Lesson Plans Introduction The lesson plans in this section are examples of the different kinds of learning activities that implement the library media curriculum. They can be used as is or modified to meet the needs of the students in a particular group. The library media specialist needs to collaborate with the classroom teacher to provide library media lessons that are integrated with the classroom curriculum. Some of these lessons are actually long-term projects that will take several library media visits to complete or may be completed in the classroom. Other lessons are meant to be completed in one library media lesson. When designing lesson plans, the library media specialist needs to consider the following: Special education accommodations Career aspects Technology skills Gifted/talented differentiation strategies Multiculturalism Interdisciplinary links Performance Instruction/Assessment Study skills. All of these elements may not be in each lesson, but over the school year each of these elements should be included in one or more library media lessons. Suggestions for differentiation are included in this curriculum notebook in the Differentiation Section. When writing a lesson plan, the library media specialist must include: Introduction: With every lesson the library media specialist should post, state, and discuss the student outcomes with the students. Student outcome language may have to be adapted for the individual lesson. Elicit prior knowledge concerning the lesson. Modeling: When introducing a new learning activity, the library media specialist needs to walk the students through an example of how to do the activity. The library media specialist needs to verbalize the thinking and procedural processes involved in the new activity. Closure: Students should state what they did and learned in their library media lesson. The library media specialist needs to assess whether the students achieved the posted student outcome. For individual help with lesson planning, call the resource library media specialist. 34