Page 1 of 1 Annual Review IEP Procedures Date Completed ______ Review Caseload and Due Dates. At least one month before the IEP annual review is due, begin scheduling IEP meetings. ______ Schedule Meeting - Call parent to schedule a meeting date and time, and also notify all other IEP team members (SLPs, related services, reg. ed teachers, LEAs, etc) to make sure they can attend at the scheduled date and time. ______ Eligibility Due – If eligibility is due within the next twelve months or by the end of the next school year that the IEP covers, be sure to hold the meeting as a redetermination (DOR and annual review) and complete and gather all data needed to be addressed the DOR at the meeting. ______ Generate Notice of IEP or Redetermination Meeting in GOIEP. Include all participants and be sure to check all appropriate areas that will be addressed at the meeting (IEP review, eligibility, transition services, etc). ______ Send the Written Notice of IEP meeting to parent and all IEP participants including secondary and related service providers, regular ed teachers, etc. ______ Send input form to parents and teachers to gather input for the draft IEP and the meeting. ______ Prepare draft IEP in GOIEP using data from last IEP progress reports, current data from progress monitoring/data notebook, teacher/parent input, class and report card grades, class and standardized testing, etc. ______ Reserve meeting room/location ______ Send reminder notice or call to remind parent and all other IEP team members of the meeting date, time, and location ______ Have peer or ISC review draft IEP prior to meeting if possible ______ Refer to IEP meeting procedures for step by step procedures to follow during the IEP meeting. ______ Create Agenda for the meeting, if needed - copy and give out at the meeting to keep the meeting on track ______ Hold meeting with draft copies available along with parental rights and any other needed consideration forms or resource documents. Bring your data collection notebooks. ______ Give copy of draft IEP to parents and explain final copy will be sent to the parent once all changes are made ______ Implement the IEP on the begin date – notify all service providers ______ Give out accommodations, BIPs, etc to appropriate personnel that have a need to know basis (teacher, paraprofessionals, nurses, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, media specialist, administration, etc) ______ Make changes in the IEP in GOIEP ______ Have peer and ISC review the IEP – make suggested changes based on peer review within 5 days of the meeting ______ Finalize the IEP in GOIEP within 10 days of the meeting. If your ISC does this, contact your ISC. ______ Send final copy of the IEP and any other necessary documents home to the parent. ______ Print or email change of status form and submit to Vickie Shepherd and Julie Schexnayder within 5 days of meeting. This includes IEP changes, initial placements, reevaluations, dismissals, withdrawals, change of eligibility or placement, etc. It is important that changes, especially dismissals, are reported asap to Vickie Shepherd for state reporting. ______ Scan in any signed original documents and attach to the documents tab in GOIEP. ______ Send any original copies that are not in GOIEP to Erika Hamburg-Brown to be filed in the permanent file (signed invitation/notice, signed consents or DORs, preschool forms, etc) Coweta County Special Education Department Revised: June 2014