Chinese Christian Community Constitution/By-Laws

Chinese Christian Fellowship Constitution/By-Laws
Article I - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization:
Section 1 - The official name of this religious club is "Chinese Christian Fellowship."
Section 2 - This club provides seekers and believers with a group of Christians who love the Lord,
would like to know Him more, to know His words more, and to spread His gospel.
Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy:
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual for reasons of
race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, and so forth.
Article II - Membership:
Qualifications and categories of membership.
Currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, alumni, visiting scholars, and professionals at the Ohio
State University, who are interested in the group, are welcome and encouraged to become
members. Voting membership is limited to current members and is approved by the officers
composed of the president, vice president, and treasurer. Membership may be revoked at the
discretion of the club president and /or student advisor if any member is disruptive.
Article Ill - Organization Leadership:
Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders.
This organization will have three officers as required by the university, composed of president,
vice president and treasurer.
Duties of committees:
- Organize events (Bible study, Fellowship etc)
- Oversee the meeting
- Assist with president
- Fulfill president’s duty when president is not available
- Manage the organization’s account
- Budgeting for future event
- Record the information during meeting
Impeachment Process:
In case the committees are not fulfilling in the role, a new committees will be appointed by ½
majority member.
Terms of officers are for one school year. Annual election is held in the third week of July. Elected
officers perform the technicalities of being an official Ohio State Organization.
Article IV - Executive committee (if needed):
Size and composition of the Committee.
No executive committee is required for this organization.
Article V - Standing Committees (if needed):
Names, purposes, and composition.
There is no defined standing committee for this organization.
Article VI - Advisor(s) or Advisory Board:
Qualification Criteria.
There are no defined criteria for selection of advisor.
Article VII - Method of Amending Constitution:
Proposals, notice, and voting requirements.
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general
meeting in which they are proposed. These amendments will then be read again at a specified
number of subsequent general meetings and at the general meeting in which the votes will be
taken, and should either require a two-third or three-quarter majority of voting members (a
quorum being present) or a majority or two-third of the entire voting membership of the
organization, present or not, to pass. The constitution should not be amended easily or
Article VIII - Method of Dissolution of Organization
This club can be dissolved based on majority consensus of a vote taken at a general meeting of
president, vice president, treasurer, and advisor.
Article I - Membership
Qualifications and categories of membership.
Currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, alumni, visiting scholars, and professionals at the Ohio
State University, who are interested in the group, are welcome and encouraged to become
members. Voting membership is limited to current members and is approved by the officers
composed of the president, vice president, and treasurer. Membership may be revoked at the
discretion of the club president and /or student advisor if any member is disruptive.
Article II - Election/Appointment of Government Leadership
Officer elections will take place as outlined in the constitution
Article III - Method of amending by-laws
By-laws may be amended by proposing in writing and reading the change at a general meeting of
the membership and then bring the proposed change up for a vote at the next general meeting
with a 2/3 majority vote of the voting membership present (a quorum being present).