Science Question of the week Questions and Answers

Science Question of the week Questions and Answers
Name the 4 months in summer.
Bonus: What is the first day of summer?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is
June, July, August and September
And the bonus answer is
June 21
What is a hurricane?
Bonus: What is the center of a hurricane called?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is
A tropical storm with winds reaching at least 74 MPH.
And the bonus answer is
The eye
And the answer was found in KidsInfo Bits.
Name the four months in autumn or fall?
Bonus: What is the first day of fall?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is September, October, November, & December.
And the bonus answer is September 22.
What are clouds made of?
Bonus: Name one type of cloud.
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is water vapor.
And the bonus answer is status, cirrus or cumulus
What is a rainbow?
Bonus: How many colors are in the rainbow?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is sunlight shines through raindrops in the air and the light separates into
And the bonus answer is 7 colors.
What is fog?
Bonus: When is it most common to see fog?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is fog is a cloud that touches the ground.
And the bonus answer is it occurs most often in spring & fall and at dawn.
And the answer was found in KidsInfo Bits
Another name for the earth is?
Bonus: Earth is the ________ planet from the sun?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is the Blue Planet because it is mostly covered with water.
And the bonus answer is the 3rd planet
And the answer was found in KidsInfo Bits
What is an insect?
Bonus: Which insect flies 2,000 miles from North America to Mexico every fall?
Also include how you found your answer.
And the answer is a small animal with three main body parts (a head, a thorax, and an
abdomen) and six legs
And the bonus answer is Monarch Butterfly
And the answer was found in KidsInfo Bits.
A spider is not an insect because it has (blank) legs
Bonus: A spider is called an (blank).
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is a spider is an arachnid & has 8 legs instead of 6.
And the bonus answer is they spin a web to catch food.
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer was found in KidsInfo Bits.
What is a calorie?
Bonus: What is an empty calorie?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is a unit of heat that measures how much energy that food provides when
used by your body.
And the bonus answer is foods that contain few or no nutrients.
How many food groups are in the food pyramid?
Bonus: Name one of them.
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is there are 5 food groups.
And the bonus answer is meats, grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, beans, and nuts.
What is something that burns calories?
Bonus: How many minutes should children exercise every day?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is exercise
And the bonus answer is 30 to 60 minutes a day.
And the answer was found in kids infobits.
Which is the biggest planet?
Bonus: What is the smallest planet?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is Jupiter
And the bonus answer is Mercury
And the answer was found in kids infobits.
Which planet is the red planet?
How far away is it from the sun?
Also include how you found the answer.
And the answer is Mars.
And the bonus answer is the 4th planet.
And the answer was found in kids infobits.
How many planets are in the solar system?
Bonus: Which planet is closest to the sun?
And the answer is 8
And the bonus answer is mercury
What is Pluto now known as?
Bonus: What is a planet?
and the answer is Dwarf planet
The bonus answer is it orbits around the sun, is round and cannot come near another large
body in space.
How does the moon light up?
Bonus: How long does it take for the moon to travel around earth.
And the answer is it reflects light from the sun.
Bonus: 28 – 29 days; one month.
How many phases does the moon have?
Bonus: What is a full moon?
And the answer is 4.
The bonus answer is when the moon is on the other side of the earth from the sun.
Who was the first person to walk the moon?
Bonus: What year was it?
And the answer is Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin
The bonus answer is July 20, 1969.
What is a Biome?
Bonus: Name 3?
And the answer is an ecosystem or a large region where a distinct variety of plants and
animals live together.
And the bonus answer is forest, desert, grassland, rain forest, tundra
Name one animal that lives in the desert?
Bonus: Name one plant found in the desert?
And the answer is kangaroo rat, camel, tortoise, tarantula.
And the bonus answer is cactus.
On what continent do wild tigers live on?
Bonus: Where do leopards live?
And the answer is Asia
And the bonus answer is Africa, Asia & Middle East.
What trees do acorns come from?
Bonus: Why was it chosen as the national tree?
And the answer is Oak.
And the bonus answer is because it is big and strong and long lasting just like our
What is daylight saving time?
Bonus: Who came up with the idea?
And the answer is set our clocks one hour ahead to have more daylight hours.
And the bonus answer is Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea to burn fewer candles
and save money.
How many hearts does an earth worm have?
What worm are used in hospitals?
And the answer is an earthworm has 5 hearts.
And the bonus answer is a leech is used in hospitals to help repair injuries.
Name 3 parts of a flower?
What’s the smallest flower in the world?
And the answer is roots, stems, leaves, seeds.
And the bonus answer is Duckweed
What are 3 things plants need to grow?
What is the process called that makes food for green plants.
And the answer is air, water, light.
And the bonus answer is photosynthesis.
How many bones does an adult have?
Bonus: How many ribs do you have?
And the answer is adults have 206 bones.
And the bonus answer is you have 12 pairs of ribs.
What is your epidermis?
How can you protect your epidermis from the sun?
And the answer is your epidermis is your skin
And the bonus answer is sunscreen and a hat.
Who was the first American to launch into space?
What year?
And the answer is Alan Shepherd
And the bonus answer is May 5, 1961 (47 years ago)
And the answer was found on the history
What is the closest planet to the sun?
What planet is furthest from the sun?
And the answer is Mercury.
And the bonus answer is Neptune because Pluto is no longer considered a planet but a
“dwarf planet”.
What is a simple machine?
Give one example.
And the answer is simple tools to make work easier. A machine with few or no moving
And the bonus answer is ramp, shovel & see-saw are just a few examples. Screw, wedge,
pulley, lever.
Name 3 parts of a plant?
What is the job of the leaf?
And the answer is roots, stems, leaves.
And the bonus answer is leaves catch light and take in water.
Name 3 parts of a flowers?
What is the part of the plant with seeds called that we eat?
And the answer is Pistils, stamen and anthers are 3 parts of a flower
And the bonus answer is fruit is the part of the flower that we eat with seeds.
What is your heart?
Bonus: What does your heart do?
And the answer is your heart is a muscle.
And the bonus answer is your heart sends blood around your body.
What is your biggest part of your brain?
Bonus: What does it do?
And the answer is the biggest part of your brain is the cerebrum.
And the bonus answer is it is the part that helps you think.
What is your skull made of?
Bonus: What does it protect?
And the answer is the skull is made up of different bones.
And the bonus answer is it protects your brain.
What do your ribs protect?
How many ribs do you have?
And the answer is the ribs protect your lungs, heart & liver.
And the bonus answer is most have 12 pairs of ribs.
What is another name for your baby teeth?
What are your front teeth called?
And the answer is your primary teeth.
And the bonus answer is Incisors are your front teeth.
What are your teeth made out of?
Which teeth are the strongest?
And the answer is your teeth are made of dentin, enamel and pulp.
And the bonus answer is the strongest teeth are your molars.
Your tongue is made of a group of (blank)?
How many taste buds do you have when you are born?
And the answer is your tongue is made up of a group of muscles.
And the bonus answer is you are born with 10,000 taste buds.
How big is your eye?
Why does your eyelid protect your eye?
And the answer is as big as a ping-pong ball.
And the bonus answer is your eyelid has reflexes that make you blink. It protects your
eye from getting hurt.
How many kidneys do you have?
Where are your kidneys located?
And the answer is you have 2 kidneys.
And the bonus answer is they are located near the middle of your back below your rib
What is a reptile?
Bonus: Name 3!
And the answer is a reptile is a cold-blooded vertebrate.
And the bonus answer Snakes, lizards, & crocodiles are reptiles.
Why is a spider not an insect?
Bonus: How do spiders get their food?
And the answer is a spider is an arachnid & has 8 legs instead of 6.
And the bonus answer is they spin a web to catch food.
Name the four seasons?
Bonus: What season are we in now?
And the answer is summer, spring, fall, winter
And the bonus answer is summer
What is the first day of fall?
What is another name for fall?
And the answer is September 22nd
And the bonus answer is autumn
How many hours are in a day?
And the answer is 24 hours
And the bonus answer is that’s how long it takes for the earth to rotate on it’s axis one
How many days are in a year?
And the answer is 365 days
And the bonus answer is that’s how long it takes for the earth to rotate around the sun one
Why do leaves change color in the fall?
Why do leaves fall off the tree?
And the answer is cool air, less sunlight & less chlorophyll
And the bonus answer is by dropping leaves, trees keep moisture inside; leaves help trees
get rid of moisture.
Name one kind of tree?
Name one thing that is made from a tree?
And the answer is Oak, elm, maple, birch, apple, peach, redwood, pine, sequoia.
And the bonus answer is fruits, nuts, wood for desks, houses, paper, gum, money.
What is the largest tree?
Where can you find one?
And the answer is sequoia
And the bonus answer is California
What are 2 different types of clouds?
What are clouds made of?
And the answer is Stratus & cumulus
And the bonus answer is mass of droplets of water
How big is the moon in relation to the earth?
Bonus: How long does it take for the moon to go around the earth?
And the answer is ¼ the size of earth.
And the bonus answer is one month
How many phases does the moon have?
Bonus: Name one.
And the answer is 8
And the bonus answer is full, waxing, waning, new
What is the first day of winter?
Bonus: What is the last day of winter?
And the answer is December 21 or 22
And the bonus answer is March 19
Name the five senses?
Bonus: Name one way that our senses protect us.
And the answer is sight, smell, taste, touch, sound .
And the bonus answer is seeing helps you not crash into things & not getting run over by
a car.