01202015 - Cowley College

Cowley County Community College
& Area Vocational-Technical School
January 20, 2015
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Cowley County Community College
and Area Vocational-Technical School was called to order on January 20, 2015,
at 6:00 p.m., in the Board of Trustee Conference Room, McAtee Dining Center on
the CCCC campus, 206 South Fourth Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Dennis K. Shurtz
Ron Godsey
Ned Graham
Bob Juden
Mark Paton
Jim Ramirez
Brian Sanderholm
Tony Crouch, Exec. VP of Business Services/Interim President
Libby Moore, Board Clerk
David Andreas, Legal Counsel
Paul Erdman, VP for Information Technology
Shane Larson, Athletic Director
Rama Peroo, Director of Inst. Comm. & Public Relations
Slade Griffiths, VP of Academic Affairs
Josh Cobble, Exec. Dir. of Enrollment Mgt.
Jason O’Toole, Exec. Dir. of Student Affairs
Sarah Byrant, Director for Marketing
Linda Kreutzer, Director of Human Resources
Roxanna James, Director of IMPACT programs
Bev Manuszak, Student Support Services counselor
Joycelyn Goff, Accounting Coordinator
Deanna Harp, Financial Aid Specialist
Barbara Farley, Arkansas City
Sid Regnier, Arkansas City
Andrew Lawson, Traveler news
Ian Brannan, South Hutchinson, Kansas (student)
Emily Loehner, Wichita, Kansas (student)
Madison McDowell, Arkansas City (student)
Call to
Noting a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by
Dennis K. Shurtz, Board Chairman, and the agenda was established.
The Invocation was presented by Ron Godsey.
Ron Godsey introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
of Board
RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
conducted on December 15, 2014, and the Special meeting of January 14, 15,
and 16, 2015, are hereby adopted, and the Board Clerk is directed to file the
Minutes with the official records of the College.
The motion was seconded by Ron Godsey and carried.
Mark Paton introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the receipt of the Financial Reports is hereby acknowledged,
and the Treasurer is directed to file said reports with the financial
records of the College for audit according to the policies of the Board
of Trustees and the Statutes of the State of Kansas.
The motion was seconded by Jim Ramirez and carried.
Bills &
Ron Godsey introduced and moved the adoption of the
following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the fiscal officers of the College are hereby
authorized and directed to execute payment of all bills and claims
as presented herein, and the Executive Vice-President
of Business Services is directed to file the purchase requisitions,
purchase orders, and all supporting documents for audit according
to the policies of the Board of Trustees and the Statutes of
the State of Kansas.
The motion was seconded by Mark Paton and carried.
1) Ian Brannan, South Hutchinson, Kansas was recognized as November
Student of the Month. He currently has a 3.47 GPA and is a creative
writing major. His honors are Student Ambassador, Creative Writing
scholarship, and Creating Writing portfolio award. His activities include
Diverse Tigers President, Creative Claws Co-President, Movie Club,
Cowley Tutor, and Cowley County Young Democrats. He has served three
Years as a volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization.
After Cowley College Ian plans to transfer to either Emporia State or Kansas
University. Tony Crouch, Interim President/Executive Vice President Business
Services, recognized Ian for being selected as November Student of the Month.
2) Emily Loehner, Jacksonville, Florida/Wichita, Kansas was chosen as
December Student of the Month. She is Anthropology major currently
with a 4.0 GPA. Emily’s activities on campus are a member of the Art Club,
ACT 1, Dramaturge for Theatre, participated in Little Shop of Horrors, Peter Pan,
and The Velveteen Rabbit. Her honors and awards are student ambassador,
Anthropology Scholarship, and President’s Honor roll. Emily’s civic
engagements include assisting to raise money for ALS Challenge and
Art Club fundraiser for Fire/Police Departments. Emily plans to continue her
Degree in Anthropology at a university. Tony Crouch, Interim President/
Executive Vice President Business Services, honored Emily as December Student
of the Month.
3) Madison McDowell, Arkansas City, Kansas, was selected as January Student
of the Month. She is a Secondary Education-Math major currently with a
4.0 GPA. Her activities include Cowley tutor, Cowley Activity
Awareness team; Fellowship of Christian Athletes and PTK Honors
in Action Project. Madison’s honors and awards are Student
Ambassador, President’s Honor Roll, All Kansas Academic team,
Rotary, CAAT, Ark City Clinic, First Presbyterian scholarships, and
crowned Queen Arkalalah LXXX. Madison plans to transfer to Wichita
State University to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics
(secondary education). Tony Crouch Interim President/Executive Vice President
Business Services recognized Madison as January Student of the Month.
4) A request from Sid Regnier, Arkansas City, to have the Board’s reaction
or opinion to President Obama’s proposal to give two (2) years of
community college education to students who can meet certain grade
requirements. Board members responded it’s a pipe dream, so vague it’s hard to
make a comment at this time, purely political not going to fly, and there are still to
many questions on the proposal and no answers yet to provide.
1) The Annual Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor’s luncheon will be held at
the Ramada Downtown/Topeka on February 12 (12:00-2:00 p.m.) The
Council of President’s and Board of Trustees will have their meetings
following the luncheon. Ron Godsey will attend representing the Board.
2) Tony Crouch requested an Executive Session for preliminary
discussion of professional negotiations and property for thirty minutes
with possible recommendation to be presented. The Executive Session
will be held prior to Personnel Transactions.
3) At the December Board meeting, Ron Godsey was approved to attend the
ACCT Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C. in February. Mr. Godsey is
unable to attend and it was requested to approve the attendance of Brian
Sanderholm to attend instead.
Jim Ramirez introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the attendance of Brian
Sanderholm at the ACCT National Legislative Summit, February 9-12, 2015,
at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.
The motion was seconded by Ned Graham and carried.
4) Dennis K. Shurtz, Board Chair, has requested an Executive Session for
preliminary discussion of non-elected personnel for one hour after the regular
meeting, with no action to follow.
The following Administrative Reports were reviewed:
Tony Crouch recommended the following Business Services report.
1) The Nelson Student Center roof was delayed due to cold weather. All work
except the roof cap was complete.
2) The first reading of Policy 154.00 Mail Services was presented.
3) The college had an audit by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recently. The
auditors visited with Jason O’Toole, Executive Director of Student Life and
staff and students during the visit. Tony Crouch, Interim President/Executive
Vice President Business Services, personally thanked Jason O’Toole for all the
work he did in preparing for the auditors visit.
4) Roxanna James, Director of IMPACT, provided the Board an update on the
program. Kathy Witte/Program Coordinator; Bev Manuszak/CounselorCoordinator; Dianne Flickinger/English Specialist; Loretta Waldroupe/Math
Specialist are the staff of the IMPACT program. The IMPACT Student Support
Services TRIO program is an academic program designed to help students
graduate from Cowley College and/or transfer to a four-year university. The
program serves up to 160 students a year and provides valuable services to
the students.
All other reports presented from Endowment, Enrollment, Student Affairs,
Enrollment, and Athletics were reviewed as presented.
Ron Godsey introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the actions described in the Business Services, Academic,
Endowment, Student Life, Enrollment, and Athletic reports are hereby
approved, and all correspondence relating thereto be received and field for
future reference.
The motion was seconded by Ned Graham and carried.
Mark Paton introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees convene for an Executive Session for
fifteen minutes for preliminary discussion of professional negotiations and
non-elected personnel.
The motion was seconded by Jim Ramirez and carried.
The Board of Trustees went into Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. and reconvened at
6:50 p.m.
Bob Juden introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVE, that the College offer to those employees who have obtained or will
obtain 85 points prior to June 30, 2015, pursuant to KPER’s calculation, an early
retirement opportunity whereby the customary 60 years of age requirement will be
waived, and upon submission of retirement letter on or before March 31, 2015,
with an effective retirement date of on or before June 30, 2015, said employee will
otherwise be allowed to participate in retirement benefits.
The motion was seconded by Ron Godsey and carried.
Tony Crouch recommended the following personnel for Board approval:
1) Letter of retirement from Mike Fell, Art Instructor, effective June 1, 2015.
2) Letter of resignation from Mark Richardson, Disability Services
Coordinator, effective May 22, 2015.
3) Letter of resignation from Jamison Rhoads, Technical Director of
Theatre, effective June 30, 2015.
Staff positions recommended for employment:
1) Megan Brownlee, Technology Support Specialist, at an hourly
salary of $17.50, plus staff fringe benefits package, effective
January 21, 2015.
2) Joe Shriver, Bus Driver, at an hourly salary of $12.50, plus staff fringe
benefits, effective February 2, 2014.
The following personnel positions are currently open and have not been filled:
Coordinator of Military & Veteran Services
Ron Godsey introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that Interim President Tony Crouch and Chair of the Board of
Trustees, Dennis K. Shurtz, are hereby authorized to execute the following
personnel transactions as presented.
The motion was seconded by Jim Ramirez and carried.
Jim Ramirez introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees convene into Executive Session
for preliminary discussion relating to non-elected personnel and consult with
legal counsel for 30 minutes.
The motion was seconded by Bob Juden and carried.
The Board of Trustees went into Executive Session at 6:55 p.m. and
reconvened at 7:25 p.m.
Jim Ramirez introduced and moved the adoption of the following
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees convene back into
Executive Session for fifteen minutes to continue preliminary
discussion of non-elected personnel and consult with legal counsel.
The motion was seconded by Ron Godsey and carried.
The Board of Trustees went back into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m.
and reconvened at 7:40 p.m.
Libby Moore
Board Clerk
With no other business to be considered, Dennis K. Shurtz, Board Chair,
declared the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.