Reading Specialist Curriculum 11-12

Reading Specialist Curriculum
The Reading/Language Arts Curriculum in grades K – 3 is based upon the Houghton Mifflin reading
program. Trade books, leveled readers, and novels are used to reinforce reading skills in all grades. Daily
“free write” journal entries are used to reinforce written fluency.
The reading resources use a combination of skills and strategies for word recognition, including phonics
and vocabulary development, as well as strategies for reading comprehension; making predictions,
comparing and contrasting, drawing conclusions, identifying main ideas, and summarizing.
The reading specialist supports the reading curriculum as follows:
The reading specialist works with all students on a rotating basis, using specific methods to
provide additional practice with sound, letter, and word recognition, within a smaller instructional
group setting.
First Grade:
The reading specialist works with a group of students to provide extra support and additional
practice within a smaller instructional group setting.
Second Grade:
The reading specialist works with a group of students to provide extra support and additional
practice within a smaller instructional group setting.
Third Grade:
The reading specialist works with a group of students to provide extra support and additional
practice within a smaller instructional group setting.
The reading specialist administers individual reading tests and assessments at the
beginning of each trimester to all grade1-3 students and at other times when additional
information is needed. Kindergarten students are only assessed in the third trimester.