1 Pyron & Wiens – Electronic Supplementary Material 2 1. Phylogeny and divergence-time estimation 3 A detailed description of the primary phylogenetic analysis (maximum likelihood [ML] topology 4 estimation) is given in our previous study [1]. The extensive concordance of the ML topology 5 with previous estimates of amphibian phylogeny is discussed in that paper [1]. Discordance with 6 previous estimates involves a few weakly supported branches, and the majority (64%) of nodes 7 are well supported [1]. The final concatenated alignment consisted of up to 12712 bp for each of 8 2871 species (2,394 frogs, 436 salamanders, and 176 caecilians), including data from up to 12 9 genes (3 mitochondrial, 9 nuclear), 43.7% of the 6576 species in our database (5,817 frogs, 583 10 salamanders, and 41 caecilians). The full DNA-sequence matrix is available in DataDryad 11 doi:10.5061/dryad.vd0m7. 12 In the present study, we estimated divergence times for this tree topology using a C++ 13 implementation of r8s [2] called "sk8s," recently developed by S.A. Smith (pers. comm.). This 14 implementation has been released under the new title “treePL” [3]. Both r8s and sk8s utilize the 15 same penalized likelihood (PL) algorithm [2]. This algorithm estimates evolutionary rates and 16 divergence dates on a tree given a set of fossil constraints and a smoothing factor determining the 17 amount of among-branch rate heterogeneity. Following standard methodology, we determined 18 the optimal smoothing factor empirically using cross-validation [2], with the root age fixed (see 19 below) due to computational constraints. We tested six values for the smoothing parameter (0.01, 20 0.1, 1, 10, 100, and 1000), graduated by orders of magnitude across a reasonable range given 21 empirical datasets [2]. The cross-validation analysis yielded an optimal smoothing-parameter 22 value of 1. Subsequent analyses were run with fixed-age constraints on the nodes listed below, 23 given the computational difficulties of dating trees of this size using minimum and maximum 24 ages [4], and the existence of mostly concordant divergence-time estimates for amphibians that 25 can be used as an existing framework for analysis [5]. This strategy incorporates a prior on the 26 root [2, 6] and a number of other nodes, while estimating ages for other clades of interest. 27 Based on previous recommendations [7, 8], we placed a constraint on the Amniote- 28 Amphibia divergence (the root of the tree) at 330.4 Ma (million years ago). This is based on the 29 oldest known fossils of Lepospondyli, the sister group to either Lissamphibia or Reptiliomorpha 30 [6, 9-11], and the youngest Whatcheriidae, a sister group to Tetrapoda [12]. The fossil age- 31 estimate for this clade is broadly consistent with several recent estimates based on molecular 32 clock analyses [6, 11, 13, 14]. To estimate the ages of internal nodes of interest, we fixed a series 33 of nodes above the family level, using dates from a recent study of the origins of the major 34 lissamphibian groups [5]. While other studies have looked at broad-scale age estimates in 35 amphibians [11, 15-17], they lack wide taxonomic sampling. We confirmed the stratigraphic and 36 paleontological fit of these dates with several recent reviews of lissamphibian origins [11, 18]. 37 We attempted to identify nodes that spanned the temporal and taxonomic breadth of the 38 higher-level structure of the tree, but that were not too close together (i.e. we did not choose to 39 constrain all possible nodes, nor any direct ancestor-descendant pairs). In some cases, the shape 40 of the trees necessitated constraining the stem-group age of the most recent common ancestor 41 (MRCA) of some families in order to enforce the necessary constraint. However, all crown- 42 group ages and most stem-group ages were freely estimated for the nodes of interest (i.e. 43 families). We fixed the following internal nodes using estimated ages from ref. [5] based on the 44 results of a PL analysis of a slow-evolving nuclear gene with multiple fossil calibration points: 45 46 i) Cryptobranchoidea The MRCA of Hynobiidae and Cryptobranchidae: 164.50 Ma. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ii) Sirenoidea The MRCA of Sirenidae and the non-cryptobranchoid caudates: 199.59 Ma. iii) Salamandroidea The MRCA of Salamandridae and Ambystomatidae: 167.22 Ma. iv) Plethodontoidea The MRCA of Rhyacotritonidae, Amphiumidae, and Plethodontidae: 133.03 Ma. v) Leiopelmatoidea The MRCA of Ascaphidae and Leiopelmatidae: 202.04 Ma. vi) Pipoidea The MRCA of Pipidae and Rhinophrynidae: 190.42 Ma. vii) Discoglossoidea The MRCA of Discoglossidae, Alytidae, and Bombinatoridae: 160.07 Ma. viii) Pelobatoidea The MRCA of Scaphiopodidae, Pelodytidae, Pelobatidae, and Megophryidae: 155.73 Ma. ix) Ranoidea The MRCA of Ranidae and Microhylidae et al.: 111.90 Ma. x) Hyloidea The MRCA of Bufonidae, Eleutherodactylidae, Hylidae et al.: 73.53 Ma. xi) Gymnophiona 66 The MRCA of extant caecilians: 108.65 Ma. 67 Note that all tree-based analyses use only the single dated chronogram derived from the 68 unique ML tree with estimated branch-lengths [1]. This tree has 64% of nodes with "strong" 69 support (>70% bootstrap support), and alternative topological arrangements could conceivably 70 affect our results. However, it is not computationally feasible at present to run these analyses 71 (e.g. GeoSSE, QuaSSE) over a large sample of trees that are of the size that we use here. 72 Furthermore a large sample of time-calibrated trees is not available, and generating one would be 73 extremely difficult. For example, widely used Bayesian methods (e.g. [19]) for simultaneous 74 estimation of divergence times and phylogeny would be too computationally intensive for the 75 dataset used here (2,871 taxa). Furthermore, generating multiple time-calibrated trees from sk8s 76 would also be challenging, since it would require re-estimating the maximum likelihood 77 topology many times (bootstrap trees from RAxML include only topologies and molecular 78 branch length estimates are necessary for divergence dating with penalized likelihood). 79 The insensitivity of our results to variation in topology and branch lengths is suggested 80 by another analysis that utilized this tree and found strong concordance between estimates of 81 phylogeny-related parameters (e.g. phylogenetic diversity) generated using our topology and 82 alternative trees [20]. Also, a large-scale phylogenetic study similar to ours found that 83 incorporating phylogenetic uncertainty into estimates of diversification rates did not show a 84 strong effect of topological variance on estimated rates or on geographic patterns in their 85 distribution [21]. 86 Despite the limitations imposed by the large size of our tree, our estimates of topology 87 and divergence times are broadly concordant with a large body of literature dealing with higher- 88 level amphibian phylogeny [5, 17, 22, 23]. The stability of these estimates suggests that 89 topological uncertainty (mostly towards the terminals) is unlikely to substantially affect the 90 estimates presented. Notably, our estimates of divergence times are particularly concordant with 91 another multi-locus study with extensive taxon sampling that used Bayesian method of 92 divergence-time estimation [23], as well as others incorporating fossils directly [11]. 93 94 2. Distributional and climatic data 95 Species range maps were used to obtain data on species richness and climatic niches. Range 96 maps (polygons stored as ESRI shapefiles) were downloaded from the 2008 update of the IUCN 97 Global Amphibian Assessment (GAA; http://www.iucnredlist.org/initiatives/amphibians), 98 accessed in January, 2009, for the 6119 species of amphibian covered by that database. These 99 were matched against our taxonomic database, resulting in range maps for 93% (6117; omitting 100 two taxa that are of ambiguous taxonomic status in recent classifications) of the 6576 species in 101 our database, 5421 frogs, 546 salamanders, and 150 caecilians, ~87% of the ~7000 total 102 currently described species listed by AmphibiaWeb [24]. When necessary, disjunct range 103 segments were dissolved into multi-part features to extract the centroid. Polygons representing 104 introduced ranges or vagrants (as defined in the IUCN metadata) were removed from the dataset. 105 The ranges were then projected using the Cylindrical Equal Area projection, similar to 106 previous studies [25]. We then extracted the mean, variance, and range for the selected climatic 107 and environmental data using zonal statistics summaries (i.e. means of climatic variables within 108 polygons). Zonal statistics were processed using Geospatial Modelling Environment v0.3.4b 109 (http://www.spatialecology.com/gme/). To avoid the omission of range-restricted species, we 110 resampled the AET data at 2.5 min (~5 km) spatial resolution using nearest-neighbor 111 interpolation to match the NPP and BIOCLIM data, so that smaller ranges would intersect fully 112 with a point on the data layer. For some species still omitted at that resolution, we obtained data 113 by extracting values for the polygon centroid. 114 115 A small number of species occur outside of the limits of the scale of the data projection, such as endemics on small islands, and had no data values for some of the variables. All 6117 116 species had data for the 19 BIOCLIM variables, whereas 333 (5%) were missing entries for AET 117 and 30 (0.5%) lacked information for NPP. A total of 356 species (6%) were thus missing data 118 for 2 of the 21 variables, 223 of which were represented in the phylogeny (8% of the tips), for a 119 total of 0.2% missing data cells among the species in the tree. Rather than remove these species 120 due to this small amount of missing data, we imputed the absent values using the maximum- 121 likelihood Expectation-Maximization (EM) method [26], which has been shown to perform well 122 under empirical conditions, without inflating variance or Type I error [27]. Thus, we have 100% 123 data coverage for 6117 species (~90% of ~7000 total species), for 21 climatic and environmental 124 variables (AET, NPP, and 19 BIOCLIM variables). Of the 2871 species in the phylogeny, 2794 125 had ecological data (missing species lacked range maps entirely in the GAA assessment). Thus, 126 all phylogenetic analyses of ecological traits used a pruned tree, representing only those 2794 127 species with climatic data. 128 This analysis has some potential drawbacks. Primarily, we are integrating across range 129 maps without considering variation in presence or absence within the bounded range. For 130 example, a species that occurs in several valleys between mountains may have a polygon that 131 crosses the mountain tops, and thus our data would include climatic data from higher elevations 132 where the species does not occur, potentially biasing estimates for that species. However, there 133 are two aspects of this dataset that should help to alleviate this problem. First, the range maps 134 were individually drawn by taxonomic experts, and should thus include a minimum of 135 extralimital areas. Second, the analyses performed using these data (e.g. QuaSSE) incorporate 136 uncertainty in trait measurements (see below), and can thus partially account for these errors. 137 We then performed Principal Components Analysis (PCA) on the summary values for 138 each species to reduce the 21 environmental variables (AET, NPP, and the 19 climatic variables), 139 many of which are expected to be strongly correlated [28]. Given that traditional PCA does not 140 account for the phylogenetic non-independence of species, we used the phylogenetically 141 corrected PCA method [29], calculated with the dated chronogram described below. Code for 142 performing these calculations in R is available from RAP. We extracted the first PC axis (PC1) 143 for use in further analyses (see below). The first PC axis explains 33% of the variation in these 144 variables (table S1). The variables with the strongest negative loadings (<-0.90) are BIO1 (Mean 145 Annual Temperature; -0.96), BIO6 (Minimum Temperature of Coldest Month; -0.97), BIO9 146 (Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter; -0.91), and BIO11 (Mean Temperature of Coldest 147 Quarter; -0.95). Positive variable loadings were weaker, with BIO7 (Temperature Annual Range; 148 0.54) the only factor loading greater than 0.5 (table S2). 149 In future analyses, including more PC axes might be beneficial. However, we only used 150 PC1 for several reasons. The first is computational complexity. Each QuaSSE analysis required 151 several weeks to complete, and this would have been difficult for multiple variables. Ideally, an 152 analysis of multiple variables would need to be conducted simultaneously, so that estimated rates 153 reflected response curves from all variables. This is theoretically possible using QuaSSE [30], 154 but has not been implemented in any currently available packages [31]. More importantly, PC1 155 strongly reflects temperature variables that have previously been shown to be important 156 correlates of amphibian diversity [32]. Most importantly, the QuaSSE results are strongly 157 significant (see below). Thus, including additional PC axes will not overturn our results; PC1 158 shows a significant relationship with speciation and extinction rates, regardless of whether or not 159 other PC axes are significant (or in which direction). The other major axes (PC2–4) are also 160 correlated with latitude (Pearson’s correlation coefficient: rP = 0.25, -0.54, 0.75, all p < 0.00001; 161 respectively), and will thus presumably support the same pattern of temperate to tropical 162 imbalances in speciation and extinction. 163 164 3. Biogeographic regions 165 To allow reconstruction of the timing of colonization and length of occupancy of the various 166 temperate and tropical ecoregions, we first assigned all 6576 species in our database (including 167 the 2871 species in the tree) to one or more ecoregions in a global set of 12 biogeographic 168 provinces, using the GAA range maps. The 12 ecoregions follow from commonly used 169 definitions in herpetology and biogeography [33–36]. While some ambiguity about the limits of 170 these ecoregions may exist, they correspond closely with both geography and species 171 distributions, and represent major areas of amphibian diversity and endemism [33]. They are: 172 Tropical South America: Tropical regions of South America, ranging from the Colombia- 173 Panama border to the latitudinal level of Buenos Aires, excluding the high-elevation southern 174 Altiplano (see below under Temperate South America). We defined the boundary between 175 Middle and South America as the Panama/Colombia border. 176 177 178 Tropical Middle America: Including Central America, Baja California Sur, and tropical regions of Mexico, including Sonora on the Pacific coast, and Tamaulipas on the Gulf coast. Temperate South America: Southern South America, including Patagonia, the Pampas of 179 Argentina and Uruguay, and the high-elevation Altiplano extending into Bolivia and 180 southeastern Peru. 181 182 West Indies: The Caribbean Islands, including the Antilles and the Bahamas. Does not include coastal islands such as Trinidad, Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, or Cozumel. 183 184 185 186 Nearctic: Temperate North America, including the continental United States, Canada, the central Mexican Plateau, and the Mexican state of Baja California. Afrotropical: Sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula (i.e. Yemen and southern Oman). 187 Western Palearctic: Europe (i.e. west of the Caspian Sea), North Africa (Mauritania to 188 Egypt), the northern portion of the Arabian Peninsula (excluding Yemen and southern Oman), 189 and northwestern Iran. 190 Eastern Palearctic: Temperate Asia east of the Caspian Sea, excluding the tropical 191 provinces of southern China (Yunnan, Guangxi, southern Sichuan, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong 192 Kong, Macau, and Fujian) and including the major islands of Japan (but not the southern Ryukyu 193 Islands). Includes Afghanistan and southeastern Iran. 194 195 Madagascar: Including Madagascar and adjacent islands (i.e. Mauritius, the Seychelles, and the Comoros). 196 Australasia: includes Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and islands to the east (e.g. 197 Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia). Includes the Maluku Islands. Separated from 198 Southeast Asia by Weber's Line [37]. 199 Southeast Asia: Tropical East Asia, from Myanmar to the Lesser Sunda islands, including 200 southeast China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Fujian 201 provinces), Taiwan, the southern Ryukyu Islands, and the Philippines. Separated from Oceania 202 by Weber's Line. 203 204 South Asia: The Indian subcontinent, from Pakistan to Bangladesh, including Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan. 205 Note that species-accumulation curves are still nearly vertical in many of these areas (e.g. 206 the Amazon basin, New Guinea; [33, 38]), and new species are still being discovered even in 207 relatively well-known areas such as the eastern United States [39]. While absolute diversity is 208 likely underestimated in every ecoregion, the proportional differences (i.e. the latitudinal 209 gradient) should be reflected in the existing species counts. Undescribed and cryptic diversity 210 could also conceivably affect our analyses of speciation, extinction, and dispersal rates (see 211 below). However, two aspects of our analyses alleviate these concerns. First, our rate estimates 212 are based on phylogenetic branch-length information, not species counts alone, and should thus 213 be relatively robust to missing species. Second, our results show higher speciation rates in 214 tropical clades even though these clades are more poorly sampled (see below) and these 215 differences in rates would only be magnified by including a large number of undescribed tropical 216 species (given the relatively safe assumption that most new species will belong to existing 217 families). 218 219 4. Mid-domain effect 220 As a first test of potential explanations for the latitudinal gradient in diversity, we tested for the 221 mid-domain effect (MDE), a putatively non-biological explanation for richness gradients. The 222 MDE is the tendency for multiple overlapping ranges to result in a latitudinal gradient, due solely 223 to random shuffling of ranges within a bounded geometric domain [40, 41]. Note that we are not 224 interested in addressing the MDE as a neutral model for explaining species assemblages in a 225 macroecological context. Instead, we simply confirm that the latitudinal diversity gradient in 226 amphibians is statistically significant and presumably has a biological origin (i.e. related to rates 227 of speciation, extinction, and dispersal) rather than being explained solely by random range 228 shuffling. However, we think that the latitudinal gradient might still have a biological origin, 229 even if we were unable to reject the MDE hypothesis. 230 We tested for the MDE pattern across all amphibians, and then separately in frogs, 231 salamanders, and caecilians. For each analysis, we shuffled the empirical range limits 1000 times 232 to generate 95% confidence intervals on the expected latitudinal distribution of species richness 233 under the mid-domain model, given the observed latitudinal ranges of the species in our dataset 234 (i.e. midpoints were randomly shuffled while the range widths were the same as those observed 235 empirically). We compared these confidence intervals to the empirical richness-latitude curve to 236 determine if the observed patterns differed significantly from the expected null distribution. 237 These calculations were performed using Mid-Domain Null [42], with the observed latitudinal 238 ranges from 5421 frog species, 546 salamanders, and 150 caecilians. 239 Overall, amphibians show a significant deviation from null expectations under the MDE 240 model (Fig. 1). The peak amphibian species richness occurs at 6 degrees north of the equator 241 (880 species), significantly more than the 229 species expected under the MDE model. 242 Accordingly, there are significantly fewer species than expected above 41 degrees north, and 243 below 33 degrees south. Similar patterns of significant tropical peaks and temperate deficiencies 244 are observed in frogs (837 species at 6 degrees north, with fewer species than expected above 245 and below 33 degrees) and caecilians (37 species at 5 degrees north, with fewer than expected 246 beyond 28 degrees north and 30 degrees south). Salamanders also reject the MDE null model, as 247 their diversity peak is in temperate latitudes, with a peak of 120 species at 37 degrees north, 248 declining significantly beyond expectations at 57 degrees north and 1 degree south. Although 249 salamanders exhibit a significant extratropical diversity peak, they still contribute to high tropical 250 diversity, as a major tropical radiation occurs in Bolitoglossinae [22, 43, 44]. 251 252 5. Tree-based analyses 253 Differences in species richness between regions must ultimately be explained in terms of the 254 processes of speciation, extinction, and dispersal (the only processes that directly change the 255 number of species in a region). Therefore, any sufficient explanation for the higher species 256 richness of tropical regions should address the following questions: (i) how do rates of 257 speciation, extinction, and dispersal vary between temperate and tropical regions, and (ii) how do 258 ecological factors, such as the climatic niche of species, affect rates of diversification (speciation 259 – extinction)? These questions can be addressed most powerfully in a large-scale phylogenetic 260 framework, using recently developed methods designed to address these questions [30, 45]. We 261 used two approaches to determine whether or not rates of speciation, extinction, and dispersal 262 varied between temperate and tropical clades, and whether or not these differences were 263 influenced by ecological variables such as climate and ecosystem energy. The first considers the 264 explicit effects of biogeographic region on rates of speciation, extinction, and dispersal 265 (GeoSSE), and the second considers the effects of a quantitative trait, climatic niche (PC1) in 266 this case, on rates of speciation and extinction (QuaSSE). Simulations using the framework these 267 algorithms are based on (BiSSE) suggest that a minimum of 300 tips and 10% sampling of each 268 state is necessary to detect significance [46]; our dataset vastly exceeds these parameters (see 269 below). We tested these hypotheses as follows: 270 271 (a) Biogeographic analysis 272 To test for differences in rates of speciation, extinction, and dispersal between temperate and 273 tropical areas, we used the recently developed Geographic-state Speciation and Extinction 274 method (GeoSSE) [45] as implemented in the R package 'diversitree' [30]. The GeoSSE method 275 is an extension of the BiSSE (Binary-State Speciation and Extinction) method [47], which tests 276 whether speciation and extinction rates vary as a function of a binary character. In contrast to 277 BiSSE, however, GeoSSE interprets the binary character in an explicitly biogeographic context, 278 where a species can occur in one of two regions, A (tropical) or B (temperate), or both regions 279 simultaneously (AB). Thus, there are parameters for speciation rate in states A, B, and AB (sA, 280 sB, and sAB,), extinction rate in states A and B (xA and xB), and dispersal from A to B and vice 281 versa (dA and dB), for a total of seven parameters. All of these parameters are of interest, as all 282 may contribute to latitudinal variation in species richness [48–50]. 283 The primary question addressed in this analysis is whether or not rates of speciation, 284 extinction, and dispersal vary between temperate and tropical zones (where all temperate 285 ecoregions are considered to be one region and all tropical ecoregions are considered another). 286 As there are parameters estimated for each of these rates for each region, some, all, or none of 287 these parameters may be significantly different between regions. Thus, we tested a set of 10 288 distinct models using the time-calibrated tree described above. We first tested a model in which 289 all parameters were free to vary (7 parameters). We then compared this model to a set of 290 constrained submodels, in which one or more rates were set to be equal between regions. We 291 also tested submodels in which there were no speciation events unique to species that spanned 292 both regions (called “intermediate speciation” for brevity below), such that species in the AB 293 region had speciation rates of zero. This yields a total of 10 models: 294 1) sA, sB, sAB, xA, xB, dA, dB (7 parameters) 295 2) sAB = 0 (no intermediate speciation, 6 parameters) 296 3) sA = sB (speciation equal between regions, 6 parameters) 297 4) xA = xB (extinction equal between regions, 6 parameters) 298 5) dA = dB (dispersal symmetric between areas, 6 parameters) 299 6) sA = sB, xA = xB (speciation and extinction equal between areas, 5 parameters) 300 7) sA = sB, dA = dB (speciation and dispersal equal between areas, 5 parameters) 301 8) dA = dB, xA = xB (dispersal and extinction equal between areas, 5 parameters) 302 9) sA = sB, xA = xB, dA = dB (equal speciation, extinction, and dispersal, 4 parameters) 303 10) sA = sB, xA = xB, dA = dB, sAB = 0 (no intermediate speciation, 3 parameters) 304 We coded each species as AB, A, or B based on the ecoregions in which it is found. We 305 considered Tropical South America, Tropical Middle America, West Indies, Afrotropics, 306 Madagascar, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania as tropical, and Temperate South 307 America, Nearctic, Western Palearctic, and Eastern Palearctic as temperate. The GeoSSE model 308 also accounts for incomplete taxon sampling by taking into account the proportion of taxa in 309 each state (e.g. A, B, or AB) included in the phylogeny, using essentially the same algorithm as 310 BiSSE and QuaSSE [30, 51]. As we had already categorized all 6576 species into one of those 311 states, we were able to calculate this directly: the 2871-species phylogeny contains 75% of 312 species that occur in both areas (84 of 112), 39% of tropical species (2257 of 5802), and 80% of 313 temperate species (530 of 662). We used AIC to discriminate between models, choosing the 314 lowest delta AIC score (dAIC hereafter). Of the ten possible models, the best-fit was one in 315 which all seven parameters were free to vary, with a dAIC of 4 and an AIC weight (wAIC 316 hereafter) of 0.88, indicating that this model is 7.3 times more likely than the next most-likely 317 model in which extinction rates are equal between the two areas (wAIC = 0.12; Table S3). 318 319 (b) Climatic-niche analysis 320 The second major question in our tree-based analyses is whether or not climate drives the higher 321 rates of species accumulation (net diversification) in the tropics revealed by the GeoSSE 322 analyses. We tested the hypothesis that environmental variables drive higher rates of net 323 diversification in tropical regions compared to temperate areas [50, 52, 53]. To examine the 324 potential impact of climate on diversification, speciation, and extinction rates, we tested for trait- 325 dependent diversification related to the climatic niche (PC1, as described above), using the 326 recently developed Quantitative State Speciation and Extinction (QuaSSE) algorithm [30] 327 implemented in the R package 'diversitree.' This algorithm takes a phylogeny and set of trait 328 measurements for the tip species in the tree and fits a series of birth-death models in which the 329 speciation and extinction probabilities along branches vary as a function of the trait values. This 330 allows for a comparison of models in which diversification and trait evolution are independent to 331 those in which rates of diversification are related to trait values. Simulations have shown that this 332 method can accurately estimate rates using a large-scale phylogeny such as ours [30]. Due to computational and other constraints (see main text), we were unable to test a wide 333 334 range of variables using QuaSSE, and therefore focused on the first principal component axis 335 (PC1) from the analysis of 21 environmental variables. PC1 accounted for 33% of the variation 336 in climatic variables among the species included (table S1). The starting values for model-fitting 337 were the maximum-likelihood estimates of initial rates and parameters estimated in QuaSSE and 338 the mean value of PC1 across all species (the mean of species means). We used a generic 339 variance for all species' standard deviations (1 / 20), following the author's recommendations 340 [30]. 341 342 We ran two sets of tests, one in which extinction rates were constant and only speciation rates varied as a function of trait values, and one in which both rates varied with traits. We fit 343 models in which speciation and extinction rates were constant with respect to climatic niche (e.g. 344 rate is invariant with respect to trait value, the null expectation), versus those in which they were 345 sigmoidal (positive or negative logistic relationship between rate and trait value) or hump-shaped 346 (rate peaks at intermediate trait values). We chose sigmoidal and hump-shaped models as they 347 present the clearest biological interpretation, where rates are a monotonic (sigmoidal) or normal 348 (hump-shaped) function of the trait. We did not compare linear models (e.g. rates are linear 349 functions of the trait) since they do not asymptote, and linear models are subsumed by the 350 sigmoidal model [30]. Models were compared using the AIC calculated by QuaSSE, choosing 351 the model with the lowest dAIC. As with GeoSSE, QuaSSE accounts for missing taxa by 352 including a parameter for the proportion of species that are included in the phylogeny [30]. 353 However, we recognize that this approach does not incorporate information about either the 354 biogeographic location (e.g. temperate vs. tropical) or the trait values of the missing species. The 355 proportion used was 0.42 (2794/6576), based on the total number of described amphibian species 356 in our taxonomic database, though as noted above this is likely an underestimate given the slope 357 of species-accumulation curves in the tropics. 358 The best-fit model indicates that both speciation and extinction rates exhibit sigmoidal 359 responses to climatic niche (PC1; table S4), significantly (dAIC > 20; wAIC = 1.0) better than 360 models in which only speciation rates varied. Speciation rates show a negative response to PC1 361 (PC scores ranging from -12.03159 to 45.36072), and a sigmoidal response-curve midpoint at 362 16.67742627 with a slope of 1.1825652. In contrast, extinction rates exhibit a positive 363 relationship with PC1, with a midpoint at 16.95949574 and a slope of 1.3188807. The BM 364 diffusion rate is 1.146715125. PC1 exhibits a significant positive latitudinal gradient (table 1), 365 indicating an increase in speciation rates and decrease in extinction rates in tropical regions. 366 Given the mathematical functions for the sigmoidal response curve [30], we were able to 367 estimate per-lineage speciation and extinction rates for all 6117 species. 368 We note that GeoSSE and QuaSSE provide similar estimates of minimum and maximum 369 speciation rates (GeoSSE: 0.038–0.057 lineages * my-1; QuaSSE: 0.049–0.058) and 370 diversification rates (GeoSSE: 0.030–0.057; QuaSSE: 0.028-0.055), but estimated extinction 371 rates differ somewhat (GeoSSE: 0.00001–0.008; QuaSSE: 0.0023–0.021). Nevertheless, both 372 methods estimate minimal (tropical) extinction rates close to zero, and extinction rates in the 373 temperate zone that are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher. We think tropical extinction rate 374 estimates for GeoSSE may be more accurate, given that it includes all species (both in the 375 phylogeny and not) and explicitly accounts for character states in unsampled species. In contrast, 376 QuaSSE accounts for all sampled and unsampled species in the phylogeny, but does not 377 incorporate trait values of unsampled species, and assumes random placement of unsampled 378 species on the tree. In addition, the correlation between PC1 and latitude is strong but not perfect 379 (R2 = 0.59); temperate species with more “tropical” niches may be obscuring estimates of tropical 380 extinction for QuaSSE. Finally, QuaSSE estimates the response of speciation and extinction to 381 the observed range of variation in a particular trait, and not necessarily the full range of that trait 382 that is inhabited by the species (values for each species are summaries only, not the full range of 383 conditions). 384 385 6. Clade-based analyses 386 To test similar hypotheses about variation in rates of speciation and extinction between 387 temperate and tropical clades using an alternative approach, we estimated evolutionary rates for a 388 set of 66 family level clades, accounting for virtually all known, extant amphibians. This allowed 389 us to test whether or not rates of speciation and extinction varied latitudinally among clades, and 390 whether this variation was related to environmental variables (i.e. climate, energy). We also 391 investigated the possibility that there were diversity-dependent effects on diversification (not 392 explicitly addressed by GeoSSE or QuaSSE), and whether or not these were related to 393 environmental variables. We tested these hypotheses within clades as follows: 394 395 (a) Evolutionary rates and species richness 396 To further test the results from GeoSSE and QuaSSE, we next asked whether or not variation in 397 species richness among clades was related to variation in evolutionary rates (i.e. speciation and 398 extinction), and whether or not these rates varied with environmental variables. We identified 66 399 non-nested, family-level lineages to which we could confidently assign species not included in 400 the phylogeny (all known amphibian species are assigned to genera, and almost all genera are 401 assigned to families, regardless of whether they are included in our analysis). This allowed us to 402 include almost all species of amphibians in our analyses. We used a recent family-level 403 classification derived from the same phylogeny used here [1]. 404 For each clade, we estimated ecological, evolutionary, and temporal variables that are 405 potentially relevant for explaining richness patterns. Relevant data for each family are provided 406 in table S14. One particularly important variable is the ages of clades. In theory, the crown-group 407 ages of clades (i.e. oldest split within the group) may be underestimated if not all species are 408 included in the phylogeny, as in our case. However, most families contain multiple genera, and 409 so including all (or most) known genera in a family should usually ensure that the oldest split 410 within the family is included in our tree (monotypic families were excluded from analyses using 411 crown-group ages). Given that the genus-level sampling in this tree is 86% complete, the crown- 412 group age estimates for families should not generally be biased by the incompleteness of the 413 phylogeny. In contrast, the stem-group ages (i.e. the split between the clade and its sister group) 414 should be included for every family of amphibians, since only one species in the family needs to 415 be included to span the stem-group age. 416 Using the geographic range data for all species in each clade (family), we calculated the 417 mean latitudinal midpoint of the clade range as the absolute value of the mean of the latitudinal 418 midpoints of the species in that clade. We estimated the latitudinal range of the clade as the 419 difference between the minimum and maximum latitude occupied across all species in that clade. 420 We calculated the geographic range area for all clades, generating polygons covering the 421 geographic extent of each clade (see above), and measuring area in km2. For all 21 climatic and 422 environmental variables (e.g. 19 variables from the WorldClim database [28], AET, NPP), we 423 estimated clade means from the values of the species in each family as described above. From 424 the dated chronogram, we obtained both the stem and crown-group ages for each clade. We 425 determined the total number of species in each clade based on both species included in the 426 phylogeny and those assigned to the clade based on previous taxonomy (our database). 427 We estimated net diversification rates for each clade from the phylogeny (as all families 428 were represented in the tree) using phylogenetic estimators from Nee et al. [54], with their 429 modifications for incomplete sampling. These algorithms (eq. 20 and 21, as modified by eq. 33 430 and 34) yield estimates of birth-death diversification rates (r = speciation – extinction; = 431 speciation / extinction) based on the distribution of branching times. These estimators appear to 432 be powerful and broadly applicable for estimating rates with well-sampled phylogenies [55, 56]. 433 As the family-level assignment of almost all species is known from previous classifications [1], 434 we were able to calculate the sampling proportion for each clade, and adjust estimates of net 435 diversification rate accordingly as described by Nee et al. [54]. Code for these analyses in R is 436 available from RAP. We removed the family Telmatobiidae from all further clade-based 437 analyses, given that it was a clear outlier in net diversification rate (r = 0.28 vs. an average of 438 0.04), presumably indicating that the crown-group age was not correctly estimated with the given 439 taxon sampling in the phylogeny. Unlike most other anuran families, this species-rich family 440 consists of only one genus, and so extensive species sampling within the genus would be needed 441 to ensure that the earliest split (crown group) was included. However, we acknowledge that 442 another possibility is that the group has extraordinarily high diversification rates due to recent 443 diversification in the high Andes, or that both factors (rapid diversification, incomplete 444 sampling) may be involved. 445 The sampling proportion (percent of described species in family included in our tree) 446 ranges from 11% to 100%, with 17 families being 100% sampled (table S14). To determine if 447 incompleteness in sampling was affecting our rate estimates, we used multiple regression to 448 determine if net diversification rate (r) or relative extinction fraction () were related to sampling 449 proportion, while controlling for the number of species in the clade. When clade size is 450 accounted for using multiple regression, sampling proportion is not a significant contributor to 451 either r (p = 0.749) or (p = 0.740). 452 Note that there are many potential sources of error in estimating these rates (e.g. clade 453 ages, species numbers), and that this uncertainty could potentially affect the power of the results. 454 However, it is not clear how to incorporate this error in a straightforward manner. Fortunately, 455 given the strength of the significance of our results (see below), it appears that our study has not 456 been strongly impacted by reduced power from such random errors. Furthermore, a recent study 457 incorporating topology-based variability in rate estimation did not find a strong effect [21]. 458 In addition to diversification rates, we calculated the rate of climatic-niche evolution for 459 PC1 for each clade based on the Brownian Motion (BM) model (following [25]), using the 460 fitContinuous command in the GEIGER package [57]. We also reconstructed ancestral values of 461 PC1 at internal nodes using the BM model. It is possible that other models (e.g. Ornstein- 462 Uhlenbeck) may represent the best-fit for some of these clades, but both models incorporate the 463 same rate parameter (2), and it is unclear how to incorporate the additional parameters (e.g. ) 464 of more complex models. These estimates of rates are based only on those species included in 465 the tree (for 62 clades with >1 species), but previous analyses suggest that there is no clear 466 relationship between rate estimates and completeness of taxon sampling [25]. Using our data 467 from 62 clades, we also find no relationship between sampling proportion and climatic-niche rate 468 (p = 0.072), accounting for clade size using multiple regression. 469 Another potential problem is that these analyses of rates are based on only PC1, which is 470 strongly related to latitude and is strongly influenced by temperature variables (but not 471 precipitation variables; table S2). Thus, important climatic variation may not be included (e.g. 472 major climatic variation within tropical and temperate regions, not simply between them). We 473 acknowledge that studies incorporating additional PCs may find stronger relationships between 474 climatic niche rates and other variables (e.g. diversification; [25]). 475 In a few clades, near zero-length terminal branches linking species pairs appeared to 476 corrupt calculations of rates (i.e. very high rates due to very short branches, where the short 477 branches may be related to recent mitochondrial introgression). Therefore, several species with 478 near-zero length branches were pruned from the tree for these analyses, which were chosen 479 arbitrarily as the first species in the tree for that species pair. We removed Dicamptodon 480 aterrimus, Necturus maculosus, Pelobates varaldii, Leptobrachium hasseltii, Occidozyga 481 borealis, Pseudacris maculata, Melanophryniscus stelzneri, Atelopus bomolochos, Bufo 482 houstonensis, and Bufo bankorensis. 483 For all family-level clades, we thus obtained estimates of eleven variables: species 484 richness, stem and crown age, area, energy proxies (AET, NPP, and BIO1; taken as the average 485 across all species in the family from the range-map estimates described above), net 486 diversification rate, relative extinction fraction, and climatic-niche rate as described above (table 487 S14). We first tested for latitudinal gradients in these variables (table 1). We then constructed 488 multiple regression models in R linking species richness, diversification rate, and climatic-niche 489 rate to age, area, and energy (AET, NPP, and BIO1), which represent potential causal factors or 490 ecological correlates (see below for specific sets of variables tested). Our latitudinal gradient 491 analysis (table 1) includes multiple correlations of important variables (e.g. species richness, 492 diversification rate) against latitude, potentially inviting use of a correction such as a sequential 493 Bonferroni [58]. However, the use of this correction has several mathematical and logical 494 problems for ecological studies [59], though we note that all results in table 1 would still be 495 significant under such a correction. 496 For the clade-based analyses, we first tested for a correlative relationship between species 497 richness within clades and the environmental factors of area and three variables that may be 498 related to energy (AET, NPP, and BIO1). We find significant positive species-area and species- 499 energy relationships (NPP), with BIO1 as a non-significant factor (table S5). However, variation 500 in richness among clades can only be attributed directly to the effects of age and diversification 501 rates. We therefore tested models relating species richness to independent factors including stem- 502 and crown-age, net diversification rate, and relative extinction fraction (table S6). We then 503 attempted to determine which ecological factors influence net diversification rate and relative 504 extinction fraction. We tested the total area occupied by the clade, proxies for energy (AET, 505 NPP, and BIO1), and rates of climatic-niche evolution (Brownian Motion [BM] model for PC1) 506 (tables 7, 8). Climatic-niche rate was not significantly related to net diversification rate (unlike 507 previous analyses of some amphibian subclades; [25]), and we did not test this variable further. 508 509 (b) Diversity dependence 510 Complex interactions between evolutionary rates, species richness, and ecological variables may 511 also affect the latitudinal diversity gradient [60-63]. We tested whether or not estimated carrying 512 capacities vary latitudinally, and whether this potential relationship provides a possible 513 mechanism relating latitudinal environmental variation to speciation and extinction. To test for 514 the potential effects of diversity dependence, we compared the fit of birth-death, monotonic 515 decay (i.e. decreasing speciation rate without diversity dependence), linear diversity dependence 516 (DDL), and exponential diversity dependence (DDX) models [64] in the R package LASER [65]. 517 We tested these LASER models first, which do not account for missing species or consider 518 extinction, as a preliminary test for diversity dependence. We used them because the model of 519 monotonic decay of speciation rate, which is the correct null hypothesis for testing against 520 diversity dependence [64], has only been developed (code available from RAP) to be equivalent 521 to the DDL/DDX models in LASER (i.e. 0 extinction and no missing species). 522 We were only able to fit this suite of models to larger clades (>6 species), and some 523 likelihood optimizations failed, resulting in a set of 33 clades (including all clades with >50 524 species) for which comparisons could be made. Of these, linear diversity dependence (DDL) was 525 the best-fit model (dAIC = 0) for all but three (Scaphiopodidae [birth-death], Bufonidae 526 [monotonic decay], and Ranidae [monotonic decay]) of the 33 clades. Estimates for initial 527 diversification rates under DDL (i.e. the starting rates before diversity dependence takes effect) 528 were similar to those from the birth-death models (not shown). Preliminary analyses showed that 529 DDL was the best-fit model for most clades. We then estimated parameters using more 530 sophisticated models [66] accounting for both extinction and missing species (see below). 531 These models also provide an estimate of the total carrying capacity (K) for the clade, an 532 estimate that we can use to test for relationships with ecological variables. This approach make 533 several assumptions that are difficult to test, including: (i) that species interactions can be 534 recovered from phylogenetic data alone, (ii) that only species interactions within clades are 535 relevant and (iii) that diversity dependence can be estimated solely from within-clade diversity 536 [64, 67]. However, it provides at least a preliminary test of the potential effects of ecological 537 factors on interspecific interactions and interspecific interactions on diversification. 538 Given the uniformly high support for DDL against the null hypothesis [64] of diversity 539 independent decreases in speciation rate, we estimated values of K for all family-level clades 540 under the DDL model. However, the implementation of the DDL model in LASER, while well- 541 suited for direct comparison to exponential diversity dependence, monotonic decay, and birth- 542 death models, does not account for incomplete sampling. As incomplete phylogenies may affect 543 parameter estimates, particularly carrying capacity [64], we used the DDL+E model (linear 544 diversity dependence in speciation rate and constant extinction) implemented in the R package 545 DDD [66], which accounts for incomplete sampling. 546 We were able to fit this implementation of the linear diversity-dependence model to 61 of 547 those 63 clades with >1 species. However, we again excluded estimates for Telmatobiidae, and 548 optimizations converged on an infinite K (i.e. a birth-death model without diversity dependence 549 in speciation) for Hyperoliidae and Megophryidae. We estimated K, lam0 (initial speciation 550 rate), and mu (extinction rate). We then calculated K’ (equilibrium species-richness in the 551 absence of extinction; [66]) as (lam0 * K) / (lam0 – mu), which we used in subsequent analyses. 552 Summing the estimates of K’ across families suggests a global K’ of ~10700 species for the 60 553 clades tested (Table S14), or approximately 70% saturation at current diversity levels (~7000 554 species), though we caution that these estimates are based on many assumptions (see above). 555 We first tested for a latitudinal gradient in K’, lam0, mu, and saturation (N / K’). We 556 found significant latitudinal gradients in K’ (Table 1) and saturation (N / K’), but none for lam0 557 and mu. As with the estimated speciation, extinction, and climatic-niche rates above, we then 558 determined if clade-level carrying capacity under DDL+E (log-transformed) was related to area 559 or energy (AET, NPP, and BIO1; Table S9), both with the raw data and the PICs (Table S13). 560 We did not repeat the climate and area analyses for lam0 and mu, as we did not want to compare 561 current ecological factors (e.g. temperature and precipitation) to rate estimates for the early 562 history of the clade (initial speciation rate), and the estimates of constant extinction (mu) would 563 be redundant with the previous analysis, and possibly confounded by diversity dependence in 564 extinction rate, which we did not assess, but which typically receives little support [66]. 565 Additionally, we did not implement the diversity dependent extinction model, as there 566 would likely be issues with parameter interpretation (as there is no simple way to compare 567 models with and without extinction). We acknowledge a diversity-dependent estimator of 568 extinction rates might (in theory) provide somewhat different estimated values relative to the 569 other methods that we use. However, it seems likely that diversity-dependent estimates of 570 extinction will also show lower rates in the tropics, where there is little evidence of saturation. 571 572 Note that while the clades we have defined (i.e. reciprocally monophyletic families) are statistically independent (i.e. non-nested on the phylogeny), certain traits such as diversification 573 rate may not be phylogenetically independent if they are inherited from a common ancestor (i.e. 574 temporally and phylogenetically auto-correlated). To test if this was affecting our results, we 575 repeated the multiple regression analyses involving evolutionary rates described above using the 576 phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) of those variables [68], which are then suitable for 577 analysis using ordinary methods such as multiple regression [69]. We estimated PICs for each 578 variable using the dated, 2871-taxon tree pruned to include only a single representative per 579 family (66 tips) in the R package 'APE [70].' For net diversification rate, relative extinction 580 fraction, and carrying capacity, we tested the impact of area and NPP (tables S10–12). The 581 results are highly similar to the non-phylogenetic analyses (tables S7–9). 582 583 7. Ecoregion-based analyses 584 To determine the time of colonization (and time for speciation) in each of the multiple global 585 ecoregions, we reconstructed ancestral areas on the chronogram using two primary methods: the 586 likelihood-based Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogenesis (DEC) model implemented in the program 587 lagrange [71, 72], and maximum-likelihood reconstructions of ecoregions as discrete states using 588 an Mk1 transition model. Use of both approaches was necessary for several reasons. Ancestral- 589 area reconstruction presents several challenges, and explicit methods such as lagrange are 590 typically favored over simply treating areas as character states [71-73]. However, current 591 implementations of lagrange can only include a limited number of taxa and areas. A new C++ 592 implementation (S.A. Smith, pers. comm.) considerably improves speed, but cannot process 593 more than 6 areas within a reasonable timeframe, especially given the large number of taxa used 594 here. Thus, for lagrange, we reduced the 12 areas to 6: Neotropics (Tropical South America, 595 Tropical Middle America, West Indies, Temperate South America), Nearctic, Afrotropics 596 (Afrotropics, Indian Ocean), Palearctic (Eastern Palearctic, Western, Palearctic), Tropical Asia 597 (South Asia, Southeast Asia), and Oceania. Given the reduced geographic resolution, we use this 598 analysis primarily to evaluate the robustness of the ML reconstructions under the Mk1 model. 599 We then reconstructed ancestral areas using maximum likelihood in Mesquite 2.72 [74], 600 using all 12 regions described above. We used a single rate for all transitions among states 601 (effectively the only option available for characters with many states in Mesquite). Likelihood 602 analysis in Mesquite does not tolerate polymorphisms or ambiguities in state codings. Therefore, 603 174 species with ranges that included two or more ecoregions were coded as occurring in the 604 ecoregion containing the largest part of their range, determined using the GAA-IUCN range-map 605 polygons (see above). For each branch, the reconstruction of a given state was considered 606 unambiguously supported if the difference in log-likelihood units between that state and the next 607 most likely state was 2 or greater (when the branch was fixed to each state). The results from the 608 Mesquite analysis were then compared to those from lagrange to assess consistency between the 609 methods, and the robustness of the likelihood reconstructions. We found that ancestral area 610 reconstructions for the major nodes of interest (e.g. families) were similar between the two 611 analyses, despite differences in coding (e.g. "Palearctic" from lagrange and "Eastern Palearctic" 612 from Mesquite). The area classifications for the species used in the lagrange and Mesquite 613 analyses are provided in Supplemental Data File 1. 614 The biogeographic reconstructions from lagrange and Mesquite are overall broadly 615 concordant in reconstructing lineages in tropical versus temperate regions through time (based on 616 the combined areas in the lagrange analysis). Both methods yield ambiguous reconstructions 617 towards the root of the tree. Thus, there is no clear signal for a single ecoregion (as currently 618 defined) of origin for the extant amphibians, which may be a consequence of most major 619 landmasses being adjacent or accreted during the late Paleozoic [34], the time period when our 620 results and others suggest that crown-group amphibians first arose. The most ancient crown- 621 group amphibian fossils are distributed in both temperate and tropical regions [35], and a 622 previous phylogenetic analysis of extant taxa supported a Pangaean origin for amphibians [75]. 623 Thus, it may not be possible to reconstruct the origin of amphibians in a single, clearly defined 624 modern ecoregion, not due to limits in reconstruction methods and the fossil record, but simply 625 because the region of origin was not clearly homologous to modern ecoregions. Nevertheless, we 626 found that 63 of 66 families had unambiguous reconstructions in a single ecoregion (using 627 Mesquite). These are generally concordant with previous analyses of subsets of these taxa, such 628 as ranoid [76, 77], microhylid [78], bufonid [79], and hylid frogs [80], and salamanders [15]. 629 We used the likelihood reconstructions from Mesquite to determine the ancestral 630 ecoregion of the 66 clades (families) used in the clade-based analyses (see below), as well as to 631 determine the timing of initial colonization of the 12 ecoregions for the ecoregion-based 632 analyses. The metric for the timing of colonization was the age of the oldest colonization event 633 for a crown-group clade (i.e. one for which both daughter branches were unambiguously 634 reconstructed in the same area). However, we excluded colonization events involving a single 635 species, given that the timing of dispersal along a single branch is uncertain. This general 636 approach (focusing on the oldest colonization event only) has been shown to yield similar results 637 regarding the time-for-speciation effect (relative to using all colonization events for each region) 638 in empirical studies [44, 77, 80] and has been shown to be accurate in simulations [81]. 639 For a final perspective on species richness, we assessed diversity within regions as a 640 function of ecological variation among areas (to test for the well-known species-area and 641 species-energy relationships), and timing of colonization (i.e. time-for-speciation). We 642 performed a series of analyses examining the correlates of richness in each of the 12 global 643 ecoregions defined above. We first circumscribed polygons encompassing the extent of each 644 region, allowing us to calculate mean values (across pixels) for AET, NPP and BIO1 as 645 described above for clades (the mean of those variables within each region). Area was calculated 646 by summing up the total land area of the countries and territories occurring in each ecoregion, 647 taken from the 2007 United Nations Demographic Yearbook 648 (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/dyb/dyb2007.htm). 649 Using the range-map data for the 6576 species, we calculated the total number of species 650 in each area as described above. We also had estimates of the approximate first time of 651 colonization of each region by any extant crown-group amphibian clade based on ancestral area 652 reconstructions on the phylogeny, using maximum likelihood in Mesquite (see above). For these 653 analyses, all variables other than time were ln-transformed. We again employed a multiple- 654 regression strategy to analyze the importance of these variables. We did not include interaction 655 terms, given the large number of parameters this would produce, and the difficulty of interpreting 656 them. The region-based data are given in table S15. As with the clade-based analyses above, we 657 first tested for a relationship between species richness in regions and the ecological variables 658 area, AET, NPP, and BIO1 (table S13). However, the effect of these variables must be to 659 mediate diversification rates, and only age and diversification rate can directly change the 660 number of species in an area [48, 49]. We found that timing of first colonization is not 661 significantly related to species richness within regions (r = 0.12, P = 0.72), indicating that time- 662 for-speciation is not the major driver of the global patterns of richness examined here (consistent 663 with our other results showing the importance of variation in diversification rates instead). 664 665 666 Tables 667 Table S1. Percent variance (%) in ecological variables explained by each principal component 668 (PC) axis. These axes are uncorrelated phylogenetically [29]. Axis PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14 PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18 PC19 PC20 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 % Variance 0.336285 0.199951 0.157879 0.112004 0.062801 0.047690 0.031085 0.021801 0.009433 0.007291 0.006504 0.003943 0.001594 0.000838 0.000306 0.000232 0.000204 0.000144 0.000014 0.000003 678 Table S2. Variable loadings on the first principal component axis (PC1) for the 21 ecological 679 variables (AET, NPP, and BIOCLIM) used to characterize climatic niche. Variable AET NPP BIO1 = Annual Mean Temperature BIO2 = Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) BIO3 = Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100) BIO4 = Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) BIO5 = Max Temperature of Warmest Month BIO6 = Min Temperature of Coldest Month BIO7 = Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) BIO8 = Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter BIO9 = Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter BIO10 = Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter BIO11 = Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter BIO12 = Annual Precipitation BIO13 = Precipitation of Wettest Month BIO14 = Precipitation of Driest Month BIO15 = Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) BIO16 = Precipitation of Wettest Quarter BIO17 = Precipitation of Driest Quarter BIO18 = Precipitation of Warmest Quarter BIO19 = Precipitation of Coldest Quarter 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 Loading -0.06 -0.39 -0.96 0.21 -0.22 0.42 -0.80 -0.97 0.55 -0.83 -0.91 -0.82 -0.95 -0.26 -0.41 0.15 -0.50 -0.41 0.13 -0.26 -0.04 688 Table S3. Results from analysis of diversification and dispersal across the entire tree using the 689 GeoSSE model, where sAB is speciation rate for species in both areas, sA and sB and xA and xB 690 the speciation (s) and extinction rates (x) for species in A (tropics) or B (temperate regions), 691 respectively, and dA and dB are the dispersal rates from A to B and B to A, respectively. Models 692 are denoted by parameters fixed to be equal between regions. The best-fitting model is chosen by 693 dAIC, the difference between the AIC for each model and the best-fit AIC, and is boldfaced. The 694 AIC weights (wAIC; model probabilities given the data) indicate that the full model (speciation, 695 extinction, and dispersal estimated separately for each region) is 7.3 times more likely than the 696 next most likely model, the equal extinction (xA = xB) model (0.88/0.12). Model Full sAB = 0 sA = Sb xA = xB dA = dB sA = sB, xA = xB sA = sB, dA = dB xA = xB, dA = dB sA = sB, xA = xB, dA = dB All Equal dAIC DF -lnL AIC 7 -13062 26137 0 6 -13073 26158 21 6 -13080 26173 36 6 -13065 26141 4 6 -13078 26167 30 5 -13133 26277 140 5 -13088 26185 48 5 -13087 26184 47 4 -13159 26325 188 3 -13168 26343 206 wAIC 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 697 698 Table S4. Results from analysis of speciation and extinction using the QuaSSE model and PC1. 699 Results from the best fitting model are in italics and boldface. Model Both Rates Constant Speciation Rates Variable: Sigmoidal Hump Both Rates Variable: Sigmoidal Hump Df lnLik AIC 3 -18903 37812 dAIC 278 wAIC 0.00 6 6 -18771 -18777 37554 37566 20 32 0.00 0.00 9 9 -18758 -18776 37534 37569 0 35 1.00 0.00 700 Table S5. Best-fit non-phylogenetic multiple regression model (R2 = 0.58) for ecological 701 correlates of species richness among clades (using the 66 family-level clades), showing 702 significantly positive species-area and species-energy relationships [see 82]. Significant variables 703 are boldfaced. Variable Area AET NPP BIO1 0.69 0.26 0.41 -0.31 P <0.00001 0.17 0.0024 0.041 704 705 Table S6. Best-fit non-phylogenetic multiple regression model (R2 = 0.79) for evolutionary 706 determinants of variation in species richness among clades (families), showing significant 707 influences of age and diversification rate. Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Net Diversification Rate Relative Extinction Fraction Stem Age Crown Age 0.63 -0.014 -0.19 0.49 P <0.00001 0.85 0.018 <0.00001 708 709 Table S7. Best-fit non-phylogenetic multiple regression model (R2 = 0.54) for ecological 710 correlates of net diversification rate within clades, showing positive influences of area, NPP, and 711 climatic-niche rate. Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area AET NPP BIO1 Climatic-Niche Rate 712 0.59 -0.17 0.65 0.0020 0.20 P <0.00001 0.43 0.00003 0.99 0.061 713 Table S8. Best-fit non-phylogenetic multiple regression model (R2 = 0.17) for ecological 714 correlates of relative extinction fraction within clades, showing significantly negative influences 715 of area and NPP. Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area AET NPP BIO1 P -0.40 0.33 -0.54 -0.13 0.0057 0.24 0.0061 0.59 716 717 Table S9. Best-fit non-phylogenetic multiple regression model (R2 = 0.70) for ecological 718 correlates of clade-level carrying capacity, showing positive influence of area and NPP. 719 Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area AET NPP BIO1 0.72 0.050 0.50 -0.0054 P <0.00001 0.77 0.00008 0.97 720 721 Table S10. Best-fit multiple regression model (R2 = 0.55) for ecological correlates of net 722 diversification rate within clades, showing significantly positive influences of area and NPP after 723 correcting for phylogenetic relatedness using independent contrasts. Significant variables are 724 boldfaced. Variable Area NPP 725 726 727 P 0.71 <0.00001 0.39 0.00007 728 Table S11. Best-fit multiple regression model (R2 = 0.16) for ecological correlates of relative 729 extinction fraction within clades, showing significantly negative extinction-area and extinction- 730 energy relationships after correcting for phylogenetic relatedness using independent contrasts. 731 Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area NPP P -0.36 0.0052 -0.30 0.020 732 733 Table S12. Best-fit multiple regression model (R2 = 0.64) for ecological correlates of clade-level 734 carrying capacity (K'; see above), when phylogenetic relatedness is accounted for using 735 independent contrasts. Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area NPP P 0.79 <0.00001 0.37 0.00004 736 737 Table S13. Best-fit multiple regression model (R2 = 0.85) for ecological correlates of species 738 richness within regions, showing significantly positive species-area and species-energy 739 relationships. Significant variables are boldfaced. Variable Area AET NPP BIO1 740 741 742 743 0.91 1.36 -0.23 0.024 P 0.00095 0.0028 0.51 0.91 744 Table S14. Data for family level clades: latitudinal midpoint (absolute value), area (km2), stem 745 and crown age (millions of years), AET, NPP, BIO1, climatic-niche rate, net diversification rate 746 (r), relative extinction fraction (), species richness (log-transformed), sampling proportion (f), K 747 (carrying capacity), lam0 (initial speciation), and mu (extinction rate). Family Allophrynidae Alsodidae Latitude Area (km2) Stem Age Crown Age AET NPP BIO1 1.708048955 3054770 55.423073 -- 1427.79645 9359.1082 26.11196 39.0134965 702329 62.49096 56.50453 578.0942489 10517.96724 8.581705 Alytidae 39.37191376 1145280 119.75406 42.46776 503.2056812 6097.84866 13.32491 Ambystomatidae 29.31390866 10609300 126.97708 42.92458 760.9171384 7455.622604 13.44145 Amphiumidae 31.61858016 903821 126.8701 15.7661 1062.468607 8136.217567 18.55341 Arthroleptidae 0.681079231 11527300 92.04685 80.18015 1163.450727 9702.042959 21.86635 Ascaphidae 46.80502754 543262 202.03997 11.74297 386.063425 4625.1394 5.312665 Batrachylidae 43.37864657 127382 55.95189 39.11489 518.3006258 4642.933475 6.398711 Bombinatoridae 31.84995208 4861160 160.06996 87.32926 892.3341933 7642.399543 14.01735 Brachycephalidae 22.04491914 1026730 68.74202 62.70259 1189.402763 10867.67193 19.46046 Brevicipitidae 18.55704947 4765400 78.69315 59.22915 692.6634036 8402.579836 17.87506 Bufonidae 2.754689333 86131000 70.435323 65.733853 1086.994432 9066.882739 19.47988 Caeciliidae 1.481315079 13346800 98.1577 89.07718 1251.338152 10082.27031 23.40632 Calyptocephalellidae 37.94448008 35586.7 119.30052 31.80992 534.828535 11666.0861 9.887431 Centrolenidae 1.114887764 4259640 55.423073 38.890373 1337.060574 11450.98505 20.26565 Ceratobatrachidae 1.128205496 783113 96.311794 75.009894 1607.182874 11648.90245 24.00661 Ceratophryidae 15.53846889 7558290 69.75387 28.21127 939.7821033 6353.7271 22.67025 Ceuthomantidae 1.281806818 71.45282 -- 1615.5 10992.57145 23.69896 Conrauidae 5.579418118 1024600 103.154947 48.286447 1208.697057 8757.963717 23.77739 Craugastoridae 1.623196121 9595850 68.091562 65.717732 1257.886948 11130.43886 18.60515 Cryptobranchidae 34.46217679 1056430 164.49997 67.12057 862.5694767 6759.819333 13.07452 Cycloramphidae 23.57713058 565616 64.38866 56.16665 1171.935337 11863.64847 18.3428 Dendrobatidae 1.244877396 8931430 70.435323 49.389623 1353.044726 10695.21412 21.89496 Dicamptodontidae 43.77335883 244148 126.97708 9.24608 405.8086125 6850.568025 8.33606 Dicroglossidae 15.33846085 21106600 98.872017 92.458197 1167.370007 8855.359253 21.00269 Discoglossidae 37.86148097 917278 119.75406 37.49696 435.3441157 5909.947357 14.72945 Eleutherodactylidae -- 18.1858437 2419080 68.091562 62.702602 1269.954392 12564.38278 22.62622 Heleophrynidae 32.81714244 143473 151.98853 47.92853 471.20806 7457.220217 15.17427 Hemiphractidae 3.205364163 2469070 73.185893 67.743273 1257.15619 11118.48948 18.15616 Hemisotidae 6.379905093 11250700 78.69315 78.69315 967.8521033 8601.842578 22.26207 Hylidae 4.310516022 45634900 72.461674 71.133654 1206.700854 9920.911263 21.08679 Hylodidae 22.0584317 225929 62.49096 49.45676 1142.931679 10867.73023 18.82896 Hynobiidae 33.85252693 13635200 164.49997 134.71527 806.3870882 6868.202576 11.04531 Hyperoliidae 3.654319824 15748700 92.04685 68.81195 1126.404965 9324.52068 22.72454 Ichthyophiidae 8.731444357 1201920 98.1577 63.5134 1349.987835 11344.98526 23.7339 Leiopelmatidae 39.21913921 10305.9 202.03997 90.35597 954.6089658 13944.68428 12.77552 Leptodactylidae 12.78351417 17546000 69.877873 66.192843 1157.030075 8602.637671 22.21294 Mantellidae 18.97448731 557655 97.263287 87.094987 1148.562849 12336.24642 20.47939 Megophryidae 19.59610731 4877100 124.86943 92.73453 1127.14437 8339.72475 17.25454 Micrixalidae 11.70818393 35776.8 104.28619 30.00119 1078.950622 9907.614809 22.746 Microhylidae 4.257846693 37077800 109.4253 86.8813 1415.956901 10718.3403 21.65068 Myobatrachidae 26.36109604 7570810 119.30052 105.40262 693.6177311 7861.446625 19.41503 Nasikabatrachidae 9.788699486 96.5758 -- 1194 8337 22.64167 Nyctibatrachidae 11.83066906 39287.2 96.311794 79.978194 1060.893792 9340.14932 23.48055 Odontophrynidae 21.73269696 5251310 68.28657 35.28907 1031.816091 8166.806534 20.38296 Pelobatidae 41.55799478 5490140 124.86943 27.56163 423.6303525 4544.15565 12.64199 Pelodytidae 41.509026 873413 140.99143 35.44643 508.7723067 6235.621833 12.27037 Petropedetidae 1.804446306 344766 96.580878 51.588278 1175.720863 10095.45226 22.28509 Phrynobatrachidae 0.480971813 13697200 103.651358 84.512758 1152.115929 9326.367456 22.62773 Pipidae 0.597835917 20908000 190.41993 149.50213 1212.980575 9663.343406 22.76219 Plethodontidae 22.35436002 7092150 126.8701 103.4176 992.5755401 9756.839175 16.44523 Proteidae 36.95004522 2466430 162.44138 121.84908 860.8276983 6604.354117 14.26737 Ptychadenidae 0.695974365 15839300 105.40068 77.00898 977.7152597 7983.386071 22.35819 Pyxicephalidae 19.15089094 16954100 96.580878 87.696748 709.7968707 6849.949498 17.69063 Ranidae 21.03169771 69290100 100.273057 88.651157 1044.220584 8567.307151 18.29907 12.2322055 64424.1 98.872017 34.690117 1031.515594 9161.57939 24.29849 Rhacophoridae 12.73833888 16031900 97.263287 87.885287 1327.579498 9930.408425 21.37113 Rhinatrematidae 1.480344256 330185 108.6498 95.9791 1414.667428 12475.67478 22.26478 Rhinodermatidae 38.91106503 115360 61.25148 55.95189 533.0475838 11248.3304 11.42209 Rhinophrynidae 17.82898568 342083 190.41993 -- 1165.62956 10208.8799 25.38003 Rhyacotritonidae 45.30373874 101940 133.03008 19.09708 440.5110075 8187.09515 8.470833 Salamandridae 35.21462952 14784900 167.21998 116.81398 667.329293 6716.640295 14.20702 Scaphiopodidae 34.89148491 6383670 155.73003 60.83633 546.2378729 4115.269343 14.3578 Sirenidae 30.95968644 1193150 199.58998 55.71798 1070.335575 8419.67185 19.32794 Sooglossidae 4.587194669 96.5758 32.4823 1463.988281 9043.25 24.88854 Telmatobiidae 16.28410915 61.25148 11.92058 655.2036744 5646.657433 9.40336 Ranixalidae 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 -- -371935 Niche Rate r ln(Species) -- 0 0 0 Alsodidae 1.13225183 0.0533448 2.21806E-09 Alytidae 0.66823715 1.53E-09 Ambystomatidae 1.82022249 0.0544466 Amphiumidae 0.22950561 Arthroleptidae Family f k lam0 mu 1.00 -- -- -- 3.465735903 0.63 35.691768 0.130878 0.042211 0.999999972 1.609437912 1.00 5 0.221346 0.036891 1.50838E-08 3.465735903 0.53 32 0.208264 0.030669 0.0245544 4.63696E-07 1.098612289 1.00 3 0.227912 0.000032 0.46266979 0.056833 1.99376E-06 4.941642423 0.30 285.45314 0.072708 0.000264 Ascaphidae 1.00709412 0 0 0.693147181 1.00 2 0.090206 0 Batrachylidae 1.62803388 3.38E-07 0.999996331 2.48490665 0.25 12.741595 0.107514 0 Bombinatoridae 2.02532592 7.90E-09 0.999999846 2.302585093 1.00 10 0.05709 0.025341 0.1412021 0.0445375 1.15886E-07 3.737669618 0.14 42.498393 0.128594 0 Brevicipitidae 0.69898965 0.0391363 0.252764934 3.295836866 0.33 27.313833 0.1625 0.060211 Bufonidae 2.02848252 0.069764 1.69088E-07 6.29156914 0.38 620.554105 0.160969 0.053444 Caeciliidae 0.25295469 0.0392936 1.00953E-07 4.787491743 0.26 137.447024 0.072157 0 Calyptocephalellidae 0.43510103 0.0159077 4.49739E-06 1.386294361 0.75 4 0.127069 0.000173 Centrolenidae 1.49384111 0.0938246 6.14122E-07 5.017279837 0.50 199.00615 0.157375 0 Ceratobatrachidae 0.38540556 0.0524407 0.030201464 4.430816799 0.21 90.107807 0.154931 0.066351 Ceratophryidae 2.05597238 0.0533011 2.34019E-05 2.48490665 0.42 12 0.190016 0.003543 -- -- -- 1.386294361 0.25 -- -- -- 0.00494817 0.0140929 3.2341E-07 1.791759469 0.50 27.079506 0.02282 0 1.1342591 0.0733182 8.22658E-06 6.51174533 0.28 1230.475128 0.095478 0 Cryptobranchidae 0.10932929 2.68E-08 0.999996496 1.098612289 1.00 3 0.031369 0.001864 Cycloramphidae 0.05720611 0.0249241 0.638069 3.496507561 0.12 33.01816 0.133982 0 Dendrobatidae 1.19937442 0.0942092 8.33372E-07 5.590986981 0.44 508.313466 0.145093 0.035761 Dicamptodontidae 0.54308967 0.0434385 9.21495E-06 1.386294361 1.00 4.020132 0.271981 0.010442 Dicroglossidae 0.95976369 0.0419322 3.17104E-07 5.159055299 0.55 236.5171 0.069075 0 Discoglossidae 0.15839619 0.0185364 0.552480346 1.945910149 0.71 7 0.111063 0.000122 Eleutherodactylidae Allophrynidae Brachycephalidae Ceuthomantidae Conrauidae Craugastoridae 0.29675548 0.0688 9.40539E-08 5.303304908 0.72 273.527787 0.118205 0 Heleophrynidae 0.0600188 1.25E-08 0.999999537 1.791759469 0.50 6 0.078703 0.00008 Hemiphractidae 1.14266902 0.0594541 8.19255E-07 4.532599493 0.47 155.640419 0.084842 0 Hemisotidae 0.64645807 0.026063 0.839725384 2.197224577 0.11 18 0.104636 0.03582 Hylidae 1.89082748 0.0704031 4.72568E-07 6.777646594 0.49 1523.469808 0.097463 0 Hylodidae 0.10625494 0.0541416 1.54443E-07 3.713572067 0.22 41 0.19642 0.000003 Hynobiidae 0.84067141 0.0260824 1.06134E-08 3.951243719 0.88 64.394992 0.052086 0 Hyperoliidae 1.58101922 0.0674945 0.41850353 5.361292166 0.31 -- 0.086048 0.000903 Ichthyophiidae 0.9879679 0.0414827 0.34817299 3.850147602 0.15 48.695515 0.170088 0.072954 Leiopelmatidae 0.03394467 1.79E-09 0.999999898 1.386294361 1.00 4 0.148003 0.063709 Leptodactylidae 0.96709694 0.0662892 8.48714E-06 5.18178355 0.36 280.262426 0.094697 0 0.4451028 0.0408346 5.28098E-08 5.159055299 0.53 188.415875 0.101261 0.015072 Megophryidae 1.66966366 0.0479015 0.502555674 4.94875989 0.40 -- 0.072375 0.003999 Micrixalidae 0.15741745 0 0 2.397895273 0.18 11 0.264889 0.0016 Mantellidae Microhylidae 0.45881602 0.049134 5.58653E-08 6.109247583 0.30 596.274261 0.077343 0 Myobatrachidae 1.16380834 0.0388363 0.273484002 4.852030264 0.35 231.444976 0.08128 0.036218 -- 0.00E+00 0 0 1.00 -- -- -- Nasikabatrachidae Nyctibatrachidae 0.01692385 2.69E-09 0.999999936 2.833213344 0.18 17 0.076736 0 Odontophrynidae 1.11000455 0.0721556 7.58392E-08 3.465735903 0.59 33.205029 0.204338 0.003461 Pelobatidae 1.1416151 0.0136362 2.54051E-07 1.386294361 1.00 4 0.205837 0.013757 Pelodytidae 1.43537263 2.02E-09 0.999999905 1.098612289 1.00 3 0.051614 0.003013 Petropedetidae 1.65041128 1.25E-08 0.999999844 2.302585093 0.60 11.377117 0.070793 0 0.2217805 0.0455307 3.55169E-07 4.356708827 0.15 94.533918 0.085778 0.014398 Pipidae 0.50741581 0.0153707 0.556006679 3.465735903 0.72 33.686817 0.064807 0.035785 Plethodontidae 0.73453596 0.0459554 0.00293846 5.976350909 0.71 1158.331824 0.055276 0 Proteidae 0.15984014 4.58E-08 0.999997585 1.791759469 1.00 6 0.077204 0.019084 Ptychadenidae 0.50153646 0.0427373 8.55995E-07 3.931825633 0.29 58.194203 0.082714 0 Pyxicephalidae 0.54884488 0.0370666 6.47033E-06 4.158883083 0.50 70.880882 0.093505 0.031807 Ranidae 1.65392953 0.0391422 1.75463E-08 5.880532986 0.61 490.386742 0.064919 0 Ranixalidae 0.10651597 0 0 2.302585093 0.20 28.896242 0.052568 0 Rhacophoridae 0.69744173 0.0500376 1.08215E-07 5.765191103 0.34 540.251676 0.068224 0 Rhinatrematidae 0.03362227 0.0093402 1.18401E-07 2.197224577 0.33 9 0.093329 0.000526 Rhinodermatidae 1.13240374 0.0203455 2.71023E-05 1.098612289 0.67 6 0.152699 0.01657 Phrynobatrachidae Rhinophrynidae -- 0 0 0 1.00 -- -- -- Rhyacotritonidae 0.06970384 0.0337841 3.67591E-07 1.386294361 1.00 4 0.175469 0 Salamandridae 1.03795783 0.0336356 1.88722E-07 4.394449155 0.88 119.279933 0.055062 0 Scaphiopodidae 1.04006654 0.0003 0.992648075 1.945910149 1.00 11.771672 0.002692 0.00002 Sirenidae 0.27064682 0.0128829 0.000845492 1.386294361 1.00 4 0.054746 0.000691 Sooglossidae 0.00070148 0.0202032 8.06935E-08 1.386294361 1.00 4 0.116007 0.000401 -- -- -- 4.127134385 0.27 -- -- -- Telmatobiidae 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 Table S15. Data gathered for 12 global ecoregions. Age is the age of the first extant clade to 764 colonize the region, and calculation of area, AET, NPP, BIO1, and species are described above. Ecoregion 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 BIO1 Species 1210.526517 7683.729803 23.823743 2306 Nearctic 22754303 199.59 380.919375 3348.183738 1.213184 294 Afrotropical 22028506 151.99 793.765639 5771.137987 23.839337 777 25063848.39 119.75 257.753169 4171.996764 14.816934 132 28977228 134.72 275.816647 2430.872595 -2.272218 233 594275 87.09 1016.191346 8060.398258 22.786441 258 Oceania 9166661 105.4 543.114396 4008.354365 21.368206 612 Southeast Asia 4569153 102.07 1217.395216 8785.118255 22.149457 823 South Asia 4478841 79.98 686.95976 4410.420381 22.42621 359 Tropical Middle America 1512593 87.86 1051.222282 9738.45895 22.884766 695 Temperate South America 3010345 61.25 409.51902 3874.110077 10.487769 128 228881 49.89 1294.942115 10827.98257 24.822695 188 West Indies 768 NPP 95.98 Madagascar 767 AET 13699190 Eastern Palearctic 766 Age Tropical South America Western Palearctic 765 Area (km2) 779 References: 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 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