Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ Literature Circles Roles and Responsibilities Overview of each Literature Circle Role: 1.) Discussion Director: This person will lead the literature circle discussion for the day. The Discussion Director has to come up with TEN questions for the group to answer orally. You MUST devise two different questions from each category (literal, inferential, interpretive, “fat,” and your own thoughts). These questions all need to relate to the section of the reading you were assigned. A literal question is a “right there” question. These are questions that people from your group can find right there in the story. An example of this type of question would be: “Which character was the leader of the littleluns?” An inferential question is one where the answer is in the text, but it needs to be put together with different pieces of information from the work read. Your group members need to think and search for the answer. An example of this type of question would be: “How would you compare the characters of Jack and Ralph? What is similar about them? Different?” An interpretive question is one where you have to think about what you know and what the author has said in the text. The answer will be from both the author and you as you infer meaning. The answer won’t be found in the printed page, but the information to answer the question is there. An example of this type of question would be: “Predict what would happen if Piggy was a leader?” A “fat” question is a question that does NOT have a “right” answer, but deals with some concept of the reading. It is considered a “fat” question because there are many possible answers based on your group members. An example of a “fat” question would be: “The characters of the novel, Lord of the Flies, are involved in a plane crash. How would you feel if the plane you were on crashed and you were a survivor of this crash?” A question that deals with your own thoughts is a question that you are pondering the answer to, but the answer is not written in the text of the work. It can be a creative or openended question. This answer should not have a “right” answer just like a “fat” question. An example of “my own thoughts” question would be: “How would I improve the community the boys have set up?” 1 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ 2.) Literary Luminary: Your job is to connect prior knowledge and experience to the selected reading. You are to find SIX connections to share with your group. These passages from the text should be special in nature and then you are to interpret what each passage means! This is not a replay of what happened in the reading. The four types of connections are as follows: Text to Text (T-T): These are connections made between the text you are reading and what you have read elsewhere. Text to World (T-W): These are connections made between the text you are reading and the bigger issues and events of the world. Text to Self (T-S): These are connections made between the text you are reading and your own experiences. Text within Text (T-W-T): These are connections made between the text you are reading and another section of that same text. The excerpt below is taken from the novel, Lord of the Flies. Location: Page(s): 19-20 Paragraph number: last paragraph on page 19 to first paragraph on page 20 (ends with “complete darkness”). What does this mean? When readers are introduced to the character of Jack he appears evil. He has his group march until Simon faints. This clearly is an evil act. Jack’s character can be seen as one who possesses aggression in a negative way. Furthermore, Jack is extremely mean to Piggy and takes advantage of his weak nature. The character of Jack reminds me of Adolf Hitler because just like Hitler, Jack preys on the weak. Hitler chose to target the Aryan race and Jack chooses to prey on the weaker characters. Jack targets those who are younger in age and referred to as the “littleluns.” (This is an example of text to world). 3.) Artful Artist: Your job is to draw a picture or computer generate a picture that is related to the reading. You can draw things such as a character, the setting, an exciting, confusing or important part of the reading, etc. This drawing can be in the form of a cartoon, chart, diagram, or a sketch. After you complete your drawing you MUST write a short paragraph about SIX sentences in length explaining how your picture connects to the reading. 2 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ 4.) Superb Summarizer: Your job is to prepare a summary of all the important events that happened in the reading. Your summary should be two to three minutes in length. 5.) Reality Connector: Your job is to find SIX connections between the reading and the outside world. This means you can connect an event in the reading to an event in your life, school, or situations that you have personally experienced, etc. 6.) Word Wizard: Your job is to pick out EIGHT new or confusing words from your reading. You are to look them up in the dictionary and write their definitions according to the use of the words in the story. Be sure to include the page number and paragraph number where you found your words. Then create a new sentence using each vocabulary word correctly. When your group meets, share each word and read aloud the sentence where the word is found in the text. Have your group try and guess the definition before you read it to them. Important Things to Know: You will be randomly selecting a role or be assigned a role. You are to complete your role sheet for the day the reading is due. (That means that you will have read the assigned reading and have completed your role). You will be evaluated on how well you participated in the discussion. Did you fulfill your role in the discussion for that day? Why or why not? Also, your role sheet will be graded on its quality. Note: The role sheets will be collected and GRADED! Please note it is YOUR responsibility to complete YOUR role sheet on time! Each member of your group will be depending on you for that role. TARDINESS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!! 3 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ DISCUSSION DIRECTOR Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ This person will lead the literature circle discussion for the day. The Discussion Director has to come up with TEN questions for the group to answer orally. You MUST devise two different questions from each category (literal, inferential, interpretive, “fat,” and your own thoughts). These questions all need to relate to the section of the reading you were assigned. Don’t worry about the small details; your task is to help people talk over the BIG ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read, which you can list in the spaces provided below. REMEMBER: The best discussion questions are the ones that have hundreds of different answers which are neither right nor wrong. For example, if you were thinking up a discussion question for Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, a good one might be, “What methods does Dickens use to involve readers?” This kind of question allows different responses—n one of which can be considered the “right” answer. ________________________________________________________________ POSSIBLE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR TODAY: 4 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ LITERARY LUMINARY Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ Your job is to connect prior knowledge and experience to the selected reading. You are to find SIX connections to share with your group. These passages from the text should be special in nature and then you are to interpret what each passage means! This is not a replay of what happened in the reading. The idea is to help people remember some interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, surprising, thought provoking, or important sections of the text. You decide what passages or paragraphs are worth hearing, and then analyze and interpret what you think the passage means. (NOTE: This is NOT just a replay of what is happening in the passage, but an interpretation of what the events which are occurring in the passage actually mean). ________________________________________________________________ WHAT DOES IT MEAN? 1.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ 4.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6.) Location: Page(s) ______ Paragraph number____ Connection Code: T-T, T-W, T-S, T-W-T ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ REMEMBER: Each passage of the text you choose to share with your group should consist of about two to three paragraphs, or approximately half a page of the novel. 6 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ ARTFUL ARTIST Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ Your job is to draw a picture which is related to the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, or stick-figure scene. You can draw a picture of something that is discussed specifically in the novel, or of something the reading reminded you of, or a picture that conveys any ideas or feelings you got from the reading. Any kind of drawing or graphic is great—you can even label things with words, if that helps. After you have completed your drawing, write a paragraph (at least six sentences in length) which explains your picture and how it is related to the story. Note: Make your drawing on the other side of this sheet or on a separate sheet!!! ________________________________________________________________ PRESENTATION PLAN: When the Discussion Director invites your participation, you may show your picture without comment to the other members of the group. One at a time, they get to speculate what your picture means while connecting your drawing to their own ideas about the reading. After everyone has had a say, you get the last word: read your group your written explanation of what your picture means, where it came from, and what it represents to you. SUGGESTIONS FOR DRAWINGS: A character The setting An exciting, sad, confusing, or important part of the novel A prediction of what will happen next ANYTHING ELSE 7 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ SUPERB SUMMARIZER Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ Your job is to prepare a summary of the assigned day’s reading. The other members of your group will be counting on you to give a brief (two or three minute) statement that conveys the key points, the main highlights, the literary terms the author used, and the essence of the day’s reading assignment. Use the numbered slots below to remember the main ideas or events of the reading. ________________________________________________________________ Summary: (to be read aloud and then discussed with your group) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Key Points: (Use COMPLETE sentences to state the main ideas of the reading) 1. 2. 3. 4. 8 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ REALITY CONNECTOR Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ Your job is to find a minimum of six connections between the novel your group is reading and the world outside. This means connecting the reading to your own life, to happenings at school or in the community, to similar events which occurred at other times or in other places, to other people, problems, or situations you are reminded of from the reading, etc. There are no right answers here--whatever the reading connects you with is worth sharing! ________________________________________________________________ Some connections I found between this reading and my own life, other people, similar situations, and events, etc. are… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ WORD WIZARD Name: _________________ Group Name: _____________________ Chapter(s):___________ Your job is to pick out EIGHT new or confusing words from your reading. You are to look them up in the dictionary and write their definitions according to the use of the words in the story. Be sure to include the page number and paragraph number where you found your words. Then create a new sentence using each vocabulary word correctly. When your group meets, share each word and read aloud the sentence where the word is found in the text. Have your group try and guess the definition before you read it to them. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 2. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 3. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 10 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ 4. Word: ______________________ Period#: __________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 5. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 6. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 7. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 8. Word: ______________________ Page/Paragraph #: __________________ Definition: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sentence: ______________________________________________________________ 11 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ Literature Circles Self/Group Evaluation Date: Chapter(s) discussed: How do I think I fulfilled my Literature Circle responsibilities today on a scale of one to ten? (one being poor, ten being excellent) Why? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHY? How do I think the group functioned today on a scale of one to ten? (One being poor, ten being excellent) Why? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHY? So far I have a(n) _______ understanding of the novel. excellent good not so good Any additional comments about today’s class session: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 12 Ms. Iacullo English Name: _____________________________________ Period#: __________ My Role: _____________________________________ 4 - Thorough Understanding Consistently and actively works toward group goals. Is sensitive to the feelings and learning needs of all group members. Willingly accepts and fulfills individual role within the group. Consistently and actively contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills. Values the knowledge, opinion and skills of all group members and encourages their contribution. Helps group identify necessary changes and encourages group action for change. 3 - Good Understanding Works toward group goals without prompting. Accepts and fulfills individual role within the group. Contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills without prompting. Shows sensitivity to the feelings of others. Willingly participates in needed changes. 2 - Satisfactory Understanding Works toward group goals with occasional prompting. Contributes to the group with occasional prompting. Shows sensitivity to the feelings of others. Participates in needed changes, with occasional prompting. 1 - Needs Improvement Works toward group goals only when prompted. Contributes to the group only when prompted. Needs occasional reminders to be sensitive to the feelings of others. Participates in needed changes when prompted and encouraged. 13