Website_Notice_GlobalTender - DGS & D

Global Tender for Supply of HDPE / PP bags
No.: HDPE-PPBAG/HW-2/RC-R3060000/0611/42-Global Tender
DGS&D on behalf of President of India invites Global tenders for supply of 90,000 bales of
HDPE / PP bags to various State governments in India as under (each bale comprising of 500 bags):
Rate per bale (Free
Offered delivery at consignee
destination price,
Inclusive of all taxes
and duties)
HDPE / As per specifications given in DGS&D Rate HDPE
PP Bags Contract
website Bag
Contract-> Directorate wize items -> Proceed ->
Hardware (HW) -> Continue -> High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven
Sacks for Packing Food grains.
Last date for receipt of Bids up to 1430 hrs. on 18th March 2013. The bids shall be opened on
18th March 2013 at 1500 hrs. in the office of DGS&D at above address.
The stores are required to be delivered at destination by 15.04.2013. The suppliers shall
indicate the maximum quantity of HDPE or PP bags that they can deliver at destination by
15.04.2013. The destinations are likely to be in the states of Punjab & Rajasthan.
The payments for the supplies will be made in Indian Rupees as per the payment terms given
in the Rate Contract referred to above.
The foreign suppliers may quote directly or through Indian Subsidiary / Indian Associate and
furnish a copy of agreement with them.
No overseas inspection would be carried out and the stores will be inspected by the Quality
Assurance officers of DGS&D at the port of entry.
Please note that preference will be given for supply of either HDPE bags or PP bags whichever
is cheaper and the other will be accepted only in case sufficient quantity of cheaper variant is not
The contract if awarded will be governed by the terms and conditions as applicable to the rate
contract which are available at URL on DGS&D website under link Rate
Contract-> Directorate wize items -> Proceed -> Hardware (HW) -> Continue -> High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE)/ Polypropylene (PP) Woven Sacks for Packing Food grains.
che&desformat=pdf&paramform=no&pmajor=R3060000 .
Offers may be sent by speed post / by fax on no. 011-23340497 / e-mail on, or
Ink-signed copies of offers sent by e-mail / fax should also be sent by Speed Post / Air Mail for
consideration of the offers.
No Price variation will be applicable and order would be placed on fixed price basis. All
other terms and conditions shall be as per DGS&D RATE CONTRACT referred to above.
Firms shall submit following documents along with their offer:
This offer letter duly signed and stamped.
(ii) A confirmation of acceptance of all terms of conditions as per this offer letter and as given in
DGS&D RATE CONTRACT referred above.
(iii) Power of attorney / authority letter in favour of the official signing the tender.
(iv) Copy of agreement between Indian Associate and Foreign Principal.
(v) Copy of PAN card of the Indian associate.
All above documents duly signed / attested may be sent by e-mail on the email IDs given below.
(Deepesh Gehlot)
Assistant Director (Supply)
For & on behalf of the President of India,
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, Jeevan Tara Building, 5 – Parliament Street, New Delhi
– 110001
SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER__________________________________________
NAME (IN BLOCK LETTERS) ______________________________________________
CAPACITY IN WHICH TENDER IS SIGNED___________________________________
ADDRESS IN FULL______________________________________________________
(i) The prospective bidders are invited to submit their Bid comprising of Technical & Commercial
aspects and Bid Prices for the subject supply, in line with the provision of the bidding documents.
Methodology for submission of bids has been detailed hereunder in this document.
(ii) The cost on account of preparation and submission of Bid, negotiations, discussions etc., as may
be incurred by the bidder(s) in the process are not reimbursable by DGS&D, and DGS&D will in no
case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding
(iii) DGS&D reserves the right to reject any or all bids, wholly or partially, and to annul the bidding
process without assigning any reasons whatsoever, at any time prior to award of contract, and in
such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
(iv) DGS&D reserve the right to amend/alter/add/delete any provision of this document or of the
future contracts arising out of this tender.
(v) The successful bidder shall have to furnish the Performance Bank Guarantee as per DGS&D’s
(vi) The Successful bidder should also obtain all necessary clearances and other related statutory
clearances / requirements etc. as applicable for supply of HDPE – PP bags from the concerned
authorities, without any additional cost to the DGS&D.
(vii) The successful bidder may clearly note that terms and conditions enumerated in this bid
document are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The successful bidder will have to enter into
contract as devised by DGS&D to fully protect DGS&D’s overall interests.
The Bidding documents comprise the following, in addition to Invitation for bid:
• Instructions to Bidders as contained in booklet DGS&D 229
• Conditions of Contract contained in Booklet DGS&D-68 (Revised) and Forms DGS&D-1001
• Technical Specifications contained in DGS&D Rate Contract for which link is given in Invitation for
All above documents are available on DGS&D website at link
The Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, conditions, specifications and
other information in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required as per the
bidding documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in
every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its bid.
At any time before the scheduled submission of bid, DGS&D may, for any reasons, whether at its
own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a Bidder, modify the bidding documents
by amendment/addendum. Also DGS&D, at its discretion, may extend the date for submission
and/or opening of the bids. The amendment/response to clarification(s), if any, will be put up for
information on and will be binding on the bidders.
(i) Bids are to be submitted complete in all respect with requisite information, Certificates, Annexures
and Bid Proposal Sheets. It shall be free from any ambiguity, cutting or overwriting. Any such
correction must be initialed by the person(s) who signs the bids.
(ii) An authorized representative of the Bidder shall sign/initial all pages of the bid. Authority Letter
/Power of Attorney in favour of the authorized representative, indicating that the person(s) signing
the bid has the authority to sign the bid and that the bid is binding upon the Bidder(s) during the full
period of its validity, is to be submitted with the bid.
(iii) For preparation of bid, Bidder is expected to examine the bidding documents in detail. Material
deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of the bid.
The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to the bid exchanged
between the Bidder and DGS&D shall be written in English language, provided that any printed
literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language, as long as such literature is
accompanied by a translation of its potential passages in English language in which case, for purpose
of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall govern.
The bidder(s) shall quote price on Free Delivery to consignee basis in Indian Rupees only.
The bidder shall complete the Bid Forms and appropriate Price Schedules furnished in bidding
documents (Bid Proposal Sheets) as indicated therein.
The bidder shall submit EMD of amount equivalent to Indian Rupees 10,00,000 along with its bid in a
separate sealed envelope super scribed with EMD/Bid Security details as Envelope “A”. Any bid not
accompanied by an acceptable EMD/Bid Security in a separate sealed envelope (A), super scribed
with “EMD details” shall be liable to be rejected by DGS&D as being non-responsive.
EMD may be submitted in the form of a crossed Bank Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque drawn in
favour of DGS&D, payable at New Delhi from any Scheduled Bank.
Offers without requisite EMD or insufficient EMD shall be summarily rejected.
The EMD shall not bear any interest.
The EMD of the unsuccessful bidder will be returned promptly but not until the award of the
contract is finalized to the successful bidder on submission of Performance Bank Guarantee and
signing of Agreement.
The Bids shall remain valid for a period of 60 days from the date of submission of Bid. In exceptional
circumstances, DGS&D may solicit the Bidder's consent for extension of the bid validity period. When
the validity period is extended by the Bidder, the same shall be done without any modification to the
Bid by the Bidder, and the validity of the bid security shall also be suitably extended by the Bidder.
Sealed Bids are to be submitted in original, in envelopes as detailed herein below:
Envelope I –
Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security of requisite value in the form prescribed above.
Envelope II –
This bid document / offer letter duly signed and stamped.
A confirmation of acceptance of all terms of conditions as per this offer letter and as given in
DGS&D RATE CONTRACT referred above.
Power of attorney / authority letter in favour of the official signing the tender.
Copy of agreement between Indian Associate and Foreign Principle.
Copy of PAN card of the Indian associate
Original tender document duly stamped and signed on all pages as a token of acceptance to all
terms and conditions.
The above said Envelopes will be kept in an outer envelope, which shall be sealed and super scribed
with Bidder's name, Invitation For Bid Reference No., Due date of Opening & EMD / Bid Security
details and shall be addressed to following contact person only:
(Deepesh Gehlot), Assistant Director (Supply), Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, Jeevan
Tara Building, 5 – Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001
Last date for receipt of Bids upto 1430 hrs on 18th March 2013. The bids shall be opened on 18th
March 2013 at 1500 hrs in the office of DGS&D at above address.
Prior to the expiry of the period of bid validity, DGS&D will notify the Successful Bidder in writing
through Letter of Intent (LOI) sent by registered post, or through courier or by telefax, that its bid has
been accepted. Issuance of Letter of Intent, along with signing of Agreement with the Successful
bidder subsequently, only will constitute the formation of the contract.
Within Ten (10) working days after receipt of Letter of Intent, the Successful Bidder(s) shall furnish
the Performance Guarantee/ Bank Guarantee, @ 10% of the value of order. Performance Guarantee
shall be valid for 3 months beyond the expiry of validity of Agreement.