ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Manuscript title: A negative heterogeneity diversity relationship found in experimental grassland communities Authors: Antonio Gazol, Riin Tamme, Jodi N. Price, Inga Hiiesalu, Lauri Laanisto and Meelis Pärtel Corresponding author: Antonio Gazol e-mail: Antonio.Gazol@ut.ee Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40, 51005 Tartu, Estonia Online Resource 1. Figure showing the initial plant diversity in the different treatments. Online Resource 2. Figure showing the root:shoot biomass ratio in the different treatments. Online Resource 3. Summary of the SEM performed to study the influence of heterogeneity on plant diversity, relative light and biomass. Negative Heterogeneity Diversity Relationship in experimental grassland communities Gazol et al. Online Resource 1. Figure showing the initial plant diversity in the different treatments. Fig. S1 Treatment effect on plant diversity (Inverse of the Simpson´s dominance index) one month after starting the experiment at the box level (25 x 25 cm). Values are mean ±SE for homogeneous low fertility (Low), homogeneous medium fertility (Med), heterogeneous large scale (HetL), heterogeneous small scale (HetS) and homogeneous high fertility (High). Dashed lines connect treatments Low, High and two heterogeneous treatments (HetL and HetS); solid lines connect Low, Med and High treatments. Statistics are for treatment effects 2 Negative Heterogeneity Diversity Relationship in experimental grassland communities Gazol et al. Online Resource 2. Figure showing the root:shoot biomass ratio in the different treatments. Fig. S2 Treatment effect on root:shoot biomass ratio at the box level (25 x 25 cm). Values are mean ±SE for homogeneous low fertility (Low), homogeneous medium fertility (Med), heterogeneous large scale (HetL), heterogeneous small scale (HetS) and homogeneous high fertility (High). Dashed lines connect treatments Low, High and two heterogeneous treatments (HetL and HetS); solid lines connect Low, Med and High treatments. Statistics are for treatment effects 3 Negative Heterogeneity Diversity Relationship in experimental grassland communities Gazol et al. Online Resource 3. Summary of the SEM performed to study the influence of soil heterogeneity on plant diversity, relative light and biomass. Table 1. Coefficients associated with SEM created to study the influence of heterogeneity on plant diversity, relative light and shoot biomass (Fig. 4). The coefficient of each pathway (raw and standardized), its corresponding standard error (S.E.) and associated probability (P) are shown. coefficient standardized S.E. HetL treatment 0.98 0.99 HetS treatment 1.00 1.01 treatment shoot biomass 12.83 shoot biomass relative light P 0.27 <0.01 0.60 3.58 <0.01 -.028 -0.90 0.01 <0.01 relative light (log) shoot biomass 1.90 0.58 0.61 <0.01 treatment plant diversity 0.19 0.09 0.41 <0.01 4 Negative Heterogeneity Diversity Relationship in experimental grassland communities Gazol et al. Table 2. Total, direct and indirect effects of the different variables on each other according to the SEM. Raw and standardized values are shown separated by “/”. Total Direct Indirect HetL shoot biomass 12.55 / 0.60 - 12.55 / 0.60 HetL relative light -0.36 / -0.54 - -0.36 / -0.54 HetL plant diversity -0.49 / -0.22 - -0.49 / -0.22 HetS shoot biomass 12.83 / 0.61 - 12.83 / 0.61 HetS relative light -0.36 / -0.55 - -0.36 / -0.55 HetS plant diversity -0.50 / -0.23 - -0.50 / -0.23 shoot diversity relative light -0.03 / -0.90 -0.03 / -0.90 - shoot diversity plant diversity -0.05 / -0.52 - -0.05 / -0.52 relative light plant diversity 1.90 / 0.58 1.90 / 0.58 - 5