Department of Health Sciences Sub. Department: Radiologic Technology COURSE: Radiologic Technology 105 Special Procedures COURSE DESCRIPTION: Special technical procedures in Radiology. Angiography, equipment and accessories. anatomy and physiology of involved areas. Emphasis on selective Angiography, Neuroradiology, Vascular and Non-Vascular studies and the role of the Radiologic Technologist as part of the special procedure team. Total of 54 hours of lecture. PRE-REQUISITES: Minimum grade of ‘C’ in Radtc 119 and enrolled in Radtc 103C, 111, and 117C. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: 1. Fudamentals of Special Radiographic Procedures Albert M. Snopek Saunders 2006 5th edition Merrill’s Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic Procedures, by Eugene Frank, Bruce W. Long, Barbara J. Smith Mosby Publishing Co. 11th edition 2. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Identify normal anatomy of the circulatory system Identify normal anatomy of the nervous system. Identify specialized equipment and instrumentation used in radiographic special procedures. Assist patients with their needs while undergoing special radiographic procedure examinations. List various contrast media used in special procedures and be able to select the most appropriate contrast media used for a given examination. Describe maintenance and management of the sterile environment. List the various techniques utilized to administer contrast medium and describe the most often used methods. Describe and discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of radiographic examinations, which require the introduction of contrast media, including the signs or indications of adverse response by the patient. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Describe the procedural steps involved in the Seldinger technique and the lumbar puncture technique. List and describe the various views most often used for diagnosis, the contrast media most often used, and the patient preparation and monitoring devices that should be in place. Describe magnification, subtraction, and image reversal techniques that enhance the imaging quality. Define and discuss the various types of ‘patient consent’ and to describe the Radiologic Technologist responsibility in obtaining the ‘informed consent’. List and describe the responsibilities of the Radiologic Technologist before, during and after the special radiographic procedure examination Describe and discuss the role and the responsibility of the Radiologic Technologist as the patient advocate. GRADING SYSTEM: Grading is on a total point system. Points are then transferred to a percentage. Percents are as follows: A= 92-100% B= 83-91% C= 75-82% D= 66-74% F= 65% and below Assignments 20 points each Late 10 points maximum Exams: Mid-term and Final Make-up Unit exams Quizzes Projects: Term Late 100 points each 90 points maximum 50-65 points each 15-25 points each 100 points each 90 points maximum TEST, QUIZZES, AND ASSIGNMENTS: Tests will be announced ahead of time, if a test is missed, it must be made up. Make up times will be arranged with the instructor at the instructor’s convenience. There will be an automatic 10% deduction in the earned test score. Quizzes will be given frequently and cannot be made up. Assignments will be given with a due date. If the assignment is turned in late, 10 points will be deducted automatically. All assignments must be turned in whether they are on time or late! If the assignments are not turned in at all, the student will not pass the course. ABSENT OR LATE: If you are going to be late or absent, for any reason, you must contact the Rad. Tech office or the instructor’s office and leave a message on the voice mail. The telephone number is (626) 585-7469 for the office and the instructor. Absences will follow the school policy: A student may be dropped by the instructor when the total number of continuous or cumulative absences, regardless of the cause, is equal to the number of hours the class is scheduled to meet in a two-week period (please see the college bulletin). Tardiness and absences will have a 5 point deduction, each, on the final grade. REFERENCE MATERIALS: The PCC Library has a large selection of Radiology books that may be of help to the student. The student is encouraged to utilize the materials available in the library and in the classroom as well as the internet. These materials include “Radiologic Technology” magazine as well as other relevant publications. In addition each clinical site has extensive reference information. Ask the instructor for assistance. COURSE: Radiologic Technology 105 Special Procedures INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Leavon L. Spires, MA, BS, RT, (R), (T), CRT Telephone Number: (626) 585-7469, cell: (323) 252-2122 CONFERENCE HOURS: Thursday----11:00am---12:30pm Or by appointment Radiologic Technology 105 Course Outline---Schedule 09/03/09 Introduction and History of Special Procedures Part I Design and Equipment Design elements for Advanced Procedures Image Capture—Analog and Digital Text--Snopek Reference: S. Bushong Chapters 1 & 2 Role of the Image Intensifier Pages 1---42 09/10/09 Automatic Injection Instrumentation and Accessories Handouts Sterile Technique Text/Handouts 09/17/09 Part II Basic Pharmacology Introduction to Pharmacology Contrast Media Methology of Approach Sterile Technique Special Procedure Tray Set-up Chapters 3 & 4 Pages 43--72 Chapters 5 & 6 Pages 73-116 09/24/09 Catch-Up Quiz 10/01/09 Part III Patient Communication and Care Principles of Patient Care Principles of Angiography Chapters 7 & 8 Equipment Pages 117—143 Medical Legal Implications Lab Session Text/Handouts Quiz Review 10/08/09 Part VII Other Special Procedures Review Exam Hysterosalpingography Myelography Sialography Arthrography Chapters 20, 21, 22 Sialography and 23 Pedal Lymphography Handouts Pages 381--435 Text— Summaries 10/15/09 Part V Diagnostic Vascular Procedures Cardiac and Thoracic Procedures Abdominal Aortography and G U System Procedures Chapters 12 & 13 Pages 201--250 Text----Summaries Study Guide for Mid Term Exam 10/22/09 Visceral Angiography Peripheral Vascular Procedures Neurologic Vascular Procedures Chapters 14, 15 & 16 Pages 251---306 Text/handouts, Slide Presentations Mid Term Exam 10/29/09 Part VI Interventional Techniques Vascular Interventional Procedures Cardiac Interventions Nonvascular Interventional Procedures Lab Session Chapters 17, 18 & 19 Pages 307---380 Review of Mid Term Exam Text/Handouts 11/05/09 Catch-up Library Assignment 11/12/09 Catch-up Written Term Project Due Text/Handouts Lab Activity 11/19/09 Field Trip---If Time Permits or Guest Lecture Interventional Procedures Vascular Interventional Angiography Nonvascular Interventional Radiology 11/26/09 Holiday----Campus Closed 12/03/09 Catch-Up 12/10/09 Summary Study Guide for Final Exam 12/17/09 FINAL EXAM