Summit Session Descriptions

SESSIONS 101-111
Saturday 7:30am-9:00am
101 SPINNING®: LT Field Test on the Spinner Bike
Jennifer Sage
By basing workouts on lactate threshold heart rate rather than Max HR, we can truly pinpoint and
continually fine tune our training. Using the Spinner bikes, we will perform a field test that you can
take back to perform on your students. For accurate results, you must have a heart rate monitor
that records average HR, and you must know how to use that feature quickly. Also, this test will
only be accurate if you are well rested.
Level: All
Type: Workshop
102 DanceSati
Patricia Moreno
This dance class is choreographed for dancers and non dancers alike. It is about putting meaning
behind movement and dancing your heart out.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workout
103 Put Your Heart into Training
Art Slowinski
Heart rate monitors have allowed continuous and accurate way for participants to gauge safety,
performance, progression, and success. However, many facilities and trainers have not fully
taken advantage of the scientific evidence to choose the right intensities for their clients. This
workshop will cover all aspects of heart rate training from theory to integration, from safety to
performance, from cardiovascular to strength training, from retention to retail model, as well as
how to integrate use of cardiovascular pieces and heart rate monitors for optimal training. Bring
your hear rate monitor if you own one to get some hands-on practical experience.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
104 Implementing Cardio into Resistance Training Programs
Scott Pullen
Should your client do cardio or weights to lose weight? Ok, if they should do both, how do you
match the cardio and the weight program to ensure that their volume of training is appropriate?
This lecture will specifically provide you with the answers necessary to safely and effectively
integrate both cardio and weights into complete fat loss training program for today’s client.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
105 Strength Training Past 50: New Applications
Dr. Wayne Westcott
This session summarizes the extensive studies conducted at the South Shore YMCA on strength
training principles and protocols for people past age 50. Dr. Westcott presents the compelling
benefits and clear guidelines for implementing safe, sensible and successful strength training
programs for older adults. Additionally, this lecture includes important recommendations on
research-based instructional techniques for educating and motivating mature individuals in
regular performance of strength exercise. Following this presentation, you will know how to
design, develop and implement highly effective and time-efficient strength training programs for
people past 50.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
106 STOTT PILATES® Armchair Pilates Plus
Jennifer Dahl
This workshop shows participants how to adapt the STOTT PILATES® principles and exercises
to a client with restricted mobility who is better suited to working out in a seated position. A variety
of exercises will be discussed, demonstrated, and experienced that work both the core and
peripheral muscle groups while seated. The Flex-Band® exerciser will be incorporated into many
of the exercises, and cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness will be covered.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
107 Power of Yoga for Balance and Equanimity
Sherri Baptiste
Yoga postures and techniques taught in this session will help your students to challenge and
develop balance and coordination. This session will focus on reaching into the center of your
body to utilize and exercise the core muscles that really matter when it comes to balance.
Balancing in yoga fires the neurons of the brain. It helps clear the nerve highways and pathways
so you can focus better.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
108 The Need for Speed: Improving Linear Speed for Sports
Okinyi Ayungo
Speed is perhaps the most coveted attribute in sports. But how do you make a slow athlete fast
and a fast athlete faster? This lecture will cover speed demands of a variety of sports and show
how to improve starting, accelerating, and achieving top speed through proper form and focused
training. You will learn dynamic drills, technical progressions and how to incorporate them into a
complete conditioning program that will enhance the performance of your client.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
109 Reignited and it Feels So Good
Myrna Brady
If you want to “change” the things around you, then you have to “change” the things around you!
In other words, you have to take the responsibility into your own hands to create the career
growth you would like to experience. We will identify what initially attracted you to this growing
field and come up with ways to reignite the fire and passion you once had, or would like to gain,
to take your career to the next level. This workshop will leave you revitalized, excited and
motivated to re-embark upon, and control, your career.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
110 Nordic Walking
Iona Passik, Sunny Davis
Do you want to burn more calories and feel like you are doing less work? Who wouldn't? Learn
the latest trend in exercise: NORDIC WALKING. Using specially designed adjustable poles, we
will trek across the Brooklyn Bridge. The walk will be interspersed with lunges, squats and
alternative power moves. This is no ordinary walk. It's an adventure. Bring water or a hydration
system (a camel back), comfortable walking sneakers, and be prepared to have some good
outdoor fun.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
111 Better Butt, Better Back
Mark Stone
This session explains the vital interaction of the gluteal muscles with the torso and extremities,
showing the different systems that act on the body. These relationships are crucial for improved
functional capacity and decreased spinal stress. Learn assessments for the lumbo-pelvic region,
effective stretches, plus functional exercises to improve performance and enhance esthetics.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
SESSIONS 201-212
Saturday 9:15am-10:45am
201 SPINNING®: Dare to Ride
Isabel Shephard Schaefer
This profile dares the rider to find one stretch of road created by a specific level of resistance.
The challenge is to complete the ride without reducing resistance. The only variables that change
throughout the ride are the movements and the cadence.
Level: All
Type: Workout
202 The Diary of Step
Calvin Wiley
A step workout that is centered on dance and incorporates new and exciting elements of
motivation. This is an advanced workout that leaves you looking at step with new possibilities.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Advanced
Type: Workout
203 Training the Pregnant and Postpartum Client
Annette Lang
This session will teach the trainers all of the current guidelines by the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). We take the medical/physiological changes and relate
that specifically to personal training and group settings. Personal trainers will learn how to make
decisions regarding individual movements, exercises and sports during the 40 weeks. Personal
trainers will be able to speak to pregnant health club members and group participants about the
relevant guidelines and important considerations everyone should remember.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
204 The 12 Elements of Great Managing
Chuck Fedorka
How do great managers inspire top performance in employees? How do they generate
enthusiasm? What do they do to rally each individual to get them to work towards a common
goal? Learn to create and sustain employee engagement in your workplace. Learn how to
generate extraordinary results by asking yourself twelve simple questions.
Topic: Leadership, Management
Level: All
Type: Lecture
205 Ten Steps to Get Motivated
Terry Kew
These 10 steps will prepare you to achieve and sustain four key personal objectives: good
moods, optimism, control of your own destiny, and being focused. The achievement of these four
objectives is key to one’s success.
Topic: Leadership
Level: All
Type: Lecture
206 STOTT PILATES® Pre-Natal Matwork
Jennifer Dahl
This hands-on presentation will outline STOTT PILATES® exercise variations designed for
women who have reached their second trimester of pregnancy. Exercise considerations for those
in their first and third trimester will also be discussed, taking into account the many changes that
happen to the body during pregnancy. Specifically chosen matwork exercises and variations that
are appropriate to pregnancy will be included, as well as cues and corrections to help ensure
safety and effectiveness.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
207 YogaFit and Anatomy
Jane Vaganek
Learn the basics of Yoga anatomy - learn to practice safely - learn Yoga SPA™ Principles. Biomechanics, anatomy and musculature are all discussed.
Topic: Yoga
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
208 Sports Medicine and the Personal Trainer: Bridging the Gap Between the Medical
Community and the Gym
Dr. Jordan Metzl
This session will explain how personal trainers can do the best job possible bridging the gap
between the medical office and the gym. Dr. Metzl will discuss common injuries, prevention
strategies, and when to refer. He will also discuss how to best facilitate a dialogue between health
care providers and personal trainers.
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
209 Bigger by Volume
Rick Richey
This session will review training techniques to help clients increase muscular growth. Some
newer techniques that will be discussed are Stabilization Equivalent Training, German Volume
Training, Escalating Density Training, along with other more traditional training protocols. You will
gain a better understanding of how much is too much in regards to lifting, and how little is too little
in regard to the amount of rest needed to recover and the amount of food needed to facilitate
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
210 Diabetes Types: Does the Type of Diabetes Impact Exercise Prescription?
Emily Splichal
This lecture will explain the differences between the 4 types of diabetes and how these
differences will affect their exercise program. You’ll gain an understanding of the important role
exercise plays in the prevention of pre-diabetes to Type 2 diabetes. You’ll also learn how exercise
can prevent the onset of gestational diabetes and prevent this disease from harming the mother
or child. This lecture will also include a review of specific exercises and stretches designed for
each type of diabetes, enabling you to help your diabetic client maintain a high quality-of-life.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
211 Select Better for Fitness, Part 1
Nick McNickle
30 Wall Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Select Better for Fitness gives Fitness & Personal Training Managers (F&PTMs) the opportunity
to learn the skills and process necessary to effectively assess, interview and select qualified
Personal Trainer (PT) candidates. Select Better for Fitness Part 1 covers the PT selection
process and assessment. Select Better for Fitness Part 2 reviews F&PTM skill development,
provides an opportunity for refinement and for identifying the key steps in the New Hire OnBoarding Process.
Topic: Leadership/Management
Level: TSI Fitness Program Managers Only
Type: Lecture
212 Sales Management
Rich Lesser
30 Wall Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
The Sales Management module of the Management Program will provide General Managers with
the best methods and tools to successfully manage sales, Membership Consultants and the sales
process. Main topics include: Coaching to the Selling Cycle, Managing sales, selling activities,
and a GM toolkit.
Topic: Management/Sales
Level: TSI General Managers Only
Type: Lecture
SESSIONS 301-310
Saturday 11:00am-12:30pm
301 SPINNING®: Tour de France and Alpe d’Huez
Jennifer Sage
Have you ever wanted to create a Tour de France program at your club but weren’t sure how?
This workshop will teach you how to incorporate the different types of Tour stages into your
schedule, give you tour lingo, race strategies, and concepts such as the green, polka-dot and
yellow jerseys, and show you where to get promotional material for your program. Different ideas
will be presented from clubs throughout the country who have been successful with their TdF
programs. Finally, we will experience one of the most famous climbs of the Tour – a ride up the
21 switchbacks of the legendary Alpe d’Huez, while simulating an actual stage of the Tour! Allez,
Level: All
Type: Workshop
302 New Definitions
Keli Roberts
Define your body with this highly effective, super-intense workout! Using dumbbells and a step
you will do mini-circuits that work on strength, endurance, core control and power. Each minicircuit involves a lower body exercise, an upper body exercise, a core move and a power drill.
Repeat the whole circuit twice to build intensity and enhance the training effect, or if you’re just
starting out or are short on time, do just one set. The workout finishes with core work and a
relaxing cool down stretch.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Workshop
303 How to Make More Money Selling
Terry Kew
In this lecture we will discuss key factors that are common to all consistently successful sales
people: discipline and attitude. This lecture will help you to start creating a culture of discipline
that will lead you to more sales…everyday. Closely linked to this are our daily habits, which are
crucial to be successful in the world of sales. Consistently good work habits at work can be
developed; we will work through some simple strategies that will help you build positive work
behaviors and ultimately a positive attitude in any situation. Apply this newfound knowledge and
you will make more money in sales.
Topic: Sales
Level: All
Type: Lecture
304 Three Dimensional Flexibility/Mobility: A New Look at Stretching!
Lenny Parracino
Applying the principles of function we will explore how to lengthen-strengthen the body to
enhance various tasks. We will share techniques that are static in all three planes, static in two
planes and dynamic in one, static in one plane and dynamic in two, or dynamic in all three planes.
After this exploration you will leave appreciating the difference between traditional flexibility and
functional flexibility (flexibility that’s usable).
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
305 Golf Programs That Meet Your Client’s Needs
Golf is one of the most popular sports in the world. Many people are looking for the edge to
improve their performance and their game. In this lecture we will specifically outline some key
points and programming strategies that will improve your client’s (or your!) golf performance.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
306 STOTT PILATES® Dynamic Balance
Sally Belanger
Stepping up to level two of the Stability Ball workouts, torso stability is further challenged with
major emphasis placed on balance and proprioception. This fun and challenging workshop truly
challenges the core. Cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness are also covered.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
307 YogaSati
Patricia Moreno
This dynamic yoga class is done in a non-stop powerful flow to increase focus, grace, strength
and power. This grace invoking practice beautifully connects heart, body and mind by using
intentions and affirmations with the poses that uplift and enlighten any yogi.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
308 Women and Exercise
Kerri O’Brien
Participants will review the latest research on the benefits of exercise for women. Examples and
explanations of the three domain concept will be presented in order to develop critical thinking
skills for program development. The importance and the effects of lifestyle and planned exercise
on this population will be discussed. This will be an interactive session with group discussion.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Type: Lecture
309 Programming Strategies for Maximizing Hypertrophy
Scott Pullen
As we sit in the middle of the “Functional Training” age, many people have shunned hypertrophy
training deeming it “non-functional.” Those of you, who still train yourself and other clients for the
goal of hypertrophy, come join us for an eye-opening lecture designed to show you specifically
how to manipulate your programming strategies to maximize your results. You will learn different
programming strategies to use, see one that was recently published in Muscle & Fitness
Magazine and even see how to use “functional training” to enhance your programs.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
310 The Dirty Dozen: 12 Saboteurs that Affect Weight Loss
Dr. Kara Gallagher
Weight loss and weight loss maintenance remain a struggle for many individuals. This session
explains the 12 most common enemies to successful weight loss and why some of these “hidden”
saboteurs may be keeping your clients from reaching their desired goals. Learn proven strategies
to lead your clients into battle with these everyday enemies and to discover permanent weight
loss success.
Topic: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Level: Beginner
Type: Lecture
SESSIONS 401-411
Saturday 1:15pm-2:45pm
401 SPINNING®: How to "Sell" the Endurance Energy Zone™
Caroline Dawson
Are you tired of your students sighing at the idea of an Endurance Energy Zone™ ride? Have you
fallen into the trap of ‘all intervals, all the time’ because that’s what your class demands? You
know how important aerobic base building is for your group, yet your students seem to think that
more is always more and think they need rides full of intensity and anaerobic effort. Learn how to
"sell" the endurance energy zone, and master the tools necessary to give your students what you
know they need, packaged as something they want. You’ll leave this session with all the tips and
techniques you need to bring the benefits of aerobic training into your classes and turn those
sighs into cheers!
Level: All
Type: Workshop
402 That’s Funk’d Up!
Jim Giacinto
Experience the energy and passion in this empowering cardio dance workout. Combinations of
Jazz, Latin and Funk are mixed with non-stop progressive club music. This class will inspire the
beginner, challenge the “front row,” and pound the rhythm out of you.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
403 The Physiology of Obesity
Dr. Len Kravitz
Perhaps the hottest consumer and fitness industry hormone is ‘cortisol’ and it’s association to
obesity. This scrupulously researched presentation will discuss stress and its significance to
bodily function, the importance of cortisol to the body, and the potential link between cortisol,
stress and visceral obesity. Everyone will leave this all-inclusive lecture with a thorough
understanding of cortisol, stress and obesity.
Topic: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
404 Maximal Force Training: Function to Power
Mark Baines
Too often, functional training and explosive power development are trained separately. Although
each end-goal requires a differently designed program, they are directly related. Power training is
highly misunderstood and either forgotten or poorly utilized. Misunderstandings and
misapplications will end here with newfound ability to translate into explosive movement with fluid
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
405 Better Boom for the Buck
Don Bahneman
This session is geared towards a better understanding of how to understand, build and work with
the Baby Boomer demographic. This group is a major player in the fitness industry and their
demands can differ greatly within the population. We will dive into many different aspects to
understand what considerations need to be taken to provide the best possible product to your
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
406 STOTT PILATES® Total Body Sculpting
Sally Belanger
This workshop teaches exercises that increase core and peripheral strength, and add multidimensional joint movements, variety and challenge to the basic Flex-Band® exerciser routine.
Cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness are also covered.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
407 YogaFit: Prenatal Yoga
Michelle Demus
Add a new dimension to your career as a group fitness instructor with YogaFit's Mother and Baby
Teacher Training program. Designed exclusively for YogaFit by a board certified
obstetrician/gynecologist who has been practicing and recommending yoga to her patients for
years, the program features safety for your students and simplicity for you. Classic yoga poses
have been selected specifically for use during pregnancy and the postpartum period. These are
linked in a gentle "flow" style, according to the YogaFit® "3-Mountain" method.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
408 Resurgence of Circuit Strength Training: Why and How
Dr. Wayne Westcott
This session examines the principles and practicals of circuit strength training for safely and
successfully improving body composition, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance in the
most time-efficient manner. Dr. Westcott will briefly discuss relevant findings from the classic
circuit strength training studies, as well as pertinent member applications of his recent circuit
strength training research with TSI and the US Air Force. Following this presentation, you will
know how to design, develop and implement highly effective and efficient circuit strength training
programs for various fitness outcomes and participant populations.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Type: Lecture
409 Developing a Profitable Post-Rehab Program
Dr. Michael Jones
Post-rehabilitation is the new frontier for the fitness industry. Physicians, physical therapist,
chiropractors and insurance carriers are recognizing the benefits of post-rehab fitness. This
session will give you the 7 key steps to establishing a profitable and successful post-rehab
program. Dr Jones will discuss how to make the initial contact with the medical professional; what
medical professionals are looking for from post-rehab programs; the education and credentials
you need to offer post-rehab services; and the 5 keys to insurance reimbursement for post-rehab
Topic: PT Business Development, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
410 Nordic Walking
Iona Passik, Sunny Davis
Do you want to burn more calories and feel like you are doing less work? Who wouldn't? Learn
the latest trend in exercise: NORDIC WALKING. Using specially designed adjustable poles, we
will trek across the Brooklyn Bridge. The walk will be interspersed with lunges, squats and
alternative power moves. This is no ordinary walk. It's an adventure. Bring water or a hydration
system (a camel back), comfortable walking sneakers, and be prepared to have some good
outdoor fun.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
411 Why are Our Children Fat? The Childhood Fat Epidemic, The Physiological
Consequences, and How We Can Change the Future
Corinne Furnari
We, as a society, as parents, and as healthcare professionals, are watching an epidemic of
obesity overtake our children. The consequences of this epidemic affect our society through
enormous health costs. But the consequences are even greater on our children. With high rates
of depression, attention deficit and diabetes, these children become our walking wounded. But
the good news is we adults can influence this epidemic. Obesity is not our genetics. It's our
lifestyle! This session will explain the causes, the consequences, and give solutions for the
childhood obesity epidemic.
Topic: Nutrition, Weight Loss, Special Populations
Level: All
Type: Lecture
SESSIONS 501-510
Saturday 3:00pm-4:30pm
501 SPINNING®: The Triple Threat
Jennifer Sage
This profile turns three different training objectives into one very effective interval class: Muscular
Endurance, VO2 max and Lactate Tolerance intervals. Each will be performed at a different
intensity, utilizing different techniques. For each type of interval, you’ll learn the goals and training
adaptations, how to decide on the duration, and how and when to use heart rate and/or RPE to
determine the workload. Special attention will be placed on cueing the intensity so you can more
easily relay this information to your students.
Level: All
Type: Workshop
502 What a Warm-Up!
Sharon Mann
Are you tired of the same old warm-up routines? Need to add a little spice to the start of your
class? Motivate and energize both your participants with great new warm-up combos. You know
how important those first ten minutes are!
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
503 Offset Stability Ball Training
Jonathan Ross
Take core training to the next level with your clients. If you think you’ve seen all there is to do with
a stability ball, this workshop will introduce a new concept in stability ball training that will get
more from your core workouts.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
504 Going from One-on-One Training to Group Training
Kelli Calabrese
Once you become an effective one-on-one personal trainer, why not reach more people and earn
the most income per hour training groups? This session will cover the benefits and skills needed
to manage a group of clients compared to one at a time. Ideas will be shared for how to choose a
location (indoors or outdoors), conduct evaluations and consultations, and how to monitor a group
of clients. You will also learn 10 fun, creative, and challenging circuits to you do with group personal
training clients – boot camp style!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
505 Nutrition 101: How to Look Good Naked
Dr. Christopher Mohr
Trainers are often told not to discuss nutrition with their clients. Following this advice is doing a
disservice to your clients if you want them to be successful. You can’t overstep your boundaries,
but nutrition should absolutely be discussed with clients and here's how to do it to ensure your
clients get the results they are looking for!
Topic: Nutrition
Level: Beginner
Type: Lecture
506 STOTT PILATES® Fitness Circle® Challenge
Jennifer Dahl
Inject energy and challenge into matwork with the versatile Fitness Circle® resistance ring. Learn
how to use this popular exercise accessory to add targeted resistance and focus to both upper
and lower body moves for an invigorating routine guaranteed to challenge strength, flexibility and
core stability. Cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness are also covered.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
507 Chakra Journey
Sherri Baptiste
This session is a dynamic exploration of the chakras as a path of yogic transformation, healing,
and self realization. Explore gentle hatha yoga postures that balance the centers and relax your
whole being. Visualization, meditation, and color breathing techniques are taught for awakening
subtle awareness. Gain a greater sense of the basic anatomy of these energy systems and Yogic
techniques used to develop them. Learn tools for centering within your chakras and discovering
the hidden dynamic potentials of your life, and for integrating your body-mind-spirit in a way that
brings the timeless yoga traditions to life.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
508 Personal Training: The Full Monty!
Tim D. Keightley
Strip away the layers to reveal the professional skills successful personal trainers the world over
have in common. This session will review the business, educational and personal skills necessary
for all personal trainers to maximize their business potential. And most importantly, show you how
to tie them together into one magical package. It’s just the bare facts!
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
509 Understanding Stabilization Training: An Evidence-Based Position Stance
Rodney Corn
Stabilization training is the next great buzzword in health and fitness. However, many people do
no yet realize the scientific basis for its use within a programming scheme. This lecture will
discuss the research that points to stabilization being an adaptation just like strength, hypertrophy
and/or power and how to specifically manipulate acute variables to best address this adaptation.
Join us for this discussion that will open your eyes to better understand this buzzword and its
importance in program design.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
510 How to Get Started in Aquatic Personal Training: Part 1 Lecture
Maryanne Haggerty
This workshop gives you a foundation to add another dimension to your personal training. By
cross training clients in the water, you will be able to help your clients prevent injury, keep going
and even get started in fitness.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture w/ demo
SESSIONS 601-612
Saturday 4:45pm-6:00pm
601 SPINNING®: The Daily Grind
Caroline Dawson
Has your cycling routine become…well, routine? Interval training is great - you're working hard
but you know a recovery period is just around the corner. So what does it feel like to work hard,
and then keep working harder? It's time to head to the hills, get comfortable with discomfort and
discover the power of your legs in the Strength Energy Zone™. Experience strength on a whole
new level and leave this session feeling empowered and strong, knowing you've got the inner
strength necessary to conquer this disciplined climb - no caffeine required!
Level: All
Type: Workout
602 Kickboxing
Thomas the Promise
Learn how kickboxing incorporates the sport-specific techniques of boxing and martial arts to
condition both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body. This high-energy workout
incorporates punching, footwork, punch mitts, and jump rope into a scientifically-designed system
that provides the proper work and active rest intervals to optimize physical conditioning.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
603 Understanding Abdominal Bracing vs. Drawing In: An Evidence-Based Position
Rodney Corn
There is always a debate about something in our industry. Is abdominal bracing better than
drawing-in or vice versa? This is one of the latest. This lecture sifts through the research and
uncovers some misconceptions and oversights that will help us find a comprehensive answer.
You won’t want to miss this or you may be labeled “outdated” in you methods.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
604 Metabolism: Reality vs. Controversy
Dr. Len Kravitz
Perhaps one of the most controversial and misunderstood topics is metabolism, or specifically
resting metabolic rate (RMR). This enlightening lecture will explain the components of
metabolism, factors that affect RMR, the latest biomedical research understandings on RMR
regulation, and how exercise affects metabolism. In addition, controversial topics such as
proposed ways to "rev up your metabolism" will be discussed. Participants will leave with an
honest, practical and all-inclusive understanding of this complex phenomenon known as RMR.
Topic: Nutrition, Weight Loss
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
605 Straighten Before Strengthening
Fabio Comana
A basic understanding of posture is rapidly becoming common practice in personal training. It
enhances your scope of services to clients and generates opportunities for additional revenue.
While postural assessments can appear confusing, this session will teach you a simplistic
approach using the right angle rule of body alignment. Additionally, you will learn which stretches
and exercises you can implement to help your clients rediscover their true neutral body
alignment. This new posture will improve their functional capacity and can reduce existing
muscular pain and discomfort.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
606 STOTT PILATES® The Secret to Toned Arms, Buns & Thighs
Sally Belanger
Zero in on common trouble spots with the precision of STOTT PILATES® exercises. Use this
targeted routine to gain greater tone, strength and body confidence. Cues and corrections for
safety and effectiveness are also covered.
Topic: Pilates
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
607 IntenSati
Patricia Moreno
This is a high-energy cardio sculpt workout. It is a practice of deliberately choosing empowering
thoughts, attitudes and actions that support the intention to live a life we love in a body we love.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
608 Post-Rehab Guidelines for the Lower Extremity
Dr. Michael Jones
Are you finding more of your clients have medical disorders and you are not equipped to develop
programs for these clients? This session will review common disorders seen in the lower
extremity. This session will discuss the related anatomy, biomechanics and pathology of these
conditions and provide you with safe and effective post-rehab guidelines and protocols for each
condition discussed.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
609 Get into the Swing
Claudio Russo
This session will cover stretches, balance drills, core exercises and power training to improve
overall mechanics and abilities necessary for swing sports. If you play baseball, softball, golf,
tennis or hockey, you won’t want to miss this!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
610 Customer Service Excellence
Alma Llerena
Serving our customers by meeting and surpassing their requests and expectations continues to
propel TSI’s leadership position in the fitness industry. This module supports the TSI team’s
efforts to provide excellent service and performance. The objective of this session is to
emphasize the importance of a customer focused culture and promote excellent customer service
behaviors from employees.
Topic: Customer Service
Level: TSI Only
Type: Lecture
611 M.E.L.T. on Myofascial Anatomy 101
Sue Hitzmann
This lecture introduces the most recent myofascial research and theories that relate to creating
program designs to address postural misalignments and movement pattern dysfunction.
Incorporating the M.E.L.T. Method, this session adds depth to your knowledge of human function
and structure.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
612 How to Get Started in Aquatic Personal Training: Part 2 Practical
Maryanne Haggerty
This practical experience of aquatic personal training allows you to feel the differences between
land and water exercise. Using resistance and buoyancy of the aquatic environment and
equipment in the pool you will learn ways to increase the benefits of cardio, strength, and
flexibility. (Bathing suit required; aquatic sneakers are highly recommended.)
Part 1 is required to attend Part 2.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: REQUIRED: 510 How to Get Started in Aquatic Personal Training: Part I Lecture
Type: Workshop
SESSIONS 701-705
Sunday 6:00am-7:15am
701 SPINNING®: Pedal Stroke Drills
Jennifer Sage
Drills, drills and more drills! You will leave this session with numerous different techniques for
teaching your students a smoother pedal stroke. Learn the Locomotive, the Generator, the
Lollipop, and the Mud Scraper, as well as various ways of using the face of the clock as your
guide. We will use many different visualizations for teaching pedal stroke so you will be sure to
connect with all your students, regardless of their methods of learning, whether they are visual,
cognitive or kinesthetic learners. Bring your pen and notebook to take copious notes!
Level: All
Type: Workshop
702 British Royal Marines Boot Camp
Tim D. Keightley
Here’s your chance to know what it’s like to go through the longest boot camp out there. This
session will remind you about all those muscles you forgot you have! If you’re afraid of taking
yourself to where you’ve always wanted to go, and afraid of the vocal encouragement used to
entice you there, then boot camp isn’t for you. For the rest of you, all you need is a smile, an open
mind and a willing body.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workout
703 Fit Kids
Sharon Mann
Discover the endless possibilities in designing a sound, safe and fun workout program for the
tykes. Walk away with a lot of great ideas to structure and implement a kid fit program. When you
mix speed, movement, cool tunes and outrageous fun, you’ve won! This session is geared
towards the 5-10 age group.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
704 Early Morning Stretch
Annette Lang
Fire up your neuromuscular system with this dynamic stretch class. You will move in all planes of
motion for your entire body, experience 3 different stretching techniques and feel great for the
rest of the day!
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
705 The Art of Deep Relaxation and Meditation
Sherri Baptiste
Meditation is a powerful technique that anyone can use to increase physiological balance; clarity
of mind and awareness. Meditation has integrated itself into modern life, and has become an
increasingly familiar word in our vocabulary. Physicians, psychologists, and other professionals
endorse meditation as a powerful tool for relieving stress, maintaining health, and promoting
creativity and vitality. Basic principals will be taught and practiced during this session. You’ll learn
important sequencing to elicit the relaxation response, while building a base for deeper
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
SESSIONS 801-811
Sunday 7:30am-9:00am
801 SPINNING®: Let’s Play
Isabel Shephard Schaefer
Do you ever think that perhaps you are too serious or intense when coaching your rides? Why not
show your members that you know how to have fun while delivering safe and effective training?
We’ll introduce ways to make your classes more enticing and effective by playing games such as:
The Question Game, Guess My Cadence, Pot Luck and Simon Says Spin®.
Level: All
Type: Workshop
802 Fusion 3-D
Janis Saffell
A three-dimensional sculpt & cardio workout. This session is a fusion of traditional styles and fluid
transitions between classical ballet, dance, martial arts and Pilates for a serious upper- and
lower-body workout. This interval strength program is designed with the use of the body bar and
pilates sponge ball, and will redefine and create the body you want with pure muscle, sweat,
elegance and grace.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workout
803 Teaching and Implementing Speed, Agility and Quickness for the Health and Fitness
Many people seek new and exciting ways to burn calories, lose fat or just simply get a better and
different workout. This lecture will cover speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) drills that can be
used to enhance any program. We will also discuss various methods used to properly progress
SAQ for any population. Join us for new information and practical application as we deliver some
new ideas for your programs.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
804 Innovations in Circuit Training
Kerri O’Brien
Participants will review the latest research on the benefits of circuit training for multiple
populations. A new innovative approach to enhancing retention, value and overall fun of circuit
programs will be revealed. Each participant will leave the presentation with a circuit program they
built for their own unique purposes. This will be an interactive session with group discussion.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Type: Workshop
805 Post-Rehab Guidelines for the Upper Extremity
Dr. Michael Jones
Are you finding more of your clients have medical disorders and you are not equipped to develop
programs for these clients? This session will review common disorders seen in the upper
extremity. This session will discuss the related anatomy, biomechanics and pathology of these
conditions and provide you with safe and effective post-rehab guidelines and protocols for each
condition discussed.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
806 Leveraging Your Financial Potential as a Personal Trainer
Kelli Calabrese
Learn about your greatest forms of financial leverage and how to build the confidence to network
at every opportunity, get involved in the community, unlock your creativity, create good work
habits, and enjoy financial and personal freedom in the fitness industry. Success leaves clues
and you can learn to take charge of your financial future and set and achieve all of your goals.
Get out of the rut, avoid burnout and start attracting a personal training career and life you can
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
807 Full Body Blast
Tim D. Keightley
This is ‘80’s body-toning with ‘90’s aerobics! Leotards are welcome and leg warmers encouraged.
In fact, the best-dressed Olivia Newton-John look-alike will win a prize!
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
808 The Road to Success: Be a Sales Driver
Brian Morris
Avoid those twists and turns in the road as you build your business. Learn how the use of body
language, persuasive words and assumptive vocabulary can help you eliminate hesitation in all
“selling” situations. Arm yourself with the motivation and strategies that every successful sales
driver should know.
Topic: Sales, PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
809 FIERCE Maintenance
Robin Gillespie
Fitness professionals teach, motivate and inspire others to reach their goals. The question is:
What keeps us going? How do we stay motivated, relieve stress and minimize physical wear and
tear? In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to prevent mental burnout, overuse injuries
and vocal strain. If you are group exercise instructor that trains or a trainer that teaches, you need
to learn FIERCE Maintenance.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Lecture with demo
810 Retro-Fit Programming
Jonathan Ross
You know the physiology of how to design programs for your clients. Find out why this is one of
the last areas to focus on when beginning a relationship with a new client! A successful fitness
program must fit your client’s lifestyle – not the other way around.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
811 YogaFit Basics
Michelle Demus
This class combines traditional yoga poses with modern fitness moves. Special attention is given
to modifications for each pose, catering to multiple fitness levels, body types, and special
conditions. The result is an incredible body/mind workout.
Topic: Yoga
Level: Beginner
Type: Workshop
SESSIONS 901-914
Sunday 9:15am-10:45am
901 SPINNING®: Keep it Real
Jennifer Sage
Understand the importance of proper outdoor cadence and its application to indoor cycling. A
short lecture on the relationship between cadence and resistance will be followed by a “tempo”
ride, a very realistic outdoor ride at a high-end aerobic intensity of about 80%. A tempo ride
employs a realistic cadence of 90-95 RPM to train the neuromuscular aspect of fitness and to
practice a smoother pedal stroke.
Level: All
Type: Workshop
902 Jump Rope
Thomas the Promise
This session will teach group exercise instructors and personal trainers to successfully teach
jump rope technique to their students and clients in a safe, fun and effective manner, addressing
various fitness levels. You will learn the basic to advanced jump rope techniques and the safety
standards set by the International Sports and Conditioning Association.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workshop
903 Medicine Ball Rx: Plyometric Progressions
Keli Roberts
The Medicine Ball Rx Training Program incorporates progressive core, upper- and lower-bodybiased physical execution techniques, plyometric progressions and exercise guidelines. This
workshop incorporates exercises and drills performed individually and with a partner, and are
suitable for both personal training and group exercise settings. Learn critical body alignment,
movement pattern, exercise progression and cueing techniques for each exercise in an
interactive, hands-on training session.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Workshop
904 Walking: Assessment, Strategy and Technique
Lenny Parracino
This workshop will address applied functional science principles and how they apply to the skill of
walking. Walking is a skill we all have to do and will want to do as we age. We will learn how to
assess and address inefficiencies in walking through live assessment examples. We will apply
the principles of function to program design leaving you with many practical tools. After attending
this class, you will view walking with an entirely different perspective and develop a new thought
process for your clients!
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Workshop
905 Using and Interpreting Movement Assessments
Are your clients moving as efficient as possible? Do they often complain of back pain, knee pain,
shoulder pain, etc.? This session will cover the movement assessments: how to properly perform
them, identify compensations in your clients and, most importantly, how to interpret this
information and use it to develop a safe and effective exercise program.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Beginner
Type: Lecture
906 What Makes a Great Leader at TSI
Kelley Bubolo, Cheryl Jones, Randy Stephen
This session will emphasize what makes a great leader at TSI. We will discuss the components of
effective leadership and present an overview of the importance of emotional intelligence and
situational leadership. We will then identify the six most common styles of leadership and discuss
their impact on the work environment. We’ll end with a discussion about how leadership is viewed
at TSI and how that is tied to TSI’s core management competencies.
Topic: Leadership/Management
Level: TSI Only
Type: Lecture
907 Nutrient Timing: Making Sense of This Growing Body of Research
Dr. Christopher Mohr
Nutrient timing has become tremendously popular over the last few years. Not only is it
discussed regularly in lay publications, but the scientific literature is also catching up with a bevy
of research on pre-, during-, and post-training nutrition. If you and your clients are not educated
properly, they may not be achieving the goals they desire.
Topic: Nutrition
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
908 Post-Rehab Guidelines for the Spine
Dr. Michael Jones
This session reviews post-rehab exercise guidelines for conditions affecting the cervical and
lumbar spines. Condition pathology, exercise and progression guidelines as well as assessment
techniques will be reviewed. Specific protocols will be introduced for each condition.
Topic: Personal Training, Special Populations
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
909 Technique! How to Pull the Summit Information Together
Chris McGrath
You have just been to almost a dozen seminars/workouts discussing effective strategies in
program design, corrective exercise, group exercise, band training, physio-ball training, speed
and power training, etc. But how do you use that information? How do you take the gallons of
information from the researchers, educators and other experts and use it so that your client
progresses and doesn’t feel like a lab rat? This workshop helps take the science and research
down to the practical level so we can effectively teach our clients the movements and have them
reach their goals.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Lecture
910 Adapting Your Coaching Style to Client Behavioral Characteristics
Lisa Priestly
Ever feel like you've built a strong program and yet your client is not achieving optimal results?
While there is no single right way to create a client program, one component that is often
overlooked is accommodating for individual client behaviors and motivations. In this session you'll
learn how to identify behavioral styles, gain an understanding of the strengths and limitations of
each style, and put that knowledge to work with exercises that teach you how to best coach and
motivate for success. You'll leave this interactive workshop with practical, how-to information that
you can use to start improving results in your next client session.
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
911 YogaFit Seniors
Jane Vaganek
Senior YogaFit incorporates all the advantages of challenge and self-pacing for all levels and
ages of this large population. The poses and methods will allow your seniors to increase
muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and increase stamina, lung capacity and overall
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
912 Front Desk Associate Customer Service Foundations
Alma Llerena
30 Wall Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Front Desk Foundations provides front desk associates the opportunity to identify and practice
effective customer service skills and their core front desk practices.
Topic: Customer Service
Level: TSI Front Desk Associates Only
Type: Lecture
913 Optimizing the Member Experience
Tom Collins
30 Wall Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
This session embodies the customer-focused culture required to become an industry leader. It
will focus on the general manager's use of the customer service standards to continually assess
and maintain an environment which meets the member expectations identified in the annual
Harris Interactive surveys. The general managers will ensure the customer service standards and
coach their employees in sustaining them.
Topic: Customer Service
Level: TSI General Managers Only
Type: Lecture
914 Managing Goals and Performance Standards at TSI
Rose Jakubaszek
30 Wall Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10005
This session provides general managers with a process to manage goals of membership
consultants and performance standards of front desk and housekeeping employees in order to
most effectively manage results.
Topic: Leadership/Management
Level: TSI General Managers Only
Type: Lecture
SESSIONS 1001-1011
Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm
1001 SPINNING®: Latin SPIN
Isabel Shephard Schaefer
All Terrain Ride with a great mix of Latin music that will keep you motivated while the minutes fly
Level: All
Type: Workout
1002 Martial Fusion
Guillermo Gomez
Martial Fusion is a complete, full-body training system created by Guillermo Gomez that is
designed to develop awareness, strength, flexibility, agility, discipline and focus, decrease stress
levels and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing. A journey into the beyond, each Martial
Fusion class is a choreographed combination of karate, tae-Kwan-do, kickboxing, aikido, kung-fu
and tai-chi techniques set to inspiring and energizing music that amplifies the body’s connection
to the movement. This intense, total body/mind training session concludes with a yoga-infused
stretching segment coupled with meditation techniques designed to bring you beyond body and
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
1003 Advanced Flexibility Techniques
Annette Lang
Introduction to active isolated stretching. PNF patterns are presented and practiced, along with
more integrated flexibility positions. Trainers work on sequencing to address muscle imbalances:
stretching/release, mobility, and strengthening.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
1004 Joint Torque and Shear: Implications for True Functional Development
Dr. Paul Juris
This seminar will define, describe, and explore joint torques, their significant effects on exercise
results, shear stress, and functional outcomes. We’ll view and analyze basic and complex
movements, identify which joints are properly and improperly loaded, calculate shear, and
understand what it means to help your clients develop true functional capabilities.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Type: Lecture
1005 Making Biomechanics Fun! … No Seriously!
Scott Gaines
This interactive seminar uses 3-D animation tools to teach the fundamentals of biomechanics in a
fun and interesting format. Attendees will visualize the human body in a whole new way and see
the importance of understanding biomechanics and how it relates to training.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
1006 The Female Training Advantages
Dr. Len Kravitz
This original lecture reviews recently published research documenting some unique female
training advantages. Gender differences in fat metabolism, muscle fiber changes, muscle
strength, muscular endurance, body composition, hormones and other physiological factors are
discussed. New resistance and aerobic training program designs, specifically for women, are
presented. This lecture is a ‘must attend’ for any fitness professional who trains female clients
and for those female fitness enthusiasts who strive to attain the most optimal physiological
benefits from their training.
Type: Personal Training
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Type: Lecture
1007 The New Personal Trainer Mentorship Program
Tim D. Keightley
Wishing you could make more money? Itching to leave your mark? The mentorship program is
your chance to finally help build the proudest team in the industry. Learn how you can pass on
your expertise to new personal trainers. Help them avoid the mistakes you made when you were
a new personal trainer. TSI’s Mentorship Program will begin this summer. You won’t want to miss
this discussion if you have hopes of being a mentor.
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: TSI Only
Type: Lecture
1008 How to Win Members and Influence Referrals
Chris Ruta
Is your club top notch? Do your members have a positive experience at your club? Do they refer
members to you? A certain set of skills are required to attain and sustain an outstanding facility.
Among the topics to be discussed will be the tools to assist club employees in improving the
club's presentation and how to manage a "best practices" process. In addition, you will learn how
to improve your powers of observation to assist you in seeing your club through your members'
eyes. Photos will be used to facilitate discussion. Be prepared for some surprises!
Topic: Management/Sales
Level: TSI Customer Care Managers and General Managers Only
Type: Lecture
1009 Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions with Cardio Programming
Fabio Comana
Standard guidelines for cardiovascular training include predictive formulas of maximal heart rate.
The reality is that these formulas demonstrate large margins of error that result in over- or undertraining our clients. Get the bottom line on the accuracy of these predictive formulas and discover
new and more effective ways to design cardiovascular training programs that target the specific
goals of your clients. This session will include discussion on fat and carbohydrate utilization
during exercise, the determination of both aerobic base and anaerobic threshold, physiological
adaptations of effective training, and training progressions.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1010 Little League to Big League
Don Bahneman
Hit. Throw. Catch. Field. Run. These are all needed to be a successful base/softball player. But to
be great you are missing the conditioning! In this session we will take a look at the mechanics of
the game and apply training components to deliver position-specific stability, strength and power
to take your clients to new heights! Many of these components can be applied on the field or in
the gym for year-round results.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
1011 Yoga for Cyclists
Jane Vaganek
Learn to balance your body and improve your bike time with this exciting workshop. Discover new
ways to open your hips, hamstrings and quads while building upper body strength and a strong
core center. Learn class formats, sequences and postures.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
SESSIONS 1101-1111
Sunday 1:15pm-2:45pm
1101 SPINNING®: Periodizing in an Urban Market
Caroline Dawson
Sure, periodizing sounds great in theory, but how do you truly apply it in a health club setting? In
this session, you’ll learn how to program rides that will allow your students to benefit from simple
periodization principles, even in those classes where: 1) You don't teach the same time slot every
day of the week, or 2) You don't see the exact same population every single week in your class.
Level: All
Type: Workshop
1102 Boot Camp Kickbox
Sharon Mann
This action-packed workout delivers the best of both worlds! Boot camp style classes are hot for a
few good reasons, they are easy to follow, challenging, and fun. Blending cardio kickboxing with
the cardio drills and strength from boot camp, this session will deliver a total body workout.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: Advanced
Type: Workout
1103 Rubber Resistance F.I.T.: Functional Integrated Training
Keli Roberts
This Rubber Resistance Training goes beyond the basics and examines methods and techniques
that functionally strengthen the total body with integrated exercises and drills that involve
coordination, balance, and body control. Learn critical body alignment, movement pattern and
cueing techniques for each exercise in an interactive, hands-on training session.
Topic: Group Exercise, Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Workshop
1104 Understanding Stretching Prior to Activity: An Evidence-Based Position Stance
Rodney Corn
As the debate continues about stretching prior to activity, more and more research comes out to
support both sides. So who is right? In this lecture we sift through the research and uncover some
misconceptions and oversights that will help us find a comprehensive answer.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
1105 TSI State of the Union
Randy Stephen, Chris Ruta
Randy Stephen, COO, and Chris Ruta, Snr. VP of Operations, will give you an update about the
health of TSI. Hear about their outlook on the future, the company’s Strategic Plan as well as ongoing and future initiatives. This is a TSI employee-only session. Questions will be taken in
advance. Email questions to, SUBJECT: State of the Union.
Topic: Management/Sales
Type: Lecture
1106 When Exercise Isn’t Enough: How to Change Eating Behaviors
Dr. Kara Gallagher
Adopting a regular exercise program is only half of the energy balance equation. This workshop
will cover behavioral strategies such as managing cravings, controlling portion sizes and
eliminating unhealthy eating cues. Walk away ready to teach your clients new tricks on how to
modify eating behaviors in order to successfully tip the scales in their favor!
Topic: Nutrition
Level: Beginner
Type: Lecture
1107 Become a Client Magnet
Kelli Calabrese
A recent study showed the greatest area of need that personal trainers report is in attracting
clients. If you want to increase your leads and consistently drive in new customers, you must
learn the skills to mastering the media. You can build a full client base with a waiting list through
self and word of mouth promotion. You will learn how to reach more people each week and widen
your personal training net. You will leave with an understanding of the tools needed to become a
client magnet, techniques for retaining clients long term, and precise information about how to
garner media attention as a fitness expert.
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1108 Running an Effective Morning Flow
Rich Destasio
You know how to run a team meeting, but how effective is your morning flow? This lecture will
help you identify the “why” behind each of the components of the morning flow, the tie-in of the
sales tools, and the proper position for your team to ensure sales success.
Topic: Sales
Level: TSI Only
Type: Lecture
1109 Lifestyle Coaching: Ways to Expand Your Business
Chris McGrath
Over 60% of Americans are considered overweight or obese and the cause is pretty obvious:
poor lifestyle habits. The result leads to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis
and certain types of cancer - not to mention the negative effects on how one feels about
themselves. Is it enough for fitness professionals to be experts on movement, nutrition and
motivation? Avenues in lifestyle coaching provide solutions to a large percentage of the
population who need it and for fitness professional looking to expand grow their business. This
workshop will discuss effective techniques in weight management, goal-setting, behavioral
change and ways to effectively incorporate lifestyle coaching into your current business to help
your clients achieve and maintain their goals.
Topic: PT Business Development
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1110 Squatology
Mark Stone
Everybody should squat! If you sit, you should squat; if you drive a car, you should squat.
Squatting may be man’s most primitive movement pattern, and it is an inseparable part of life and
sports. Yet many instructors, trainers, athletes and exercise enthusiasts avoid this key exercise
for fear of back injury. This session explains the science of squatting without injury. Understand
not only how, but why, evaluating the squat in the sagittal, transverse and frontal planes is
essential to back health, safety and performance. The squat will be demonstrated to show how it
can be used as a powerful functional assessment tool for your clients and serious athletes.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture
1111 YogaFit Flex and Flow
Michelle Demus
The ultimate mind/body workout with repetitive flows and long holds work our muscles in a variety
of ways. Isometric contractions and strong pulsing moves create strength and mental focus.
Learn to work your body and mind in a unique way.
Topic: Yoga
Level: All
Type: Workshop
SESSIONS 1201-1211
Sunday 3:00pm-4:30pm
1201 Keep it Simply Step
Gail Bannister-Munn
Over the years step choreography has become so complex, or too easy, in patterns for our
members/clienteles. Our BPMs are way out of the box making our classes too intense for the
average member. And there has been no simple and fun choreography. The result: we have
turned off our members/clients from step classes. This session is geared to show you that step
can be fun, creative, and challenging for all levels.
Topic: Group Exercise
Level: All
Type: Workout
1202 30-Minute Workouts
Annette Lang
This is a great option for many reasons: busy business people; sport specific programs; and post
rehab concerns. You can get more bang for your buck and add more bucks to your bottom line
with these programs. You will learn 3 specific workouts: full body circuit; low back health, and
posture perfect.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
1203 Knee’ded Answers: Pre- to Post-Rehabilitation and Everything in Between
Don Bahneman
This workshop will review the anatomical, biomechanical and physiological background of the
knee. Common injuries to the knee, such as patella-femoral pain, chondromalacia and tendonitis
will be discussed. And finally, stabilization, strength and power exercise will be presented to
improve overall function of the knee.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Workshop
1204 Youth Physical Activity and Fitness: Promoting Healthy Behaviors
Dr. Randal Claytor
This session will discuss the concepts of physical activity and physical fitness and how to
promote physically active behaviors in youth. Discussions will include the use of resistance
training to promote physically active behaviors and the physiological adaptations that occur in
overweight youth with supervised resistance training.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise, Special Populations
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1205 Exercise or Rest? Intensity vs. Recovery
Mark Baines
Everyone loves a great workout and the feeling of accomplishment once it's over. Sometimes
we’d all just rather lie down and rest. What is the optimal blend of exercise intensity versus time
for recovery? How do we know when we are either working too hard or not enough? This session
will change what you think you know.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1206 M.E.L.T. on the CORE
Sue Hitzmann
This session will improve personal trainers’ and movement teachers’ knowledge of “whole body
synergy concepts” when discussing core stability. This session will introduce M.E.L.T. concepts
such as the reflexive core, the rooted core, and core-contact exercises used to retrain clients with
pelvic instability, low back pain, and poor muscle tone. Experience and embody concepts such as
“navel to spine,” “discrete motion,” “differentiation,” and “the masses and spaces” to improve your
ability to maintain core stability over a lifetime.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Intermediate
Type: Lecture with demo
1207 Leveraging Financial Command for Better Bottom-Line Results
Chris Gurtcheff
This session is a review of fundamental financial report interpretation and management. You will
develop an understanding of the structure and information in a profit and loss statement, learn to
identify leverage opportunities, and take action that leads to increased profit.
Topic: Management/Sales
Level: TSI Only
Type: Lecture
1208 Exercise Mechanics: An Architectural Puzzle
Steven Siemienski
Because individuals vary in structure and motor ability, it is the fitness professional’s responsibility
to understand the nature of human skeletal design and its ability to adapt to physical stress. This
session will address the infinite options available in administering force to the body via exercise. It
is paramount that fitness professionals learn, without bias, how and when the “pieces” fit together
in creating a safe, effective environment for our clients.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: All
Type: Lecture
1209 Scientific Shoulder Training
Mark Stone
Take a trip through the functional anatomy of the shoulder and discover how you can develop
preventative, performance and corrective exercise programs better than ever before. As with any
part of the body, the shoulder must be considered in conjunction with the rest of the muscloskeletal structure, plus the organ and hormonal systems. Building upon the foundation of
functional anatomy, this session shows how to “assess, not guess” before designing exercise
programs that are based on the interactive anatomy of the shoulder.
Topic: Personal Training
Level: Advanced
Type: Lecture
1210 Swing & Splash: Seniors Aqua
Mark Grevelding
Learn some senior-friendly teaching tips and discover a fun choreography-skills
workshop designed with older participants in mind. Enjoy fluid add-on combinations that feature
some snap, splash, swing, and all that jazz.
Topic: Personal Training, Group Exercise, Special Populations
Level: All
Type: Workshop