RAK Academy Evacuation Fire Policy Procedure


RAK Academy

Fire Policy and

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012

1.1 General Statement

RAK Academy is a responsible employer and takes its fire safety duties seriously. For this reason we have formulated this policy to help us comply with our legal obligations to staff and visitors under the Fire

Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 (as amended). These include the provision of a safe place of work where fire safety risks are minimised. Due to its importance, this fire safety policy also forms part of our overall health and safety policy.

1.2 Employees’ duties

All employees have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not place themselves or others at risk of harm. They are also expected to co-operate fully with us in complying with any procedures that we may introduce as a measure to protect the safety and well-being of our staff and visitors.

1.3 Communication

We will keep staff informed of any changes that are made to our fire safety procedures and fire risk assessment. We will also ensure that all visitors to our premises are briefed in the evacuation procedures and not left alone unless they are aware of, and familiar with, all available escape routes.

1.4 Procedures

We have introduced the following procedures in order to maintain high standards of fire safety

 a fire risk assessment has been undertaken which will be reviewed annually. However, more frequent reviews will occur if there are changes that will impact on its effectiveness. These may include alterations to

 the premises or new work processes

 the fire evacuation procedures will be practiced at least annually

 training will be provided as necessary to any staff given extra fire safety responsibilities, such as fire wardens.

 it is our policy that all staff will be trained in the use of fire extinguishers

 all new members of staff and temporary employees will be provided with induction training on how to raise the alarm and the available escape routes all escape routes will be clearly signed and must be kept free from obstructions at all times

The fire alarm is a siren, and in certain areas n alarm bell. When activated, all staff (except those with special designated duties) should leave the building immediately by the nearest exit. Do not stop to collect anything.

 all fire-related equipment will be regularly serviced and maintained. If any employee notices defective or missing equipment, they must report it to the Chief or Assistant Fire Warden alarm systems will be tested regularly. This takes place any other safety systems will be checked regularly to ensure correct operation, where necessary, e.g.

 emergency lighting this policy forms part of employees’ conditions of employment. Failure to comply may be treated as a disciplinary matter.

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012


On discovering a fire:

1.51 Teachers with classes: if you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately. Operate the nearest break glass call point if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately. Ensure you and your class evacuate immediately and in an orderly manner and close any doors behind you do not stop to collect personal belongings follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit go straight to identified assembly point via safest route possible collect class register from HOY, ensure all students are accounted for if all students present display GREEN A4 card with class name on if students missing immediately display RED A4 card with class name on inform relevant Safety Warden (identified by Yellow luminous vest) of missing students class, name and possible location

1.52 Staff without classes if you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately. Operate the nearest break glass call point if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately and close any doors behind you do not stop to collect personal belongings follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit go straight to identified staff assembly point via safest route possible

1.53 Staff without classes if you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately. Operate the nearest break glass call point if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately and close any doors behind you do not stop to collect personal belongings follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit go straight to identified staff assembly point via safest route possible register your presence with admin staff member responsible for staff registration

1.54 All other Staff (including admin & support staff)

if you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately. Operate the nearest break glass call point

 if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately and close any doors behind you do not stop to collect personal belongings

 follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit go straight to identified staff assembly point via safest route possible

1.55 Fire Wardens

if you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately. Operate the nearest break glass call point

ensure all students and staff are evacuating identified zone

check that each room within designated zone is clear and close all doors

when zone is clear, evacuate building via nearest fire exit and proceed to nearest staff assembly point

inform .. that the zone is all clear

If zone has fire

if trained and it is safe to do so, attempt to fight the fire using the equipment provided. Fire Wardens should not put themselves at any personal risk. If more than one extinguisher is needed – leave. If

Fire Warden not capable of fighting a fire – leave.

if unable to deal with the fire, evacuate immediately. Ensure that no-one is left in the area and close any doors after leaving

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012

1.6 Fire Alarm Procedure

1.61 Before registration

If the fire bell alarm sounds before registration but after students have begun to arrive, evacuation must take place.

School gates will be immediately closed by security to prevent further student/parental entry

if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately and close any doors behind you ensuring all students in vicinity have left the premises

do not stop to collect personal belongings

follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit

go straight to identified assembly point via safest route possible

1.62 During break / lunchtime

If the fire bell alarm sounds before registration but after students have begun to arrive, evacuation must take place.

School gates will be immediately closed by security to prevent further student/parental entry

if you are not a fire warden, evacuate immediately and close any doors behind you ensuring all students in vicinity have left the premises

do not stop to collect personal belongings

follow evacuation route plans to the nearest emergency exit

go straight to identified assembly point via safest route possible

1.63 Practice Evacuation

All procedures must be followed as above as if situation is genuine evacuation

1.64 Alarm Testing

Staff will be informed prior to alarm testing of following information: o Day/dates of test/s o Time of fire alarm test o Whether staff / students to evacuate or remain in building

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012

2 Duties of staff in the event of an evacuation

2.1 Fire Identification & Assessment Coordinator – Dass (Harry if Dass absent from premises)

Contact security to identify origin point of alarm

 Go directly to fire alarm origin to establish if it is a genuine fire or false alarm

Contact Chief / Assistant Fire Warden to inform fire origin and situation

If actual fire situation, ensure fire zone is clear of all staff and students.

If zone has fire

if trained and it is safe to do so, attempt to fight the fire using the equipment provided. Assessor should not put themselves at any personal risk. If more than one extinguisher is needed – leave. If Assessor not capable of fighting a fire

– leave.

if unable to deal with the fire, evacuate immediately. Ensure that no-one is left in the area and close any doors after leaving

2.2 Person in charge:

Chief Fire Warden – Miller Green

Assistant Chief Fire Warden – Paul Taylor

This person is the Chief Fire Warden or Assistant Chief Fire Warden.

Their tasks include

 gathering all information regarding the evacuation

 establish if it is a genuine fire or false alarm

 inform executive principle of fire situation

 ensure that the fire brigade has been called

 receive reports from the Safety Wardens to ensure that all staff/students have been evacuated.

 liaise with the fire brigade on its arrival.

The person in charge has the authority to end an evacuation and recall all staff/students into the buildings

2.4 Fire Wardens

Each area of the school will be assigned a fire warden. (See Appendix A )

 It will be this persons task to ensure that all members of staff, students and/or visitors have left the building safely.

They should report this to …, then wait with the evacuated staff at the identified assembly point.

They will advise and lead evacuees if they should move away to the secondary assembly point, large carpark opposite school beside Mosque.

They should wear red vests and be easily recognizable to staff and visitors

2.5 Safety Wardens

Lower Primary – Marie Green

Upper Primary – Fiyaz Ahmed

Secondary – Head of Secondary

 It will be this persons task to ensure that all members of staff, students and/or visitors have been accounted for at each assembly point

Report missing staff / students to Chief Fire Warden

Direct staff / students to re-enter school as directed by Chief Warden through the Executive Principle.

2.6 Receptionists

Responsible for bringing fire registers out to assembly point

Give registers to each class

Responsible for taking walkie talkies to assembly point for Safety Wardens

Responsible for collecting walkie talkies from Safety Wardens on re-entry to building

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012

2.7 HOY

To ensure all classes are present at assembly point

To identify missing students from all classes via class teachers

Will inform Safety Warden of missing children

2.8 Teachers

To ensure safety of students at all times through prompt evacuation

Lead students to assembly point in a safe and orderly manner

The registration of all students within their responsibility

The identification of missing students

Reporting of all present / missing students through display of colour coded class card and verbal confirmation to HOY / Safety Warden

3 Your Safety

The safety of employees, students and others, including members of the public, is paramount and at no time should any personal risk be taken.

Evacuation and Fire - Policy and Procedure May 2012
