TONE-UP Santa Barbara, Private Fitness for Women SEPTEMBER 2007 Monday Tuesday 7:00-8:00 C.T. Wednesday Thursday 7:00-8:00 C.T. Friday 8:30-9:30 C.T. 8:10-9:10 C.T. 8:30-9:30 C.T. 8:10-9:10 C.T. 8:30-9:30 C.T 12:00-1:00 Tone-Up 4:15-5:15 C.T 5:30-6:30 Tone-Up 9:15-10:30 Tone-Up 2 9:15-10:30 Tone-Up 2 11:00-12:00 C.T 11:00-12:00 C.T 12:00-1:00 Tone-Up Saturday 8:20-9:20 C.T. 9:30-10:40 Tone-Up 12:00-1:00 New Class! Balance Body w/J. 4:15-5:15 C.T 5:30-6:30 New Class! 5:30-6:30 Bootcamp w/J. Tone-Up Sunday 9:30-10:30 am Pilates Mat w/Miranda GROUP FITNESS CLASSES RATES – “drop in” basis TONE-UP, BALANCE BODY, BOOTCAMP & PILATES MAT (descriptions on back) $100 Unlimited Monthly Classes (payable the 1st or 15th of each month); $85 for 8 classes in 30 days; $72 for 6 classes in 30 days; $60 for 4 classes in 30 days; $20 single class. CIRCUIT TRAINING (C.T.) RATES – “by reservation” basis (description on back) $18 per class for 8 or more times a month; $20 per class for 4-7 times a month; $22 per class for less than 4 per month. “By reservation only.” All reservations are made in beginning of each month. Each month is a new session and does carry not over. CIRCUIT TRAINING CANCELLATION POLICY: You MUST phone in by 5PM the day before your class or full price is charged. Otherwise you have the next week to make up your class. Classes do not carry over to the next month. RATES for COMBINATION of both CIRCUIT TRAINING & GROUP FITNESS With UNLIMITED GROUP FITNESS membership, CIRCUIT TRAINING $18 per session. With 6 or more CIRCUIT TRAINING sessions per month, GROUP FITNESS unlimited is $50. TONE-UP® Santa Barbara, Private Fitness for Women “The attention you deserve” At Tone-Up® Santa Barbara many lives have changed forever and yours can too. You will never regret becoming a part of our club. Our all-women, non-intimidating, private studio offers not only a great workout, but also a whole lot of fun. You won't find an environment like this anywhere else in SB. You get one-on-one attention that you deserve -- even in a group setting. In fact, everyone will know your name. Our specialty semi-private classes are designed to help you meet your fitness needs and much more. When you join Tone-Up® Santa Barbara, your hard work and our expertise will assure that you will "be your best body!" It's time to check it out, so you can be guided into a healthy lifestyle while making some great new friends. GROUP FITNESS “drop in” basis. TONE-UP Developed and taught by Suesan, owner of Tone-Up Santa Barbara, since 1985. TONE-UP® is a synthesis of dance conditioning and athletic training. Its non-aerobic strength-training system combines physiologically sound and effective exercises based on ballet warm-ups, yoga, weight room workouts, Pilates principles and calisthenics. Through the added use of light weights, gravity and correct body alignment, the TONE-UP® system is a great way to increase resistance to injury while improving strength, muscle tone, endurance, balance, coordination, and agility. Open to all levels. Socks, soft sole shoes or bare feet are recommended. TONE-UP 2: Intermediate/advanced workout. Experience in Tone-Up required. BALANCE BODY: This class focuses on core strength, balance, and coordination with a blend of functional exercises designed to rejuvenate your muscles. The class will end with a focus on flexibility that will give your body just what it needs to leave you feeling refreshed after a fun and challenging work out. Taught by J. Izhar. BOOTCAMP: A high energy cardio & exercise class challenging all ages. Taught by J. Izhar. PILATES MAT This great workout combines Pilates exercises and a variety of other techniques. Taught by Miranda Cressall. Semi-Private CIRCUIT TRAINING “by Reservation” This unique program offers you a supervised, customized workout to make you fit. You, and a small group of other women, are guided by a certified fitness trainer on a program comprised of 2-minute intervals utilizing free weights, cardio and core strengthening and stabilizing toys. Whether you’re an athlete, a newbie to exercise or returning from an injury, it’s an ideal workout format for you! All levels are encouraged to try it. Invest up to 60 minutes, 3 times a week and you’ll make great strides in endurance, strength, agility, balance and coordination. Because of the limited class size “reservations” are a necessity. 3006 De La Vina St., Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805)898-8910;