Sample Schemes of Work and Lesson Plan Diploma in Engineering OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F550: Engineering Applications of Computers This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR Diploma in Engineering specification for teaching from September 2008. © OCR 2009 Contents Contents 2 Sample Schemes of Work: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers 3 Sample Lesson Plans: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers 11 2 of 12 Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic Engineering applications of computers Overview: This unit is assessed internally via a controlled assignment in which they analyse a domestic product (which must contain an embedded computer system) in terms of the use of computers in its design, manufacturing, diagnostics and maintenance. The evidence will be in the form of a research report including screen shots, digital evidence, comments. It will then be externally moderated. This unit provides learners with the opportunity to investigate and experience the use of computers in a range of engineering applications, including ‘expert systems’ for problem solving, diagnostics, maintenance operations, process control and manufacturing. The unit also enables a learner to understand how computers have enabled advances in the way engineering tasks are performed. An expert system is a computer program that contains some of the subject-specific knowledge of one or more human experts. The most common form of expert systems is a program made up of a set of rules that analyse information (usually supplied by the user of the system) about a specific class of problems, as well as providing mathematical analysis of the problem(s), and, depending upon their design, recommend a course of user action in order to implement corrections. It is a system that utilises what appear to be reasoning capabilities to reach conclusions. Learners should also understand why embedded systems are used in modern domestic products, how computer systems are used in maintenance operations and have a knowledge and understanding of the way computer-based communication systems are used to exchange data. There are ample opportunities for learners to demonstrate and develop their PLT’s. The unit should be undertaken in 60 GLH. = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma = ICT opportunity 3 of 12 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic outline Introduction to Engineering application of computers Topic How and where are computers used in engineering Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note initial activity on preparing for the industrial visit Industrial visit to see products being made and the role that computers played in the process This topic should take a number of lessons to complete group activity to identify where they think computers are used in industry Internet access The following aspects should be covered by the presenter: groups to produce checklist/work sheet for visit Completed worksheets displayed for others after visit Videos/visiting speakers Work sheets for the visit = Innovative teaching idea 4 of 12 how CAD systems and graphical packages are used to design/model new products how CAM systems are used in the manufacturing process the use of bar code readers and computer program to monitor material levels, resources, components (JIT) inputs, and outputs and order points (JIT) the use of computers for workplace financial control and record keeping = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic How and where are computers used in engineering Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Learners will: Develop knowledge and understanding of the way computers are used in engineering They will be able to: Explain how computers are used: To design new products In production and process control For stock control For financial control = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Suggested resources Points to note group to share images to produce a wall chart of images of computers used within engineering for design, production/process control, stock and financial control Examples of CAD drawings of products, products make via CAM machines, rapid prototyping, spreadsheets, bar codes etc This topic should take a number of lessons to complete group activity: identify all the terms that are used in CAE and find definitions for producing a glossary or posters around the classroom (eg JIT, CAM, CAD, CNC, microprocessor etc) Materials and reference sources = ICT opportunity 5 of 12 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 18 hours Topic How, where and why computers are used in our consumer products Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Learners will understand: Presenter lead discussion on what had been learned about computers in the previous topic Worksheets from previous visits This topic will take a number of lessons to complete Analyse a problem in systems terminology Quiz to identify various types of inputs and output devices Recognise and use input switches and sensors Group activity to try and produce a flow chart to control a simple problem eg flashing light when two inputs are true Recognise and use output devices Group or individual activity (depending on resources) to program the PIC chips to simulate the control system Use linear, symbolic or flow-chart programming including conditional sequencing Simulate a control system simple control programmes and will be able to: = Innovative teaching idea 6 of 12 Types of input and output devices and associated quiz PC’s to program PIC chips PIC system and a model/scenario to control It is assumed that learners have acquired appropriate ICT capability through other studies, eg the National Curriculum Programme of Study in ICT at Key Stage 3, however they may need a refresher of some software functions and how to create flow charts Presenter to introduce more complicated control system problems for the learners to try and simulate eg burglar alarms, greenhouse temperature, central heating and manufacturing processes = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 18 hours Topic outline Investigate embedded computer systems = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Topic How, where and why computers are used in our consumer products Suggested teaching and homework activities Group activity to list all the products that contain a micro to control its functions Class discussions on the advantages that this brings to consumers and designers Suggested resources Points to note Examples of domestic appliances previously disassembled to show embedded system This topic will take a number of lessons to complete Low voltage products like children’s toys may be more suitable Caution, many domestic appliances contain embedded microprocessor systems but warnings about disassembling mains voltage items should be stressed to the learners = ICT opportunity 7 of 12 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic What are expert systems and how to use them Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Learners will: Presenter lead introduction into what is an expert system and examples of its uses. Also its relationship with Artificial intelligence (AI) and fuzzy logic Develop knowledge and understanding of simple expert systems for problem solving Depending on available resources and maintenance operations in Presenters need to demonstrate computers to analyse and problem solve. For example engineering predictive maintenance, product quality statistical data, design software advanced functions like interference checking and virtual testing and will be able to: Understand what is meant by the term ‘expert system’ Understand how to input data into an expert system Select suitable parameters for problem solving = Innovative teaching idea 8 of 12 Suggested resources Points to note Back ground info on expert system examples eg virtual doctors, engine management mapping, fault analysis and vision systems used in manufacturing This topic with take a number of lessons to complete Relevant ICT hardware and software, examples can be found in the unit text This topic has strong links with F553 Maintenance and F553 Manufacturing engineering Learners to experience the above problem solving capabilities of computers = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic outline Interpret results and use them to modify engineering features Explain how and why computers are used in maintenance operations = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Topic What are expert systems and how to use them Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note = ICT opportunity 9 of 12 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Suggested teaching time 6 hours Topic Data communications used in engineering Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Learners will: about a product from design to production, delivery and maintenance group investigation to collect examples of data transfer used in engineering Develop knowledge and understanding of computer based communications systems to communicate data and will be able to: Demonstrate understanding of the use of modern consumer products to communicate and exchange data during design, manufacture and maintenance = Innovative teaching idea 10 of 12 Presenter lead activity for learners to document descriptions of all of the types of data technology used eg Ethernet, Bluetooth, SMS, GPRS, 3G, Wi-Fi, WWW, bar codes, databases Suggested resources Points to note Industrial visit to an engineering organisation and the role that data communications play in their organisation or use the original visit in the first topic to collect information This topic with take a number of lessons to complete Examples of data transfer eg CAD/CAM, barcode stock control, on line ordering, vehicle diagnostics, telemetry, GPS and remote monitoring (for example all M&S store freezers are networked to a central control room) etc Internet access Videos/visiting speakers Presenters should cover the following: Use of laptop computers to access and communicate information Use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) to record digital images, annotations and dialogue in real time as it happens Use of third generation mobile phones to record information in real time as it happens Downloading and transferring information from communications devices in a form that is usable and accessible for engineering reports and portfolios. Bluetooth. SMS multimedia messages = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Lesson Plan OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering Unit F550: Engineering applications of computers Simple control programmes OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification will vary greatly from school to school and from Presenter to Presenter. With that in mind, this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual Presenter. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Learner can recognise various inputs and output devices. Objective 2 Learners to develop a simple programme to solve a problem. Objective 3 Learners can simulate a control system. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge Learners have been introduced to the use of computers in engineering: In the designing and manufacture of products Production and process control Stock and financial control. Content Time Content 10 minutes Presenter led recap on the use of computers in production and process control, ideally with a short video or slide show of a recent industrial visit to a production facility. 10 minutes Group activity for the learners to list the types of input and output devices used on a production line or a word search linked to an image bank of devices, with real devices to see 1st hand. 10 minutes Presenter to introduce a simple process problem that can be solved by a flow chart which then builds up into a demonstration of the process working via a PIC Engineering Diploma 11 of 12 Sample Diploma Lesson Plan chip experimental board. Time Content 10 minutes Learners asked to copy example and download to PIC chips themselves so to familiarise them with the programming software and hardware. 10 minutes Presenter now to introduce a variation on the first example and ask the learners to try and solve the problem themselves. Consolidation Time Content 10 minutes Recap on input and output devices used (all digital signals) and how the next lesson will tackle the Analogue world of process control. Homework Learners asked to list processes in manufacturing that may have a analogue input eg Temperature. 12 of 12 Engineering Diploma