Committee on Conduct and Appointments Agenda for April

Committee on Government Operations
Senate of the Associated Students
Minutes for Friday, 4th of December 2012 at 6:00 PM
President’s Conference Room, Joe Crowley Student Union
***Minutes have not yet been approved**
Senator Malin called the Committee on Government Operations to order at 6:00 pm. Presiding
secretary Paramjeet Bains.
Senator Baig was absent excused
Quorum was present.
There is no public comment at this time
a. Nov. 30, 2012
Senator O’shea moved to approve the minutes from Nov. 30, 2012
Senator Swanson seconded.
Minutes were approved
a. SAS Review
The committee had questions on the poll workers pay Koswar Khan to speak on the
Kowsar Khan: The coordinator makes about $600 as a once paid stipend. The pays
are $10/hr and working about 60 hours would result to around $600 worth of pay. The
poll workers depends on the location and how many poll groups they have. Normally it
is just the fish bowl from 8-6 for the general and primary elections. That would be 40
hours and that is just one location. They would work with us through the spring
Committee on Oversight
December 7, 2012
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semester. The poll workers depend on how many workers are present. The amount of
workers depends on the coordinator. We would need at least two.
Senator Synder: ASUN moved to the online voting system about a year ago so with
that change in paper to electronics what change would that have on the number of poll
Speaker Khan: By law physical poll booths with paper ballots have to be available so
there would be no changes. It would also attract attention. There were about 70
students who went to the poll.
Senator Malin: The major they vote for is the one they declare first unless they choose
to represent the other major.
Senator O’shea: One of the suggestions during outreach was being able to vote to
where the students fees go towards, and having that added to online server?
The server can be adjusted but if you want to change it there would need to be a
petition. The candidates for biased reasons as well as many other reasons would not
put pictures.
The committee discussed SAS review on SAS 5.02.
There were many grammar mistakes that were addressed to be changed
in the SAS.
Senator Synder: page 75- Section 6 subsection D subsection 4 the change
needed to be from R number to initiating ID number.
Senator Swanson: page 75- 2 the change should be made to primary election.
The committee discussed that primary meant primary election.
Page 76.7.b-clearify that they only vote for one college, which was clarified in
section 7d
Add a subsection to section d to clarify further about just voting for one major.
Page 78. H-3 had a clarifying problem that was fixed
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October 19, 2011
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Page 79. A- The time location of meetings should be posted at all posting
Many places needed commas added.
Page 82- capitalizations
Also changing the posting locations.
More periods and commas with grammar mistakes were addressed
Senator Brynes and Senator Rashdan would be coordinating with Senator
Swanson and Senator Snyder on that section.
Page 84-4. Don't need specifics but just need to mention valid emergencies.
Senator Snyder page 87 Section 18 subsection a.4 something should be added
about social media- Changes using electronic media.
The committee discussed some details on campaigning by electronics from a
polling location.
Senator Swanson and Senator Snyder would work on addressing the changes
on titles 4 and 5
Title 6:
Senator Swanson: Section 1 title needed to changed
Senator Swanson: page 91 had a grammatical error
Senator Malin would address the changes in title 6.
Title 7:
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December 7, 2012
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Senator Swanson: Section 4 mentioned archivist changed to secretary of the
senate is authorized to.
Senator Swanson: Page 94 section 9e section 2 list of locations instead of lost
of locations.
Senator Swanson: Page 95 Section 10 Minutes C3: Should have paper or
electronic minutes available 48 minutes prior to the adjournment meeting
whenever possible.
The committee discussed the minutes not being available in time and would
want it to be available 12 hours in advance as well being able to email the
minutes to the senators in advance.
By emitting “whenever possible” would give the secretaries a short amount of
time to complete the minutes. Adding the changes to SAS would be
unnecessary and something that should be accountability issue.
Senator Swanson- page 97 line three should be B instead of 3.
Senator Swanson- page 98 section 18 referred to the reference copy to the
minutes, which was confusing to section 13 line 4. The Book of Minutes is the
original minutes and section 18 were copies that are handed out.
Senator Swanson would be in charge of Title 7.
a. Interim Budgetary Powers
Senator Malin: Last meeting would be next Wednesday and the bill would be just for
establishing the power. Writing in committee to submit to senate
Senator Swanson: Would we want this in the SAS.
Senator Malin: This would be rule thing not a SAS thing. This is the operating account
for the senate and how much money we could use from it so would not need to go
through Budget and Finance.
The committee continued to discuss the S.B. 80-#GV5 resolution.
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October 19, 2011
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Senator Malin read into the minutes:
S.B. 80-#GV5
To determine the Interim Committee Budgetary powers the Senate of Associated
Students on December 2012, Senator Malin on behave of the Government
Operations committee submit the following bill. To determine the Interim Committee
Budgetary Powers. To allow for the maximum of $5000 to be spent through the ASUN
Senate account by Interim Committee during the entire duration of the winter recess.
The account number is: 1702-105-0103.
Senator Swanson: Moved to approve senate bill S.B. 80-#GV5 to be referred to the
Senator Snyder seconded
Bill had one abstention
5:4: 1 abstention
The bill moved to senate.
Senator Snyder: Would have the social media policy for the committee in February.
Senators would be reading through scholarships, title 12, stop at page 133, for the next
meeting next semester.
Members at Large introduced themselves.
Senator Malin adjourned the meeting at 7:13 p.m.