US-Latin American Relations - New York University Libraries

US-Latin American Relations
GENERAL HISTORIES, EXAMPLES (by region, country,
Latin American--United States relations. Federico G. Gil; New York NY:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.
NYU Bobst F1418 .G5.
Our Troubled Hemisphere; Perspectives on United States-Latin American
Relations. Robert N. Burr; Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1967.
NYU Bobst F1418 .B929.
Diplomatic Claims: Latin American Historians View the United States. Warren
Dean, main editor; Lanham MD: University Press of America, .1985.
NYU Bobst F1418 .D53 1985.
America and the Americas: the United States in the Western Hemisphere. Lester
D. Langley; Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1989.
NYU Bobst F1418 .L27 1989.
The United States and the Caribbean in the Twentieth Century. Lester D.
Langley; Athens: University of Georgia Press, c1989.
NYU Bobst F2178.U6 L38 1989.
The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America.
Lester D. Langley; Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1995.
NYU Bobst F1440.A54 L36 1995.
U.S.-Cuban relations in the 1990s. Jorge Dominguez, editor. Boulder, CO: :
Westview Press, 1989.
NYU Bobst JX1428.C9 U18 1989.
The United States in America: A Historical Dictionary. David Shavit; New York,
NY: Greenwood Press, 1992.
NYU Bobst REF1 F1418 .S494 1992 Non-circulating.
U.S. –Latin American Policymaking: A Reference Handbook. Edited by David.
W. Dent; Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995.
NYU Bobst REF1 F1418 .U59 1995 Non-circulating.
Dent, David W. The Legacy of the Monroe Doctrine: A Reference Guide to U.S.
Involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean. Westport, CN: Greenwood
Press, 1999.
NYU Bobst F1418 .D458 1999.
American Historical Association. AHA Guide to Historical Literature. 2 vols.
New York: Oxford University Press, c1995.
Bobst REF1 Z1601.L3225 1992.
See sections 29 on Spain and Portugal; 36 on Native Peoples of the Americas; 37
on Latin America to 1800; and 38 on Latin America since 1800.
Griffin, Charles C., ed. Latin America: A Guide to the Historical Literature
Conference on Latin American History, Publication no. 4. Austin: University of
Texas Press, 1971.
Bobst REF1 F1406.G75 1971.
Arranged by periods and countries, it contains more than 7,000 annotated entries,
covering primary and secondary sources. Each section is prepared and introduced
by an expert in the field. Author index.
Werlich, David P. Research Tools for Latin American Historians: A Select
Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1980.
Bobst Ref1 Z1601.W47 1980.
"This volume is a classified, annotated bibliography of almost 1,400 reference
works, compendiums of source materials, and periodicals useful to Latin
American historians" (from author's introduction).
Covington, Paula H., ed. Latin America and the Caribbean: A Critical Guide to
Research Sources. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1992. Interdisciplinary
guide to reference and bibliographic sources on Latin America and the Caribbean.
Arranged by discipline, each chapter includes an introductory essay, a
bibliographic section, and a section entitled "resources" which consists of brief
descriptions of relevant special collections.
Bobst REF1 Z1601.L3225 1992.
Encyclopedia of the Inter-American System. G. Pope Atkins; Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 1997.
NYU Bobst REF1 F1410 .A79 1997 Non-circulating.
Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics. Edited by Martin
Griffiths; New York, NY: Routledge Press, 2005.
NYU Bobst REF1 JV1160 .E53 2005 Non-circulating.
Encyclopedia of US Foreign Relations. Bruce W. Jentleson, editor; New York :
Oxford University Press, 1997.
NYU Bobst REF1 183.7 .E53 1997 Non-circulating v.1 through 4.
(A link to the online databases is available via the library’s
A bibliography of United States-Latin American relations since 1810; a selected
list of eleven thousand published references. Edited by David F. Trask; Lincoln,
NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1968.
Supplement to a Bibliography of United States-Latin American Relations Since
1810. Edited by Michael C. Meyer; Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press,
America : History & Life
Indexes journal articles and books on the history of the U.S. and Canada .
Includes historical scholarship related to U.S. foreign policy in Latin America .
Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS ONLINE) & (HLAS WEB), 1936A multidisciplinary bibliography and index on Latin America consisting of works
selected and annotated by scholars.
Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI), 1975Indexes, from 1970- , more than 500 scholarly journals devoted to Latin
American topics, with useful subject approach. The majority of journals covered
in this index are published in Latin America. Many of the major Latin American
journals published in the U.S. are also included.
Historical Abstracts
Indexes journal articles and books on the history of the world including Latin
America . U.S. and Canadian history are excluded.
PAIS International
Provides citations to articles, books, reports, and select government documents on
U.S. and international public policy issues. Generally considered to be a
comprehensive index to policy literature.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Provides citations and abstracts of the international literature in political science,
including journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, and reviews. It
also covers such areas as international relations, law, sociology, economics, and
public policy.
Lexis-Nexis Congressional
Extensive database that indexes publications of the U.S. Congress such as
hearings, committee reports, documents and prints. Much of the material is
available in microfiche with some in paper and online. This is an essential tool for
doing legislative history research.
Foreign Relations of the United States.
Department of State, United States of America. Washington: US G.P.O.
This series presents the official documentary historical record of major US
foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. The volumes
published over the last two decades increasingly contain declassified records from
all the foreign affairs agencies. Selected recent volumes of this series,
unfortunately few related to Latin America, are also available online at . Selected volumes
published between 1861 and 1960 are available at .
Journals and Newspapers
PRISMA (Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas)
Latin American Newsstand A selection of full-text Latin-American newspapers and
newswires covering international and Latin-American regional topics. Includes
Comercio; Lima Full Text: 2005 - current
BOBST A-Z Index of Journals and Newspapers
Foreign Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index
Provides indexing to the Daily Reports of the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information
Service from 1975-1996. These reports include translated broadcasts, news agency
transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around
the world. Search by keyword, region and date. Most of the reports are available in
microfiche. For more recent material, see World News Connection below.
World News Connection
Continues coverage of the FBIS reports mentioned above from 1996 to the present, but
with full text. The search functions are similar (by keyword, region, and date) with a
"latest headlines" feature for monitoring current news.
For historical newspapers on microfilm consult the Center for Research Library’s catalog.
World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS Online) WBIS Online is a
comprehensive biographical database available, providing short biographical information
on 4.2M people from the 8th century B.C. to the present. Included are 4.56M digital
facsimile articles from biographical reference works on 3.2M people worldwide.
 NACLA North American Congress on Latin America
Sabin Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 contains information about North, Central
and South America, the Arctic and Antarctica and the West Indies. This resource
offers original accounts of exploration, pioneering, settlement, the western
movement, military actions, Native Americans, slavery and abolition.
Country Studies (
State Department Background Notes (
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)
Facilitates access to research in international affairs. Publishes a wide range of
scholarship, including working papers form university research institutes,
occasional paper series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and
proceedings from conferences.
Declassified Documents Reference System , U.S.
Provides indexing and full text access to a rich collection of declassified
documents from various government agencies, including the White House, the
CIA , the FBI, the State Department, and others covering events following World
War II. This database is a good starting point.
Digital National Security Archive
Provides access to a wealth of significant primary documents central to U.S.
foreign and military policy since 1945. Comprised of 22 core collections, each
contains a diverse range of policy documents including presidential directives,
memos, diplomatic dispatches, meeting notes, independent reports, briefing
papers, White House communications, email, confidential letters, and other secret
material. Selected documents from the National Security Archive, including a
collection of Electronic Briefing Books, can be found here.