Open - The Scottish Government

Paul Gray, DG Rural Affairs, Environment & Services (Chair)
David Wilson, Director, Energy.
Diane McGiffen, Director of Corporate Services, Audit Scotland
Andy Carter, Health Directorate (representing Ingrid Clayden)
Also in attendance: Fiona Harrison, Deputy Director, Greener Scotland Unit
George Burgess, Deputy Director, Facilities and Estate Services
Judith Young, Team Leader, Leading By Example, Greener Scotland Unit
Barry Greig, Leading by Example, Greener Scotland Unit
Gill Stuart, Greener Scotland Unit
Stella Manzie, DG, Justice & Communities
Sarah Davidson, Director for Local Government and the Third Sector
John Ewing, Chief Executive, Scottish Prison Service
Alyson Stafford, DG Finance
Valerie Macniven, Director, Rural Payments and Inspections
Alastair Merrill, Director, Scottish Procurement Directorate
Ingrid Clayden, Director, Health Workforce
Andrew Baird, Head of SG Communications
Welcome and Introductions (Item 1)
Paul Gray opened the meeting by welcoming those attending.
Minutes of 5 October meeting & matters arising (Item 2)
Minutes of last meeting (Paper 5.01) – were approved.
Action Points – noted as either actioned, or covered under substantive agenda items.
Matters arising - none.
Sustainability Performance Framework (Item 3.1)
Fiona Harrison updated the group on the development of a Scottish Sustainability
Performance Framework (SSPF). In recognition of the public sector duties under the Climate
Change Act, other reporting obligations flowing from the Act, and SR pressures on local
authorities, whilst the SSPF will support mandatory and non mandatory reporting across
central government and the wider public sector in Scotland, it is proposed that the Framework
initially focus primarily on SG’s own core activities, rather than the public sector as a whole.
FES are leading on related aspects of this work - the revision of environmental targets in the
existing SG Annual Environment Report - while Greener are seeking to develop socioeconomic indicators related to the CSR agenda which, when taken together, aim to present a
more rounded picture of SG sustainability performance.
Coalescing around a set of high-level indicators and targets, proposal is to bring together
performance information in a central website which presents policy and performance, as well
as examples of best practice, to encourage and support action across the public sector as a
whole to improve sustainability performance, and contributes to the evidence base on how
SG (and others) are meeting their obligations under the Climate Change Act to act
The following points were made in discussion:
David Wilson noted that the range of statutory and mandatory reporting requirements
which have been introduced, and which in many cases also impact on SG itself, have led
to a complex picture, with many overlapping requirements, and that there are also a whole
additional raft of reporting requirements, specific to climate change (rather than
sustainability). An approach which seeks to simplify the response with a view to better
streamlining reporting while presenting best practice is welcome. This should clarify
where responsibility for each aspect of reporting lies, and crucially, who has
responsibility for this as a whole.
Paul Gray agreed the principle of first establishing a workable approach for SG before
including the wider public sector, and that it was appropriate to consider how the
Framework links to broader CSR principles. The approach should focus on the discharge
of SG’s reporting obligations but also add value by providing advice to participating
bodies on how to establish best practice in their organisations relating to the targets and
indicators in the Framework. It should also help us to work out what needs to be done
next going forward, rather than just reporting history.
Action points
Greener to provide advice setting out content of website including proposed
targets and best practice information, and clarity on responsibilities, for the next
meeting of the Group (expected to be early 2011)
Update on Sustainability Reporting requirements flowing from Government Financial
Reporting Manual (FReM) (Item 3.2)
Barry Greig updated the group on responses to previously circulated Paper HLG (I)
5.03 There was general support for the proposal that Paul Gray write to relevant bodies after
the analysis of responses to public sector duties consultation exercise, most likely early in
2011. The purpose of writing is to assist bodies prepare to meet the FReM requirement to
include sustainability reports within annual reports from April 2011, and to provide further
detail on content based on targets within the Framework .
The following points were made in discussion:
David Wilson noted that while FReM relates to accounting requirements, one of the
main principles behind the changes is to help mainstream sustainability by clarifying
the link between action on sustainability and the financial implications for
organisations. As such, he questioned whether it wasn’t more appropriate for Finance
Directorate to take ownership of the initiative going forward, and for any letter to be
signed by DG Finance.
Paul Gray agreed that it might be more appropriate DG Finance to lead, subject to
their further views and suggested David Wilson/Greener explore the point again with
Finance colleagues
Action Points
Greener to provide draft for David Wilson to Finance Directorate to clarify
extent of their ongoing role in relation to FReM, and to report back to Paul Gray on the
Update on Environmental Performance of the SG Estate: Paper HLG(I) 5.04 (Item 3.3)
George Burgess updated the group on progress to review targets within the existing
SG Annual Environment Report. A number of targets are expiring and there is a related
requirement to ensure alignment with headline emissions reductions targets under the Climate
Change Act. Detail of new targets will be presented to the Group in due course. The review
process is also taking into account linkage to other reporting requirements and to the
overarching structure of the Sustainability Performance Reporting Framework. Revision also
seeks to address the issue of providing more up-to-date environmental performance data than
had been possible under the AER by developing an on-line reporting facility. Changes to the
size of the SG estate need to be recognised and handled appropriately in terms of
presentation, as well as operationally, with the current Carbon Management Programme
revised accordingly. Finally the impact of local behaviours on SG’s own environmental
performance would be addressed by the introduction of the new LEAP model set out in the
The following points were raised in discussion:
Paul Gray welcomed the proposals in the paper and use of milestones as helpful in setting
out steps to progress. It was agreed to proceed as proposed, noting it was important to set out
the context of changes to the government estate when baselining performance information.
Update on Scottish Government Travel Plan – HLG(I) 5.05 (Item 4)
George Burgess updated the group on progress in developing the Scottish
government’s Travel Plan. A two-tiered approach is proposed as set out in the Paper,
comprising an overarching Strategy for review on a 5-yearly basis, underpinned by a rolling
Action Plan with a set of individuals actions and associated timescales reported on annually.
Written comments are invited from Group Members by 3 December.
The following points were raised in discussion:
The principle of a clear, unambiguous travel hierarchy was welcomed. In the absence
of definitive policy re particular modes, consideration should be given to the
provision of information about carbon consequences of travel decisions. Such
information should be part of an approach which takes account of individual travel
circumstances and needs (e.g. the need to work on some journeys, the issue of travel
time impinging on employees’ own time) and provide a sound evidence base to assist
decision making. It was also suggested the hierarchy should recognise and encourage
appropriate use of pool cars (before hire cars).
Responding, George Burgess noted that the provision of carbon information is
expected to be included as part of the next SG Travel Management contract and this
will allow better consideration to be given to carbon consequences of travel
Action Points
FES to circulate a reminder to HLG members seeking written comments
on the Travel Plan proposals by 3 December and copy consolidated comments to Paul
Project 2011 – Preparing Scottish Government for public sector duties under the
Climate Change Act (Item 5)
Fiona Harrison noted there was a need to consider whether existing mechanisms
were sufficient to demonstrate Scottish Government’s own compliance with the public sector
duties introduced by the Climate Change Act from 1 January 2011. While some of the larger
building blocks are already in place, e.g. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA),
Annual Environment Report, CRC participation etc., it isn’t clear whether these would be
enough to demonstrate compliance with the duty in the event of a challenge, particularly in
respect of the duty to act sustainably. Initial considerations suggest that, as a minimum, a
corporate communication strategy will be required, possibly developed by Greener working
with Communications colleagues and Sarah Davidson, to raise awareness of the duties and
prime officials to take steps necessary to comply. A review of existing arrangements with a
view to spotting any gaps, and bring forward proposals to deal as appropriate, is proposed.
The following points were raised in discussion:
Paul Gray agreed that Greener should take this work forward and report back to the
Group in due course.
Action Points
Greener to review an consider existing mechanisms as above and report
back to the next meeting of the Group in due course.
Greener Scotland Division
November 2010
Summary of Action Points
Greener to provide advice setting out content of website including proposed
targets and best practice information, and clarity on responsibilities, for the next
meeting of the Group (expected to be early 2011)
Greener to provide draft for David Wilson to Finance Directorate to clarify
extent of their ongoing role in relation to FReM, and to report back to Paul Gray on the
FES to circulate a reminder to HLG members seeking written comments on the
Travel Plan proposals by 3 December
Greener to review an consider existing mechanisms as above and report back
to the next meeting of the Group in due course.