Meeting Minutes Utility Advisory Board Work Session Tuesday

Tim Goodwin, Mayor
P. O. Box 48
843-588-2447 (Ph)
843-588-2004 (Fax)
Kevin Whitsett, Director of Public Works
Utility Advisory Board Work Session
Thursday November 6, 2014 @ 6:30 PM
Board Members:
Phil Garcés, Mike Henning, Lee Jackson, Becky Dennis
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
Staff Present:
Garcés, Jackson, Dennis
Whitsett, Sullivan
2. Approval / Additions to the Agenda
Mr. Jackson made a motion to approve the agenda and Ms. Dennis seconded the
motion. The agenda was approved without objection.
3. Approval of the Minutes from 7/10/14
Mr. Jackson made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and Ms.
Dennis seconded the motion. The minutes were approved without objection.
4. Old Business:
a. SCADA Update
Discussion ensued around the bid process for this project. As there has only been
one response to date, and that one not within specification, the Board suggested
Mr. Whitsett advertise the job again, perhaps post it on South Carolina Business
Opportunities and get at least three bids.
b. GS Tank Engineering
Mr. Whitsett stated the quote ($8,766 + labor) to fix this issue is within this year’s
budget. Discussion ensued as to the best locations of the return and supply
values as well as the process for cleaning and installation. Mr. Garces made a
motion to approve this work to be done within this year’s budget “if we can.” Ms.
Dennis seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.
c. Tap & Impact Fees
Mr. Whitsett stated he would like to see these fees raised to where the City at least
breaks even. He also stated he has not had the time to complete further work on
this issue since the previous meeting as more extensive work needs to be done to
edit this ordinance. Mr. Garces noted it would be important to have this work
done prior to starting work on the next budget. Ms. Dennis added that people
need to be given proper warning for fee increases and that any additional work
needing to be done on this ordinance should all be completed at the same time.
UAB Board Charter
Mr. Whitsett stated that only one application for the 5th board member has been
received. Discussion ensued about the experience of this potential member as
well as other potential candidates for board membership. Mr. Whitsett reported
the ordinance approving the additional board member will go before City Council
for Second and possibly Third readings on November 14.
5. New Business:
a. CIP Program
Mr. Whitsett reported that the need for a capital improvement plan for the utilities
was noted in this year’s financial audit. Mr. Garces reviewed what was told to
City Council a few years ago regarding capital improvements, noting it is
important to document what has been done since that time. Board members
indicated they would like to know what exactly the auditors are looking for from
them. Discussion ensued as to how to breakdown such a project to make a
presentable document. Mr. Garces said the main reason for having a CIP is for
maintenance needs. Mr. Whitsett said, “I do know all of our galvanized pipe
should be our number one priority. It needs to go. I’ve scoured the maps, all the
different maps that we have got, GIS and paper, and I have come up with really
one line that is designated as a galvanized water main. And I told them this is
what I am going to focus on primarily right now. We need to get rid of this water
main and we need to get rid of as much of the galvanized services that we can.”
Mr. Garces suggested having a meeting with Mr. Whitsett and the auditors to
understand better what it is they are looking for.
6. Adjournment at 7:40pm.