Biology 470: Evolution Spring 2011

Biology 470: Evolution
Spring 2011
Instructor: Dr. Kenneth Gobalet, Sci I Room 205, phone 654-3038 email:
Text: Hall, Brian K. 2011. Evolution, Principles and Processes
Readings (Gobalet’s Web Site):
Arjamma, O. & T. Vuorisalo. 2010. Gene-culture co-evolution and human diet. American
Scientist 98:140-147.
Barnosky, A.D. et al. 2004. Assessing the causes of Late Pleistocene extinctions on the
continents. Science 306:70-75
Bowler, P.J. 2009. Darwin’s originality. Science 323:223-226
Bramble, D. & D. Lieberman.2004. Endurance running and evolution of Homo. Nature 432:345352.
Carroll, S.B. 2006. The Making of the Fittest: The Bloodless Fish of Bouvet Island. Pgs. 19-27
Carroll, S.B. 2006. The Making of the Fittest: Immortal Genes pgs 69-89.
Carroll, S.B. 2006. The Making of the Fittest. Fossil genes. Pgs. 117-137
Dawkins, R. 2006. The God Delusion. Pgs 113-143.
Diamond, J. 1991. The saltshakers curse. Natural History. October: 20, 1991.
Diamond, J. 1991. The athlete’s dilemma. Discover. August: 78-83
Diamond, J. 1992. An animal with strange life cycle. from Third Chimpanzee. Pg. 59-84
Dobzhansky, T. 1973. Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.
Am. Biol. Teacher 35:125-129.
Gould S.J. 1990. An earful of jaw. Natural History Mar: 12-23
Gould. S.J. 1997. Nonoverlapping magisteria. Natural History (March 1997)
Holldobler, B. and E.O. Wilson 1994. Journey to the Ants: Origin of Cooperation 95-106
Janzen, D.H. & P. S. Martin 1981. Neotropical anachronisms. Science 215: 19-27.
Losos, J.B. 2001. Evolution: a lizard’s tale. Scientific American (March): 64-69
Mann, C. 2006. 1491 (Artificial Wilderness). Revelat. of Americas before Columbus p 350-362.
Martin, P.S. 2005. Twilight of the Mammoths, Ice Age Extinctions. Pg 4-44, 48-57.
Mayr. E. 2004. Darwin’s Five Theories of Evolution. Pgs 97-115
Palumbi, S. R. 2001. Humans as the world’s greatest evolutionary force. Science 293:1786-1790.
Pope John Paul 11. 1996. Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution
Rennie, J. 2002. 15 answers to creationist nonsense. Scientific American July Pgs. 78-85.
Ruff, C.B. 2006. Gracilization of the modern human skeleton. American Scientist, 94(6) 508514.
Wake, D. B. et al. 2011. Homoplasy: from detecting pattern to determining process and
mechanism of evolution. Science 331: 1032-1035.
Williamson, D.I. & S.E. Vickers 2007. The origins of larvae. American Scientist 95(6): 509-517.
Wise, D. 1998. Creationists geological time scale. American Scientist 86: 160-164, 166-173.
Zimmer, C. 2004. Faster than a hyena: running may make humans special. Science 306:1283
Zimmer, C. 2008. Palimpsest pgs 125-156, in Microcosm, E. coli and the New Science of Life.
General information: This course includes readings, lectures, and discussions. There will be a
comprehensive final. Quizzes may be given with or without notice. The paper is due at
beginning of class on the date due. Late papers will be penalized a minimum of 10% of the value
of the assignment. Turn cell phones off before entering the Science Building.
Summary of Activities
Research paper
Midterm May 4th
Final Examination
Quizzes, etc.
Participation (includes attendance)
Bonus book review due May 2, 2011
Point value
Up to 20 points
Grades will be based on the following scale
below 60
Biology 470: Literature-based paper
A literature review paper without separate sections for introduction, methods,
results etc. is a course requirement. The topic should address a question in evolutionary
biology. The target audience is the other members of the class. The paper should be
comprehensive and contain at least 15 citations of reviewed literature (cited in a
Literature Cited section) and be of appropriate length to cover the subject. Non-reviewed
literature (secondary or popular sources like your textbook or peer-reviewed web sites)
may be used but only in addition to the 15 citations. On-line citations need to be cleared
in advance with the Gobalet unless they are peer-reviewed journals. The format for the
citations and literature cited section should follow the Biology Department’s “Format for
Research Reports.” The title of the paper, author, course number, and date should be
centered on the first page. There should be no separate title page or folder. Use font #12,
1.5 line spacing and a left justified margin. The paper is due May 16, 2010. To determine
adherence to proscribed format, the method of citing sources in the text and the literature
cited section will be the first thing evaluated. If the format is incorrect, the paper will
be returned ungraded and docked up to 10 points. Good writing involves
considerable reading and revisions based on the comments of reviewers. In this case,
having other members of the class read, edit, and criticise your work, will improve it.
Biology 470: Bonus Book Review
(See Gobalet’s website for details)
By turning in a review (critique) highlighting the important points of interest to you of one of the
following books, up to 20 points will be added to the course point total. Another title may be
acceptable with Gobalet’s approval.
March 28--30
(31st Holiday C. Chavez)
Darwin, Wallace, Natural
Selection, Inheritance
Reading (R=recommended)
Hall Chapter 5, 6, 7
Mayr 2004 Darwin’ 5 Theories
R: Bowler (2009): Darwin’s originality
R: Dobzansky (1973): Nothing in Biology
Science, Religion, Evolution
Hall Ch 1, 21
Zimmer 2008. Palimpsest
Wise 1998. Creationists geological time scale
Pope John Paul 11. 1996 Magisterium
Dawkins 2006. God Delusion
R: Gould 1997 Nonoverlaping Magisteria
R: Rennie 2002. 15 Answers to Creationists
April 4-7
April 11-14
April 18-21
April 25-28
Origin of Life
Hall Ch 2, 3, 4
Universal Tree of Life
Hall Ch 8, 9, 10, 11
Bonus Review Due May 2nd
May 2-5
Midterm May 4th
Variation, Populations,
Natural Selection
May 9-12
May 16-19
May 23-26
Species, Extinction,
Adaptive Radiation
Paper due May 16th
Hall Ch 12, 13, 14. 15
Carroll 2006. Bloodless Fish
Carroll 2006 Immortal Genes
Carroll 2006 Fossil Genes
Hall Ch 16, 17, 18
Gould 1990 Earful of Jaw
Losos 2001. A Lizard’s Tale
R: Wake et al. 2011 Homoplasy
R: Mann 2006. Artificial Wilderness
R: Martin 2005, Ice Age Extinctions
R: Barnosky et al 2004. Late Pleistocene Extinctions
R: Holldobler & Wilson 1994 Origin of Cooperation
R: Williamson & Vickers 2007. Origins of Larvae
R: Jansen and Martin 1981. Neotropical Anachronisms
May 30-June 2 Human Evolution
(30th holiday)
June 6
June 8, 2011
Hall Ch 19
Diamond 1991. Saltshakers Curse
Diamond 1991 Athlete’s Dilemma
Ruff 2006. Gracilization of Human Skeleton
Zimmer 2004. Faster than a Hyena
R: Diamond 1992. Animal with Strange
Life Cycle
R: Arjamma and Vuorisalo 2010 Gene
Culture co-Evolution
R: Bramble and Lieberman 2004. Human
Endurance Running.
R: Palumbi. 2001 Humans as Evolutionary Force
Final Examination (2:00-4:30pm)