1. Divisional Overview - Department of Industry, Innovation and

eBusiness Division
2013 - 2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Divisional Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
CIO Forward
The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
(DIICCSRTE) aims to ‘build the economy of the future, based on education, skills, scientific and research
excellence and collaboration, innovation and increased productivity’ (DIISRTE Strategic Plan)..
The scope of the Department’s responsibilities reflects Government decisions in Machinery of Government
changes. Further MoG changes are expected in 2013-14. The diversity of business, policy and program
functions creates a challenge for delivering effective ICT services to the department and its Ministers.
Innovation has a complex ICT delivery model with ICT services being provided Prime Minister and
Cabinet and Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations and infrastructure services by
UXC Connect.
A review of the Department’s Legacy systems to be completed this year will provide a basis for
determining an effective and financially sustainable approach to systems development and delivery.
Common approaches to ICT services across government, a drive for greater digital engagement with
industry and the community, open government, maximising use of data, and the push for adoption of
mobile, Cloud and Web2.0 based services, requires closer integration of ICT with business functions. This
makes ICT a critical component in achieving business outcomes.
A challenge is for ICT to better enable productivity and efficiency across the department while also
managing a tight fiscal environment. Declining contractor use is being offset by increased training and staff
development and ICT must be focussed on the department’s core needs.
The Department’s ICT Strategic Plan 2013 to 2016 identifies five key themes:
 A unified departmental approach to ICT;
Modern, strategic platforms;
Mobile, stable, flexible and available ICT;
Knowledge empowered decision making; and
Whole of Government Services.
eBusiness will work to drive these themes forward. The strategy aims to improve governance, processes
and service delivery while still allowing the agility to be able to respond quickly to changing business
needs. We will embrace new technologies and actively engage stakeholders to seek out benefit for the
wider department; and will support and nurture our staff to be effective IT professionals. Our aims include
 Support the department to deliver it’s mandates;
Achieve greater integration across the department through stronger internal collaboration ;
Invest in workforce development to deliver skills for future service delivery models ;
Integrating machinery of government changes; and
Provide a work environment that is enjoyable and rewarding.
I look forward to the support of our staff and stakeholders in this endeavour.
Chief Information Officer, and
Head of Division, eBusiness
Craig Pennifold
July 2013
1. Divisional Overview
eBusiness Division is the primary ICT delivery area for DIICCSRTE and our Ministers covering some
4,200 staff in over 100 locations in Australia and overseas. The goal of eBusiness Division is to work
in partnership with our stakeholders to provide stable, secure, modern, high quality solutions to
effectively support the diverse policy, program, communication and services needs of the department,
our Ministers and our stakeholders.
eBusiness Division have responsibility to deliver a number of Whole-of-Government (WoG) online
services to support business activities and business interactions with government through initiatives
such as SmartForms and VANguard authentication services.
1.1 Strategic objectives
Our strategic objectives are based on 5 key themes driving the ICT Strategic Plan which will be
updated annually for the period commencing 2013 to 2016. The themes are:
A unified departmental approach to ICT;
Modern, strategic platforms;
Mobile, stable, flexible and available ICT;
Knowledge empowered decision making; and
Whole of Government Services.
1.2 Key Priorities
The Division’s priorities for 2013-14 are focused in 5 groups:
Increase engagement
Finalise the Department’s ICT Strategic Plan for 2013-16;
Implement a Communications and Engagement Strategy;
Develop an ICT Capability Blueprint and Roadmap, aligning ICT Services to business
functions and objectives; and
Enhance the Service Catalogue and Service Charter; Service Central for handling all
internal service requests and implement the “Blue Shirt” service for end user support.
A simpler more stable ICT environment
Implement the Virtual Desktop and network simplification with a Windows 7 desktop;
A new Disaster Recovery site and improved internet gateway;
A Multi-Tiered data storage platform;
Investigate Cloud technologies; and
Remediate the Oracle platform and decide on further investment.
Enhanced Business Services
Enhanced mobile solutions (iPads & iPhones) and new CITRIX Remote Access and
delivery of Video Conferencing across our network;
Business Intelligence, Customer Relationship Management systems and firm level data;
SGMS grants platform moving to Business as Usual, with more than 19 programs and very
fast implementation of new programs; and
Internal collaboration sites.
Increased focus on management and delivery
A stronger eBusiness Project Management Office and better benefits realisation;
A focus on service levels and transparency in project performance; and
Mature transition from project into Business As Usual for new services.
Whole of Government Services
Joint lead agency on B2G and G2G authentication (for Standard Business Reporting and
Deliver Vanguard services to over 20 Government agencies; and
Deliver the Unique Student Identifier.
1.3 Challenges and Risks
eBusiness Division operates in an ever changing environment with a diverse stakeholder group, tight
fiscal outlook and an ever changing technology environment. Among the key challenges and risks are:
Cyber Security – an ongoing threat
Tight budget – capital, wages, efficiency dividends and Gershon savings, time and
resources to implement change
Policy - Whole of Government policies on procurement and IT practice, including use of
Dependency – on-going reliance on DEEWR and PM&C for delivery of ICT services to
Digital engagement – meeting Government targets
Staffing - attracting and retaining skills and high performing staff
Legacy systems - existing architectures and retirement of old systems, review underway
Department Diversity - policy, programs, regulators, science, museums
A large and diverse portfolio, complex ICT delivery model with ICT services provided by
multiple agencies
Greater digital engagement across Government
Joint lead agency on B2G and G2G authentication (including SBR and Superstream)
1.4 Branch Overviews
VANguard and Infrastructure Branch
VANguard and Infrastructure Branch represents the Department in its role as a joint lead agency (with
the ATO) in the delivery and implementation of business-to-government (B2G) and government-togovernment (G2G) authentication solutions. It provides management and oversight of Public Key
Infrastructure trust broker capabilities underpinning the ATO’s multi-agency AUSkey digital
credential, the Standard Business Reporting (SBR), the Australian Business Number/Business Names,
SuperStream and the Whole of Government Parliamentary Document Management System
authentication processes.
Additionally, it provides authentication solutions to government agencies to allow them to transact
securely online with their business customers. In undertaking this activity, VANguard and
Infrastructure Branch is responsible for the operational support and maintenance of its existing
authentication solutions, the development of new authentication services on an as required basis, and
the management of associated infrastructure, which is deployed in two separate data centres in an
active-active configuration. It is responsible for providing support (infrastructure operations and
incident management) for Business.gov.au (BGA) Branch initiatives.
Key priorities for 2013-14:
Pursue opportunities for increased VANguard use arising from the National Digital
Economy Strategy, the Cyber White Paper, the National Cloud Computing Strategy and
other Government digital strategies;
Continue to build program for Superstream infrastructure capability;
Release Phase One of Unique Student Identifier (USI) application;
Continue integration of the new VANguard Federated Authentication Service across
government agencies; and
Deliver 'business-as-usual' application support, infrastructure operations and incident
management to support current VANguard, Online eBusiness Services and USI initiatives,
within specific funding allocations.
ICT Operations Branch
The ICT Operations Branch is responsible for the management, in conjunction with service providers,
of all aspects of the department's ICT infrastructure including the network, server and desktop
environments. It is also responsible for the operation of the department's voice and data
communications; the development, implementation and operation of the department's ICT security
arrangements; the delivery of core ICT services (email, internet and network file and print services) for
the department and support for these services; and the ongoing review of the department's ICT
sourcing strategy and associated contract management activities.
Key priorities for 2013-14:
 Identify underlying ICT issues and remediate;
Implement a Service Management Improvement Program;
Implement a sound operations framework;
Continue to enhance our Disaster Recovery capability;
Remediate performance issues on the Oracle platform;
Manage the Infrastructure Modernisation Program of work including VDI Project,
Network Refresh Project and Network Simplification Project;
Manage the division’s involvement/deliverables in relation to the EDRMS project;
Manage the transition the DAFF consolidated gateway;
Investigate options for a replacement of the Oracle Platform;
Manage the implementation of a multi-tiered storage solution;
Develop a new security strategy that is in line with the changing security landscape; and
Review compliance with new ISM and take remedial action where necessary.
ICT Systems Branch
ICT Systems Branch is responsible for system development and maintenance, third party product
configuration and customisation, web management services and business intelligence and reporting.
This includes the development of key business systems, development and support of departmental
websites and development of interfaces to other government agencies. All ICT activities performed in
the branch are supported by the branch’s Application Development Framework and the department’s
PM2 Project Management Methodology. The branch provides a whole of lifecycle ICT service for
supported systems and websites, from analysis and development, to system testing and post-production
Key priorities for 2013-14:
 Commence implementation of the new departmental Business Intelligence & Reporting
(BI&R) initiative, based on recommendations in the Altis report;
Implement the VET Data Commonwealth Store;
Implement system to access ABR Private Data;
Deliver an ad-hoc geo-spatial reporting capability;
Deliver enhancements to the Research Block Grants (RBG) and the R&D Tax Incentive
Deliver enhancements to the Manufacturing CRM to allow NMI use;
Plan for next upgrade of web platform, including analysis of technology platform
capabilities and cloud-based offerings;
Continue to deliver responsive (mobile and tablet) views for departmental websites;
Continue rollout and support of collaborative platform;
Redevelop the Traffic Light Report (TLR) system;
Upgrade SGMS to latest version;
Complete interface between SGMS and TechnologyOne;
Implement new programs in SGMS as required;
Upgrade Team Foundation Server;
Maintain and support –
Major cross Divisional systems including SGMS (Clarity), R&D Incentive system,
CRM systems, CRC and RBG;
legacy systems including IIPMIS (GLAM), IPMS(Tradex, ATS and TCF), EPBS;
all departmental websites (Internet, Extranet and Intranet);
NMI systems;
disaster recovery documentation for ICT Systems; and
ACR data warehouse and reporting solutions for SGMS and other systems.
ICT Engagement Branch
The ICT Engagement Branch is responsible for front line ICT service delivery, ICT strategy, service
improvement, governance and enterprise architecture. The branch has carriage of the management of ICT
aspects of Memorandums of Understanding with the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet and the
Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations.
Delivery of front line services is through internal Service Desk and Desktop Support teams providing
high quality support, incident management, problem management and request fulfilment to the many sites
and stakeholders across the portfolio.
The branch operates the Project/Program Management Office (PMO) which provides quality assurance
and assistance to all projects with an ICT component, and provides coordinated reporting and risk
management. This includes eBusiness capital and operating projects, and also projects undertaken by
third parties and business program areas.
Key priorities for 2013/14 are:
 Continue to provide high quality service desk and desktop services support;
Prepare support staff for the transition to the new virtual desktop;
Enhance the Service Catalogue, Service Charter and Service Central for handling internal
service requests;
Implement the “Blue Shirt” service for end user support;
Manage the MoUs with DEEWR and PM&C;
Finalise the Department’s ICT Strategic Plan for 2013-15;
Establish a Communications and Engagement Strategy;
Develop an ICT Capability Blueprint and Roadmap, aligning ICT Services to business
functions and objectives; and
Mature the eBusiness PMO with better benefits management, risk management, reporting
and transparency.
1.1 Organisation Chart of Division
VANguard &
Infrastructure Branch
Trish Porter
VANguard Operations
Divisional Admin Unit
Craig Pennifold
Jenny Williams
ICT Operations Branch
A/G Colin Roberts
ICT Engagement
Mike Sibly
ICT Operations
ICT Strategy,
Governance & PMO
ICT Systems Branch
Neil Kinsella
Web Services
Scott Nilsen
Jeanette Corbitt/ Danna
OES Operations
ICT Security
Client Support
Dean Staniforth
Wayne Barker
Bill O’Donnell
Business Intelligence
& Reporting
Service Support
Desktop Support
Integration Systems
Andrea Cross
ICT Communications
& Logistics Projects
Desktop Support
Rebecca Lee
ICT Architecture &
Michelle Holmes
Mike Haberecht
Service Development
Malcolm Young
Database & Corporate
Systems Support
Branch Shared
Deb Morgan
Yaroslav Jurkiw
Eileen Kelliher
USI Team
UXC Connect
Eileen Wright
Tom McLuckie
Ben Pfitzner
Debbie Wilson
Clive Rossiter
Paul Mornement
Clarity Systems
Ross Davidson
Alex Curtis
Business Systems
Rolf Taylor