
Name: ____________________________ Period: _______
Cell Reproduction and DNA Replication Study Guide
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis:
1. You should be able to identify all the phases pictured below. Also you should know what events
occur in each of the phases.
1. Name of phase: _____________________
Events: _____________________________________________
2. Name of phase: _____________________
Events: ____________________________________________
3. Name of phase: _____________________
4. Name of phase: _____________________
2. What type of cell division is pictured above? _____________________________________
3. What happens after telophase in this process? ____________________________________
4. In the pictures above is a plant or animal cell dividing? _____________________________
How do you know? _________________________________________________________
5. Review what is a haploid numbers (n) versus a diploid numbers (2n).
6. Be able to explain what is happening in the picture below.
7. In the picture above, does this event happen in mitosis or meiosis? ___________________
8. What benefit does the event pictured above provide to species?
9. Know what the end product of mitosis is. ____________________________________________
10. What type of cells divide through mitosis ____________________________________________
11. Know what the end product of meiosis is ____________________________________________
12. What type of cells divide through meiosis____________________________________________
13. Know what A and B represent in the picture below.
B. ______________________________
A. ______________________________
14. Pictured below is the cell_cycle. You should know the names of phases A, B, C, and D. Also what
happens in each phase, especially
the 5 sub-phases in phase D. Also know the name given to phases
A, B, and C combined. _
a. Name of each phase:_
A: _________
C: _________
B: _________
D: ________
_ D:
b. 5 sub-phases of phase
1. _______________
4. _____________
2. _______________
5. _____________
3. _______________
c. Name given to phases
_ A, B, and C combined: __________________________
d. What type of cell division occurs during phase D of the cell cycle? _________________
15. Know the four phases of _mitosis and briefly state the events of each phase.
a. ___________________:
b. ___________________:
c. ___________________:
d. ___________________:
16. What happens during cytokinesis?
17. Know the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis.
18. Know all the phases of Meiosis I and Meiosis II in order, begin with Interphase and end with
Cytokinesis. Know the events that occur in each phase.
a. Interphase:
b. ____________________:
c. ____________________:
d. ____________________:
f. ____________________:
h. ____________________:
i. ____________________:
j. ____________________:
k. Cytokinesis II:
19. When cells lose their ability to control their growth rate what condition/disease could possibly
develop? _________________________________
20. What regulates cell division? __________________________________________
Cell Reproduction and DNA Replication:
1. The Structure of DNA
a. What three parts make up a nucleotide?
b. How many nitrogenous bases are there? What are they called?
What is the backbone of DNA composed of? _________________________________________
d. What types of bonds hold together the nitrogenous bases? _____________________________
e. What types of bonds hold together the backbone to the bases? __________________________
2. Which nitrogenous bases have two-rings and what are they called?
3. Which have one-ring and what are they called?
4. What did Edwin Chargaff discover?
5. What did this discovery lead to the establishment of?
6. Who discovered the shape of a DNA molecule? __________________________________________
7. In what year did they make their discovery? _______________________________
8. What is the process called that allows DNA to duplicate itself? ______________________________
9. Why does replication need to occur?
10. What are the results at the end of DNA replication?
11. Where does DNA replicate itself in prokaryotes? And how does it happen?
12. Where does DNA replicate itself in eukaryotes? And how does it happen?
13. Explain what happens when DNA replicates, be sure to include the enzymes used and the type of
bonds that are broken.
Meiosis and Cell Reproduction:
1. What major advantage does sexual reproduction give an organism over asexual reproduction?
2. What happens if non-disjunction occurs?
3. Explain how cytokinesis is different between animal and plant cells.
4. Know what happens to chromosome numbers in all the phases of meiosis.
5. A laboratory technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produces millions of copies of a DNA
molecule in only a few hours. PCR is most similar to which of the following cellular processes?
A. mitosis
B. replication
C. transcription
D. translocation