H2O for Life: A Clean Water Project Constitution Article 1 – Name

H2O for Life: A Clean Water Project Constitution
Article 1 – Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization
Section 1 – Name:
The name of this organization is H2O for Life: A Clean Water Project. This organization will utilize this
name in all publicity materials and correspondence. H2O for Life is affiliated with the national H2O for
Life organization operating in New Brighton, Minnesota. The website of the affiliate organization, H2O
for Life is www.h2oforlifeschools.org.
Section 2 – Purpose:
H2O for Life is established for the purpose of aiding students in building an alliance to and an
understanding of their partner school through experiential learning while raising funds for WASH (Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene) in Schools projects.
Section 3 – Non-Discrimination Policy:
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age,
color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or
veteran status.
Article II – Membership
Membership in this organization is open to enrolled students at The Ohio State University. Non-students,
spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not hold office. All members
and associate members are free to leave and dissociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or
Article III – Organization Leadership
Section 1 – Titles:
H2O for Life shall have two Co-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Advisor (non-voting
member). These officers comprise the Executive Board and the only voting members of the organization.
Other officers may be instated into the Board by three-quarters vote of the Board. All officers must be
members of H2O for Life.
Section 2 – Terms of Office:
An officer’s term of office ends upon his/her resignation or removal by the Board.
Section 3 – Type of Selection:
The officers on the Executive Board are appointed (see Article IV).
Section 4 – Officer Duties:
1. The presidents shall be the chief executive officers.
2. The presidents, with approval of the executive board, direct the budget.
3. The presidents shall be the parliamentarians for the organization.
4. One of the presidents shall assume the duties of both presidents in the absence of the other
5. The presidents will keep and have available current copies of the constitution and bylaws.
6. The presidents will be responsible for scheduling programs.
1. The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and the meetings of the
executive board.
2. The secretary will provide a copy of the minutes for each officer and keep a master file.
3. The secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and membership
1. The treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions.
2. The treasurer shall develop quarterly reports containing a list of all receipts and disbursements
and distribute them among the executive board.
3. The treasurer will be responsible for checking the accuracy of all bills and invoices and paying
them correctly and on time.
4. The treasurer will perform other duties as directed by the president.
1. The advisor shall assist the group in their execution of roles and responsibilities.
2. The advisor shall provide feedback to the organization regarding its operation and functioning.
3. The advisor shall serve as a resource.
4. The advisor should provide advice upon request, and also should share knowledge, expertise, and
experience with the group.
5. The advisor will be a nonvoting member of the organization.
Article IV – Method of Selecting and Removing Officers and Members
Section 1 – Method of Selection:
The initial Executive Board will be selected by a senior director of the national H2O for Life
organization. Persons may be added to the Board by a majority vote of the Board. A candidate must have
prior experience as a member of the organization.
Section 2 – Officer Removal:
In the event that three-quarters of the Board disapproves of the performance of another member of the
Board, the officer may be removed and another officer may be instated.
Section 3- Member Removal:
In the event that three-quarters of the Board disapproves of the performance of a member, the member
may be removed from the organization.
Article V – Advisor Qualification Criteria
An advisor of H2O for Life must be a member of the University faculty of Administrative and
Professional staff. The advisor should aid the goals of the organization as needed.
Article VI – Meetings of the Organization
Both executive and general meetings shall be held as required by the Executive Board.
Article VII – Quorum
In order to conduct the business of the organization, a quorum consisting of at least three-quarters of
voting membership must be in attendance.
Article VIII – Method of Amending the Constitution
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in
which they are proposed, and should not be voted on until at least a week after they are proposed.
Amendments to the Constitution may be made by two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.
Amendments may be removed from the Constitution by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive
Article IX – Method of Dissolution of Organization
H2O for Life can be dissolved only with the unanimous consent of the Executive Board. In the case of
outstanding debt, the remaining members will make a case to the source to see if the debt can be absorbed
by the source. In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding
debts and claims have been paid, shall be donated to the H2O for Life national chapter.