the warning
message to control system at nearby station and relevant authority through
GSM modem with present level and bridge details. There may be following
three situations
If water level reaches the danger level, train should not enter on to bridge.
So system “ON” (RED) the danger signal lamps (RED) placed at both sides
of bridge (100m from bridge) to avoid the accident. Following SMS(
predefined message text) will be flashed by the system with the Audio-visual
buzzer at signal and at Dy SS/Station masters chamber nearby Railway
station. Following SMS will be flashed by the system to all the GSM mobiles
as well as control.
Pre defined message for danger may be as below:
“Water Crossed DL, Br No. 3 East/UP, 12x89.0m/GB, Section
BZA-KCC, Dist: 2Km/BZA, 0.3km/LC, Emergency
no:09848633472 (Sin the nearby stationSr DEN/SPL/BZA), 08662572876- Engg Controll, RAT-1.0 km”
The illustrative photographs is shown in figure.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
When the water level goes down from danger level, or as deemed fit
for the safe traffic, the authorized p-way man has to put signal from
“ON” RED from electromechanical switch by using key to put
“OFF” GREEN the danger signal. The swith provided for this
purpose is fixed on the signal post and having facility of head phones
also for site communication with the control/ nearby station.Then
only system will make danger signal from “ON” to “OFF” or (RED
to GREEN) to allow the train to pass. Following SMS will be flashed
by the system.
Pre defined message for safe may be as below:
Signal Reset, Br No. 3 East/UP, 12x89.0m/GB, Section BZA-KCC,
Dist: 2Km/BZA, 0.3km/LC, Emergency no:09848633472 (Sr
DEN/SPL/BZA), 0866-2572876- Engg Controll, RAT-1.0 km
Water Raised to Danger level and the Signal is picked up by the Sensor
Another third situation may arrise when the wire is cut/ broken, i.e. the
sensor will not pickup any signal, even than a SMS will be flashed as:
Pre defined message for link failure may be as below:
Link Failed, Br No. 3 East/UP, 12x89.0m/GB, Section BZA-KCC,
Dist: 2Km/BZA, 0.3km/LC, Emergency no:09848633472 (Sr
DEN/SPL/BZA), 0866-2572876- Engg Controll, RAT-1.0 km
If petrolman wants to communicate with relavent authority, system is
provided with voice communication based on GSM modem with head phone.
The same may be connected with the nearby station by Quad cables also if
possible for standby medium.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
The patrolman may communicate to the control regarding water level and
seriousness of flood situation and possible help needed at site for safe
movement of the train as well as first hand information for future course of
the action.
Total system is powered with 12v 120AH backup battery having standby
arrangement connected each other in parallel manner , battery will be
recharged with 40W solar panel in multiple arrangements . The two nos of
solar array to be provided for the charging of the batteries facing opposite to
each other on the basis of weight balance manner. The same feed to be
provided to the signals at the both side of the LED signals as well as interface
module ,sensors , GSM modules etc. Necessary wiring arrangements to be
done at site as well stations and control.
If GSM network is not available at Bridge location, data can be sent by using
other communication (VHF), magneto telephones etc whatever available.
Signal sensed by the Systen, Signal put on to RED and GSM Modem
transmitted the SMS to the Cell phones
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
SMS flashed to the Cell phone of the user with bridge details
Control System:
Control System is mainly to Log the received data from Remote system
and giving the indication at station.
At regular user defined intervals, control system will check the health
of remote system. System will indicate the present water
level, remote
system health condition by using LEDs. If required, it will
display the data on LED Display board or LCD Display.
When control system receives the data with danger level information, it
will ON the Buzzer. After receives the Acknowledgment from authorized
only, system will OFF the BUZZER.
If GSM network is not available at bridge, data will be received through other
wireless Communication. Control system will send the received data to
relevant authority through GSM modems.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
5. Functional Specifications
1. Remote System:
1.1 Level sensors can be placed at multiple levels at user-required height
(generally three levels).
Accepted level.
Observation level.
Danger level.
1.2 When water level reaches level where sensor is placed, it will give the
indication to CPU.
1.3 When water reaches any one of levels, system will send SMS to
predefined GSM numbers with present level and bridge details. When water level crosses the danger level the system
will make the Danger signal "ON" RED. Signal Lamp conditions according to water level are
given below.
Water level
Signal lamp
Under First float sensor
Crosses first float sensor-warning Green
Crosses danger sensor
1.3.2 When work is going on the bridge, authorized person has to
"ON" RED the work process key switch. After completion he
has to put back to "OFF" by the the switch. In both ON and
OFF cases, system will send SMS indicating the work
1.3.3 In case of any disconnection of sensor cable, if work
process/signal switch is “OFF”, system will immediately send
SMS indicating the Link failued with bridge details and the
system will put the signal to "ON" RED position.
1.3.4 On danger condition or Link Failure condition, proposed System
will send a SMS to any number of predetermined GSM/CDMA
numbers for every configured interval of time untill "RESET"
the danger signal.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
1.3.5 If water level is below the danger level, then only Danger signal
can be "RESET" only through electro-mechanical key switch
by authorized person.
1.3.6 Emergency voice communication through headphone set can be
enabled by electro-mechanical key switch by authorized p-way
1.3.7 All the GSM phone numbers and message can be configured by
user through software utility will be developed.
Control System:
2.2.1. Control system will receive the data sent by the remote system and it will
indicate the present water level by using LEDs or Display Boards if
2.2.2. If control system receives the data with danger level information, it will
“ON” the Buzzer in control and Dy SS/SM chamber and at control office.
After it receives the Acknowledgment from authorized person when the
signal put back to “OFF” by the key, only than the system will switch
“OFF” the BUZZER i.e. a continous buzzer, if not attended in time by the
P-way man at site.
2.2.3. Control system can be configured to check the health of remote system by
sending the health request command for every user configured interval of
2.2.4. Control system will indicate the remote system status by using LEDs or
Display boards at the Divisional Traffic/ Engineering Control office.
2.2.5. All the received data will be stored in internal memory. when system is
connected to computer, it will upload the data to computer.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
6. Technical Specifications
Remote System: This will mainly consists of
CPU module.
Float sensors.
Communication modem.
Signal Lamps (GREEN, YELLOW, RED).
User Interface Module.
Power supply.
CPU module:
. Micro controller with inbuilt RAM and ROM.
. Two serial ports.
. Modem interface port to connect GSM modem.
. Configuration port to configure GSM numbers and message.
Float Sensor:
. Industrial grade level sensors for level detection with non corrosive
. Level sensors is housed in galvanized iron protective jacket.
. Sensor setup can withstand the adverse turbulences in case of floods.
GSM modem:
. Input power supply 12v.
. Inbuilt Voice communication.
. Support AT commands.
. RS-232 interface with controller.
1.1.4 Signal Lamp:
. 125mm, 150 lux LED signal lamp.
. Minimum visibility of 600m.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
1.1.5 User Interface Module:
. Three Electromechanical Key switches.
. Voice Communication Key.
. Signal Reset Key.
. Work in Progress Key.
. Head Phone socket.
1.1.6 Power Supply:
. Powered with 12v 120AH battery in standby arrangements.
.Battery charging by Solar panel of 12v, 40W, charge controller in
standby arrangements.
Control System: This will consist of following
CPU module.
LED display panel / Display Board.
GSM modem.
BUZZER unit.
Power supply.
CPU module:
.Micro controller with inbuilt RAM and ROM.
. Two serial ports.
. Modem interface port to connect GSM modem.
. Computer interface port.
LED display panel :
. LEDs for level indication.
. LEDs for health indication.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
GSM modem:
. Input power supply 12v.
. Inbuilt Voice communication.
. Support AT commands.
. RS-232 interface with controller.
BUZZER unit:
Power Supply:
. 12V, 120 AH battery.
. 40w charge controller.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
7. Implementation Plans
Financial implications of the System :
The proposed system requires participation of the outside firms who are
having specialization in developement of the hardwares, software and having
necessary infrastructure to devlope system to the proposed specifications and
as per the railway requirement. The cost analysis has been carried out by the
project team is summarized as below. This Analysis has been done for the
BZA division.
Present Expenditure on the Monsoon patrolling.
As discuused in the above para 3.0, the total RAT/Vunerable locations are
238 nos. requiring the stationary patrolman at these locations, which is
equivalent to 70,311 mandays ( including the rest givers). And if we take an
average salary per day of Rs.300/- per man per day of shift duty, the cost for
one monsson worked out to Rs 2,10,93,300 /- for one monsson, and this is
the scope available.
If the system is implemented fully only in the BZA division. This
Rs 2,10,93,300 /- is the total scope can be targetted by the proposed system.
Almost entire division is covered by the mobile network.
The cost of the system worked out as detailed below:
Initial Cost of Installation
Sr No.
Description of Component/ Activity
Supply of the GSM based Software Module
Rs 85,000/-
GSM Modem
Rs. 27,000/-
GSM Mobile with SIM 5 nos.
Rs. 40,000/-
Data Loggers and computers for DySS and Control Rs. 40,000/-
Engg Works like fixing of sensors and signals etc. Rs 50,000/-
Procurement of Signal, wire and location boxes etc Rs. 1,32,000/-
Cost of the Solar panel power, charger
Rs. 40,000/-
Health monitoring, SW&HW & installation
Rs. 20,000/-
Total of the Initial cost
Rs. 4,34,000/-
Running Cost
Maintenance and backup charges for four month
Rs 25,000/-
Cost of the mobile for four months time @ 500/pm Rs. 10,000/Total of the Running cost Rs. 35,000/-
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
If we go to cover the other bridges then total cost for installation and running
cost comes down and is insignificant in term of the life and property lost in
case of washout. Also we can avaoid a bad publicity iven to the railway by the
media for all such bad incidences. If we consider the seriousness of the
repercussion of such washout, the cost is very marginal and justifible.
If we go for saving terms then it is great saving to the Railways and it is
always better to never be late.
Implementation of the Proposed system- Time schedule:
The overall likely time worked out based on the experience in the division
for implementing such innovative system. The probable time schedule is
given below:
1. Formulation of developement plan, processing for
= 3 months
Approval of competant authority, including CRS
2. Developement of software & hardware as per
= 3 months
Railways requirement and specifications
3. Processing for the procurement of the materials,
= 3 months
Calling of tenders, fixing the agency
4. Installation and testing at bridge site, and commissionig
= 1 months
As the above activities will be overlapping each other the minimum time
required is worked out as 07 months, from the date of the proposal, as
detailed below.
Other Important Issues:
Getting Commissioner of Railway safety Sanction
The Engineering department will process for the sanction of the
CRS in consultation of Sr DSO concerened, and draw out the
working instructions, plans, drawing etc. The system will be
prosseced initially as on trial basis and after successful completion
of trial, regular CRS sanction should be obtained by the
Engineering department.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
The enginnering department will arrange for the inspection of the
CRS if he wants to visit the bridge site to personally observe the
proposed system.
Installaion of the G-AFWMS system at site The work consists of three parts:
a. The design and fabrication of the System hardware and sofware
with other assessories.
b. Procurement of the Signalling wire and signal post and the
location box wherever required.
c. Engineering work of laying out the procedure of working,
processing of CRS sanction, working instructions etc and also
drafting the schedule and fixing the agency for the execution. The work proposed will be executed basically in three parts:
a. The Installation of the two level sensors at the identified locations,
on piers, abutments etc. And laying of cable.
b. Installation of the Signal including the casting of foundation for
the signal post. Also installation of the signal box.
c. Fixing of the signal, CPU and Modem on the signal post but this
may preferrably also be provided inside the location boxes at site..
d. Provision of the power supply and charging arrangemeent for the
battery to be made by solar panel.
e. Wiring ,testing ,programming and commissioning of the system at
site as well as control to be done.
Coordination with other departments S&T and Operating
1. As the present proposed system is the combination of the S&T and
Engineering work, which is mainly being installed for the bridge
monitoring in the BZA division where the past experience of the
washout is not good. The Engineering department will coordinate with
the S&T and take their help whenever and whereever required. The
S&T department will provide the necessary support for system
instalation, signals,power supply arrangement as well as
communication ste up with adjacent station as well as control office.
The S&T department will also support for monitoring software as
well as its connectivity from GSM modem as well as regular payment
of GMS modem SIM as well other mobile for running and reccuring
charges time to time.
2. During the trial the proposed system will be fullyinstalled and
maintanined by the Engineering department. After successful
completion of trial the concerned Railway will decide for future
installation and working.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
The engineering deparment will also coordinate to draw out the
working instructions for the drivers and the station masters and the pway supervisors ant it will be clearly written in stationm working rule
with the consultation with operating department as well as safety
department and necessart temporary working instruction to be issued
during mansoon season.
Instruction to Dy SS/Station Masters:
2. On reciving of Audio Visual alarm from the sytem installed in the Dy
SS office, he will put back the required signals to “ON” in that block
section including any IBS ( if any in the block section).
3. If any train is in the block section, he will inform the driver through
VHF or any other mode about the water level at bridge and the driver
should stop the train on getting the information from the Dy SS.
4. Dy SS will also to inform the adjacent station masters and exchange
the Private Number (PN).
5. Also to inform the P-way man and the controller and apprise the
position to the controller.
Instruction to Stationary Watchmen at bridge site during the
He will monitor the water level at the bridge and also observe the
signal, before it crosses the Danger level. He will communicate the
position of water level to the Sectional P-Way Superviser as and when
required through the facility provided at the signal location.
When the water level crosses the Danger Level, the Audio Buzzer will
get activated and a sound horn will go on. The watchman on hearing
the sound should observe the Signal and see that it is at “ON” position.
He will then open the communication box and will communicate to the
Sectional P-Way Superviser and apprise the position.
After ensuring above he should protect the track as per P-way manual
Instruction to Sr Section Supervisor ( p-way), In-charge:
He may get the information from the following sources:
f. From the bridge watchman by the communication facility.
g. From the SMS message transmitted by the System.
h. From the Station Master.
i. From the Controller of the section.
j. From the other person who receives the SMS ( five numbers).
k. From the Dy SS/SS from the nearby station.
l. From higher official of concerned .
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
He will immediately instruct the nominated P-way supervisor, for
night duty to proceed to the bridge site immediately with the Signal
Key and Walkie-Talkie etc.
He should speak to the controller and station master.
He should get the factual position from the site, and give further
instructions for next course of action.
If required suspend the traffic and plan for resources required for
restoration (if any). Or wait till the water subsidises below the Danger
If required he should also proceed to the site.
One sattelite phone to be provided for disaster management like this
flood problems and when it required PWI will rush to site by best
possible means along with sattelite phone to have universal
communication with the division.
In extreme situation normal assistance of ART etc to be advised and
action to be taken accordingly.
Instruction to Assistant Divisional Engineer:
He sholud ensure following:
a. Ensure the proper Installation of the G-AFWMS system and fixing
of the sensors.
b. Instruct and educate the p-way man and the Dy SS/Station
Masters about the objective nad functioning of G-AFWMS
c. Should nominate the staff and issue clear instructions who will
attened the bridge in case of water rises.
d. Should co-ordinate with other department at his level, and also
should coordinate with the local Irrigation authorities.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.
The proposed system will be made highly reliable through a 1:2 to 1:4,
depending on the size and type of the bridge, redundancy at sensor level and
GSM modem and other electronic equipment level and the system takes
samples for every one hour and sends an ‘All is safe’ message hourly, so as
to monitor the health of the system, thorough an in built health monitoring
system. If ‘all is safe’ message is not received in an hourly interval, then
automatically the station modem of G-AFWMS system will activate to
indicate the health of the system, the audiovisual buzzer– so that the nearest
P-way staff will be alerted by that station master and data logger sends a
message to controller, so as to enable him issuing caution order to the drivers
in the section.
The proposed system will enhance safety of the bridges to new heights. This
will also change the way we monitor the bridges during the heavy floods,
breaches etc. Currently we are on the mercy of the god and on the alertness
of the patrolman at the bridge site. Later generally fails to carry out his duty
in case of heavy floods and breaches, which results in the loss of property
and life. The proposed system will result in the paradigm shift in flood
monitoring and running of train in case of heavy rains and floods. This is a
serious attempt in this direction by ours but the scope may covers all other
vulnerable locations also and in future if we provide GPS receiver at the loco
cab then GPS based centralised monitoring systems may also be benefial. No
system is perfect in any way if we face challenge from the nature but we can
try our level best to minimize the human casualties and this is a simply one
step for such type of disaster manangement.
The future possibilities are unbound, once the successful trial is over.
We welcome your generous suggestions , valuable information etc to join the
foot together to march ahead for the noble cause of hour. We are thankful
from ours heart to all of you for keeping lots of patients and bearing with us.
MDP 01/07: GSM based Automatic flood water monitoring system.