2014-15 Student Council Constitution

Dwight D. Eisenhower High School
Student Council Constitution
Eisenhower High School Student Council shall be the name of this organization. The purpose of
this organization shall be:
Improve student-teacher relationships, assist in the management of the school and student
activities, provide a forum for student expression, and develop attitudes, which develop pride and
spirit within the Student Body.
Section 1: The Student Council shall be composed of elected members, “holdover members (the
Council) and the appointed first hour representatives.
Section 2: Whenever possible, the Student Council shall be composed of 75 representatives, 25
from each of the senior, junior, and sophomore classes. 30 members of senior and junior classes
are elected and four hold-over members, sophomore members are selected through an application
and interview process as prescribed in the election by-laws. Senior and Junior classes shall have
four elected officers of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer and one appointed officer
of historian. Sophomore class will be led by two alternating Sophomore Leaders appointed by
the Executive Board at the beginning of each month and have a standing appointed officer of
Historian. The current Council should also elect the Student Council Offices of president, vicepresident, secretary, treasurer and appoint the parliamentarian and historian as prescribed in the
election by-laws.
Section 3: Elections for Student Council will be held in the spring of each year, as prescribed in
the Council By-Laws, and members elected shall then serve on the Council for the following
school year. Holdover members will be decided as prescribed in the By-Laws before the general
Section 4: An Eisenhower High School student will qualify provided he or she fulfills the
qualifications and follows the procedures established by the Council and its By-Laws.
Section 1: The officers of the Student Council shall be President, Vice President,
Secretary of Recording, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Technology Manager and Historian
and TWO Underclass Representatives.
Section 2: The officers of the Student Council shall be elected by the members of the Student
Council as prescribed in the Election By-Laws with the exception that the Parliamentarian and
Historian shall be appointed by the newly elected Executive Board.
Section 3: The President of the Student Body of Eisenhower High School shall preside at all the
meetings of the Council, call special meetings when necessary, appoint all the committees and
committee chair persons, represent the Council on appropriate public occasions, leave an agenda
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prepared for each meeting, and assume other such duties generally associated with this office or
provided for in the Student Council By-Laws.
Section 4: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, shall
succeed to the office of President in case of the removal or resignation of the President, keep
service time records, serve as an advisor to the president on all committees standing or temporary.
He/she will have other duties as assigned to him/her by the President of the Student Council.
Section 5: The Secretary of Recording shall type the minutes of all Student Council meetings and
have the minutes available within a day of the meeting. The Secretary shall keep a file of all
official student correspondence, make minutes of past meetings available at the following
meeting, and assume such other duties as assigned by the President or the Student Council ByLaws.
Section 6: The Secretary of Correspondence shall return all council related phone calls, and make
council related phone calls. Is responsible to sort daily mail and file it accordingly. This position
is also responsible for re-chartering all academic and co-curricular clubs. The secretary of
correspondence must assume all other duties as assigned by the President or the Student Council
Section 7: The Treasurer shall have charge of all Student Council funds, both collection and
disbursement, and shall maintain an accurate record of all such funds. He/she shall make regular
reports on the Council’s financial condition to the Student Council. The Treasurer shall assume
such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Student Council By-Laws. The Treasurer
must be available 7th or 8th hours to count monies from lunch time activities and fundraisers.
Section 8: The Parliamentarian shall inform the Council on Parliamentary Procedures as found in
Robert’s Rules of Order shall make ruling as called for by the President and may act as a Sergeant
of Arms if so desired by the President or Student Council By-Laws. The Parliamentarian shall
keep attendance and record this time at all meetings.
Section 9: Executive Technology Manager shall create a Student Council website to be
used by the Student Council and the Student Body. This position is also responsible for
all technology related duties through Student Council.
Section 10: TWO Underclass Representative are responsible for voicing the concerns and
needs of the underclassmen at Eisenhower High School. They are also responsible for
sharing pertinent information and instructions to members of the junior and sophomore
Section 11: The Historian will take pictures and keep a scrapbook of Council activities for the
year. The Historian will also highlight Council activities for the student body via a newsletter
and/or bulletin board.
Section 12: Duties of the representative and/or Council Members shall be to attend all meetings
of the Student Council and/or Council. They shall attend meetings of committees where they are
members. Representatives and Council Members shall report to their constituents the actions of
the Council. They will also bring to Council the concerns of the constituents.
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Section 13: All members are required to perform service hours as prescribed in the By-Laws.
Section 1: Representatives and Officers of a student Council may be removed from office for
failure to attend meetings, for failure to represent his/her group fairly, for failure to represent
his/her duties as an officer or representative, or for any other actions which are detrimental to the
best interests of Eisenhower High School. A majority vote of the trial board attending the regular
meeting at which such action is proposed shall be necessary to remove an individual from the
Council or office. In the event that the Trial Board recuses itself from making a decision, the
Council Advisor will make the final decision. Any member of the Trial Board that is involved in
the situation that requires removal must recuse themselves from the decision making process.
The Executive Board and/or Advisor may initiate the removal of a member. The Council may
establish appropriate procedures for carrying out this article in the Council Trial Board by-laws.
Section 2: The Class Council is empowered to fill any vacancies created by removal or
resignation of any representatives or officer, except in the office of President, in which case the
Vice President becomes President.
Section 3: When a vacancy occurs in the Council, A presentation will be made to the Student
Senate regarding all open positions and applications will be made available. Applications
will be due within one week of distribution. Applications will then be copied and reviewed at a
special session of the affected class. Applications will not include the candidate’s name, until the
candidates are narrowed down to the final two. The class members will then select a replacement
by a majority vote. The advisor will then approve or disapprove the selection. In the event of a
disapproval, the class selection process will repeat. At the next Council meeting, the class shall
announce the final decision for replacement.
Section 4: When a Student Council member has not met the requirements to be a member
stated by the Constitution and has already been reviewed by the Trial Board, instead of
being removed completely from Council, the member will be moved to Student Senate
will be moved to Student Council in his or her place.
Section 1: The Student Council may establish appropriate standing and temporary Committees
necessary to carry out duties and responsibilities of the Council.
Section 2: The Executive Board is hereby created which shall be composed of President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian, Executive Technology
Manager, Senate Executive Leader.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall try to meet prior to each Council meeting and shall help
prepare an agenda for the Council meeting. Any member of the Student Council or chartered club
may propose items prior to the Student Council meeting to be included on the agenda.
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Section 1: The Student Council shall meet in regular sessions at times and place provided for in
the By-Laws. All regular meetings shall be open to the public.
Section 2: The Student Council Executive Committee shall meet monthly with the
Student Senate during 4th hour and according to a set calendar of meeting dates.
Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the President, Activities Director, or by request in
writing by one-forth of the Student Council members.
Section 4: A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the elected members of the Student Council
(30 members). A quorum must be present before a Council meeting may be called to order.
Section 1: The principal shall appoint a member(s) of the faculty to serve as faculty Advisor to
the Student Council.
Section 2: Term of office of the Advisor is left to the discretion of the Principal.
Section 1: Any school group desiring to organize a club shall apply to the Student Council far a
charter as stated in the By-Laws and chartered club rules. Applications must be submitted before
November 30, of the school year to be considered for charter.
Section 2: At the time of application, each group shall state its purpose and must present rules and
regulations by which it proposes to govern itself.
Section 3: All clubs have a faculty advisor whenever possible. An exception may be sports clubs
requiring a “coach”. The advisor will be present at all club meetings.
Section 4: An organizing “club” must have at least 15 members except when a sports club “team”
designates the number. Club members must have parent permission to be part of a club. (Club
participation in activities often requires a student to miss a class- with teacher permission).
Section 5: Club meetings must be held before and/or after the regular school day.
Section 6: All clubs must relate/support the UCS curriculum and school policy.
Section 7: If the Council approves the club request, it shall issue a charter, valid for one year. At
the beginning of each school year, the club must present an accounting of it’s previous year’s
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activities and on the basis of the report, the Council shall determine if the club charter is to be
extended another year or revoked.
Section 8: All clubs operating in the school under a charter must adhere to all provisions of the
Constitution of Eisenhower High School.
Section 9: All clubs doing fundraising activities must be applied for through Student
Council and must adhere to all regulations set by the Activities Office and financial
procedures set up by the Principal’s Office and the school book keeper.
Section 10: Disclaimer: The school shall not be identified or otherwise associated with the goals,
objectives, activities, or opinions of any non-curriculum course related student groups. In
affording student groups an opportunity to meet, the school is merely making its facilities
Section 11: Once charters are turned into and approved by the Student Council, charters will be
forwarded to Administration for final approval.
Section 1: Any member of the Eisenhower Student Council can propose an amendment to the
Student Council By-Laws at any time.
Section 2: Possible amendments must be turned in, in writing, to the Executive Board and
Advisor for recommendation.
Section 3: Amendments must be proposed to the entire Student Council at a special Student
Council meeting.
Section 4: Council has the opportunity to ask for explanation from original author(s).
Section 5: Council has one week to read over the proposed amendment.
Section 6: Current council votes on proposed amendment one week from the proposal. Majority
vote will make the decision. New amendments shall go into effect for the next full semester of
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Student Council By-laws
Election Procedure
1. The Student Council “Trial Board” is Composed of two members from each grade with one
alternate from each grade. Executive Board Members cannot serve on the Trial Board.
2. A Point of Order will be given to any Council Member disrupting a meeting through
unnecessary talking or other actions. First point of order will result in a verbal warning. Second
point of order will result in a one- hour deduction. Third point of order shall result in dismissal of
member from the meeting and an unexcused absence. Dismissal from three meetings will result in
automatic consideration of the Trial Board.
3. Three unexcused absences of tardiness from regular Student Council meetings will result in
automatic consideration of the Trial Board. A student’s absence will be excused if and only if:
A note is sent to the Student Council Advisor or Parliamentarian ahead of time explaining the
reason for the absence.
4. Council Members will earn service credit for activities in order to remain on the
student Council; eight (8) service hours must be earned for each card marking. Service
hours can be earned for:
A. Conference attendance (time put in-maximum four hours per day)
B. Poster and/or display creations (approximately ½ hours per or time put in)
C. Special Events such as Open House, etc. (time put in)
D. Other: Must be approved by the Executive Board or Council Advisor
The Student Council Vice President shall keep track of service hours. Students will submit a form
with authorized signatures listing time put in for activities not already recorded.
Any activity required by all members that is not fulfilled by a member will result in a deduction
of a member’s hours doubled for that activity. Any member that signs up for an activity and does
not fulfill their commitment will lose the amount of hours equivalent to those needed to fulfill the
task. Hours deducted must be approved by the Vice President.
Any Council Member who does not complete the required hours by the end of each quarter shall
have the following occur: The incomplete hours (8 completed hours) shall be doubled and added
to the next card markings required hours. The member shall be placed on probation. The added
hours must be completed by the five week mark of the next card marking or the Council Member
shall be automatically removed. The Council Member will remain on probation for one semester
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(hour violation only) and if all hours are not completed on time the Council Member will be
automatically removed. The only ground rule for appeal shall be a clerical error.
5. The Trial Board will decide dismissal from the Council for lack of work, etc. A presentation
will be made to the Student Senate regarding all open positions and applications will be
made available, applications will also be made available to the rest of the building. An
internal election shall be conducted for a replacement member. The Trial Board may also place
members on probation. Probation for reasons other than hours will be one full calendar year.
6. Council meetings are scheduled to meet every day during the scheduled Student
Council lunch hour. Special meetings can be called at any time. Student Council
meetings will be held with every member once a month after school, these meetings are
mandatory and will affect attendance records used in dismissals from office. These
meetings will be scheduled at the beginning of the semester for the semester. Meetings
that are changed will not be mandatory, and therefore not used in determining attendance.
7. All club and/or organizational activity and fundraiser requests will be considered by nature of
that request and date submitted at the direction of the Council. They must be turned in Tuesday
prior to the meeting.
8. All club charters shall be submitted one week prior to a meeting but new charters are due by
November 1st of the school year.
9. All items on the agenda must be submitted two days prior to a meeting.
10. No activity requests shall be accepted more than three weeks before the scheduled event.
Exception: If the organization concerned can convince the Council by a 2/3 vote to approve the
activity in advance.
11. There shall be no distracting activities taking place at Council meetings such as homework
and/or talking.
12. A Student Council member should have at least a 2.5 GPA and receive good
citizenship grades (no “U” grades).
13. All current sophomore and junior Council Members wishing to run for re-election to a second
term must attend a leadership conference.
14. The Appeals Process for removal from Student Council is as follows:
A. The Executive Board and Advisor receive a complaint and deliver a removal notification.
B. The removed member must reply in writing within 5 days of notification of removal as to why
he/she should not be removed.
C. Executive Board and Advisor will meet if requested with the removed member to make sure
there is no clerical error.
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D. If no clerical error is found, removed member will meet with the trial board. Removed
member will have time to explain his/her appeal letter and the Trial Board may ask questions.
E. Trial Board will then meet in private to consider and discuss the appeal.
F. The Trial Board may make a decision to recuse themselves from the deciding on the appeal
and give decision making power to the Council Advisor OR the Trial Board can take one to two
days to read the appeal and vote by secret ballot. Their decision should be put in writing.
G. All ballots will remain secret and will be turned into the Council Advisor. The vote will be
based on majority.
H. The removed member will be notified of the final decision.
I. Further appeal would follow the “Due Process” procedure as described in the Utica Community
Schools Student Handbook.
J. The trial board is composed of two Sophomores, two Juniors, two Seniors, and the Advisor.
The members will be appointed by the advisor at the beginning of each school year and will
remain members for one school year.
K. The Council Advisor has the power to omit the Trial Board from the appeals process in the
event that removal of a member is necessary because of a breach of the rules that resulted in a
school suspension.
15. All student Council members MUST be able to schedule in the Student Council meeting hour
into their regular schedule. If this is not possible, the member must complete double service
hours for each marking period.
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Election Procedure
Any act not restricted by this procedure shall be deemed as allowable. If the Advisor should have
a disagreement over a point, or lack of one, contained herein it will be brought up before the
Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Order of Events
The current Executive Board will pick two current Junior and Sophomore class Council
Members to be automatically appointed to Council, these will be hold over members and be
completely confidential. During one meeting every member of each class will be placed in rank
order by the Executive Board. This list will be used to determine which 2 existing council
members will be added to council based on past service. This list will not be used to place
members who rank below 15. Each member in each class will rank order their class members.
The rankings will be sealed by each member and then used by the Executive Board in formulating
their rank order for each class to be used to determine holdover members. The Senate Executive
Leader will choose one Hold Over member from Student Senate to be added to the Student
Every student interested in being on the Council will apply during the Spring of the current
school year to be on the Council until the Spring of the following year. First, the Executive Board
election will be held. The Juniors interested in running for the Executive Board for the following
school year will fill out an application COMPLETELY and announce their candidacy to the
existing council. Each candidate will create a campaign speech. The entire existing council will
vote for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Advisor will count
the ballots in this election and announce the results. Those students who are elected to the
executive board will be exempt from running in their class elections and automatically be figured
into the 21 total members. Students running for Student Council and class officer positions must
fill out an application COMPLETELY. Then the existing Executive Board will review all of the
applications during one meeting on the last day of collecting applications. A determination will
be made whether or not to allow the student to run for election to the Council based on the
completion of the application, the answers on the application, the grade point average, the
student’s essay, the ability to follow directions, correct and complete signatures, clearance from
the school’s liason officer, receipt of a copy of the applicant’s current schedule, receipt of a copy
of the last report card, and teacher’s recommendations. This application will be designed by the
Advisor and the Executive Board. The Executive Board and the Advisor may request any
additional information at any time. There will be no opportunity to resubmit an application once it
has been submitted, there will be no opportunity to add additional required paperwork to an
application which has been submitted. Each application packet MUST be submitted in a large
manilla envelope, SEALED, with the applicant’s signature on the break of the seal. Manilla
folders will be provided by the Activities Director in the Activities Office. The Executive Board
will make recommendations to the Advisor on which applications should be accepted for
placement based on the above standards. The Advisor’s decision in allowing a student to run will
be final. Finally, the class elections will take place. In the Senior elections, 9 members will be
elected, added to the 9 Executive Board members, and the 2 holdover members will be added to
equal 21. In the Junior elections, a maximum of 19 members will be elected for each grade to the
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Council and the 2 holdovers will be added to that number to equal 21. The student body will vote
for class representatives and class officers in one election.
Executive Board Election Procedure
The five Executive Board members will be nominated and voted on by their respective members
of the outgoing Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Council. The following procedure shall be used to
vote for the office:
1. To qualify for an office on the Executive Board you must be a Council Member on the current
Council. A meeting will be held by the outgoing Council to decide the positions.
2. Nominations for positions will be taken; all individual nominations will then be seconded to
move on.
3. Next, the prospective board members will have a chance to introduce themselves to the
Council and then show a 3-4 minute video that explains their promises and goals for their
4. Each member from the Sophomore, Junior, and outgoing Senior Council shall vote in private.
The member may choose one nominee for each position.
5. The Advisor will collect the votes and count the ballots. The Advisor will then announce the
6. The newly elected Executive Board will appoint the Parliamentarian and Historian after class
elections take place. The candidates will be announced at the first meeting following the
conclusion of Student Council elections, and a decision will be made no later than one week after.
The Advisor will make two appointments to the Executive Board for Executive Technology
Manager and Student Executive Leader. The appointments must be approved by the new
Executive Board, if they are not approved, a new nomination will be made and the process will
7. Executive Board members are exempt from the Council election for the following school year
and be figured into the total 17 members.
Sophomore Election
Each spring an incoming sophomore can apply to be a member of the next year’s Eisenhower
Student Council. Applications will be available at the Junior High Schools. Representation will
consist of seven members from Shelby and eight from Malow. If there are not enough acceptable
applications from either school, their additional spots will be filled by the other school. (ex: If
Malow submits only 6 acceptable applications, Shelby will be given two additional spots.)
Existing executive board members will then visit both junior highs to do on-site interviews with
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the applicants. Once the interviews are completed, the representatives will be chosen from each
junior high. Students transferring from other Junior Highs will also be able to apply.
Junior and Senior Elected Members
Student Council elections will take place by a grade-wide election. The following procedure will
be used:
1. Any student who wishes to appear on the ballot will fill out an application for election. The
applications will be reviewed by the Advisor and Executive Board according to a predetermined
rubric, created by the entire council. Each candidate will then meet with existing Executive Board
and Advisor to execute interview process. The Executive Board and Advisor will decide whether
or not to allow the student to run for election to the Council. The decision is final.
2. The Advisor will also randomly select class hours for teacher recommendations. These
teachers will seal the recommendation in an envelope and return it to the advisor. Applicants may
also provide additional recommendations.
3. Students interested in running for office will fill out an additional application for class officer
applicants and be asked to submit a 2-3 minute campaign video to the Advisor two weeks prior to
the election. The video will be shown to the student body..
4. Students wishing to run for president and vice-president will run as two separate
elections. The runner up for president will no longer be given the Vice-President
5. In order to run for an officer position you must have been a member of Student Council the
previous year and in good standing.
6. The voting will take place on line for four entire days.
7. Each voter will be verified for grade level, crossed off a master list and will receive a ballot.
The student may then vote, in private, for the remaining Council positions and class officer
positions without pressure form candidates.
8. The Advisor will count the ballots.
9. The Advisor’s decisions will be final.
10. An individual may withdraw from the election at anytime without penalty.
Holdover Members
At the end of the year, after the Student Council Elections, the President of the Council will
announce the 63 members for the following years Council.4 of the 63 members will have been
privately selected by the Executive Board. The Executive Board will pick 2 members from each
of the Sophomore and Junior class to be held over. The decision as to who the holdovers were
will remain anonymous. After choosing the 2 members the next 19 members in order of vote will
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be placed on Council. These Council Members will have the same rights and privileges as the
other elected members. The basis for the decision shall be service time, attendance, leadership
ability, and overall school spirit and attitude.
The Senate Executive Leader will choose one Hold Over member from Student Senate to be
added to the Student Council.
Student Senate
The student Council advisor will determine the method of selection. Any appeals will be made to
the Advisor who shall have the final say. Student Senators are required to attend all regularly
scheduled meetings and in an appropriate manner. Student Senators must perform 5 hours of
service each marking period to remain on Student Senate.
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