1 Comparison of Two Different Methods for Detection of Extended-Spectrum Β-Lactamase Producing Klebseilla pneumoniae. ٭Jafaar K. AL- Mouswi PhD. ٭)Zina M. Al-Shami(Msc ٭٭Israa K. AL-yasiri Msc. Department of Microbiology, college of medicine, kufa university .٭ Department of Microbiology, college of Dentistry, kufa university.٭٭ الخالصة: ِعدّة اختبارات سريريه ابتكررت الكتشرا البكتيريرا المنتجر نزرمي ألبيترا-الكتراييم ت َتضر ّمُ ذر االختبرارات التركيرم المبرب اندزر ،اختبرار ازتشرار الصرر ،طريصر ، Iodometricو طريصر يُ للكش ر ِ عررُ K. ،Acidometricالدراس ر الحالي ر تحرراو المصَ َ ارزَ ر برريُ طررريصتيُ يختلفت ر ِ pneumoniaeالمنتج نزمي ألبيتا-الكتا ييم الواسع الطي وطريصرر :اختبار الصر البنائي()DDST Iodometricباإلضررا ىلرر ىيجرراد المسررا ِ المناسررب أكبررر لوضررع أنقرررا ِ رري طريصر ِ ( .)DDSTتر زصررد يحررددات المصاوير ِ ِ ،يررُ - 6عترررات K. pneumoniaeالمنتجر نزمي ألبيتا-الكتاييم ىل عمل قياسي ( )E.coli M 40203/1حساس لكد المضادات الحيوي ث تل ذلك ىجراء حص قابلي ذ البكتريا المصترز عل ىزتاج ىزرمي البيترا الكتراييم باسرتخدام طريصر ( )DDSTوطريصر . Iodometricأظهرررت النتررائد درجر عالير يررُ الحساسرري سررجل بواسررط اسررتخدام طريص ر () 100% ()DDSTبالمصارز ر يررع اسررتخدام طريص ر Iodometric (.)66.67%وو صا لنتائد ذ االختبارات يبدو ىن طريصر ()DDSTذري الطريصر انكبرر عملير وقبرروال لتحديررد البكتريررا المنتجرر لإلزررمي البيتررا الكترراييم الواسررع الطيرر بالمصارزرر يررع طريصرر Iodometricوالتي ظهر يُ خال النتائد أزها طريص اقد حساسي وذك ا إزها ليس عملي جدا لالستعما ي المختبرات . 2 Summary: Several clinical tests have been devised to detect ß-lactamases producing bacteria. These tests include Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, Disk Diffusion Test, Iodometric Method, Acidometric Method, and Chromogenic Substrates. The present study try to compare between two different methods for detection of extended-spectrum βlactamase (ESBLs) producing K. pneumoniae: Double-Disk Synergy disk Test (DDST) and Iodometric method as well as to detect the most suitable distance for the disks in DDST method. Resistance characterization was done by transferring the resistance determinants from 6- ESBLs producing K.pneumoniae into a standard strain (E.coli M 40203/1) resistant to Rifampicin followed by testing these strains {ESBLs producing K. pneumoniae, E.coli M 40203/1 and the Transconjugant strains} for the production of β-lactamase using both DDST and Iodometric method. The results showed a high degree of sensitivity recorded by DDST (100%) in comparison to the sensitivity of Iodometric method (50%). According to the results of this investigation the DDST seems to be a practical and acceptable method for detection of extendedspectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs) producing K. pneumoniae in comparison to the Iodometric Method who showed to be a less sensitive method and thus not very practical for use in routine work and clinical laboratories. Key words: DDST, Iodometric method and ESBLs. 3 Introduction : Multiple antimicrobial resistant pathogens are one of the major causes of infectious diseases and hospital acquired infection world wide. The importance of these bacteria has further increased by appearance of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBLs) enzymes (Mugnaioli, et al., 2006). The majority of ESBLs classified in Bush-Jacoby-Medeiros group2 belong to the TEM and SHV families of enzymes (Bush, et al., 1995). These enzymes hydrolyze the amide bond of the ß-lactam ring of antibiotics including 3rd generations Cephalosporins and Aztreoname the genes responsible for there production are plasmid mediated so they can be transferred to other species of bacteria through conjugation and transformation of plasmids (Bradford, 2001). Although other Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonads have been found to produce ESBLs enzymes the organisms most likely to produce ESBLs are Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) (Xiong, et al., 2002). Due to their global presence, plasmid-mediated ESBLs producing K. pneumoniae became a matter of great concern in modern laboratory researches. Right bacteriological diagnosis that helps in a fast detection of ESBLs producing bacteria consider a good step in decreasing morbidity and mortality rate caused by those pathogens (Xiong, et al., 2002). So the present study was conducted to compare between 2-different diagnostic methods (Double-Disk Synergy disk Test (DDST) and Iodometric method) for detection of ESBLs producing K. pneumoniae and to evaluate their significance in order to be recommended in routine laboratory work. 4 Materials and Methods Bacteria The test organisms were 6 clinical strains of Klebseilla pneumoniae. these strains were obtained from Al-Hakeem Teaching Hospital during the period from May-2005 to March-2006 from various clinical specimens. Isolation of pathogenic bacteria from clinical specimens and identification to the species level was performed by standard methods (McFadden 2000) and using of API-20 system. The strains showed antibacterial resistance for many antibiotics specially 3 rd generation Cephalosporins (Ceftazidime and Cefotaxime) so they were screened for ESBLs production with screening and phenotypic confirmatory tests recommended by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS 2000). The strains who showed positive results (6-strains of K. pneumoniae) were treated with the following tests for confirmation their ESBLs production: 1-Transfer of resistance characters: K. pneumoniae strains were investigated for the transfer-ability of their resistance determinants in order to ensure their plasmid mediated resistance. Conjugation experiments were set up employing a standard strain (E.coli M 40203/1) resistant to Rifampicin. Logarithmic phase Mueller-Hinton broth (BBL) cultures of the donor (all the 6-tested strains of K. pneumoniae) and recipient strains (E.coli M 40203/1) were mixed at a ratio of 1:2 of the donor and recipient strains and incubated without shacking at 37˚C for 18h. Transconjugant colonies were selected on MacConekey agar containing Ceftazidime (2mg/L) and Cefotaxime (2mg/L). Frequency of transconjugation was calculated relative to the number of cells appeared on MacConekey agar containing Ceftazidime (2mg/L) and Cefotaxime (2mg/L) to investigate the frequency of transformation. 5 2- Extended-Spectrum ß-Lactamase Production Tests: A- Double-Disk Synergy Test (DDST): The 6-strains of K.pneumoniae (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6)were cultured in a Mueller-Hinton broth and standardized to an optical density equal to 0.5 McFarland turbidity and cultured on Mueller-Hinton agar plates. Oxoid antibiotic disks including Ceftazidime (30µg), Ceftriaxone (30µg), Aztreoname (30µg), and Cefotaxime (30µg) were placed 2.5cm and 3cm apart from the central Amoxycillin-clavulanate (30-15µg) disk. A clear-cut extension of the inhibition zone around the ß-lactam antibiotic disk towards the Amoxycillin-clavulanate (30-15µg) containing disk was interpreted as a positive double-disk synergy test for that particular ß-lactam. Any strain shows obvious resistance to Cefotaxime in the presence of Amoxycillinclavulanate (30-15µg) was considered as Cefotaximeases producing (CTXM β-lactamases) strain. B- Iodometric Method: A loop full of over night grown culture (of the tested strains) was transferred into small tube containing 1ml of penicillin G solution and incubated at 37˚C for 30 min, 0.5ml of Starch Solution and 0.2ml of Iodine Solution was added and mixed for 2-3min. the change of black color to colorless, indicates a positive test (Bush et al.,1995). Preparation of Iodometric method solutions: 1. Penicillin G Solution: Prepared by dissolving 0.6g of penicillin G in 60ml of phosphate buffer , the volume was made up to 100ml with Distilled Water (D.W.), and sterilized by Millipore filters (0.22μm). (Bush et al.,1995). 6 2.Starch Solution Prepared by dissolving 1g of starch in 100ml of D.W. using water bath at 100˚C for 10 min. (Bush et al.,1995). 3.Iodine Solution Prepared by dissolving 2g KI in 25 ml of D.W. and 1g of iodine was added and stirred vigorously for 15min and made up to 100ml with D.W..(Collee et al., 1996). Results And Discution : ß-lactam antibiotics are among the safest and most frequently prescribed antimicrobial agents worldwide. The emergency of resistance to these agents appeared in the past 2-decades and resulted in a major clinical crisis (Randegger and Hàchler, 2001). According to a survey by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards the prevalence of ESBLs producing Enterobacteriaceae range from an average of 3% in United Stats to a much higher average in Europe in which 11.4% of K.pneumoniae were found to be ESBLs producer (NCCLs, 2000). To avoid the increasing threatening of ESBLs producing strains rapid ß-lactamase tests can yield clinically relevant information for the most suitable antibiotic therapy and can help in preventing further resistance mutations . ESBLs are plasmid-mediated ß-lactamases and can be transferred to a non ESBLs producing bacteria depending on this theory the transconjugation method was performed using a standard strain (E.coli M 40203/1) as an receipeint cells and the tested K.pneumoniae strains were the donor cells this experiment was performed to detect genetically the production of ESBLs enzyme (Table 1). The results showed that five of the six strains were able to grow on MacConekey agar containing 7 Ceftazidime (2mg/L) and Cefotaxime (2mg/L) in different frequencies. High frequency was recorded by strain S5 (32×10-9) in comparison to a lower frequency recorded by strain S2 (4×10-9), while strain S3 failed to grow. Table 1: Frequency of Transconjugant Growth on MaCconekey Agar Containing Ceftazidime and Cefotaxime . Strain S1+ E.coli M 40203/1 S2+ E.coli M 40203/1 S3+ E.coli M 40203/1 S4+ E.coli M 40203/1 S5+ E.coli M 40203/1 S6+ E.coli M 40203/1 Total Growth on MacConekey agar Frequency +ve 23 ×10-9 +ve 4×10-9 -ve 0 +ve 27×10-9 +ve 32×10-9 +ve 11×10-9 5/6 (83.33%) In order to compare between the viability of DDST and Iodometric method the two methods were performed on the same strains (Table 2) the results showed that DDST results were similar to transconjugation results which showed that (83.33%) of the tested strains were ESBLs. Transferring of resistance determinants (plasmids) from the tested strains to (E.coli M 40203/1) strain who occurs in 83.33% of strains confirms the sensitivity of DDST in detecting ESBLs production in comparison to Iodometric method which recorded a lower frequency 50%. 8 Table (2): Comparison between DDST and Iodometric Method in Detection of ESBLs Producing K.pneumoniae . K.pneumoniae Strains ESBLs Production Tests Results DDST Results Iodometric Test CTX-M βESBLs lactamases Results 1 +ve -ve +ve 2 +ve +ve +ve 3 -ve -ve -ve 4 +ve -ve -ve 5 +ve -ve +ve 6 +ve +ve -ve 2/6 (33.33%) 3/6 (50%) Total of +ve 5/6 results(Percentage) (83.33%) DDST method depends on measuring of inhibition zone around the disks and comparing it with those reported by the NCCLs, while the reading of Iodometric method results depends on the visual way of reading almost on color change that may cause error in reading of the test results or doubtful results. Similar results were recorded by A total of 20.8% isolates were producers of b-lactamases as found by iodometric test method. On the other hand, screening for the production of ESBL with ceftazidime disc showed that 38.5% of the isolates were the producers of ESBLs. The figure shows comparison of constitutive and ESBL production. In concerning of DDST performing, it is important to put all four disks (Ceftazidime , Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone and Aztreonam) on the plate and this is could be attributed to different causes first, Ceftazidime 9 and Aztreoname is more sensitive indicators for SHV-5 ß-lactamase producers while Cefotaxime and Ceftriaxone are more reliable in detecting SHV-2 ß-lactamase producers. Second, for the detection of Cefotaxime (CTX)-resistant and/or Ceftazidime (CAZ)-resistant isolates (Moubareck, et al., 2005). During the study, tow strains (S6 and S2) were resistant to the effect of Cefotaxime disk even in the presence of Amoxycillin-clavulanate (3015µg) disk. Depending on these results we can say that the two strains (S6 and S2) could be from the Cefotaximeases (CTX-M β-lactamases) group, a new family of plasmid-mediated ESBLs, these enzymes preferentially hydrolyzes Cefotaxime and are more active against Cefotaxime than Ceftazidime (Kariuki, et al., 2001). These enzymes have been observed in members of the family Enterobacteriaceae since 1990 they are plasmids mediated enzymes and may be co-transferred with ESBL genes to transconjugants through conjugation experiments to the recipient strain, this indicates the possibility of horizontal transfer of resistance gene (Mugnaioli, et al., 2006). Detection of CTX – M strain that could be added to the DDST features in which the ability of this test to further detection of CTX-M strains make this test more specific. Similar results were recorded by Quinteros, et al., 2003 who recorded that the DDST detected all SHV-5 SHV-12 βlactamase producers and 95.2% of SHV-2 so it was highly specific in comparison to other tests used in their study. Accurate distances between disks are important to give correct results therefore, two distances were examined in DDST in order to find out the most suitable distance for the 4-antibiotic disks from the central disk to avoid false results resulted from distance variation. The four 10 antibiotic disks {Ceftazidime(30µg), Ceftriaxone(30µg), Aztreoname (30µg) and Cefotaxime(30µg)} were placed in distances of 2.5cm and 3cm from the central Amoxycillin-clavulanate (30-15µg) disk. As shown in (Table 3) there was a slight difference between the two distances. Similar results were recorded by Quinteros, et al., 2003. Table 3: The Sensitivity of DDST in 2.5cm and 3cm Distance from the Central Disk. Bacterial strains 2.5cm Distance 3 cm Distance No. % No. % K. pneumoniae 5/6 83.33 2/6 33.33 Transconjugant strains 5/5 100 2/5 40 ESBL producing isolates are in increasing and CTX-M type ESBLs producing strains begin to appear in Al-najaf Governorate, which might be attributed to the wide use of third generation Cephalosporins, especially Cefotaxime. So it is important to monitor and detect such strains closely, and necessary measures must be taken to prevent their spread. 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