AP BIOLOGY SYLLABUS - Jenks Public Schools

Advanced Placement Biology is a fun and challenging course. My passion as a biologist
serves, most importantly, to impart upon my students an intimate understanding of the
world around us. The course is designed for students who enjoy biology, have
demonstrated competence in first-year biology and chemistry classes, and are willing to
tackle the demanding tasks that are certain to be presented throughout the year. True
success in AP Biology can be achieved with an intrinsic motivation to learn and a
willingness to work diligently.
Classes meet daily for 55 minutes. Approximately 5-6 hours per week in individual
study for this course are expected of each student, though the time can vary from week to
week. All of the 12 labs in the AP Lab Manual for Students will be completed during the
course, as well as additional experiments, activities and specimen dissections. At various
times throughout the year, students may opt to work after school hours for additional
studies and laboratory investigations. Each of the eight units in the course is addressed
through the looking glass of the crucial “eight themes” from the AP Biology curriculum.
In addition to the eight themes of Biology, students are encouraged to discover and
address environmental and societal issues surrounding the biological concepts presented
in each unit.
The AP Biology course emphasizes the biological concepts as specified in the three
overarching topics: Molecules and Cells (25%) , Heredity and Evolution (25%), and
Organisms and Populations (50%). Each of these is covered in detail as mentioned in the
Unit Information/Course Planner section below.
Students enrolled in the course are, by definition, preparing for the AP Exam from the
beginning of school. As such, very little class-time is spent specifically preparing for the
AP Exam, with the exception of discussing the format of the exam and its grading
procedures. Students are given past released exams at various times during the year to
complete independently, and are scored and discussed in class. Additionally, freeresponse questions are a part of most unit exams, and are covered throughout the year
with both teacher feedback and peer review.
The course textbook is the seventh edition AP Edition: Biology by Neil A. Campbell and
Jane B. Reece (published by Pearson Benjamin Cummings 2005).
Students use the following additional resources to complement their Biology textbook
and for their laboratory prep work:
 Preparing for the Biology AP Exam manual, 7th Ed.
 Student Media for Biology CD-ROM which accompanies the Campbell text
 Web resources at Campbell’s Biology companion site www.campbellbiology.com (which
include activities in each chapter, an on-line text, additional links and resources, and
The Lab Bench—the twelve recommended AP labs in a virtual setting)
AP Biology Lab Manual for Students, revised 2001
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual by Elaine Marieb, 7th Ed.
Biology for Calculators/Computers series by Vernier (which utilizes various sets of
sensors and LoggerPro software)
Graphing calculators (which most students already have for their math classes) for
use with the Vernier CBL and LabPro units only
Additional readings from scientific periodicals or research articles
I also incorporate the following audio/visual aides, which include video-clips, still
images, and activities when presenting new information to students:
 The Campbell Biology CD-ROM and on-line resources
 InterActive Physiology CD-ROM
 Web resources at Marieb’s Human Anatomy & Physiology companion site
 Video Disc still images and video clips
Lecture and Lab Experiments
Welcome and
 Eight recurring themes of biology
(Science as a Process; Evolution;
Energy Transfer; Continuity and
Change; Relationship of Structure to
Function; Regulation; Interdependence
in Nature; and Science, Technology
and Society) their application to all
units throughout the entire year
 Emergent Properties of Biological
 Environmental Concerns, to be applied
to all units throughout the year
 Societal Concerns, to be applied to all
units throughout the year
 Wet Lab: Discovering science as a
Unit 1: The
 Properties of Water
Chemistry of
 Organic Molecules/ Functional Groups
 Wet Lab: Energy in Food
 Wet Lab: Acids and Bases and pH
Chapter 1
specific to
the AP
Chapters 1
and 3
through 5
Unit 2: The Cell 
Membrane, and
Unit 2: The Cell
and Mitosis)
Wet Lab: Electrophoresis of Proteins
Wet Lab: Biological Membranes
Unit 1 Case Study
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Cellular Organelle Anatomy and
Plasma Membrane Anatomy and
Endomembrane System
Hands-On AP Lab 1: Diffusion and
Osmosis (investigate the process of
diffusion and osmosis in a model of a
membrane system; investigate the
effect of solute concentration on water
potential as it relates to living plant
Hands-On AP Lab 1 Extension:
Determine the molar concentration of
solute in a given piece of
fruit/vegetable (without any lab
Structure and Function of Enzymes
Free Energy Changes
Metabolism in a Cell
Wet Lab: Effect of Temperature on
Cold-Blooded Animals
Hands-On AP Lab 2: Enzyme Catalysis
(observe the conversion of hydrogen
peroxide to water and oxygen gas by
the enzyme catalase; then measure the
amount of oxygen generated and
calculate the rate of enzyme-catalyzed
Cellular Respiration
Coupled Reactions
Hands-On AP Lab 5: Cell Respiration
(measure oxygen consumption during
germination; measure change in gas
volume in respirometers and at
different temperatures)
Wet Lab: Fermentation
Chapters 6,
7, 8
4 weeks
Chapters 9
through 12
4 weeks
 Photosynthesis
 Hands-On AP Lab 4: Plant Pigments
Unit 3: Genetics 
DNA to Protein) 
Unit 3: Genetics
(Viral and
Bacterial, DNA
and Photosynthesis (separate plant
pigments using chromatography;
measure the rate of photosynthesis in
isolated chloroplasts)
Wet Lab: The Compound and
Dissecting Microscopes (use “e” slide,
grid slide, crossed thread slide, and
additional prepared slides and wetmounts)
Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Hands-On AP Lab 3: Mitosis and
Meiosis (Exercise 3A: calculate
duration of phases of mitosis in the
meristem of roots; compare plant and
animal mitosis)
Unit 2 Case Study
Sexual Life Cycles and Meiosis
Mendel and Genes
Hands-On AP Lab 3: Mitosis and
Meiosis (Exercise 3B: simulate meiosis
stages, study crossing over and
recombination; observe ascospore
DNA and RNA Structure and Function
Chromosomal and Molecular Basis of
Replication, Transcription, Translation
Wet Lab Activity: DNA Extraction
plus at-home extension
Viral and Bacterial Genetics
Gene Regulation
Eukaryotic Genome Organization
At-Home Dry Lab: Human
Karyotyping and analysis of results
DNA Technology/Genomics
Dry Lab: Restriction Enzymes and
Mapping Plasmids
Chapters 13
through 17
3 weeks
Chapters 18
through 21
4 weeks
 Developmental Genetics
 Wet Lab: Crime Scene DNA with Gel
Unit 4:
Mechanisms of
Electrophoresis (run several DNA
samples through a gel to solve a crime
 Hands-On AP Lab 6: Molecular
Biology (transform E coli cells using
the pGlo plasmid to genetically
engineer the cells to glow in the dark,
also conferring antibiotic resistance to
ampicillin; gel electrophoresis)
 Field Trip: Sam Rhine’s Annual
Genetic Update Conference
 Wet Lab Activity: Beano
Biotechnology (discover how the
biotechnology drug works as an
enzyme to aide in digestion)
 Hands-On AP Lab 7: Genetics of
Organisms (use living organisms for
genetic crosses; collect and manipulate
Drosophila, analyze results of various
 Unit 3 Case Study
 Wet Activity: Overview of Plant
Anatomy; Begin Plants from Seed (for
Lab 9)
 Darwin/Origin
 Early Evolution of Life
 Evidence of Evolution
 Population Genetics
 Hands-On AP Lab 8: Population
Genetics and Evolution (learn about
Hardy-Weinberg law; study
relationship between evolution and
changes in allele frequency)
 Natural Selection
 Speciation
 Phylogeny and Systematics
 Evolutionary Relationships
 Student Group Presentations on
Chapters 22
through 25
Unit 5: The
History of
Unit 6: Plant
Form and
Unit 7: Animal
Form and
(Energy and
Unit 4 Case Study
Biological Diversity
Evolutionary Patterns
Wet Lab: Gram Staining of Bacteria
Diversity of Plants
Diversity of Animals
Student Group Presentations on
Biological Diversity
Unit 5 Case Study
Plant Anatomy, Growth, Development
Wet Lab: Observation of Plant
Stomates and Xylem Flow
Transport in Plants
Hands-On AP Lab 9: Transpiration
(apply concept of water potential to the
plant; measure transpiration under
various conditions; study anatomy of
the plant stem and leaf)
Plant Nutrition
Angiosperm Reproduction and
Wet Lab: Flower and Fruit Dissection
Plant Responses to Signals
Unit 6 Case Study
Basic Animal Form and Function
Animal Nutrition
Wet Lab: Dissection of Fetal Pig
(examine external features, abdominal
and thoracic organs, and crucial vessels
and nerves)
Circulation and Gas Exchange
Wet Lab: Pig Heart Dissection (focus
on four chambers and the major vessels
of each; valves; coronary circulation)
Hands-On AP Lab 10: Physiology of
Chapters 26
through 34
2 weeks
Chapters 35
through 39
3 weeks
Chapters 40
through 44
4 weeks
Unit 7: Animal
Form and
Unit: 8: Ecology 
the Circulatory System (measure blood
pressure; measure pulse rate; determine
relative fitness)
Wet Lab: Ventilation and Heart Rate
Wet Lab: Heart Rate and Monitoring
Wet Lab: Human Respiration
The Immune System
Osmoregulation and Excretion
Hormones and the Endocrine System
Animal Reproduction
Animal Development
Nervous System
Response to the Environment
Wet Lab: Dissection of Sheep Brain
(focus on major lobes, brainstem,
organization, corpus callosum)
Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
Structural, Physiological, and
Behavioral Adaptations
Wet Lab: Dissection of Cow Eye
Unit 7 Case Study
Introduction to Ecology and Biosphere
Behavioral Ecology
Hands-On AP Lab11: Animal Behavior
(investigate isopod responses to
environmental variables; observe
mating behavior in fruit flies)
Population Ecology
Wet Lab: Population Dynamics of
Community Ecology
Hands-On AP Lab 12: Dissolved
Oxygen and Aquatic Primary
Productivity (analyze dissolved oxygen
concentration in water samples at
varying temperatures; measure primary
productivity of samples)
Wet Lab: Interdependence of Plants
and Animals
Chapters 45
through 49
Chapters 50
through 55
 Global Issues
 Student Group Presentations on
Post-AP Exam
 Unit 8 Case Study
 Anatomy-In-Clay Maniken work
(building body systems in clay onto 2foot Manikens by Zahourek Systems;
see www.anatomyinclay.com), if time
does not allow prior to AP Exam
 Additional Labs using probeware (or
those which time may not have allowed
during the year)
1 or 2
The following eight themes from the AP Biology curriculum are introduced to students
during the first week of school: Science as a Process; Evolution; Energy Transfer;
Continuity and Change; Relationship of Structure to Function; Regulation;
Interdependence in Nature; and Science, Technology and Society. Thereafter, each of the
units in the textbook are presented to the students in a manner which shows how the eight
themes are integrated with most all of the biological concepts. Students are also
encouraged to discover independently how the themes may relate to new concepts. Past
free-response questions serve as an excellent resource to help facilitate an understanding
of thematic relationships.
There are three additional underlying themes which the students are required to learn and
apply to all new information: recognizing evolution as the basis of modern biological
models and thought; emphasizing applications of biological knowledge and critical
thinking to social and environmental concerns; and understanding science as a process
rather than an accumulation of facts. For example, evolution becomes much more
apparent as an underlying theme in biology after the first several chapters of teacher-led
investigations into this framework. Students quickly demonstrate understanding of these
additional themes if first shown how to approach the concepts. All students will
complete a thematic study grid for each unit which aids as a visual cross-reference for the
newly-learned information in the units and both the eight major AP Biology themes and
the aforementioned frameworks of evolution, environmental and social concerns, and
science as a process.
The AP Biology curriculum contains an enormous amount of information, both in
breadth and depth. Though not required, it is recommended that students take additional
courses in Zoology or Human Anatomy & Physiology. Students are well acquainted with
the nature of the course, and appreciate the necessity of independent study. They may
work in pairs or small groups in the lab, while preparing presentations, during additional
class activities, and during some of the case study investigations. However, there are
some topics requiring independent study, and may not be covered during class if time
does not allow.
In addition to concepts learned in lecture and lab, some units lend themselves nicely to
student-led investigations, self-teaching, and student-presentations of the topics. My
students tend to gain a great deal of understanding from one another when prompted to
work with and assist their peers. Those units which students may present specific
information are Mechanisms of Evolution, Biological Diversity, and Ecology. Also, if
time allows, students may be responsible for researching various body systems, including
their related disorders, and presenting their findings to the class.
All twelve recommended hands-on wet labs from the AP Biology Lab Manual for
Students book are done in class. These labs alone require approximately 36 of 180
instructional days, and therefore account for the minimum 25% instructional time
engaged in hands-on lab work. However, once additional labs (beyond the 12 AP labs),
and specimen dissections are added into the curriculum, students are engaged in hands-on
lab work an additional 28 days, providing students with 35% instructional time engaged
in hands-on lab work. Though students may not have any lab work during a few
particular weeks, there are many weeks when they are in the lab on multiple days.
I encourage, and sometimes require, students to complete corresponding virtual on-line
labs prior to the actual hands-on lab. These in no way take the place of the recommended
hands-on labs; however, such work proves beneficial in their fundamental understanding
of what will take place during the lab in class. Additionally, for many labs I require
students to come prepared with a flow chart, which serves as a visual diagram of the
day’s procedures. This activity prohibits students from regurgitating laboratory
procedures in a repetitive text format, and forces them to visualize procedural protocol
before actually going through the steps. In their pairs or small groups, students are
required to set up their own lab stations. If time allows, students will prepare their own
solutions/gels, begin their own cultures/plates, and the like. Microscope labs are
completed individually. It is crucial from the beginning that students grasp the concept
of science as a process, and incorporating as many applicable hands-on labs as possible
enables them to better see pure science at work.
For all twelve AP labs, students must thoroughly and accurately complete every section
of the lab manual (questions/data/analysis/problems/graphs). I often allow the lab
pairs/groups to assist one another in solving problems, understanding experimental error,
and brainstorming the day before they submit their lab report or formal lab write-up.
Students are prohibited from asking the teacher (but not lab partners) questions which
may be answered by simply reading their laboratory procedures. This, along with
occasional pre-lab quizzes, has been one of the most effective methods I employ to assure
students complete all pre-lab work and read all procedural methods prior to entering the
lab. This also tends to promote the ability of students to properly complete the labs with
very little assistance from me, thus facilitating self-discovery by the students and peer
assistance. I am, of course, readily available at all times during lab experiments for
questions with which they may require legitimate assistance!
Some of the twelve recommended AP labs can be done with calculators or computers and
appropriate sensors (I utilize Vernier products along with their Biology for Calculators or
Computers labs). Though this technology is fascinating and efficient, I maintain an
innate appreciation for the original versions of the AP labs. Students will, where
appropriate or when time is sparse, utilize these technologies in the lab.
The final grade average for AP Biology and all of its components will be determined as
 50% = Unit (or multiple-chapter) Exams, Free-Response Essays, Lab Practical
Exams, Quizzes
 20% = Study Guides, Class work, Homework, Group Presentations
 30% = Lab Experiments and Formal Lab Reports (including respective flow charts),
Projects, Unit Case Studies