021605 Meeting Minutes - Students for a Greener Berkeley

Students for a Greener Berkeley
1st General Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2005, 6:00pm – 7:00pm
348 Hearst Mining Building
Attendees: Gabe Harley, Becca Jones, Al Kostalas, Ryan Firestone, Elif Ertekin, Aaron Kueck. Brad Zamft,
David Newburn, Yuki Takahashi, Rachel Linzar, Blandine Laurenty, Scott Blitch, Sarah Placella, Rob Schechtman,
Sharon Shearer, Emily Sadigh, Stephanie Cheng, Emily Rubidge, Cole Burton, Ken Worthy, Adriana Valencia, Magda
Moner, Wendy Liu, Charles Hammond
I. Welcome and Introductions, Agenda
II. Background of the Group
1. Gabe discussed the niche for a new environmental group targeting graduate students on campus, and explained
that we will work with existing environmental groups at Cal (including the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee
on Sustainability, the Environmental Coalition and the California Student Sustainability Coalition) toward our
goal of making policies and practices on campus more sustainable. The group’s focus this semester will be
paper purchasing, use and disposal, although we may serve as an umbrella group for other projects, as well.
Gabe noted that we have funding from the Graduate Assembly this semester for projects specific to paper. He
also shared that of 140 tons of waste are generated per week on campus, 60 tons of which are paper, and of all
UC schools, Berkeley ranks the lowest in terms of purchasing recycled content paper (Berkeley purchases 9%,
while UC Davis buys 75%, and the UC average is 37%).
1. We have been in touch with most of the relevant campus groups, and will work with them on projects of
overlapping interest. Currently, no other groups are directly addressing paper issues.
2. The paper stats Gabe presented come from the UC Office of the President, and from studies done by the
manager of Campus Recycling and Refuse Services, Lisa Bauer. We have looked at the data from the recent
campus sustainability assessment.
3. We have not yet looked into models that have been successful at other campuses for sustainable paper
purchasing, use and disposal, but this type of research is on our list of things to do. [We’d love to hear from
anyone with knowledge of successful examples.]
4. Rob Schechtman of the Graduate Assembly indicated that the GA puts graduate students on about 100 campus
committees, and can directly set up meetings with senior administrators to discuss the issues on which we are
working. [Contact him at academics@ga.berkeley.edu if interested, or through SGB.]
IV. Brainstorming Groups / Committees
1. Becca discussed the main aspects of the paper project that we have funding for and members broke into the
following brainstorming groups (with approximate amount of funding noted):
a. Software (~$200) - This team will design and find someone to develop software so that when the
'print' button is pressed, a dialogue box will pop up that asks if the user wants to change print settings
to save paper. User will be able to select options such as: two-sided, N-up, single space, increase
margins, or print on scrap paper.
b. Paper Re-Use Bins (~$500) - This team will determine the best design (material, shape, size, color),
placement, and implementation method for paper re-use bins across campus.
c. Signage (~$200) - We have money to create signs for campus. This could be anything from
permanent signs indicating Berkeley is “green,” to maps or banners with recycling locations/other
sustainable info on them, to signs inside buildings directing people to recycling. This team will design
signs, and may meet with the campus beautification reps for approval (depending on location) before
having signs made.
d. Purchasing (~$120) – This team will talk with purchasing/procurement people on campus and develop
a proposal to mandate x% of post-consumer content in all paper products bought on campus. The
money is for purchase of sample recycled-content products.
e. Hearst Mining Pilot - We need a proposal and plan to transform Hearst Memorial Mining Building
into an exemplary sustainable building. Primarily this will be for paper, but there are many other
recycling options (including containers for recycling of plastics, batteries, etc.). This could be
extended to energy/water use, but only if there is substantial interest. The pilot will include things like
evaluating the amount and composition of waste generated by Hearst; determining the best way to get
and distribute recycling/reuse bins; providing literature/signage on what's going on, where things are,
and how to do things; working with purchasing people for the building; and seeking publicity for the
V. Summary of Breakout Group Ideas
1. A question was raised as to whether or not recycled paper was actually better than virgin paper in terms of a
complete life-cycle analysis. Someone mentioned a recent study that indicated that recycled paper was better
but only by a small margin. [The member that knew of this study is asked to forward this to Gabe or Becca].
It was a general consensus that pursuing re-use and thereby reducing demand for paper should be a primary
goal in terms of achieving sustainability.
2. Summaries
a. Re-Use Bins group – Determined that re-use bins should be placed in the libraries and campus
computer facilities. They suggested that wire-mesh bins from an office supply store be purchased and
that the color green be used to identify bins as for re-use. Size needs to be determined. Should be put
in residence halls too, but preventing theft needs to be considered.
b. Purchasing group – More background information is needed; we need a breakdown of who does the
purchasing, how much is being purchased, and whether purchasing will soon become centralized on
campus. One good model - Boise Cascade held a “paper party” with free lunch at Princeton
University for all purchasers to promote recycled paper and Princeton is now purchasing 100%
recycled paper. Should start to build awareness with purchasers on campus and prepare a presentation
that could be given to them to increase their awareness about recycled products.
c. Robert indicated that the GA and ASUC have representation on the Store Operations Board of the
campus bookstore, and we could work with them to push forth regulations for the purchasing and
pricing of recycled content materials.
d. Signage group – Recommended a banner and fliers on Sproul, and to begin developing a group logo.
There are many different models of copiers and printers on campus so making a standard set of
instructions for all machines will be difficult. Al Kostalas came up with a template for one set of
machines. We should start a general campaign to remind people to please paper use, which could
include paper stats. It would be good to set the default setting to duplex for all printers.
e. Hearst Mining Pilot group – Will start with a waste assessment, hopefully next week (talk to the
building manager), and should survey what rooms in the building need recycling bins. Will
implement the pilot by March so it can be evaluated by the end of the semester.
f. Software group – Need to find out what is possible to do with software, whether it could interact with
drivers or would need to be purely educational (focus on groups that use most paper). Ask CS profs if
there is a class where this could be a final project. Survey the printers on campus to determine the
most common by type of number of pages printed, so that focus can be on those first.
VI. Request for Officers
1. Becca listed the following officer positions that need to be filled, and requested that anyone interested talk to
us after the meeting or send an email.
a. President – duties are to lead meetings and direct communication on behalf of the group. The
President also serves as the primary signatory. Gabe and Becca are serving as co-presidents at present.
b. Vice President – duties are to assist the president and coordinate logistics for club functions.
c. Publicity Chair – duties are to communicate and promote club initiatives to the campus and/or
surrounding communities.
d. Treasurer – duties are to fundraise (including writing funding proposals) and manage club funds.
e. Secretary – duties are to take notes at club functions and maintain the club website.
f. Recruitment Officer (may be same as Publicity Chair) – duty is to recruit new club members.
VII. Next Meeting
1. Next meeting will be in two weeks, on Wednesday March 2, 2005. Please start on any action items developed
in the brainstorming groups and be in touch with Gabe or Becca if interested in spearheading one of the
2. There is a meeting scheduled with the head of Custodial Services on Monday Feb. 28th @10:00am if anyone is
interested in coming.
IX. Adjournment