Scheme of Work 20010/2011 Faculty: Creative Industries & A Levels Programme Area: Art & Design Course Title: UAL Foundation in Art & Design Qualification/Unit/Module: UAL Certificate in Drawing – Level 3 Lecturer’s Name: Patrick Caines College Week Date Unit 12 – Drawing & Measurement; Unit 11 – Drawing Materials & Methods; Unit 18 – Drawing & Reproduction. Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities MONDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Mr Thrifty 7 - 14 13/09/10 – 01/11/10 repeat 7 times To introduce the concept of analytical drawing To introduce and practice measurement using basic principles, systems and equipment To introduce the process of monoprinting To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: A series of measured drawings using fine liner and other selected media A minimum of 2monoprints Practical research and development work Reflective practice in an SRJ 1:55 – 2:00 – Bell Activity An introductory activity that will involve judging a drawing that has clear faults and asking for students to make a list of two factors that they believe would correct the faults. We will informally discuss these factors as students arrive. Lecturer will invite students to go to the STRETCH Moodle site to learn more and extend this activity after today’s lecture if they so wish. Divide the students into five groups of four students. 2:00 – 2:15 – Registration and Introduction to print (Safeguarding & What we’ve learnt so far). Safeguarding introduction in relation to working in G2 a specialist printroom. Trips and incumbent hazards and our need to respectfully work collaboratively given the limited space and large students group. A quick re-cap on where we got to this morning. What did you learn? You covered: Blind Contour; Measured Drawing using a single uniform measure (the hand length). The group will also look again at the contextual references PowerPoint. All materials will be available on Moodle (STRETCH) after the lecture. Recap on measuring techniques (proportion, scaling and angles of the form). Quick demo on transcribing the grid. S everyone okay? Any questions or problems? 2:15 – 3:00 – Task 04 – Create a Measured Drawing Individually using the transcribed grid create a small measured drawing (A4/5) of Mr Thrifty either seated or standing. 3:00 – 3:05 – Show and Tell Students will move around the room and critically appraise the drawings so far. Small crit and then return to own work. How did everyone get on? General observations, what worked/didn’t work? What do we need to be more/less careful about? Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Mr Thrifty Skeleton Drawing Materials Pencils Paper Graphite Erasers Scalpel blades & handles Moodle Skills Sheets (various) Acetate Photocopies Tracing paper Masking tape Sketchbooks Collage materials (for Friday’s session) Scissors SRJs Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Risks of laceration are medium to high but PC is an emergency first aider and at least 4 other staff on site too. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities MONDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Mr Thrifty - continued Students will be able to produce: 7 - 14 13/09/10 – 01/11/10 repeat 7 times To introduce the concept of analytical drawing To introduce and practice measurement using basic principles, systems and equipment To introduce the process of monoprinting To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge A series of measured drawings using fine liner and other selected media A minimum of 2monoprints Practical research and development work Reflective practice in an SRJ 3:05 – 3:25 – Monoprinting Introduction/Demonstration – Lecturer will outline the principles of print and reproduction. We will talk about the five areas of print including: Mono Relief Intaglio Serigraphy Lithography and more contemporarily Digital We will look at examples and also discuss markmaking (hatching and cross hatching) principles in relation to the reproduction of measured images. 3:25 – 3:55 – Task 05 – Create an A5 Monoprint Students will spend 30 minutes creating a small monoprint. Lecturer will move around the group providing one to one and small group support. 3.55 – 4:00 – Round Up and Reflect on what we’ve learnt today in prep for Friday with Chinde. Students will be invited to consider key aspects of their learning from today. What do they want to explore and extend during Friday’s session? What are the successes? What are the failures? Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Mr Thrifty Skeleton Drawing Materials Pencils Paper Graphite Erasers Scalpel blades & handles Moodle Skills Sheets (various) Acetate Photocopies Tracing paper Masking tape Sketchbooks Collage materials (for Friday’s session) Scissors SRJs Block Printing Ink Cleaning rags Turps substitute Newsprint Barrier Cream Hand cleaner Printing paper Wooden hand rests Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Risks of laceration are medium to high but PC is an emergency first aider and at least 4 other staff on site too. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities FRIDAY AM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Flattish Still Life – working with a Durer’s Frame to measure 9:00 – 9:15 – Bell Activity An introductory activity that will involve judging a drawing that has clear faults and asking for students to make a list of two factors that they believe would correct the faults. Also students will be asked to identify a single aspect of the drawing that they think is very good. We will informally discuss these factors as students arrive. Lecturer will invite students to go to the STRETCH Moodle site to learn more and extend this activity after today’s lecture if they so wish. Divide the students into five groups of four students. Students will be able to produce: 7 - 14 17/09/10 – 05/11/10 To introduce the concept of analytical drawing To introduce and practice measurement using basic principles, systems and equipment To introduce the process of drawing with a Durer’s Frame To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge A series of measured drawings using a Durer’s Frame A minimum of 2 finished drawings Practical research and development work Reflective practice in an SRJ 9:15 -9:30 – Registration and Introduction to Activity Today - What we’ve learnt so far). Safeguarding introduction in relation to working in F5. Any issues so far? Introduction to what we will be covering today. Reiterate content in relation to angles of the form an visual scaffolding. 9:30 – 10:45 – Task 01 – Continue with the Durer’s Grid Drawing Individually using the frame students are tasked to continue with their drawings made on Monday with Linda. Lecturer will move around the group offering one to one support and critical input. We will consider the application of tone and negative/positive space. Using a paper rest to protect work in progress. 10:45 – 11:00 – Show and Tell Students will move around the room and critically appraise the drawings so far. Small crit and then return to own work. How did everyone get on? General observations, what worked/didn’t work? What do we need to be more/less careful about? Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Risks of laceration are medium to high but PC is an emergency first aider and at least 4 other staff on site too. Fine liner Soft Pencils A1/2/3/4/5 160 gsm Cartridge Paper Ruler Durer’s Frame Brushes Brown parcel tape Sponge Water Container Pack of A4 photocopying paper White emulsion Drawing Board Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Students list of resources A map of somewhere of significance An image or object no bigger than 10cms A photo of something insignificant Piece of patterned wrapping paper Six sweets A toy no bigger than 10 cms in height & width A piece from a board game Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities FRIDAY AM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Flattish Still Life – working with a Durer’s Frame to measure Students will be able to produce: 7 - 14 17/09/10 – 05/11/10 To introduce the concept of analytical drawing To introduce and practice measurement using basic principles, systems and equipment To introduce the process of drawing with a Durer’s Frame To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge A series of measured drawings using a Durer’s Frame A minimum of 2 finished drawings Practical research and development work Reflective practice in an SRJ Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Risks of laceration are medium to high but PC is an emergency first aider and at least 4 other staff on site too. 11:30 -11:35 – Registration – pick up any issues or problems 11:35 – 12:00 – Understanding Negative/Positive Space A short demonstration showing students how to look for negative space and record this. Look at some contextual examples. 12:00 – 12:50 – Task 02 – Drawing Negative Space Students will now go on to add negative space to their existing drawings. They can use tracing paper as an overlay to enhance drawings. Lecturer to move around the group providing one to one support and additional technical skills input. 12:50 – 1:00 - Reflecting on quality and depth of enquiry. We will reflect for 5 minutes or so on what we’ve learnt in the session today. What worked and why? How can students stretch and extend my understanding an knowledge? (G&T Moodle Stretch) Fine liner Soft Pencils A1/2/3/4/5 160 gsm Cartridge Paper Ruler Durer’s Frame Brushes Brown parcel tape Sponge Water Container Pack of A4 photocopying paper White emulsion Drawing Board Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Students list of resources A map of somewhere of significance An image or object no bigger than 10cms A photo of something insignificant Piece of patterned wrapping paper Six sweets A toy no bigger than 10 cms in height & width A piece from a board game Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities FRIDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Flattish Still Life – working with a Durer’s Frame to measure Students will be able to produce: 7 - 14 17/09/10 – 05/11/10 To introduce the concept of analytical drawing To introduce and practice measurement using basic principles, systems and equipment To introduce the process of drawing with a Durer’s Frame To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge A series of measured drawings using a Durer’s Frame A minimum of 2 finished drawings Practical research and development work Reflective practice in an SRJ 2:00 -2:10 – Registration – quick re-cap on this morning 2:10 – 2:20 – Introduce Paper Cut Outs A short demonstration showing students how to look for make paper cuts outs (Kara Walker?). Look at some contextual examples. 2:20-3:15 – Task 03 – Create a Paper Cut Out Students will now go on to make their own paper cut out version of the Flattish Still Life. Simple abstract negative shapes will be arranged on a flat sheet of cartridge paper using spray mount. Scale and relative proportions are key scaling factors here. 3:15 – 3:30 – Reflecting on Success 15 Minutes spent scrutinising our own and others work to identify the key aspects of success and failure. What are the issues for us? How can we move the work forward in our own time? A stress on STRETCH Moodle here for gifted and talented students. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Risks of laceration are medium to high but PC is an emergency first aider and at least 4 other staff on site too. Fine liner Soft Pencils A1/2/3/4/5 160 gsm Cartridge Paper Ruler Durer’s Frame Brushes Brown parcel tape Sponge Water Container Pack of A4 photocopying paper White emulsion Drawing Board Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Spray mount Students list of resources A map of somewhere of significance An image or object no bigger than 10cms A photo of something insignificant Piece of patterned wrapping paper Six sweets A toy no bigger than 10 cms in height & width A piece from a board game Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area. College Week Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment 25 OCTOBER 2010 READING WEEK 13 Date 25/10/10 Aims Anticipated Objectives Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities MONDAY AM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops Etching Workshop To introduce the idea of reproduction in a printed form To understand the context for printmaking To assimilate previous knowledge and skill To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: Week 15 - 18 08/11/10 – 29/11/10 repeat 4 times Sketchbook work in prep for prints 1 x small A5 etching selected from previous work made 11:30 – 11:45 – Bell Activity An introductory activity that will enable students to better understand the context for their learning. A series of printed (etched) images will be set out in the workshop for them to review as they arrive. Alongside will be some simple questions that will test the breadth and depth of their specialist knowledge whilst pointing them towards additional learning after the session via STRECH at Moodle. 11:45 – 12:00 – Introduction to Etching Workshop including Health & Safety briefing Outline the aims for these TWO workshops. Explain the basic principles of etching with a corrosive material into metal (aluminium with Ferric Chloride). Go through the induction handbook for Printmaking and highlight key issues (trips/spills/bags/hair/skin sensitivity to chemicals etc). Identify any students who may need to wear gloves etc. Show examples of hatched and cross hatched imagery from Morandi, Rembrandt etc. Set the context. 12:00 – 12:50 – Preparing the plate TASK 01 All etching plates will be file and degreased in readiness for the workshop. Demonstrate applying a hard ground to the plate. Supervise all students in small groups applying a hard ground to their plates. Encourage shared responsibility, he less able helping he more confident. Whilst students wait to access the hotplate etc they can be tracing their images. Images can be selected from any prior made image. Once complete they can experiment with hatching. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Students list of resources. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser previously made drawings etc for transposing into print Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods MONDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops To introduce the idea of reproduction in a printed form To understand the context for printmaking To assimilate previous knowledge and skill To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: Week 15 - 18 08/11/10 – 29/11/10 repeat 4 times Sketchbook work in prep for prints 1 x small A5 etching selected from previous work made Learning Activities 12:50 – 1:00 – Reflecting on Success 10 Minutes spent scrutinising our own and others work to identify the key aspects of success and failure. What are the issues for us? How can we move the work forward in our own time? A stress on STRETCH Moodle here for gifted and talented students. 2:00 – 2:20 – Registration - Recap and Introduction to the session A short demonstration showing students how to “smoke the ground” onto the plate. Particular care must be placed here with regard to safety and FIRE hazards. A short demonstration relating to transferring the traced image via chalk onto the plate and then the safe handling of the etching needle. Students in small groups will then place the final smoked element of the ground onto their plates and begin the transposition. Students waiting will be asked to continue with their tracings and if these are finished additional drawing resources will be available to draw from into sketchbooks. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods MONDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops To introduce the idea of reproduction in a printed form To understand the context for printmaking To assimilate previous knowledge and skill To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: Week 15 - 18 08/11/10 – 29/11/10 repeat 4 times Sketchbook work in prep for prints 1 x small A5 etching selected from previous work made Learning Activities 2:20 – 3:40 – TASK 02 – Drawing the Print onto the plate – A One to One support workshop Moving around the group assisting individual students as they develop their transpositions into print. Students will want to take etching needles home to complete their drawing work in time for Friday’s follow up workshop. Full explanation of carrying etching needles safely using an eraser to sheath the point and keeping the needled in a safe bag NOT pocket! Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. 3:40 3:55 – Clearing Up and Tidying the workshop All students will be supervised tidying the studio workshop and leaving no obstacles to learning for others. 3:55 – 4:00 – Recap and Reflection What went especially well today, what are the issues for Friday? What extra work do we need to complete before Friday? Outline and remind everyone about STRETCH at Moodle. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods FRIDAY AM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops To introduce the idea of reproduction in a printed form To understand the context for printmaking To assimilate previous knowledge and skill To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: Week 15 - 18 08/11/10 – 29/11/10 repeat 4 times Sketchbook work in prep for prints 1 x small A5 etching selected from previous work made Learning Activities 9:15 – 9:30 – Registration & Recap on Monday We will revisit the process to reinforce learning assimilation and students will be invited to ask questions. Students who have finished the drawings onto their etching plats will be ready to go to TASK 03 – Etching the plate. 9:30 – 10:00 – Etching – a demonstration Using a plate created by a student the lecturer will again explain the process of corrosive chemicals eating at the metal to form grooves or INTAGLIO marks that can hold ink which can then be imprinted onto dampened paper. Questions will be invited. Stress will be placed up safe handling of materials though it’s worth noting that Ferric Chloride etching is safe and non toxic. Washing plates after etch and cleaning off grounds using solvents. Here students MUST wear appropriate gloves or barrier creams to prevent dermatological harm. 10:00 – 11:00 – Task 03 – Etch the Plate All students will work in small groups to etch plates (15 minute etch max). A max of 4 students at any one time can undertake this task. Those not working on specific jobs or tasks will be asked to draw from additional resources available (shells etc). 11:30 – 11:50 – Demonstration – Proofing the plate Demonstration of the safe and correct procedure fro proofing the plate. Particular stress will be placed upon safe workshop practice and working with flammable materials (inks, paper etc). 11:50 – 12:50 – TASK 04 – Proofing Working with small groups (3/4) lecturer will support individual students to proof their work. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities FRIDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops Etching Workshop To introduce the idea of reproduction in a printed form To understand the context for printmaking To assimilate previous knowledge and skill To promote a reflective, critical approach in the students thinking when applying experience, skill and knowledge Students will be able to produce: Week 15 - 18 08/11/10 – 29/11/10 repeat 4 times Sketchbook work in prep for prints 1 x small A5 etching selected from previous work made 2:00 – 3:00 – Registration pick up issues from the mornings session and TASK 04 – Proofing continues Lecturer will move around the group working with small groups (3/4) and one to one to cascade knowledge and reinforce learning via additional demonstration and practice. They will supervise all use of the copperplate press and emphasis safe handling and use of such equipment. 3:00 – 3:15 – Clearing Up Lecturer will explain how this is undertaken safely and correctly. Students will then spend 10 minutes clearing the workshop and making it ready for others to use on Monday. 3:15 – 3:30– Reflecting on Success – how can I take this further? A question & answer session where we will reflect on specific aspects of success and failure and what we might want to do about taking these issues further. Stress the STRETCH opportunities available at Moodle and invite students to return in Part 2 (post Christmas) to develop their prints a little further if they wish. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods MONDAY AM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops To finish off any outstanding work To prepare work for assessment and ucas interviews To organise portfolios To reflect on their independent progress Learning Activities Students should confidently be able to produce: Week 19 06/12/10 Completed set of Drawing Certificate artwork and supporting contextual study An organised selection of finished work Some well organised supporting materials and resources for their own learning development An SRJ containing confident research and critical reflection 9:15 – 9:30 – Registration & Introduction to Catch Up this week – how it works? Where you go? etc Students will be able to have free and open access to most specialist and non specialist workshops and studios throughout the week. Where possible students MUST negotiate access to specialist workshops (eg G2 The Printroom) since these are more difficult to resource. 9:30 – 11:00 – One to One support in either F7 or G2 depending on student need Working one to one lecturer will offer support to complete existing tasks by students. This will either involve support in F7 with Mr Thrifty drawing workshop OR in G2 with the Etching Workshop. 11:30 – 1:00 - One to One support in either F7 or G2 depending on student need Working one to one lecturer will offer support to complete existing tasks by students. This will either involve support in F7 with Mr Thrifty drawing workshop OR in G2 with the Etching Workshop. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods MONDAY PM Large Group/Small group, individual discovery & exploration; debate; Q&A. Demonstration Peer practice observation Practical workshops To finish off any outstanding work To prepare work for assessment and ucas interviews To organise portfolios To reflect on their independent progress Learning Activities Week 19 06/12/10 Completed set of Drawing Certificate artwork and supporting contextual study An organised selection of finished work Some well organised supporting materials and resources for their own learning development An SRJ containing confident research and critical reflection Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 12 (U12) Drawing & Measurement Studio rules of conduct &safe respectful behaviour will be reiterated Any electrical equipment to be used will be checked by a technician regularly and before use + PAT testing annually Risks associated with hand tools, chemicals etc will be discussed and highlighted in terms of safe handling Students informed of safe disposal procedures for sharps etc Printmaking workshop involves a number of highly volatile and potentially dangerous chemical and substances. Students will be fully apprised of all hazards (known and planned exposure to) and will be advised of how to control and minimise danger to themselves and others. Tracing paper Ink Solvents Rages Newsprint Drawing rests Platte Knives Barrier cream Hand cleaner Skills sheets Handouts Moodle Sundry Printmaking equipment Protective Gloves Prepared plates for 68 students Shells, etc Students list of resources. Students should confidently be able to produce: Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment 2:00 – 2:15 – Registration & checking on what everyone’s doing this afternoon? Any issues or problems? Students will be able to have free and open access to most specialist and non specialist workshops and studios throughout the week. Where possible students MUST negotiate access to specialist workshops (eg G2 The Printroom) since these are more difficult to resource. 2:15 – 4:00 – One to One support in either F7 or G2 depending on student need Working one to one lecturer will offer support to complete existing tasks by students. This will either involve support in F7 with Mr Thrifty drawing workshop OR in G2 with the Etching Workshop. Reiterate the stress on STRETCH for higher grading opportunities and better success at university interviews. Fine liner Pencils Sketchbooks SRJ Digital camera A die Tracing Paper Chalk Old Clothing eraser Use of liquids awareness of spills procedure Classroom safety; good housekeeping discussed with learners and checking of learners tidying to ensure safe environment. Unit 11 (U11) Drawing Materials & Methods Unit 18 (U18) Drawing & Reproduction ECM Stay Safe 2.1;2.2;2.4;2.5 ;2.8 Enjoy & Achieve 3.1; 3.3;3.4;3.7;3.8 Make a positive contribution 4.1;4.2;4.3;4.4 ;4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.7 Additionally: See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing or planned controls to minimise harm in this area College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Question and Answer INTERIM ASSESSMEN FOR DRAWING CERTIFICATE Product IN ACCORDANCE WITH PUBLISHED TIMETABLE Literary Where possible tutors will work in pairs when assessment individual students. Students will be invited to show their work from the term explaining their aims and purposes. They will be asked to identify their strengths and weakness aiming to set targets for the forthcoming term in which to address these issues. Where students have specific learning difficulties they will be advised about the kinds of additional learning support that is available to them and how they can access these. To explain and identify how students can achieve higher learning opportunities To help students make a specialism choice in Part 2 (Development & Progression) To identify and help address issues of weakness in relation to their development To celebrate aspects of success Students will be able to confidently agree with their tutors Week 20 13/12/10 an action plan leading to higher learning opps a realistic Part 2 choice university progression possibilities Performance Finished artwork Portfolio Written Journals and notes Learning Activities Sketchbooks We will use the students self assessment and peers review as a basis for our enquiry here. The outcomes are designed to lead the students pro-actively forward into the next Part of their learning. Learners will have to demonstrate that they are able to effectively handle and use materials and equipment safely in the studio and workshop environment. NB – TEACHING ON MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS REVERTS TO SPECIALIST UAL FOUNDATION WORK FROM WEEK 23 (Part 2 – Development and Progression) FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF. Final SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT for the UAL Drawing Certificate will take place in WEEK 28 as part of the D&P Part 2 Assessments. This promotes higher achievement levels through STRETCH. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 1 (U1) Appropriate standards of safety will be considered in view of staff being engaged in one to one assessment (seen). Students will be given opportunities to work independently in identified studio areas with regular supervision by facilitating and technical support staff. Student artwork Assessment documentation Attendance data Performance data (including tutorial records and safeguarding outcomes) SRJ Sketchbook Laptop UCAS details All Part 1Learning Skills & Context (LSC) work Fine Art Library Art & Design Research Methods] Unit 2 (U2) Art & Design Ideas Development] Unit 3 (U3) Art & Design Materials & Methods Additionally: Unit 4 (U4) Art & Design Evaluation & Reflection ECM – Stay Safe2.1;2.2;2.4 2.5;2.8Enjoy & Achieve3.1; 3.3; 3.4; 3.7; 3.8Make a Positive Contribution4.1 ; 4.2;4.3; 4.4; 4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.7. See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing/planned controls for learning activities normally associated with fine art. PC, CH and MT are all First Aiders who will be available and contactable throughout this period of assessment. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Question and Answer INTERIM ASSESSMEN FOR DRAWING CERTIFICATE Product IN ACCORDANCE WITH PUBLISHED TIMETABLE Literary Where possible tutors will work in pairs when assessment individual students. Students will be invited to show their work from the term explaining their aims and purposes. They will be asked to identify their strengths and weakness aiming to set targets for the forthcoming term in which to address these issues. Where students have specific learning difficulties they will be advised about the kinds of additional learning support that is available to them and how they can access these. To explain and identify how students can achieve higher learning opportunities To make judgements using the learning outcomes and assessment criteria To identify and help address issues of weakness in relation to their development To celebrate aspects of success To offer clear, concise unbiased feedback to enable progress for students Week 28 07/02/11 Students will be able to confidently agree with their tutors an action plan leading to higher learning opps a realistic Part 2 choice university progression possibilities Performance Finished artwork Portfolio Written Journals and notes Learning Activities Sketchbooks We will use the students self assessment and peers review as a basis for our enquiry here. The outcomes are designed to lead the students pro-actively forward into the next Part of their learning. Learners will have to demonstrate that they are able to effectively handle and use materials and equipment safely in the studio and workshop environment. Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls Resources and activities are sensitive to learners’ gender, race, culture, age, sexual orientation, social circumstance, economic welfare. Where naturally occurring opportunities arise to foster and promote a positive view of diversity we will as a group and as individuals use this proactively. Unit 1 (U1) Appropriate standards of safety will be considered in view of staff being engaged in one to one assessment (seen). Students will be given opportunities to work independently in identified studio areas with regular supervision by facilitating and technical support staff. Student artwork Assessment documentation Attendance data Performance data (including tutorial records and safeguarding outcomes) SRJ Sketchbook Laptop UCAS details All Part 1Learning Skills & Context (LSC) work Fine Art Library Art & Design Research Methods] Unit 2 (U2) Art & Design Ideas Development] Unit 3 (U3) Art & Design Materials & Methods Additionally: Unit 4 (U4) Art & Design Evaluation & Reflection ECM – Stay Safe2.1;2.2;2.4 2.5;2.8Enjoy & Achieve3.1; 3.3; 3.4; 3.7; 3.8Make a Positive Contribution4.1 ; 4.2;4.3; 4.4; 4.6; 4.7 Achieving Economic WellBeing 5.1; 5.2; 5.3; 5.7. See art & design Safeguarding Moodle site for a complete breakdown of all current known risks and existing/planned controls for learning activities normally associated with fine art. PC, CH and MT are all First Aiders who will be available and contactable throughout this period of assessment. College Week Date Aims Anticipated Objectives Teaching Learning Assessment Methods Learning Activities Resources, Reference to E Learning, Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Differentiated learning outcomes inc equality & diversity Qualification Specification & Every Child Matters signposting Health & Safety Issues & Controls