REGULATION ON COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR MARINE PILOTS Regulation published on Official Gazette No 23217 dated 31 December 1997 Part 1 Purpose, Scope, Grounds and Definitions Purpose Article 1- This regulation intends to define the competency requirements the marine pilots required for sailing, anchoring, mooring, unmooring, docking the vessels on the seas, straits, ports and streams within the territorial waters of the Turkish Republic in order to ensure the safety of life, goods and the environment. Scope Article 2- This regulation covers all issues regarding to the competency requirements of the marine pilots providing pilotage services for the vessels on the seas, straits, ports and streams within the territorial waters of Turkish Republic. Grounds Article 3- This regulation depends on the provisions of Decree (in the Power of Law) No 491 dated 10/8/1993. Definitions Article 4- For the purposes of this Regulation; a) Administration shall mean the Prime Ministry Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, b) Maritime Pilot shall mean the person possessing the pilotage licence stated in this regulation hereby to advise and help the captain, depending on the authority bestowed under competent maritime pilot licence, in the navigation and manoeuvre of the ship where it is mandatory or optional as the case may be. c) Pilotage Organization shall mean an organization authorized by the Administration to perform pilotage services within a port, strait or gulf with predetermined boundaries. Part 2 Competency Degrees and the Conditions for Competency Licence Maritime Pilot Competency requirements Article 5- There are four types of Maritime Pilot competency requirements: a) Port Maritime Pilot Port maritime pilots shall serve only within the boundaries of the port where they are authorized for. b) Bosphorus Maritime Pilot Bosphorus maritime pilots shall serve within the boundaries of pilot boarding and disembarking areas set for the Bosphorus. c) Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot Çanakkale Strait maritime pilots shall serve within the boundaries of pilot boarding and disembarking areas set for the Çanakkale Strait. The port and/or boundaries where a maritime pilot is authorized shall be stated in the licences. d) Sea Pilot Sea pilots shall serve outside the boundaries of the port. Moreover, they shall serve, subjected to the permit of the Administration, in ports where there are no piloting organisations or authorized port maritime pilots. If there is an authorized port or strait maritime pilot in the port or the strait where the vessels they guide arrive, sea pilots can not guide the ship within the boundaries of the port or strait regardless of having the maritime pilot licence for the said port or strait. The Conditions for Competency Licence Article 6- In order to obtain any kind of licence, it is required; a) b) c) d) to be a citizen of the Turkish Republic, to have an oceangoing master licence, to be under the age of 45 on the day the training started, to certify, as stated in the related provisions of this regulation, that his state of health is suitable for maritime service, e) to prove, with a report to be obtained from a competent hospital, that he can speak fluently without stuttering, f) to be trained and to take a testimonial as per Article 7, g) to pass the oral and applied exams on related exam topics. Maritime Pilot Training and Testimonial Article 7- In order to take the maritime pilot licence exam, the Candidates shall fulfil the following training conditions to obtain a testimonial. If they fail to obtain a testimonial, they shall fulfil the same training conditions again. I- Port Maritime Pilot Training a) The applications for being a trainee maritime pilot shall be submitted to the pilotage organisation authorized in the related port. The pilotage organisation shall submit to the local port authority the document evidencing that the Candidate to be trained as a pilot is appointed as a “trainee maritime pilot” and the document stating compliance of attributes of the Candidate with the conditions specified under the paragraphs (a, b, b) c) d) e) f) g) II- c, d and e) of Article 6, accompanied with a petition bearing the date when the candidate will start the training. Before starting the training, the Candidate to take the pilotage training shall submit training book, a copy of which is given in Annex-A, to the approval of the pilotage organisation and of the port authority. Any training performed before approval of the port authority shall be null and void. The trainee maritime pilot shall write the name, flag, gross tonnage, height, existing draught of the vessel, the type of the piloting, the piloting date, the time when the piloting started and finished, the names of the shipmaster and the maritime pilot in the training book for every vessel whose pilotage he participated; then shall sign it together with the shipmaster and the maritime pilot. However, those under training in accordance with the paragraph (b) of Article 13 shall submit the trainee book to the approval of the competent port authority by signing the relevant part where maritime pilot will sign. The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and upon evaluating these opinions, a testimonial shall be issued to the trainee maritime pilot. A trainee who failed to get a testimonial can not take the maritime pilot Competency Licence exam. The related pilotage organisation shall submit to the local port authority the training book stating that the trainee maritime pilot for whom a testimonial is issued upon completing his training; and the documents listing the starting and finishing dates of the training and the number of vessels where the training is attended and shall get the approval of the authority. The trainee maritime pilot shall take part in the pilotage of at least 60 vessels of 500 or more gross tones for at least 3 months in the related port. However, the Administration may reduce number of the ships to 40 for smaller ports with less traffic in the event that it is unlikely to dock 60 vessels within three months. If the trainee doesn’t take part in the pilotage of above stated number of vessels within the time granted, the duration of the training shall be extended to meet the minimum number of vessels. The minimum period of training shall be completed even the minimum number of vessels are piloted sooner than the aforesaid period. It is compulsory to visit all parts of the port during the training period. However, the trainee shall attend pilotage of minimum 25 vessels each in İstanbul Port, Haydarpaşa and Karaköy, and at least 10 vessels in other parts of the port. Bosphorus Maritime Pilot Training a) Subparagraphs (a, b, c, d and e) of the paragraph number (I) of this Article is also binding for Bosphorus Trainee Maritime Pilots. b) The trainee maritime pilot shall take part in the pilotage of at least 160 vessels of 5.000 or more gross tones for, at least, 3 months in Bosphorus. c) If the trainee doesn’t take part in the pilotage of 160 vessels of the above stated quality within the given time, the duration of the training shall be extended to in a way to meet the minimum number of vessels. The minimum period of training shall be completed even if the trainee completes piloting the respective number of vessels in a shorter time. d) It is compulsory for the trainee to be in Bosphorus during his/her training course. 80 of the vessels to be piloted shall be navigating to the Black Sea, and the other 80 shall be navigating to the Marmara Sea. III- Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot Training a) Subparagraphs (a, b, c, d and e) of the paragraph number (I) of this Article is also binding for Trainee Maritime Pilots for Çanakkale Strait. b) The trainee maritime pilot shall take part in the pilotage of at least 100 vessels of 5.000 or more gross tones for, at least, 3 months in Çanakkale Strait. c) If the trainee doesn’t take part in the pilotage of 100 vessels of the above stated quality within the given time, the duration of the training shall be extended in a way to meet the minimum number of vessels. The minimum period of training shall be completed even if the trainee completes piloting the respective number of vessels in a shorter time. d) It is compulsory for the trainee to be in Canakkale during his/her training course. 50 of the vessels to be piloted shall be navigating to the Marmara Sea, and the other 50 shall be navigating to the Aegean Sea. IVa) b) c) d) e) f) Sea Pilot Training Those who are entitled to take the licence exam in order to be Port Maritime Pilot, Bosphorus Maritime Pilot or Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot shall be exempted from the Sea Pilot Training. They can directly take the Sea Pilot exam. Those who wish to get a Sea Pilot licence but excluded from the paragraph above (a) shall apply for training to the authorized pilotage organisation of any port. The application accepted by the pilotage organisation and the documents stating conformity of the candidate’s attributes with the conditions of the paragraphs (a, b, c, d and e) of Article 6 shall be submitted to the local port authority by the pilotage organisation, together with a petition indicating the starting date of the training for the trainee concerned. Before starting the training, the Candidate to take the pilotage training shall submit training book, a copy of which is given in Annex-A, to the approval of the pilotage organisation and of the port authority. Any training performed before approval of the port authority shall be null and void. The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and upon evaluating these opinions, a testimonial shall be issued to the trainee maritime pilot. A trainee who failed to get a testimonial can not take the maritime pilot Competency Licence exam. The related pilotage organisation shall submit to the local port authority the training book stating that the trainee maritime pilot for whom a testimonial is issued upon completing his training; and the documents listing the starting and finishing dates of the training and the number of vessels where the training is attended and shall get the approval of the authority. The trainee maritime pilot shall take part in the pilotage of at least 30 vessels of 500 or more gross tones for at least 2 months in the port he took training. If the trainee doesn’t take part in the pilotage of above stated number of vessels within the given time, the duration of the training shall be extended to meet the minimum number of vessels. The minimum period of training shall be completed g) even if the trainee completes piloting the respective number of vessels in a shorter time. It is compulsory for the trainee to be in relevant port during his/her training course. Maritime Pilot Licences Article 8- Maritime pilot licences shall be prepared by the Administration in accordance with this Regulation. The form of the licences shall be determined by the Administration. A Candidate may get various maritime pilot licences provided that he fulfils the conditions of this Regulation. The Administration shall send the maritime pilot licences, prepared in line with the documents received from the regional directorate in accordance with paragraph (a) of Article 10, to the regional directorate concerned for granting to owners via the port authority. Licence Fees and Registration Article 9- The regional directorate, before granting the licence to its owner, shall collect the mandatory fee in accordance with the pertinent legislation, and shall dictate the notes required on Turkish Sailor’s Register and the seaman book as per “Regulation Governing Principles and Procedures for Training, Certification, Examination, Shifting, Registering and Manning of the Seamen”. Part 3 Exams and Exam Topics Maritime Pilot Exams Article 10- The exams of a candidate maritime pilot who completes pilot training and gets approval of the local port authority in accordance with the subparagraph (d) of paragraph number (I) of Article 7 shall be applied by a committee comprising, under the chairmanship of the regional director or his representative, a deck officer from Ship Survey Board and a maritime pilot to be assigned by the pilotage organisation providing the training service in a scheduled date no later than one month pursuant to completing the training, a) Oral exams shall be held in the regional center. b) The applied exam for Port Maritime Pilotage and Sea Pilotage shall be held during the docking manoeuvre of a ship in the related port. c) The applied exams for Bosphorus Maritime Pilotage and Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilotage shall be held during the related strait passage. d) Each exam topic shall be evaluated over Grade 100. Anyone succeeding less than 70 for any topic shall be deemed to have failed. Those who failed may take the exam again after a training period of one month and piloting at least one fourth of the number of ships they had to pilot during the previous training. Those failing the exam shall be responsible for all topics in their next entrance to the exam. e) Exam result’s document shall be prepared in two copies by the related port authority for the attendants, and be filled and signed by members of the exam commission. One copy of the exam result documents, copies of identity cards, Oceangoing Master Licences, health inspection documents, training books and testimonials, all approved by the port authority, of the candidates succeeding the exam shall be sent to the Administration via the regional directorate governing port authority concerned. Topics of the Maritime Pilot Exams Article 11- The topics of the oral and applied maritime pilot exams shall be listed as follows: I- Oral Exam Topics A- Navigation (a) Information on the port portolon, port boundaries, docking and anchoring places, mooring (hawser) buoy, shallow waters, forbidden zones, warnings, (b) Lights, buoys, signs, symbols and abbreviations in the port, (c) Places for boarding and unboarding maritime pilots, (d) Local streams, whirlpools, winds and their effects, (e) The actual routes to be followed and, if there is, the traffic separation scheme, (f) General information on related seas. B- Sailing the Ship (a) The features of different types of ship machines, propellers, wheels and their effects, (b) The effects of different ships, draughts, trims, speeds and underkeel clearance on rotation circles and stopping distances, (c) Navigating considering the effects of streams and winds, (d) Anchoring and weighing the anchor, (e) Berthing, leaving, mooring, stern-fast with or without tugs. C(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Legislation Act of Ports, The Act on Protection of Life and Property at Sea, The related Port Statutes, Regulations and By-Laws, Local rules and customs, Statute for Preventing Collisions at Sea, Other national and international legislations and contracts related to maritime affairs, (g) Montreux Convention ( for Bosphorus and Çanakkale Strait maritime pilots). D- Foreign Language (a) Capable of speaking and understanding English on professional issues, (b) Knowing the terms and speaking patterns in the standard Maritime Navigation Dictionary approved by IMO, (c) Commanding in English for navigational instruments like steering system, machine, anchor, hawser and tug, commanding in English while manoeuvring and navigating. IIApplied Exam Topics (a) Port Maritime Pilot and Sea Pilot Port Maritime Pilot and Sea Pilot, accompanied by a maritime pilot, shall dock a ship to the port smoothly, calmly and safely following nearing to the port. Anchoring, mooring, stern-fasting, piloting after weighing the anchor a ship may also be asked if necessary. If it is feasible, a manoeuvre with tugs shall be preferred instead of docking manoeuvre. (b) Bosphorus and Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilots Bosphorus and Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilots, accompanied by a maritime pilot, shall pass a ship of more than 10.000 gross tons from the strait smoothly, calmly and safely. Part 4 Miscellaneous and Final Provisions Authorized Maritime Pilot Article 12- To pilot a ship within the boundaries authorized, the maritime pilot having any kind of maritime pilot competence license shall also have the Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence to be issued by the pilotage organisation authorized and approved by the related port authority. a) Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence shall be prepared by the pilotage organisation providing maritime piloting services depending on the Maritime Pilot’s Licence or licences issued, and be granted to the maritime pilot upon its approval by the port authority concerned. b) Any maritime pilot serving as a pilot shall carry during his mission the Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence, a copy of which is illustrated in Annex B. c) Maritime pilots resigning from their missions shall return their Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence to the port authority concerned via the related pilotage organisation. d) Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licences of the maritime pilots over 65 years old is cancelled. The New Pilotage Service To Be Established Article 13- When a pilotage service is introduced or reactivated in a port, the related pilotage organisation; a) shall grant Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence to be approved by the related port authority to those having Port Maritime Pilot’s Licence b) shall grant Authorized Maritime Pilot’s Licence to be approved by the related port authority to those having at least one of the maritime pilot licences under Article 5 for providing piloting services in the port concerned provided that there is no one having a Port Maritime Pilot’s Licence for the respective port where a new pilotage service is introduced. These people shall be deemed to have started the training of that port and obtain the right to take the exam upon certifying that they fulfilled the conditions in subparagraphs (c, f and g) of paragraph number (I) of Article 7. Vested Rights Article 14- The former licences shall be replaced with new ones within one year as follows provided that the rights granted under previous Regulation remains effective after entering into force of this Regulation: a) Those having Port Pilotage Licence shall replace them with related Port Maritime Pilot’s Licence, b) Those having Bosphorus Pilotage Licence shall replace them with İstanbul Port Pilotage Licence and Bosphorus Maritime Pilot Licence, c) Those having Sea Pilotage Licence together with a İstanbul Port Pilotage Licence shall replace them with İstanbul Port Pilotage Licence, Bosphorus Maritime Pilot Licence, Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot Licence and Sea Pilot Licence, d) Those having Sea Pilotage Licence shall replace them with Sea Pilot Licence, e) Those having either a Marmara Pilotage Licence, Strait Pilotage Licence or Maritime Pilot Licence shall replace them with Bosphorus Maritime Pilot Licence, Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot Licence and Sea Pilot Licence, f) Those having İzmir Bay Pilot Licence shall replace them with Sea pilot Licence. Provisions on Health Article 15- Maritime pilots, like other sailors, are subject to “Rules on Health Condition” of the Regulation Governing Principles and Procedures for Training, Certification, Examination, Shifting, Registering and Manning of the Seamen. Uniforms of Maritime Pilots Article 16- During their mission, maritime pilots are obliged to wear the uniforms described in the “Regulation on Clothes of Seamen” Withdrawal of Licences Article 17- The licences of those having any kind of maritime pilot licence shall be withdrawn by the related port authorities in case of following circumstances and the transaction shall be recorded to the Registry Book: a) Expatriating from Turkish citizenship, b) Not complying with “Rules on Health Condition” described under Article 15, c) Noticing quittance of the service via a petition, d) Violating the provisions of this Regulation. The licences of pilots died shall be taken by the related port authority and sent to the Administration via the related Regional Directorate for cancelling. Legislation Abolished Article 18- “Regulation on Maritime Pilot Competency requirements” published on Official Gazette No. 12937 dated 29/6/1968 and the related amendments made to this Regulation shall be abolished. Entry into Force Article 19- This regulation shall enter into force on 1/1/1998. Enforcement Article 20- The provisions of this regulation shall be enforced by the Minister responsible for the Undersecretariat of Maritime. 27 December 2001- Number: 24623 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Page: 21 REGULATION AMENDING SOME ARTICLES OF THE REGULATION ON MARINE PILOT COMPETENCY REQUİREMENTS Article 1- Paragraph (c) of Article 6 of the Regulation on Marine Pilot Competency requirements published on the Official Gazette No. 23217 dated 31.12.1997 is abolished and Paragraph (f) is amended as; “ f) To be trained as per Article 7” Article 2- The caption of Article 7 of the same Regulation and its first paragraph, subparagraphs (a) and (d) of paragraph number (I), subparagraphs (a), (b) and (e) of paragraph number (IV) are amended as stated below: “Maritime Pilot Training Article 7- In order to take the maritime pilot licence exam, the Candidates shall fulfil the training condition below” “I- Port Maritime Pilot Training a) The applications for maritime pilot training shall be submitted to the related Port Authority. Port Managers shall prepare training books for those candidates to participate the pilotage training as they comply with the conditions stated in paragraphs (a, b and d) of Article 6 of this Regulation and then direct the candidate with his training book preferably to, if there is, the pilotage organisation of the public port in line with their business volume; if not, to the related pilotage organisations in line with their business volume. Pilotage organisations shall start the training process of the candidate arrived and shall inform the related Port Authority about the starting date of the training.” “ d) The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and shall prepare a document evidencing that the related trainee maritime pilot has completed his training and shall submit it to the related Port Authority together with the training book. The Port Authority shall evaluate the documents and issues an exam entrance paper for the candidate. Candidates with no exam entrance papers can not take the maritime pilot licence exam.” “ IV- Sea Pilot Training a) Those entitled to take the licence exam for Port Maritime Pilot, Bosphorus Maritime Pilot or Çanakkale Strait Maritime Pilot and those having oceangoing master licence with ten years experience on the sea as shipmaster shall be exempted from the Sea Pilot Training. They can directly take the Sea Pilot Licence exam.” “ b) Those who are excluded from the above paragraph (a) but wish to get a sea pilot licence shall apply for training in any port to the related Port Authority. The Port Authority shall prepare a training book for the candidates takingthe pilotage training as they comply with the conditions stated in paragraphs (a, b and d) of Article 6 of this Regulation and send the candidates with their training books to the related pilotage organisation in line with its business volume. Pilotage organisations shall start the training process of the candidates arrived and shall inform the related Port Authority about the starting date of the training.” “ e) The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and shall prepare a document evidencing that the related trainee maritime pilot has completed his training and shall submit it to the related Port Authority together with the training book. The Port Authority shall evaluate the documents and issues an exam entrance paper for the candidate. Candidates with no exam entrance papers can not take the maritime pilot licence exam.” Entry into Force Article 3- This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette. Enforcement Article 4- The provisions of this regulation shall be enforced by the Minister responsible for the Undersecretariat of Maritime. From the Ministry of State: Date: 12.09.2002 Number: 28874 Regulation on Amendments in the Regulation on Marine Pilot Competency requirements ARTICLE 1- Amended paragraph (f) of Article 6 of the Regulation on Marine Pilot Competency requirements published on the Official Gazette No. 23217 dated 31.12.1997 and entered into force on the same day is amended as; “ f) to be trained and to take a testimonial as per Article 7,” ARTICLE 2- The amended subparagraphs (a) and (d) of paragraph number (I) of Article 7 of the same Regulation are amended as stated below: “a) The applications for maritime pilot training shall be submitted to the related Port Authority. Port Managers shall prepare training books for the candidates who comply with the conditions stated in paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (e) of Article 6 of this Regulation and then direct the candidate with his training book preferably, if there is, to the pilotage organisation of the public port in line with its business volume; if not, to the related pilotage organisations in line with its business volume. The number of maritime trainee pilots to be sent to pilotage organisations shall be jointly determined by the port authority and the pilotage organisation on the basis of application dates in a way not to exceed ten percent of the number of maritime pilots actually working in the pilotage organisations authorized by the Administration. Pilotage organisations shall start the training process of the candidate arrived and shall inform the related Port Authority about the starting date of the training.” “ d) The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and shall prepare a document evidencing that the related trainee maritime pilot has completed his training and shall submit it to the related Port Authority together with the training book. The Port Authority shall evaluate the documents and prepare an exam entrance paper for the candidate.” ARTICLE 3- The supplementary article below is added to the Regulation: “Supplementary Article 1- If a maritime pilot quits his job due to any cause for two years or more, or if he is not employed in the pilotage organisation during the said period, he shall be obliged to take the training, as stipulated in Article 7 of this Regulation, again in the port where his competence is valid. Otherwise, his competence is deemed as null and void. This period shall be one year for Bosphorus and Çanakkale Strait maritime pilots.” PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1- The applications made to related port authority for maritime pilot training before the date of entry into force of this Regulation shall be valid and their requests shall be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Entry into Force ARTICLE 4- This Regulation shall enter into force on date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Enforcement ARTICLE 5- The provisions of this regulation shall be enforced by the Minister responsible for the Undersecretariat of Maritime. Official Gazette Date: 08.11.2003 Number: 25283 Regulation on Amendments in the Regulation on Marine Pilot Competency requirements ARTICLE 1- Amended paragraph (f) of Article 6 of the Regulation on Marine Pilot Competency requirements published on the Official Gazette No. 23217 dated 31.12.1997 and entered into force on the same day is amended as; “ f) To be trained in accordance with Article 7,” ARTICLE 2- The amended subparagraphs (a) and (d) of paragraph number (I) of Article 7 of the same Regulation are amended as stated below: “ a) The applications for maritime pilot training shall be submitted to the related Port Authority. Port Managers shall prepare training books for those candidates who comply with the other conditions stated in Article 6 of this Regulation and then direct the candidate with his training book preferably, if there is, to the pilotage organisation of the public port in line with its business volume; if not, to the related pilotage organisations in line with its business volume. The number of maritime trainee pilots to be sent to pilotage organisations within one year shall be jointly determined by the port authority and the pilotage organisation on the basis of application dates and the seniority in the Licence in a way that it shall be one person if the number of maritime pilots actually working in the pilotage organisations authorized by the Administration is between 1 and 3 persons, two persons if it is between 3 and 5 persons, three persons if it is between 5 and 10 persons and four persons if it is more than 10 persons. These numbers can be changed by the Administration if deemed to be necessary. Pilotage organisations shall be obliged to start the training process of the candidate who is sent to them within one month and inform the related Port Authority about the starting date of the training.” “ d) The pilotage organisation concerned shall ask all the maritime pilots who accepted the trainee maritime pilot for a written opinion about the maritime pilot who completed his training; and shall prepare a document evidencing that the related trainee maritime pilot has completed his training and shall submit it to the related Port Authority together with the training book. The Port Authority shall evaluate the documents and issues an exam entrance paper for the candidate. Candidates with no exam entrance papers can not take the maritime pilot licence exam.” ARTICLE 3- Paragraph (e) of Article 10 of the same Regulation is amended as; “ e) Exam result document shall be prepared in duplicate by the related port authority for in the name of candidate, and be filled and signed by members of the exam commission. One copy of the exam result documents, copies of identity cards, Oceangoing Master Licences, health inspection documents and training books, approved by the port authority, of the candidates succeeding the exam shall be sent to the Administration via the regional directorate governing port authority concerned.” Entry into Force ARTICLE 4- This Regulation shall enter into force on date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Enforcement ARTICLE 5- The provisions of this regulation shall be enforced by the Minister responsible for the Undersecretariat of Maritime.