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 AS/A2/IB



Early Modern History (c.1450-1600)

 a. British History

Henry VII

Henry VIII 1509-1529

Henry VIII 1529-1547

Edward VI

Mary I

Elizabeth I b. European History

The Lutheran Reformation

Zwingli, Calvin and the Radicals

Catholic and Counter-Reformations

Ferdinand and Isabella

Charles I / Phillip II

The Ottoman Empire

The French Revolution and Napoleon o


Tsar Alexander II, 1855-1881

Tsar Alexander III, 1881-1894

Tsar Nicholas II, 1894-1917

Marxism v. Capitalism

The Provisional Government / October Revolution

Lenin, 1918-1924

Stalin: Rise to Power 1924-28 o

Stalin: Rule 1928-53

Khrushchev / Brezhnev, 1953-1983

Economic Development, 1881-1983

Rise/Rule of Single Party States

Rise of 20th Century Dictators: Comparative Study Unit

Rule of 20th Century Dictators: Comparative Study Unit

Germany - the Rise of Hitler

Germany - the Rule of Hitler

 o

China - the Rise of Mao

Italy - the Rule of Mussolini

Chile - the Rise of Pinochet

Cuba - the Rise/Rule of Castro

Causes, Practices, Effects of War

Origins of Warfare Project

End of World War One

Origins of WW1 compared to WW2

Spanish Civil War (1936-39)

Chinese Civil War ((1927-49)

The Arab-Israeli War (1948-1949)

The 6-Day War (1967) o

The Yom Kippur War (1973)

International Relations 1918-39

01. The Peace Treaties after World War One

02. The League of Nations in the 1920s

03. The Wall St. Crash and the Depression

04. The League of Nations in the 1930s

 o


Bismarck, 1870-1890

Wilhelm II, 1888-1918

Weimar Republic, 1918-1933

The Nazi State, 1933-45

West Germany, 1945-1966

Economic Development, 1866-1980


 o

The Americas after WW2

Truman and McCarthyism

Korean War: Cause, Course, Consequence

Chile - the Rise of Pinochet

Cuba - the Rise/Rule of Castro o

The Cold War

The Origins of the Cold War c.1917-49

The Cold War c.1945-55 o

The Korean War 1950-53

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Vietnam War

The Cold War, c.1955-91

The Middle East Conflict



1956: The Suez Crisis

 o

1967: The 6-Day War

1973-79: Yom Kippur / Camp David

Revision Materials

Sample Sourcework/Answers

 o

IB History: TOK/IA/EE

Whole-School Induction Project

Historiography / TOK

IB History Internal Assessment

IB History Extended Essay

IB History Curriculum Map

IB History Revision

Podcast Research Project

Apartheid South Africa 1948-64 o

Government and Politics



 o


World War One

World War One: Causes

World War One: Course

Planning a WW1 Battlefields Trip

Remembrance Day Activities

 o

International Relations 1919-39

The Peace Treaties after World War One


 o

The League of Nations in the 1920s

The Wall St. Crash and the Depression

The League of Nations in the 1930s

Appeasement Depth Study

 o

Germany 1918-45

Weimar Germany 1918-1933

Nazi Germany 1933-1945

German Involvement in the Spanish Civil War o

The Cold War after 1945

The Cold War c.1945-55

The Korean War 1950-53

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Vietnam War

The Cold War, c.1955-91 o o

Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?

British Depth Study, 1906-1918 o o

Crime and Punishment

Revision and Study Skills

 Year 9

History o o o


01. French Revolution - Causes

02. French Revolution - Events

03. The Industrial Revolution o o o

04. Jack the Ripper

05. The Slave Trade o

06. The Abolition of Slavery

07. The American Civil War - Causes o

08. The American Civil War - Events

09. Was the 20th Century a Time of Progress?

o o

10. The Civil Rights Movement

11. The Arab-Israeli Conflict o o

12. Who is your History Hero?

13. Churchill: Hero or Villain?

14. The Home Front in World War Two o

15. GCSE Options Materials o o

16. Revision

17. Stand-Alone Resources

o o

 Year 8



01. Church Boardgames o

02. The Cathars

03. Richard III / Wars of the Roses o

04. Reformation / Witchcraft o

05. Tudors o o o o

06. Stuarts

07. Pirates!


08. Renaissance

09. Revision

10. Stand-Alone Resources

 Year 7


(11-12yrs) o o o

00. What is History?

01. Ancient Rome

02. CSI: The Iceman Mystery o

03. Town and Village o o

04. Norman Conquest

05. Language and History o o

06. Black Death

07. Medieval Religion o o o

08. Castles

09. Crime and Punishment

10. Islamic Civilisations o

11. Revision o

12. Stand-Alone Resources

 Other


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Author o o

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Ted Talks for Historians o o

Essay Planning Tool

Essay Marking Tool o o

PSHCE Resources

History Calendar

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Google Earth

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