Home Inventory of Disposable Items

Earth Resource Foundation
Youth Against Styrofoam
A project of the Campaign Against the Plastics Plague
Home Inventory Sheet
Start by making a list of products in your home are disposable materials (plastic, Styrofoam, etc.). Products can include things like disposable utensils,
water bottles, plastic grocery bags, etc.
- Can any of these materials be reused or recycled?
- What are alternatives to use instead (reusable and recyclable)?
Styrofoam Products or Nonrecyclable plastics
Example: Styrofoam plates
# of Products in home
25 pieces
How can this product be reused or
It cannot be reused or recycled
Alternatives to use in your home
Reusable plates
Earth Resource Foundation P.O Box 12364, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-645-5163 www.earthresource.org