Bio 152/252
Spring 2008
Laurel Fox
THIS IS AN INTENSIVE READING COURSE, with a text and Reader (on Electronic
Reserves). I may (very occasionally) add other reading during the course. You are expected to keep
up with the required reading. For lectures, read the material BEFORE you come to class so that you
better understand the lecture material, and can use the lectures more efficiently to ask questions. In
addition, in some lectures, I use the assigned reading as a base to discuss other issues. Both the
reading and lecture material will be included on the exams. The exams will be structured to
demonstrate your in-depth knowledge.
The text is on 2 hr reserve in the Science Library or can be purchased at the Bay Tree Book Store.
The other reading is on Electronic Reserves. Very occasionally, other papers may be assigned.
Although the text is relatively comprehensive, it doesn't cover some topics that are important. The
Reader (on ERes) supplements the text, with papers from both the primary literature (research
papers) and secondary literature (review or opinion papers). I have mainly selected relatively short
papers on specific topics (eg, TREE, Science and Nature papers are typically <4 pages long). For
some of the long selections, I have indicated pages to emphasize.
Note: TREE = Trends in Ecology and Evolution
BHT = Begon M, JL Harper, CR Townsend (text)
Fox – you will also see several reading assignments listed as “Fox_.......” – these are on ERes for
specific topics.
Begon M, JL Harper, CR Townsend. 1996. Ecology. Blackwell Science. 3rd edition...pp 686-692
(classification/ordination), 909-912 (paleoecology)
Carpenter SR. 1998. Ecosystem Ecology. In SI Dodson et al (eds). Ecology. Oxford. Pp 124-143
Chapin FS III, LR Walker, CL Fastie, LC Sharman. 1994. Mechanisms of primary succession
following deglaciation at Glacier Bay, Alaska. Ecol. Monogr. 64:149-175.......read pp 149-152,
161-162, 166-172
Davis MB. 1986. Climatic instability, time lags and community disequilibrium. pp 269-284. TJ
Case, J Diamond (eds). Community Ecology. Harper & Row
Ehrlich PR, J Roughgarden. 1987. The Science of Ecology. MacMillan. Pp 346-349 (3-spp
Estes JA, MT Tinker, TM Williams, DF Doak. 1998. Killer whale predation on sea otters linking
oceanic and nearshore ecosystems. Science 282:473-476
Fox, LR, SP Ribeiro, VK Brown, GJ Masters, IP Clarke. 1999. Direct and indirect effects of
climate change on St John's wort, Hypericum perforatum. Oecologia 120:113-122
Futuyma DJ, M Slatkin (eds). 1983. Coevolution. Sinauer. Pp 1-3 (coevolution)
Hay ME. 1991. Marine-terrestrial contrasts in the ecology of plant chemical defenses against
herbivores. TREE 6:362-365
Hay ME. 1994. Species as 'noise' in community ecology" do seaweeds block our view of the kelp
forest? TREE 9:414-416.
Howe HF, LC Westley. 1988. Ecological Relationships of Plants and Animals. Oxford University
Press. pp: 29-39.
Jackson JBC. 1997. Reefs since Columbus. Coral Reefs 16 (suppl): S23-S32
Jeffries RL, JL Maron. 1997. the embarrassment of riches: atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and
community and ecosystem processes. TREE 12:74-77
Ommeren, RJ van, TG Whitham. 2002. Changes in interactions between juniper and mistletoe
mediated by shared avian frugivores: parasitism to potential mutualism. Oecologia 130: 281-288
Parmesan C et al. 1999. Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with
regional warming. Nature 399:579-583.
Peterson G, CR Allen, CS Holling. 1998. Ecological resilience, biodiversity, and scale. Ecosystems
Pickett STA, ML Cadenasso. 1995. Landscape ecology: spatial heterogeneity in ecological
systems. Science 269:331-334
Polis GA et al 1997. El Nino effects on the dynamics and control of an island ecosystem in the gulf
of California. Ecology 78:1884-1897
Schmitz, OJ. 2008. Effects of predator hunting mode on grassland ecosystem function. Science
319: 952-954
Simberloff D, B Von Holle. 1999. Positive interactions of nonindigenous species: invasional
meltdown? Biological Invasions 1: 21-32
Terborgh J et al. 1999. The role of top carnivores in regulating terrestrial ecosystems. Pp 39-64. In:
M Soule, J Terborgh (eds) Continental Conservation. Island Press
Tilman, D. 1988. Plant Strategies and the Dynamics and Structure of Plant Communities.
Princeton. Pp 46-48
Wilkinson T. 1997. Yellowstone's changing of the guard. Defenders 72:7-11
Wilson DS. 1997. Biological communities as functionally organized units. Ecology 78:2018-2024